10/28/23 – Re-Debut

“Talk about the absolute worse time for both of us to get sick!” Nerissa grumbled, blowing her nose.

“I know, right? We can’t debut like this! But, it’s too late to call things off…” Shiori bemoaned.

Fortunately, Cover has its contingency plans and two reliable senpais were called to fill in!

Her Shiori mask on standby but not pulled into place yet, Kiara came over to see how her partner was doing just before they were due to go live.

“Hey, don’t forget to take off the crown and veil, Mori! Here, let me get it for you.”

“Ah… thanks. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this!” Mori sighed.

“Well, we don’t have to, we just have to take care of their debut and then it’s back to business as usual. You remember the script?” Kiara encouraged her.

“Y-yeah. I remember. But making sure I can act like Nerissa while doing it… I’m not quite as confident.”

You? Not confident? What’s the world coming to?” Kiara teased, poking Mori’s cheek. “Don’t worry, you’ll do fine. We were picked for a reason!”

Mori took a deep breath and settled herself. “Yeah, you’re right. Alright, let’s do this!” She psyched herself up as she raised the mask up over her head.

As Kiara predicted, Nerissa and Shiori’s debuts went well. Maybe not perfectly, but that gave them some extra charm. Best of all, no one suspected a thing when the real deals took back over the following week!

Artist’s comments:

I had to rush this one since I didn’t have a lot of time today, and while there are, consequently, a lot of errors, and I definitely could have done better, I don’t think said errors show too blatantly unless you’re looking for them, so I’ll take that.

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