10/1/23 – Suitober Splash 2023

This year, I’ll be sticking to digital media, unlike using physical tools as I traditionally did back when this started as “inktober.” Though the goal of that originally was to practice ink techniques and owning/not lingering on mistakes that you can’t fix, for me, it just became more of a “draw everyday” exercise and I was using digital touch up tools anyway, so a lot of that original philosophy didn’t really survive anyway, and since I’m almost exclusively a digital artist now anyway, my physical process combined with wrestling a sub-par scanner and then fixing things the scan messed up always ended up taking way more time than I preferred on these pictures every day. Thus, this year, I’m saving myself time, effort, and headache and just going digital from the start. It’ll still be 31 days straight of suit-y goodness so I don’t expect anyone to really complain, and if anything the quality should improve, since I’m working in a media I’m more comfortable with.

As for this piece, I had a more complex composition in mind originally, but it was something I worried I could spend all day working on trying to get right and maybe not even then succeed, and given what I’d just said above, I didn’t want to devote that kind of time to it. This still let me experiment a bit with an upward angled face on Cass, trying out something I saw recently in another art piece, and I think it works for the most part! I’m reasonably satisfied and that’s often the best I can hope for when experimenting.

In previous years, the splash page, as the intro to Suitober, often featured either a pen or pencil, representing how I was using traditional media, or has even been a comic introducing Cass or talking about traditional media vs. digital. This year, since I was going digital, I featured my ipad tablet and apple pencil as they are my tools of the trade, both normally, and for this. I started going digital with them back in around 2019, and I haven’t looked back since!

As with last year, I’ll make a category and tag for this year’s posts so you can find all of them together on my blog: Suitober 2023 Category

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