10/12/23 – Desert Diplomacy

Today is the boys’ turn. Keeping parallelism with yesterday’s pic, I did 2-in-1 and a single, and before starting I knew I wanted to have Babel screwing a mirror maiden, but when I was first drafting, I hadn’t thought of paralleling the previous pic so I just had one char as babel and one char suiting as mirror maiden and then them fucking. But when I saw the chance to add that parallelism, I revised my plans and you can see how it ended up. I admittedly kinda struggled to think of male Sumeru characters that would suit up with Aether for this. Cyno is barely believable, and Alhaitham is even more of a stretch, but there isn’t exactly much else to pick from among the playable cast: Kaveh’s even less likely to be willing to participate than Alhaitham and while Wanderer would absolutely suit, he’s busy being mona barely a Sumeru character. And that’s all the Sumeru guys. So yeah, Aether bribed Alhaitham to make it worth his time, I guess. That mirror maiden sure looks familiar though…

Art wise, I stuck with the doggy style I originally had planned, but wanted to include “Jeht” once I added her to the mix but didn’t want to redraw the bottom panel entirely and thought going in profile again, while effective for showing spit roasting, would be boring and extra work, so I tried a transparency thing with Jeht, and it… kinda worked out? Maybe? I tried a few variations, and this is the one that ended up reading best, and even this is probably a bit confusing on first glance. I drew Jeht’s entire back and tried lowering the opacity, but as just lineart, it looked like a jumbled mess. Blocking in the lineart with some gray helped, but I found leaving just the block as a silhouette seemed best. Having Jeht’s (disembodied) hands grasping Mirror Maiden’s head is probably the still the most confusing part, and they ended up covering some other parts of the pic, like Babel’s right hand, but I hope you can at least see it with my explanation now. That and “Jeht” talking in the second panel, probably, but I hope the atrocious puns make that clearer. I couldn’t come up with any better puns for Cyno, but that’s okay, his puns are supposed to be bad :>

I could have saved myself a considerable effort if I’d left the chars naked as I originally planned, but as usual, they’re more identifiable clothed and I also just might have a thing for clothed sex, to my own detriment (as in having to draw it).

more follow ups, courtesy of discord’s encouragement:

I’ve compiled all these genshin pics together for easier digestibility.

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