Self Defense

AKA, “Wesscest”

I wrote this in an hour as a joke. Don’t expect much :>

“Yo, Less. It’s a real shame you couldn’t make it to the family reunion last week,” Leslie’s brother, Weston came over, interrupting her chatting with friends online.

“I had work, and it was crunch time, there was nothing I could do. They would have fired me if I even had the gall to try to ask off,” Leslie shrugged, not that she was actually that upset about missing the event.

“Yeah, I get that. I wasn’t blaming you or anything, just saying, it would have been wild for you to have met Sel. You two could be like, twins! I thought you had shown up until she looked at me strangely for barging in on her conversation,” Weston chuckled. “Once we got talking, it turns out she’s a lot like you personality and interest wise, too. It was uncanny.”

Leslie frowned, looking away from her phone. “That’s kinda creepy actually.” Weston grinned. “So you say, but you’re interested right? She’s our… uh… father’s brother’s cousin’s mother’s great niece’s goddaughter, I think it was. I got her contact info. She doesn’t live too far away, actually. Wanna meet her?”

Leslie looked away, trying to avoid looking too interested. “‘Sel’? what kind of name is that?” she commented, avoiding answering right away.

“I think she said it was short for ‘Selaria,’ or something fancy sounding.” Leslie’s pout intensified. That was a pretty sounding name… Finally, her curiosity got the better of her.

“Fine,” she sighed. “I’m interested in meeting her.”

“Great!” Weston chimed, “cause you’ve already got a date with her this weekend.”

“What!?” Les squawked. “A d-date!? What’s that supposed to mean? And what do you mean ‘already?'”

Weston danced out of her grasp with a mischievous grin. “I’ve been chatting with her as we speak, she’s pretty eager to meet you, too. And I know you swing that way,” he snickered. “It’s at that corner cafe you like down the block. Sel says she’ll treat!”

Leslie stared as her meddling brother disappeared upstairs to his room, unable to think of a retort.

Leslie stared at her dolled up reflection in her bedroom mirror. She caught herself actually feeling excited.

Wait, why are my expectations so high. This is Weston, we’re talking about, she thought to herself, the last time he tried to set her up with someone, it was one of his friends who apparently had a crush on her, back in high school. Weston was only two years younger, so the age difference wasn’t really a problem. What was his name, Pat? Prat? Something with an I? Leslie couldn’t remember. Even though she wasn’t dating at the time, she wasn’t really interested in romance either. Now that she was fresh out of college though, she had started feeling a touch of loneliness, and regretted not socializing more as a student. Well, hopefully this Sel girl would help with that. Leslie shook her head, amazed at how her brain had wound that train of thought back to the relevant present.

As ready as she figured she’d be, Leslie left her room.

“Wess?” She called out in the hall before her brother’s room, but there was no response.

“Your brother said he’d be out with a friend today,” her mother called from their home office, having overheard her.

“Ah, okay, thanks,” Leslie hollered back. Hopefully she could reach him if something went wrong. She never got Sel’s contact info from him.

Setting out, she made her way to the cafe. Inside, the hostess stared at her.

“Um… is something wrong?” Leslie asked, already feeling a bit worried.

The hostess’s head whipped around to look at a table by the window and then back. She blinked a few times before shaking herself out of it.

“N-no, not at all ma’am. Sorry about that. Your party is expecting you, this way, please.”

“Huh? But I haven’t said anyth-” Leslie’s equally confused stammer died on her tongue as the hostess turned and already began walking toward the window table. Unsure of what else to do, she followed. Perhaps Sel was already here…

Sure enough, the table they approached had a single occupant already seated, facing away from them as they approached. Even from behind, Leslie quickly picked up on what Wess had mentioned. Dark brown, almost black hair hung down to about her shoulder blades, and the way her bare, light brown shoulders seemed to peek out from behind her hair before the eye caught on sunflower yellow floating sleeves reminded her of a top she was also fond of herself. Rounding the table, she met her eyes. Gray eyes that she had seen in her mirror just a few minutes ago stared back at her, though Sel seemed far less surprised by the truly uncanny similarities in their appearances than Leslie felt.

“You’re seat, ma’am…” the hostest pulled out the chair opposite the present company, prompting Leslie to realize she was just standing there slack jawed. Leslie sat and forced herself to close her mouth. Even Sel’s smile looked like her old yearbook pictures.

“You must be Leslie,” she welcomed her. “I’m Selaria, you can just call me Sel. Your brother, Weston told me all about you last week. I’m happy you were able to make time to meet with me so soon!”

Even her voice sounded just like Leslie’s. How was she not as weirded out about this, Leslie wondered, trying to collect her own thoughts.

“Um, yes. I’m Leslie. Nice to meet you, Selaria. Er.. Sel.” Leslie licked her lips.

Despite her nerves, once they got talking, Leslie found herself naturally lowering her guard. They really were eerily similar, even beyond looks, but chatting like this made her feel like she was reuniting with an old friend instead of meeting her doppelganger. By the time Sel had paid their check and they were seeing themselves out, Leslie found herself longing for more time together.

“Hey, if you’re not busy, want to come over to my place after this? I’d love to keep talking!” Sel offered, and Leslie jumped at the opportunity.

“Sure! Yes. Definitely. I mean, yeah, I’m not busy. I don’t have any other plans for today,” she clumsily agreed, almost biting her own tongue.

Sel laughed. “Alright, this way, follow me!”

Leslie didn’t get a chance to take in the state of her new friend’s apartment. As soon as the door had closed behind them, Leslie found Sel’s lips upon her. It was hard to say she hadn’t sensed this coming. They did find out they both liked women and neither had a partner at the moment. It was weird that they looked so similar, and Leslie had never considered herself much of a narcissist, but for some reason, Sel’s alluring eyes and gentle, seductive touches all the way here had put her in a mood that reminded her of how badly she had neglected her own needs.

Thus, Leslie felt no particular opposition to letting things grow abruptly steamy. She felt Sel’s hands upon her, starting from her stomach and rising to grope her C cup breasts. Leslie reached out and returned the favor, feeling Sel’s chest squish pleasantly between her fingers. They were even about the same size here, yet it felt nothing like fondling herself.

They moved to the couch, and clothing began peeling away. It was the middle of the afternoon, but Sel had the place to herself, there would be no interruptions.

“Aaahhh…” Leslie moaned as her partner ate her out. She came quickly and fiercely, squirting milky white juices from her folds all over Sel’s face. Her double ran her tongue around her lips, collecting the ropy goo in her mouth before rising to share it with Leslie.

“How do you like the taste of yourself?” Sel murmured when their lips parted.

“Not bad, actually.”

Sel giggled. “Well, how about some more, then?”

She laid back on the couch and they swapped places.

After making Sel cum, Sel went on the offense again, getting a strap-on dildo from somewhere and driving it roughly into Leslie’s underused snatch. The girls moaned in stero as they climaxed, and Leslie felt an unfamiliar warmth fill her. When Sel pulled out her dildo, Leslie saw a bead of white leak from the shiny black tip. Upon closer inspection, Leslie found herself leaking quite a bit of viscous white ooze.

Sel flopped back onto her coffee table, panting. Her knees hung wide giving Leslie a clear route to grab the strap-on and twist.

Sel yelped. “Kya! Wha-? Wait, the other side is-!” She stammered, but too late. Quickly loosening the straps around Sel’s hips, Leslie deftly pulled the harness off her partner, and with it, the sheath covering the pale pink cock sticking out from between her folds.

“Uh… it’s not what it looks like, Leslie…” Sel breathed, panicking.

Without saying anything, Leslie stepped into the harness herself, pulling it up around her hips, and affixing the hollow shell over her own womanhood.

“Two can play at that,” she declared firmly. “Suck my cock,” she ordered, thrusting out her hips.

Suddenly timid, Sel hesitated, but crawled forward to obey, wrapping her lips around Leslie’s fake shaft. After a bit of sucking, Leslie let out a harsh breath.

“Drink it all, bitch…”

Thick jizz burst forth from the tip of the plastic toy, quickly flooding Sel’s mouth. Leslie held her partner’s head in place while she came, only letting her go when she was about finished. The final few spurts from the faux member splattered onto her coughing and overwhelmed partner.

On her hands and knees as she recovered, Sel was helpless to stop Leslie from digging her nails into her back, finding the seam and prying it open. Sel’s brown skin gave way to reveal pale peach skin underneath. Riding that momentum, Leslie roughly and efficiently stripped the skinsuit from her partner.

“Come on, Patrick. I didn’t introduce you to skinsuits for you to try to pull this on my sister,” Leslie reproached the young man left nude on the floor. She sat back on the couch, crossing her legs as she dangled the empty skinsuit in one hand.

“Huh… wait, Wess? What the fuck-?” the young man cut off as Leslie stuffed her foot in his mouth.

“Leslie is a popular model. You’re hardly the first to try to get close to her or take her place using them.”

Patrick tried to think of something to say, but stripped and laid bare as he was, any protests failed him. Defeated, he apologized.

“Leslie” sighed. “With that out of the way, here, put her back on. Since I know it’s you now, I suppose I wouldn’t mind playing around a bit more. I usually turn over imposters and stalkers to the police after reclaiming their suits, but I’m not going to do that with you. I can tell you’ve learned your lesson. But that doesn’t mean you’ve made it up to me or Leslie yet.” “She” stood once more, drawing attention back to the fake member attached to her crotch. She reached down to stroke it affectionately. “This, I’ll admit, is a new approach, one I’m quickly growing fond of. Why don’t you help me get a better feel for it.”