10/2/22 – Voice Actor

An idea I had, as usual, inspired by some random hentai I happened upon recently. After some indecision over how I wanted to try framing/posing/angling the composition, I ultimately decided short comic form with dialogue would be the clearest way to convey what’s going on. Before ending on the comic form, I was considering attempting some overhead fish-eye type perspective, but I definitely was not confident I’d be able to pull that off, especially not on physical media, and not wanting to spend too much time on it, I ended up with this instead.

In my pencil sketches, the girl wasn’t Merorin – it was a nameless generic girl with a pony tail and a turtleneck sweater, but once I started inking I was like, “Wait, I can use an OC here.” Of course that ended up meaning I had to make some adjustments on the fly while inking. I didn’t plan out much of the background either so most of that was improvised in the inking phase. As a result, I did have several touch ups and errors to fix in post.