10/24/22 – Mechabare-mon: Visionary Mechanics

“S-sorry, but please don’t stare at my eye so much. I’m a little self conscious.”

It was such an easy excuse to reduce the chances of her secret being discovered, not that most clients would be able to discern the thin line where the eye membrane parted when her pixie pilot entered the voluptuous cyclops girl’s cockpit. And with the collar plate that had been removed for maintenance restored, and calibration and refill wires and hoses removed, there was nothing outwardly apparent that gave away the fact that she was one big robot puppet.

Mechabaremon! But when I thought about it, I don’t really have any story that wouldn’t be some variant retread of mechabare-mon 1.5, so I decided better to save time and energy and just write a blurb. If I think of something better later, I can come back to it.

Cyclops girls are kinda in the “barely monster girls” wheelhouse, but making the eye the openable cock-pit I think makes this passable for the “monster girl suit” request. When I was brainstorming for monster girl suits, I ran into that a fair bit – a lot of monstergirls aren’t especially distinct from humans, usually just with extra horns, different ears, or wings and/or tails added. Sometimes fur or scales, too. It does make them easier to draw, but also feels somewhat cheap. On the opposite end, the arachne are appreciably harder to draw. I have a fondness for scyllia and lamia because they fall in the middle – having distinct enough physical traits to be an interesting derivation from human anatomy while also still being decently easy to draw. Heck, lamia might be easier than normal humans cause the snake part’s just a long noodle compared to legs. Scyllia are just many long noodles, though if you’re gonna put octopus suckers on the tentacles, that can be tedious.

Maybe shouldn’t have bothered with the collar plate bit, I like this sort of thing, but robotic stuff has never been a strong suit, and I end up making shit up more than usual when I attempt it. Sometimes it passes, like this I think looks alright, but it rarely holds up to scrutiny.

I like how most everything else came out though. The hair, head shape, and face all felt pretty good, and the neck, shoulders and down came out a little off, but easily mitigated in post. Helps that the straight on shot is an easy/comfortable one for me. My only usual struggle with it is keeping the left and right reasonably symmetrical.

I have a bad habit of drawing things too small and ending up without enough space for details, but I managed to really use as much of my page today as I could, and consequently felt like I had enough space for everything on the head/face for a change and nothing was cramped/squished.

The pixie is kinda tinker-bell-ish partially by accident, since I didn’t reference my previous fairy design for mechabare-mon, but in this case, I can just say it’s a different character. She’s got a zipper/seam along her back, too, but it’s too small to differentiate from a spinal line.