10/15/22 – Flawed Scheme

Zeke, Pandoria, and Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2

I had only had a few interactions with Zeke and Pandoria with as far as I had gotten into XB2 before it ended up shelved for Fire Emblem 3H’s release. Even so, I got a strong impression from Zeke even thinking back about him now. I remember Pandoria a bit less clearly – I think she was mostly enabling, but I may be pulling at straws thinking she sometimes was Zeke’s voice of reason. Not always, perhaps not even often, but I like to think she’s usually in command of their shared brain cell, so every now and then she’ll notice something like this, even though they’re totally gonna go through with it anyway.

As far as game stuff though, now that I have XB Definitive Edition, I’ve been slowly working through that before planning to return to XB2, and after that on to XB3. But between gacha, fighting games, anime, art, and writing, it’s been slow going getting through a single player jrpg, especially ones as long as the XB series. Still, I what I recall of XB2 I remember fairly fondly and I’m looking forward to revisiting it.

It’s been a while since I’ve drawn Pyra, and truth be told, this concept is an idea I’ve been sitting on for a few years now actually and just never got around to! It being a straight-on shot made this fairly easy, and most of it came together quickly and easily, though, as usual, I botched up some stuff in the inking phase and had to make fixes in post. I… don’t think I’ve done a pic yet this Suitober that I haven’t had to fix something in post “orz… I’m just not good at inking.