Let’s Suit Up! Layer 12 – Ayaka Kamisato

Ayaka is from Genshin Impact

I took just long enough between the last layer and this one that I forgot exactly how I rendered Kal’tsit’s Monster and what I ended up with clearly is different from what I had done, but I think looks a bit better (though is still inconsistent).

Ayaka’s final pic, despite the general complexity of Genshin characters, came together quickly/succinctly and fairly easily. I like how her face, head, and hair came out especially. Originally I drew the sleeves too long/big but fixing them made it look better than what I had so it was a good mistake to catch. Most of my simplifications came just from omitting patterns on surfaces like the breastplate, hip plates and dress and even without them, she’s amply identifiable so I think they were fair omissions.

Final thoughts on this series as a whole: I hadn’t intended this to take a full year to finish, but here we are. I stalled out after about 6 layers when I hit a general rut early this year. Since people had offered money for these, I had difficulty bringing myself to work on them when I didn’t feel like I’d be able to deliver pieces of high enough quality to be worth presenting, even though I had made concessions for this at the onset. Sometimes it was less the quality and more that I let myself get caught up on needing a reasonably creative transition or framing.

Due to the duration I took in completing it, this could technically be a year’s growth showcase, but the quality varies across it and not necessarily improving with time. Sometimes I was forcing myself to get a layer done because it had been too long since the last, sometimes I had a burst of inspiration which in of itself might have just been a concept or may have included the execution, too.

Ultimately, while I think I am happy with the full series as a whole, it definitely took far longer to get it all done than I had wanted.