10/22/22 – Proxy

Urahara as Yoruichi, both from Bleach

Anatomy ended up a little off in almost everything, but I couldn’t quite get all the fixes right. Chest in particular ended up not right, but I didn’t have the energy or time to scrap and restart today. I kinda like how the wrinkles in the Yoruichi mask’s neck part came out though. As happens, unfortunately, I wasn’t confident in how her hair looks when her head is upside down so I made my best approximation. Didn’t help that refs were a bit inconsistent. I think the outfit is recognizable enough though. For a change, the pencil toning turned out alright, which is nice.

I came across Bleach at pretty much the perfect time in my life. I was an early teen just discovering Shonen Jump and Bleach debuted in SJ within the first few issues I got so for a long time, I followed it as it came out in the States, eventually shifting from SJ to buying the graphic novels. As a story it was pretty formative to my tastes in manga and anime (and probably my taste for the big booba, too), though I’ve greatly diversified since then. In my “I’m gonna make my own manga” phase, I also featured weapons with souls that transformed to power up in battle. Though the “Heart weapons” as I called them also took inspiration from Rave Master, and they evolved and diverged into a greater concept, the Zanpakuto roots are still amply visible.