10/13/22 – Power of Alchemy

Cagliostro shows off the fruits of her recent labors. Gran ponders the potential of this new collection, knowing well the value of “skins.”

From left to right: Monika, Gran, Fediel, Magisa, Cagliostro, Ilsa, all from granblue fantasy

Probably should have just left the background skins in pencil. Cagliostro and Gran ended up being the easiest part of this composition somehow. I’ve drawn a lot of hanging suits, but I’ve never made enough of a real effort to study or standardize how I should execute that. This time, I asserted that the opening that the suits are hanging from is at about the nape of the neck, which would pull the shoulders up to nearly behind the head, resulting in some off-standard proportions. Fediel and Ilsa look alright, but Monika and Magisa don’t look quite right, and it was probably cause I was rushing things a bit at that phase. I was a little concerned that Gran’s posing wouldn’t come through, because him holding/stroking his chin is completely invisible from this angle, but I think it ended up okay, though that might just be me knowing what I was trying to portray.