10/5/23 – What’re You Buyin’?

There’s a lot I could have done with this that I chose not to pursue for time reasons. The game UI is primarily light text on dark backgrounds, and that would have required a lot of effort to make all of this, the art included, readable on a dark background, and the minimum necessary to achieve that would require nearly a full color commission’s worth of effort and that’s not what daily pics are about. At least, I’m not skilled or efficient enough to want to do that for this. Especially since this ended up being a bit higher effort than I had planned, drawing the extra suits. I also went back and forth between making the suits naked vs. clothed, and ended up with clothed for a bit of extra recognizability, though drawing clothes on a deflated suit is a bit of unknown territory for me. I also couldn’t find the font from the game among the fonts that I already had, so I picked as close an alternative as I could find, which isn’t great but it’ll do.

Bonus from some discord banter:

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