10/28/22 – New Ride part 1

An alternate version of episode 2 of “Viper GTS.”

It’s time once again to skinsuit-ify a hentai I like. This year, it’s Viper GTS. With a bunch of succubi and cocky angels, this show had plenty of skinsuit potential to go around. One of (the only?) male demons even has two penises.

The first page here is a little underwhelming quality wise, but the second page came together surprisingly easily and looks pretty good all things considered. Inking comic panels in physical media is awful and that aside, I felt like I got the hang of drawing Mercedes and Ogawa both pretty quickly and even got decent at emulating the art style of the show by the second page.

In retrospect, I should have mirrored Mercedes in the third panel to better match the overall left-to-right flow – have it so that her initial reaction is on the left, and then she reacts to her hand deflating on the right. It’s not a big deal, fortunately, but it’s attention to little things like that that I think can make works really stand out.

I’m not real happy with the magic effects, but I wasn’t confident in my traditional media ability to render something really good looking, but if I had to do it over, I’m pretty sure I could do better than what I ended up with. I was just getting hasty at that point in the inking process cause it was already getting late.

Part two tomorrow is another comic page and a single image finisher, so look forward to that.