10/6/20 – Mechabare-Mon 1.5

A direct mini-continuation from: Mechabare-Mon.

“Durel, you’re up.”

“Already?” The dwarf huffed having just sat down after returning his “equipment.” “You’re already shrunk.”

The fairy that had called his name shot him a scowl. “I’m wearing this because I’m on reception shift. You’re here, finished closing out your last client’s case, and still on the clock, which means you’re available to take a new client.”

Durel sighed. It wasn’t as if he disliked the work, it was just a bit tiring having to act deliberately while constantly aroused. Assuming everything goes smoothly with his next client unlike the last, he may be able to sneak in a nap during post-coitus cuddling.

“Yeah yeah, who’m I playing now?”

“Ura,” The fairy replied, reading off of her clipboard. She floated over his shoulder continuing to rattle off details about the client and their requests as Druel stripped out of his tunic and underwear.

Durel set Teele’s skin on the floor, the process second nature enough for him to give his boss most of his attention while he worked. Folding Teele’s wings over each other the patterns that formed lit up and as Durel brought one bare foot close, his foot shrank till it was small enough to pass through the center of the glyph. The rest of Durel’s body soon followed and when his whole body had passed through, he was small enough to fit comfortably in Teele’s skin.

Tugging at Teele’s face to smooth out lingering wrinkles, the fairy gave a satisfied nod.

“Did you get all that?” her boss asked, alighting on the floor to stand eye to eye with Teele. The subordinate fairy saluted sarcastically.

“Ma’am, yes Ma’am.”

Her boss shot her another dirty look, but knew well Durel and Teele well enough to trust that she would do a good job.

The two fairies flew off in different directions, Teele off to the “girls’ quarters” and her boss back to the reception desk.

Finding Ura’s quarters, Teele bypassed the locked door via a fairy access near the ceiling. Leaving the mundane wood, brick and mortar hallway, Teele entered a much more technologically advanced chamber- the housing for Ura’s body.

“Gah… whoever used her last just tossed her back in…” Teele grumbled, seeing a crumpled mass of tentacles on the floor with a frown. Flying over to a fairy sized control panel in one wall, Teele accessed the room’s facilities, and in moments, a series of robot like arms descended and picked Ura’s human torso off the ground, bringing the bulk of the scyllia mecha-suit’s tentacles with it.

The arms set Ura on a stand in the center of the room where she was properly braced to stay upright before making an incision right between the scyllia’s huge breasts. They pulled apart the imitation mammaries and revealed Ura’s cockpit, in the same place as Durel’s last ride. The doors opened in respond to a wireless signal from Teele’s console and opened. As apparently part of Ura’s automatic programming, she brought her hands together under her open chest giving Teele an easier place to land before climbing inside.

Once settled in the cockpit, Teele dialed in the command to reclose the suit. As the doors closed, Teele caught a glimpse of Ura’s hands moving on their own, cupping her breasts and smooshing them over the closing doors, till darkness overtook the cockpit, fought back only by the faint glow of a basic command console.

Suddenly other screens inside lit up, as Ura’s full systems booted up. Teele pulled the cranial interface from its mount hanging from the ceiling and set it over her head. She blinked, and when her eyes reopened, she saw vision of what the sensors in Ura’s eyes detected ahead of her. The rest of Ura’s senses synced with Teele as the rest of her came online.

Ura was one of the more challenging girls to play, eclipsed only by the slime girls among the popular girls. Teele took her time adjusting to moving her numerous tentacles. There was an assist program that translated simple actions to scyllian variants, but Teele only used it to help her mind get used to thinking in terms of scyllian movements before turning it off and moving her manually.

With Teele settling in, Ura took a deep breath, feeling her breasts heave upon her chest. Looking down, there was no indication that her chest had been sliced open moments ago – the micro-suturing arms sealed the incision automatically as the final part of the onboarding program. Ura’s hands returned to cup her breasts, appreciatively this time.

“Ara, ara…” she purred to herself, recalling her younger client’s profile. Several tentacles reached out for her closet of outfits and picked out a lacy bra, a frilly blouse and sharp blazer coat along with a pair of glasses. “Seems like Professor Ura’s classes are in high demand this month…”