10/4/22 – Slime Queen 1

This took a bit because I actually ended up doing both parts one and two today. I’ll save part two for tomorrow since I did enough work for both days and wanted to work ahead so that my timing was a bit more flexible. If today’s pic was already done yesterday I can post it after I wake up, and then I can work on tomorrow’s pic at any point throughout the day, even later, without having to worry about getting it out in a reasonable time.

So anyway, about this piece specifically. I did part 2 first hoping it’d be good enough stand alone to convey the idea I wanted to get across, but after inking it, I started doubting that it was, so I ended up making this page so that I could frame the second one more clearly. I’ll talk more about my intentions with the second page tomorrow.

As usual, scanning butchered the pencil toning but it doesn’t seem too fatal, but is still a real shame. Otherwise though, Mara and Slime Queen both turned out pretty good for ad-libbing their poses based on how I drew them in part 2. Tracking the tentacles between the two shots was the hardest part, and I had to change somethings between them for presentation’s sake.