Domestic Relations

“An- and then, she, ah- screamed ah me!” Wallace Warble spat before kicking back the rest of his bottle. “‘Why ya gotta be like this, Da?’ she said. ‘I hate ya. Ya dun understand women, ya just wanna own us, like we’re tro-… tro…erm, prizes. Thisiz why Ma left. An when I graduate next year, Imma leave too, and then you’ll be all alone!’” he parroted his daughter’s words in a nasally falsetto. “Can ya believe tha, Lacy? Tha can’t be right? Ya wouldn’t love me like ya do if that were it, right?”

Lacy Ren forced a smile. “O-of course not, Wally. Erin’s just in her rebellious phase. She’ll grow out of it and come to appreciate what you do for her in time.”

Wallace tried to snap his fingers, but failed. He forged on as if he had, though. “Tha’s right! Slapped some sense inta her after that and she shut up proper. Teenagers, am I right? Though, she’ll be too old for that soon enough, I s’pose. They grow up so fas.”

Having finished the bottle he was working on, Wallace reached for another, but found it just out of reach. As he sat up from his slouch to try again, Lacy picked it up and brought it to him.

“Mhm? Ha!” Wallace snorted. “Ya see, Cecilia woulda taken that away. Woulda nagged tha I’d had enough an cut me off jus like tha. Wouldn’t’a even slept wit me after tha, either. Woulda said I reeked’a booze. Nah, yer a good gal, Lacy. I always liked ya. When I finish, we’ll make sweet love like me an Cecilia used ta.” The balding middle aged man gave a toothy grin.

Lacy smiled back, tugging subconsciously at the collar of her turtleneck. When she realized what she was doing, she transitioned to running her hand through her long, straight dark red hair. But even the drunkard had noticed, even halfway through his bottle.

“Hm? Aren’t ya hot in that sweater, sw- swea- sweety?” he chuckled, thinking himself clever. We’re in the privacy ‘a my home here. No need to be so modest. Imma get you out ‘a it all sooner or later anyway.”

“I- I’m okay, don’t worry about me,” Lacy assured him, her pitch rising breathily. “Just… enjoy yourself, Wally. Are you done with that one? Here, have another.” She brought the last bottle within his reach. “Hopefully this one puts you out like usual. I love you, but I hate it when you get like this,” she added under her breath.

Wallace laughed heartily. “Thisiz why I keep ya around, Lacy. Ya understand a man’s thirst. An ya make a man plenty thirsty. You an Cecilia are both lookers. Erin, now, too. She really takes after her Ma. But then she had ta mess with her beau-ful golden hair!”

“Come now, it’s just a streak of pink, it’s not like she dyed it all black…” Lacy pointed out.

“Pink! Who has pink hair? How could she sully tha gift her mother gave her?”

Lacy sighed. “Even now, you still talk a lot about your ex wife. You still miss her don’t you?” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

Wallace didn’t take offense though. “I miss her huge fucking tits, for sure!” He laughed crassly making groping motions with one hand at Lacy’s own chest. “And her nice, fat ass. She had gorgeous green eyes, and she sucked an fucked like a pro! Tha day I snagged her for tha altar was the luckiest day’a my life.”

Lacy’s smile twitched, but she didn’t say anything.

“An then Erin was born. An accident, but a happy one. A pretty gal like her, I get why tha guys swarm her, but they can’t have her! I won’t let any unworthy guy date my baby girl! And this Robert fella’s the worst yet! I swear, I raised Erin ta be smarter than to go after that lanky ass fucker. Most of the weak chumps were easy to chase off, they weren’t worthy but dis bastard, he’s bad news.” Wallace’s expression grew dark. “I betcha he’s one of them drug dealers or an illegal alien or somethin. I dunno, somethin ‘bout him raises ma hackles somethin fierce. Swear Imma shoot the dick if I see him with my Erin one more time…” He shook his head violently before knocking back the last bottle.

Just then, the door opened, and Wallace, caught by surprise, choked on the booze, making a mess.

“Ugh…” Erin wrinkled her nose with a grimace. She eyed her father with disgust before addressing Lacy. “I don’t know what you see in him, but I promise you could do way better. Mom left him for a reason.”

Lacy looked back with reproach. Despite her earlier comment, given how Erin had taken to the black on black goth look recently, she was a little surprised the girl hadn’t dyed her hair black to match. Her relationship with her father had grown so prickly in the last few months even, that Lacy would have believed if she’d heard Erin dyed her hair just to spite Wallace’s love for her and her mother’s golden locks.

Coming in behind her, a young man with dark hair shaved to nearly a buzzcut offered the older couple a sympathetic nod. “Don’t be like that babe,” his smooth tenor soothing the girl. “Love takes many forms, and encourages us to do things that may defy common sense.” Lacy wasn’t sure if he had bags around his eyes or if he was wearing gray eyeliner, but whichever the case he perpetually looked smug.

While he had only ever been polite to her, Lacy could understand Wallace’s misgivings regarding Robert. Thin but fit more so than “lanky,” the boy looked and claimed to be in college, but there wasn’t any university nearby. Not to mention anyone that consistently suave always felt fake to Lacy. It was like… he was too charismatic. But unwilling to pry any further, Lacy never found any evidence to incriminate Robert of anything.

“Your father was a gentleman of the finest caliber when we were kids,” Lacy defended carefully.

Erin rolled her eyes. “Oh, right, with my mother out of the picture, you have your chance to woo your childhood sweetheart. Hope you’re satisfied with the soggy leftovers.”

“Know your place, girl! And you! I thought I told you I didn’t want to ever see your fa-ugh…” Wallace, having thought he had caught his breath after choking on alcohol, stood angrily to reproach his daughter, but between the movement and the lingering liquid in his windpipe, launched into another coughing fit that ended with him vomiting on the floor.

“Oh dear…” Lacy rushed to Wallace’s side to steady him.

Robert put a hand on Erin’s shoulder. “I know you’re upset with your father, Erin, but you shouldn’t be so mean to Miss Ren. Not after all she’s done for you and your father.”

“She does it for him, not me. She’s not my mom. My mom’s gone and not coming back, thanks to him. She puts herself in the crosshairs for trying to defend that sack of garbage,” Erin huffed. Lacy was hurt, but she knew Erin was hurting more – the girl had really loved her mother.

Wallace groaned vaguely angrily, but wasn’t able to compose any coherent thoughts.

“Alright, that’s enough. Both of you,” Lacy tried to put her foot down. “I’m going to put him to bed, so please stop antagonizing him.” As much as it was a labor of love, trying to help look after Wallace and his family in Cecilia’s absence, times like these really made Lacy want to return to her home and open up a bottle of her own. Dragging Wallace away, she overheard the younger couple continue.

“Can’t I just move in with you now?” Erin whined.

“I know it’s rough, but just give it some more time. Things will get better soon, I promise,” Robert assured her. Lacy caught a parting look at the young man’s back where a tattoo of a devil peeked ominously out from under his tank top on the back of his right shoulder.

– one week later –

“Come on, Erin, why can’t you be even a little nicer to Lacy?” Wallace hollered, following as his daughter stalked through the house.

“And could you not threaten to kill Robert, Wallace?” Erin snapped back, slinging her purse over her shoulder.

“That’s that and this is this!” Wallace retorted. “And where do you think you’re going, young lady?”

Erin snorted. “That’s what I thought. I’m done being your ‘young lady,’ Wallace. You only ever tell me what I can’t do, yet you can’t even see how hypocritical your demands are. You’re fucking Lacy, but you still can’t bring yourself to declare a divorce from Mom, even though she’s not coming back, and you know what, she shouldn’t. I’ve tried to reason with you, you just guffaw and deflect. And you know what, I don’t have to deal with you anymore.”

Wallace opened his mouth to shout back, but when Erin threw open the front door, all arguments on both the man and his daughter’s lips died in an instant.

The gorgeous blonde’s shining green eyes blinked in alarm, her hand just inches from the doorbell. Withdrawing her hand to her breast, she took a deep breath before putting on a reserved smile.

“I want to say I hope you two have been getting on alright, but I can hear things have been a bit rough since I left.”

“Mom…” Erin whispered at first, then more loudly. “Mom!” The young woman practically skipped through the doorway and threw herself into the woman’s embrace.

Cecilia caught her with a laugh, hugging her tightly. “Oh Erin, you’ve gotten so big!” She grabbed a handful of Erin’s chest playfully. “Especially here! Gosh, at this rate, you’ll be even bigger than I am!”

“I missed you so much…” Erin muttered burying her face in her mother’s bosom, audibly biting back tears. “Why’d you have to leave…”

Cecilia gently stroked her head patiently. “I’m sorry, dear… it’s a bit complicated, but I’m back now.” She glanced at Wallace. “For now.”

“Cessi…” Wallace muttered, drawing the two women’s attention. Cecilia’s face grew stony.

“Wallace.” She started flatly, pausing to take another breath. “Though I don’t believe you deserve it, I’m going to give you a second chance. For Erin’s sake. Even though I left because I couldn’t take being with you anymore, I still felt bad about leaving Erin behind with you. If you can’t prove that you’ve changed for the better, then I’m going to take Erin with me when I leave this time.”

The panic was plain in Wallace’s eyes.

“I… no! I’m- God I missed you so much… I’m sorry for whatever I did. Please, I promise I’ll do better, so don’t say things like that.”

Cecilia’s glower grew more intense. “You don’t know what you did, still? Have you reflected at all, in all this time?”

“Wha- I didn’t…” Wallace felt his anger flaring up, but the fear of being left alone overpowered it. “I’m sorry for… sorry for hurting you. I couldn’t help it. I got so angry sometimes…”

Still hugging Erin, Cecilia turned as if to shield her from Wallace. “Not enough. It’s not enough that you feel bad for what you did. You also need to promise you won’t let it happen again.”

“I promise…” Wallace agreed desperately, prostrating himself on his front step. “Whatever you say; I’ll do anything! I’ll make it up to you! Please…”

Cecilia let go of Erin and stood before Wallace. Leaning forward to literally loom over him, she managed to look intimidating even in that light, floral one-piece dress that she threatened to bust out of at the top. Brimming with self confidence and control, she shined like the sun down upon Wallace in the waning light of late evening.

“You take those words to heart,” she told him gravely. “I won’t tolerate being disrespected or hurt anymore. I’d say I’m your equal, but after what you did, you’re honestly beneath me. I’m doing you a favor by coming back, so you better be grateful and do everything in your power to make me want to stay. Because I have no problem leaving again if I don’t feel like you’re worth my time, my energy, or my love. Do you understand, Wallace?”

Wallace felt numb under the intensity of his returned wife. “Y.. yes ma’am.”

Cecilia’s expression softened and she finally smiled at him. “Good. Now, then. Have you two had dinner yet?”

“My! I see you’re still quite a drinker,” Cecilia chuckled, rising from the table to steady Wallace. “But I think maybe you’ve had enough.”

As if flipping a switch, the gloom and conflict in the air had all but evaporated from the Warble household, and after Erin and Cecilia whipped together a quick dinner, they enjoyed eating, drinking, and catching up around the dining room table. Happily for a change, Wallace quickly grew inebriated after finishing a delicious, if a little salty, meal.

“Aww,” Wallace protested, but Cecilia leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. Near his ear, she whispered.

“If you get too drunk and pass out, you won’t be able to enjoy our first night back together in a while, no?”

Wallace swallowed his pride and allowed himself to be escorted from the kitchen.

“Sorry, Erin, I need to take care of your father tonight,” she called back apologetically. “You’re a big girl now, can I rely on you to clean up tonight? I’ll make it up to you later.”

Erin nodded as if in a daze and began clearing the table as Cecilia and Wallace disappeared into the master bedroom.

Cecilia deposited Wallace on the bed and quickly crawled on herself. Looming over him, illuminated by the moonlight and the nightstand lamp, Wallace drank in her beauty. She was every bit as gorgeous as he remembered, and as she silently shed her dress, her bare skin entranced him. That is until she turned and he spotted a blemish upon her back.

“Cessi… what’s that?” he grumbled, suddenly scowling.

“Ah, right. Back then, I was so angry. I needed something to help me refocus. I got this to remind myself that I didn’t belong to anyone but myself,” Cecilia explained, pulling her long blonde hair aside to better show off the tattoo of an angel upon the back of her left shoulder.

“Why would you mar your perfect body? Didn’t I tell you-” Wallace growled, growing incensed until Cecilia turned back, pinning him on his back. She was surprisingly strong.

“Wally.” She gazed down at him; her tone was stern but her expression remained placid. Despite that, an intensity about her cowed him in the end. “I am not your possession for you to dictate what I can or cannot do, remember?” she continued quietly. “I’m my own woman, and if you even think you have any right to demand that I look, act, or do anything, I’ll walk back out that door again. I’m granting you this second chance. I suggest you don’t waste it. Do you understand?”

Wallace nodded slowly, and Cecilia smiled.

“Good, now, let’s get you out of those pants.”

Erin had mixed feelings. She was elated to have her mother back, though she could do without the sounds of her and Wallace loudly making love in their bedroom. On the other hand, she worried that Mother was making a mistake coming back. After all, Erin herself was just about to leave Wallace for good herself just earlier this evening.

And yet the dream-like dinner of laughter and catching up felt as bubbly and warm as her fondest childhood memory. Tasting that again was… intoxicating in its own way.

Lost in her thoughts, Erin only noticed that her parents had quieted down when she heard a soft knock on her door.

“Erin? May I come in?”

Erin shook her head, dispelling imagery of her parents’ lovemaking. “Y-yeah.”

Cecilia opened the door and slipped in. She had put on a light teddy nightgown and white panties. Looking at her like that reminded Erin of the genetics that had blessed her with her own bombshell looks.

Cecilia came over and sat next to her on her bed.

“Sorry if we were a bit loud,” she giggled. “Thank you for cleaning up dinner,” She gently kissed Erin’s forehead and pulled her into a soft embrace. The comforting warmth of the other woman nearly lulled Erin to sleep right there, but she snapped out of it when she felt her mother grab a handful of her rear. Pulling away, Cecilia’s hand moved to Erin’s thigh.


“That’s right, dear. Come, give Momma some more sugar,” Cecilia chuckled, leaning in to kiss Erin on the lips this time. Her hand slid further up and in till she was rubbing Erin’s femininity through her pajama bottoms.

At that point, it was clear to the younger girl that something was off. Erin pushed Cecilia off her.

“Mom? What… what are you doing? Why?…” Erin asked, confused and betrayed.

“Oh, Love, don’t look at me like that. Here, perhaps this will explain some things.” Cecilia offered, standing up and taking a step away from the bed. Lifting her teddy over her head, Erin was stunned to see her mother bare her breasts so casually, but she didn’t have time to dwell on that. Cecilia pulled her hair aside giving Erin a clear view of her back. Erin immediately spotted the angel tattoo on the back of her left shoulder. Something about it felt familiar, though she had never seen it before.

“Watch closely, but don’t be alarmed.”

Cecilia’s free hand found her spine at the nape of her neck and to Erin’s horror, her mother seemed to dig into her own back with her fingers, a slit opening and splitting down her back. But there was no blood. Instead, the voluptuous woman peeled back the skin covering her right side, revealing another more muscular back underneath with a darker skin tone, and more tellingly, a familiar tattoo of a devil on the right shoulder.

“I… wha… R… Robert?” Erin stammered.

Cecilia chuckled. “That’s right, babe. Take a look.”

Before her eyes, Erin watched as her mother peeled off her own skin, revealing her boyfriend underneath. Shed to the waist, Cecilia’s husk of an upper body hung flaccidly as Robert sat back down on the bed.

“Incredible, right? This skinsuit transforms me perfectly into your mother. You had no idea right? I don’t know how they work, but, well, you can see the results.”

He picked up Cecilia’s torso, giving Erin a closer look. Twisting and turning it, he showed off all the surreal curves, from her empty eyed gaze and fully reproduced mouth and teeth but missing the back of her throat to her huge breasts, which, despite the deflated state of the rest of her unworn body, retained their form. Noticing her gaze upon them, Robert copped a feel of one of the bare breasts.

“You’ve got some great genes here, I tell you,” he smirked. “These babies though are on another level. Not only that, but they can be filled with liquid that can be sucked out through the nipple. I have some imitation breast milk spiked with an aphrodisiac loaded in there currently. Wanna taste? I found out they can also hold beer or whatever. And if I ejaculate while my junk is stored inside the suit, it’ll direct my jizz into the breasts for storage.”

Erin was not sure what to do with that information, but she had more pressing questions so she chose to move on. “I… I can’t believe you… impersonated my mother like that… never mind how. Why? I… give me my tears back…” she grimaced, overcome once more by emotion.

“Whoa, whoa, calm down…” Robert assuaged.

“Fuck off… I’m not in the mood for your sick jokes.” Erin hissed. “You… you gave me hope and then ripped it out of me again!”

Robert sighed. “Yeah, I knew this would happen. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for doing that. I know this hurts, but I promise it’s for a good reason. When I found out about these skinsuits, I thought this would be a way we could all get what we want. Wally gets his wife back. You get your mom. I get my girlfriend with parental consent. Everyone wins.”

Erin rubbed her eyes. “I guess I can see that…” she grumbled. “I still wish you’d have warned me first.”

“Sorry. I wanted to see your genuine reaction. You’ve never smiled like that for me before.”

Erin scowled. “Well that’s…”

“I’m just teasing you, Erin. Don’t worry, I understand. Again, I’m sorry for opening up those old wounds. But I’m gonna make it up to you by being the mom you’ve been missing from now on. Or at least until you graduate.”

“Wait, what about being Robert though? You’re going to go missing if you’re my mom all the time.”

Robert shrugged nonchalantly. “As long as I send money back to my sis and her kid, ain’t no one gonna miss me.”

“Wait, no, that’s beside the point.” Erin shook her head again, her brows remained knit. “Robert, you’re not my mom. You can’t be my mom,” she told him flatly.

“No. I can be better,” Robert replied without missing a beat. He began to reinsert himself into Cecilia’s upper half. It was as bizarre as watching him shed it for Erin, but before long Cecilia had been restored perfectly. No matter how Erin looked, she only saw her mother, in all her naked glory.

“I’m your mother who can tolerate your father,” Cecilia’s high, gentle tones left her mouth, naturally they had been earlier in the evening. “And I can give you a boyfriend’s love in addition to a mother’s love.”

Erin was not quite convinced, but as weirded out as she was, she was loath to admit she might be starting to come around to the idea. Almost.

“Ew… you do look exactly like my mom, though.”

Cecilia smiled innocently as she pulled down her panties and spread her legs. Reaching into her snatch, Erin saw her womanhood expand unnaturally to accommodate nearly her whole hand before coming back out, slick with juices. With it, came Robert’s thick, eight inch cock.

“Does this look exactly like your mom’s?”

Erin gaped.

“I rode a whole lot of your father’s dick tonight. As a woman, it was quite fulfilling. But I didn’t get any action as a man. And so, I repeat, ‘come give Momma some sugar,’” Cecilia’s smile turned mischievous as she stroked the incongruous shaft protruding from her female lips.

“This is so twisted…” Erin breathed.

“That doesn’t sound like, ‘no,’” Cecilia shot back.

Erin shook her head. She’d given up trying to rationalize. This was all already beyond belief, yet here it was. Her mother’s beautiful mature body with her boyfriend’s big throbbing cock attached. It was like a monkey paw fusion of everything she wanted in life right now. Might as well make the most of it.

“God, this is so fucking weird…” Erin chuckled wryly as she wrapped her lips around the thick shaft.

“Mhm… that’s a good girl. Don’t think too hard about it, babe. Just focus on sucking Momma’s cock. Suck it good and you’ll be rewarded with Momma’s cock milk.”

Multiple layers of taboo left Erin feeling way more hot and bothered than she had ever felt giving a blowjob before. By the time Cecilia blew her load in Erin’s mouth, the young woman was desperate to feel her mother’s hard shaft fill her.

“Robert, please… give it to me.”

Cecilia giggled. “Robert? That nice young man your dating? I’m afraid he’s not here. What is it that you want?”

Erin swallowed. “M- Mom. please, I want to feel you big fat cock in my pussy.”

“That’s my girl.”

Wallace was delighted to have Cecilia back in his life. He was glad Erin seemed happier, too. After Cecilia talked to her, Wallace was pleased to see that Robert creep had all but vanished from their lives as well. It was a little frustrating that Cecilia had been able to do that in a few days when Wallace had been trying to chase Robert off for months, but what mattered in the end was that he was gone, and Erin had stopped sneaking out entirely, too! Truly, it was as if Cecilia’s return had solved all of his problems.

At least, that was what he would have wanted. In reality, things didn’t wrap up so neatly.

About two weeks after Cecilia’s return, Wallace started to notice some pubic hairs in the shower. Normally his own light brown hairs wouldn’t even register to the man, but these were jet black. Wallace never claimed to be much of an intellectual, but the vibes from these suspicious hairs roused the detective in him. Looking closer, he found shavings of the same color on the bathroom counter. Small bits of hair, just like when Wallace shaved his own facial hair. The girls both had light hair as well, so where was this dark hair coming from? And worse, its shape seemed to suggest that it came from a man. There shouldn’t be any men in the house aside from him!

Suspecting that Erin might have been sneaking Robert in to visit in lieu of going out to see him, Wallace approached Erin’s closed door to confront her. When he heard voices from within, though, he hesitated. The first he recognized as Erin’s mezzo soprano. He couldn’t tell what was being said, but he knew his baby girl’s voice when he heard it. The voice that responded was alarmingly low. In the male range for sure. Was that… Robert? Wallace had never paid close enough attention to the quality of the creep’s voice to ID him like this, but it didn’t matter. Whoever it was, Wallace had caught them in the act, and hopefully before any other “acts.”

Wallace grabbed the door handle but found it locked. “Erin!? I heard a man’s voice in there! You know that you’ll be in trouble if you’re sneaking Robert or some other guy in under my nose!” he barked through the door. “And why did you lock the door anyway?”

Wallace heard the sound of shuffling from inside, but a voice called back to answer him surprisingly promptly.

“One moment, Dear.”

That was Cecilia’s voice! Moments later, his wife opened the door admitting him.

“Now, what was that about you thinking that you heard a man?”

The room was a little messy, but after insisting on a quick inspection, Wallace could not find any hidden intruders.

“Come on, Dad, I already told you I broke up with Robert. Why are you so obsessed with him?”

Wallace frowned, scratching his head. Why was he so caught up on this guy. Something about him… itched in Wallace’s brain. As if he’d seen or known him before the knave had started dating his daughter. But try as he might, Wallace couldn’t come up with a good explanation.

“Oh, you know what you might have heard, Dear?” Cecilia pulled out her phone and showed him a paused video with a man on the screen. Squinting at the video title, it seemed to be something about gynecology. “As for why we had the door locked, well, seeing as I’ve been away for much of Erin’s adolescence, we have a lot of essential life lessons to catch up on. As women. Things that we didn’t exactly want you to barge in on as you are quite prone to doing.”

Wallace tried to flash a guilty, disarming smile. “Oh, oh. I see. Uh huh… Is that so?”

“Wally, remember what we talked about.” Cecilia’s tone was level and her smile never faltered, but Wallace could tell she was upset.

Wallace hung his head. “I-I’m sorry for barging in and accusing you ladies.”


He swallowed his pride further. “And… I will do better in the future by… um… knocking first?”

Cecilia sighed. “That is something you should do, but it’s not the whole reason I’m upset. I’m upset that you let your paranoia and suspicion outweigh your faith in us. You didn’t believe us and insisted on searching a girl’s room.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you…” Wallace muttered, feeling like an admonished child for the first time in forty some years.

“We’ll talk more about this later, Dear,” Cecilia informed him, “For now, leave us be, so we can finish, and don’t disturb us again, no matter what you think you hear.”

“Yes ma’am…”

Wallace trudged out of the room. Having Cecilia back felt like color had returned to his life, but with that he had to accept that things couldn’t be exactly the same as they used to be, or else she’d leave again. It meant reforming himself as a man, a husband, and a father. He knew it was for the best, but it was so hard.

“Aaah!” Erin’s voice emitting a lustful cry reached his ears and Wallace immediately turned and found himself banging on the door he had just left.

“Okay, now I know I heard something that I shouldn’t be!” Wallace called through the door.

“What the… ah… fuck, Dad?” Erin’s voice protested… breathily.

“Dear, what did I just tell you?” Cecilia’s voice reproached. “Go wait in the bedroom, I’ll have.. hgnh… I’ll deal with you when we’re finished!”

Wallace stared at the door as if hoping his vision might pierce the wood if he looked hard enough. It… sounded like they were… no, that couldn’t be. Cecilia must be right, his paranoia and suspicions must be making him jump to wild conclusions. It wouldn’t make any sense for those two to be… And since it didn’t make sense, that couldn’t be what was going on.

Dragging himself downstairs to the kitchen to throw back a bottle, he returned upstairs to hear Erin’s voice moaning even more now. He shook his head. Girl stuff… they really were like a different species… A lovely species, but wild and mysterious…

As Wallace obediently slumped on the bed in the master bedroom, he realized he was in for a rough night. In a reversal of their previous relationship, Cecilia had seized the dominant role in the bedroom even on that very first night of her return. While it went against Wallace’s instincts, he found he was starting to enjoy it, not that he’d ever admit it.

Since he had upset her, Cecilia was probably going to be rougher on him this evening. The thought summoned memories of when Cecilia found out about Lacy. That had been the debut of his wife’s now favorite “cumming strap on dildo” filling his ass with its girth and a seemingly endless supply of hot, messy imitation cum. She’d nearly sent him to the hospital that evening, but in retrospect it was after that that Wallace had noticed himself start to enjoy her more aggressive affections.

Speaking of Lacy, Wallace’s mind wandered, noting that he couldn’t hear Erin’s voice anymore, he had been surprised to hear that Cecilia would allow Lacy to keep visiting.

“She’s become as much of a mother figure for Erin and for you in my absence, it would be cruel and selfish of me to chase her away when she clearly has her own place in our family at this point,” Cecilia had explained.

Wallace thought he distinctly remembered Erin hating Lacy, but if Cecilia had managed to reverse that relationship, too, he certainly couldn’t complain about continuing to have Lacy over. Even with Cecilia home, he had found himself seduced by Lacy on a few occasions prior to Cecilia finding out about her, but after, he’d noticed Lacy started rebuking his advances. With Cecilia taking up all of Wallace’s sexual energy and attention though, he found he didn’t mind that much.

The bedroom door opened and his wife slipped in quietly, interrupting Wallace’s musings.

“Now then, Wally. You’ve been a bad boy. Are you prepared to accept your punishment? I won’t be going easy on you after what you tried to pull earlier.”

Wallace’s heart beat faster. “Yes ma’am.”

Though he had continued to find the intrusive pubic hair as well as other signs that seemed to indicate the presence of a man, Wallace found himself no closer to finding the culprit and at this point, he was beginning to doubt his own sanity. Especially since neither Erin, Cecilia, nor Lacy seemed to see or buy into the clues even when he pointed them out. And with plenty of other things occupying his attention, such as Erin’s future and making up lost time with Cecilia (especially in the bedroom), Wallace stopped trying to bring up the issue with his family. So even as the signs only grew clearer, such as finding a tissue plastered with a “mysterious white goo,” there was little he could do but wait until the secret invader slipped up and showed himself.

In the meantime, he focused on the revolution in his sex life that was Cecilia. With how dominant she was when they made love now, and since she still made him feel good in the end (except for the first few times after she started brandishing increasingly sized strap-on dildos), he had grown accustomed to letting her lead. Which ultimately led to this.

“I know this wasn’t easy for you to agree to, Dear, but I want you to know it means a lot that you’ll indulge me like this for my birthday,” Cecilia smiled excitedly down at him, cupping his cheek with one hand.

A month ago, Wallace never would have expected to find himself in this situation, especially at his age, but somehow the middle aged man found himself bound and suspended in full bondage. It was far from comfortable, but he found himself excited to see, to feel what Cecilia had planned for him this evening.

For her own part, Cecilia looked ravishing as always. Her long blonde hair cascaded behind her, framing her pale curves encased in shiny black leather and latex. Cut outs in her top let her huge breasts hang out, comparatively bare with just two pasties covering her nipples. She had a half mask covering her face from the nose up, obscuring her eyes, yet he could clearly see the pleased anticipation on her red lips. A hot pink strap-on was already affixed to her crotch, this one the longest and thickest she had subjected him to so far, at nearly nine inches long with girth to match. The vague shape of faux veins seemed practically an afterthought compared to the complex internal mechanics that allowed it to emulate growing hard and flaccid.

“Today, I’ll be playing with your senses a bit,” she announced, dangling a blindfold from one hand. “By depriving you of your sight, your other senses will be heightened,” she explained as she strapped the blindfold tightly over his eyes, plunging him into darkness. “As a warning, for people unaccustomed to this exercise, some have reported experiencing auditory hallucinations – their hearing becomes oversensitive and their brain misinterprets audio signals, often based on their desires… or fears.”

At first, Wallace didn’t notice much difference other than not being able to see, but after a few moments, he caught a whiff of Cecilia’s sweet floral shampoo, only for the scent to be overpowered by an intense male musk.

“I picked this one specially for today, Wally. Do you understand? I take care of your penis every day. Today, I want you to experience my cock. I even made sure it’s nice and hot for you,” Cecilia’s melodious voice reached Wallace’s ears as she brought the hot fake member to rest heavily upon his face. Wallace jerked in repulsed reaction but the bindings prevented him from getting away. He had taken his wife’s toys in the mouth and ass plenty in the last month, but whether it was the lack of visual confirmation or the sheer size of tonight’s toy, Wallace felt his pleasure seasoned with a spike of fear.

“Now then, suck on it, Dear.”

In lieu of his previous trepidation, the process of opening his mouth and admitting the thick toy felt calmingly familiar, even if this one threatened to dislocate his jaw. He felt her start thrusting, and he felt himself growing hard as she let out little pleasured grunts and moans in the process of violating his mouth.

Abruptly Cecilia paused.

“Ah, you made it,” Cecilia’s voice sounded unconcerned, even expectant. Someone had walked in on them? Wait… an intruder. Could it be… “Hang on a moment, I’m almost… Hngn!”

With just that as warning, Wallace suddenly found his mouth flooding with hot, bitter/sour imitation cum. The huge toy could expectedly hold a lot and it spilled out from his lips down his chin as, even now, he refused to swallow. It was the little resistance he could mount now that he’d otherwise surrendered the reins to Cecilia in bed.

Finally, the toy finished, and Cecilia withdrew from his mouth with a content sigh. Wallace spit out the lingering ropey fluid and voiced his concerns.

“Who’s that, Cecilia? Why didn’t you tell me you were inviting someone?”

“Oh? Relax, Honey. This is just a friend of mine I met when I was out discovering myself. Why don’t you say hello,” his wife’s voice consoled him, not that Wallace felt any better.

Wallace heard a new voice after a pause.

“Good evening Mr. Warble. Cecilia tells me you’ve been slowly opening up to trying new things with her. She asked if I’d help you… expand… your horizons further tonight.”

It was a man’s voice, without a doubt. No. Not just any man. He recognized that voice this time. It was Robert’s voice.

“Robert you fu-…” Wallace started before he felt a ball gag slip between his teeth and strangle out any other words. He squirmed against his bonds, but whoever put the gag on him danced out of range of his flailing.

“My, my, do contain your excitement, Dear,” Cecilia chuckled, a hint of mischievousness in her voice. “You’ll have your turn once I’m done with him.”

For the next few minutes, Wallace listened in agony as he heard, in vivid detail, the sounds of his wife sloppily servicing his archenemy.

“Mhmm… such a big thing…” Cecilia purred. “Does it feel good between my breasts?”

“Ha… yeah… your tits are so good, Cessi.”

That was his pet name for Cecilia… it sounded wrong coming from Robert’s voice.

The alternating sounds of her ministrations and him enjoying it, Wallace could hear it all, and when he came, Wallace could hear the sound of his cum splattering heavily nearby.

“Now then…” Robert’s voice mused. Wallace heard a figure draw closer, moving around him till they were positioned behind him. He felt a gloved hand close around his cock. Was it Cecilia or Robert? He remembered Cecilia was wearing elbow gloves before she put the blindfold on him, but… “Did listening to us turn you on?” It was Robert’s deep voice that taunted him. Though the idea of being jerked off by a man, especially him, repulsed Wallace, he had little control over his body as he was. “Or is it my touch that excites you? Have you grown so depraved in the last month that even a man can get you off?” Robert continued, and the gloved hand grew more vigorous, but just as Wallace was close, it stopped. “Heh, not so fast. Let me have some fun, too. Cessi tells me that she’s gotten you all loosened up for me. I hope not too much though. Only one way to find out though.”

Wallace screamed through the gag as he felt lube pour over his ass and shortly thereafter, he felt the other man’s hot staff nuzzle his ass.

“I never even considered swinging this way myself, Mr. Warble, but your kind wife helped convince me to try and you know, it’s pretty great once you get used to it. I’m sure you’ll think so too, soon enough!”

With that, Robert jerked his hips and forced himself inside, dragging another stifled yell from Wallace – half physical pain, half emotional and mental torment. And to the man’s dismay, as Robert drilled him, he felt his arousal grow.

“I’m amazed you can handle me, Mr. Warble! Your wife and daughter both had some difficulty at first, but they came around. Miss Ren, too. Your little sex friend screamed her lungs out, ‘oh my God, it’s too big, you’ll break me!’ she said,” Robert chuckled at his falsetto imitation of Lacy. “But even she was begging for more once I was done with her. I’ve pumped Erin, Cecilia and Lacy with so much cum that the three of them are all but guaranteed to be pregnant with my kids by now!” Robert laughed. “Isn’t that right, Cessi?”

No… don’t call her that. That’s my name for her!

“Mhmm, your huge loads always fill me up! Unlike Wally’s,” Cecilia’s voice answered, also from somewhere behind Wallace. “I was getting tired of faking my orgasms, so I’m so glad Wally agreed to let you fuck me on my birthday!”

I did no such thing! Wallace growled through his gag, though between the pounding his ass was getting and the gag itself, his words left as unintelligible groans.

“Oh, we’re getting into it now, huh?” Robert’s voice crooned. “Well, I’m just about there myself, so let me give you a nice big load so you understand with your whole body just what you did to my sister all those years ago! And when the other ladies all give birth, enjoy paying the cost to raise kids you didn’t ask for!”

What? Robert’s… sister? A face of a young woman with black hair begging him to stop flashed through Wallaces’ memory, but it was gone as suddenly as it came, chased out by the feeling of Robert blowing his load, filling his ass with a hot, thick seed. Aside from the oppressive size, it was not too different from when Cecilia pegged him with her cumming strap-ons. If only he could plug his ears as well so he didn’t have to know by the sound of Robert’s panting behind him that it was a man in his ass rather than his wife. Eventually that unpleasant sound faded and Wallace felt his rectum finally vacated.

Moments later he felt hands on the back of his head and the blindfold came off, leaving Wallace blinking even in the low light of the bedroom. When his eyes finally refocused, he was met with Cecilia’s beautiful, concerned face.

“Wally, are you okay? You seemed really distressed by the end. I’m sorry, I must have been going too hard. Maybe it was too soon to use this toy after all…” she apologized guiltily. “Um.. if you promise not to raise your voice again, I’ll take off the gag. Let’s not wake Erin.”

Wallace writhed, twisting whatever way he needed to to look around the room as best he was able from his position, but his inspection found no evidence of Robert. Could he have really made his escape so quickly? Taking a frustrated deep breath, he nodded to Cecilia and she removed the gag. He gave her a suspicious glare.

“Where’s Robert?” he croaked, his voice haggard.

Cecilia blinked. “Huh? Ro… oh, that boy that Erin was dating? What about him?”

“He was here!” Wallace hissed, just barely keeping his voice down. “He… he… r… you let him rape me…” Were… were those tears misting his vision? Him? Wallace Warble, crying?

“Huh… oh. Oh my, Oh my!” Cecilia gasped, clutching Wallace’s face to her bosom. “This must be a case of auditory hallucination. I’m sorry, Dear. I shouldn’t have done the gag, too, that way if you’d said something I’d have been able to abort. I’m so sorry.”

“A… auditory hallucination?”

“Yes. I warned you that there was a chance of that before I put the blindfold on.”

Wallace’s memory was a bit hazy.

“But… I heard him… like he was right in my ear…” Wallace breathed, incredulous.

“That is the nature of hallucination, Dear,” Cecilia explained sympathetically.

“He… he said he fucked you… and Erin, too. And Lacy. I even heard you give him a t-titjob…”

“Love, we’re the only ones here. No one came in or out since we came up here after dinner.”


Cecilia sighed. “Alright, I didn’t want to do this, but I confess: I actually recorded tonight’s session.” To prove it, she went over to a nearby dresser and picked up her phone. “My phone’s mic isn’t very good so it didn’t pick up sound from over there, but maybe this will prove that it was only ever just me, no matter what you thought you heard.” She brought the phone over and played the video. As she claimed, it showed them setting Wallace up in the bondage gear, and her putting the blindfold and ball gag on him. She disappeared from the frame for a bit, which she explained was a bathroom/refresh break, before returning. Wallace watched as Cecilia paraded around his bound form, her lips moving, but no sound coming out until she mounted up behind him and drilled him till her strap-on came. As promised, no sign of Robert anywhere in the 40 minute-long ordeal.

“Do you believe me now?”

Wallace had no option but to nod sullenly. Cecilia helped him out of the restraints before beginning to strip out of her own costume. The sound of Robert’s voice was so clear in Wallace’s mind still. Could it really have just been his imagination? A trick of the senses? All that? It did reinforce his fears.

“You’re still not convinced?” Cecilia drew his attention, having stripped down to just the strapon and harness, she thrust the toy in his face. “You saw the video. Unless you think perhaps, I, am somehow a man? Do you think I am this Robert fellow?” She ran her hands along her wide, curvaceous hips up to cup her huge breasts. “If you think these proportions, these breasts, this body I worked hard to get and maintain, are that of a man… then perhaps your paranoia is beyond salvaging after all and I should take Erin and leave. It’s hard to imagine a future for a couple where the husband can’t even trust his wife to be a woman even as she lays with him.”

Reaching to her hips, Cecilia unfastened the harness and removed the strap-on, revealing before Wallace’s very eyes, the neatly maintained picture of femininity. Spreading her stance, she parted her pussy with her fingers as if to reinforce the bit. “Since you seem to need further reassurance, why don’t you use little Wally and check me for yourself here.” As the situation cooled down and heated back up again, dominant Cecilia returned.

Successfully distracted by Cecilia’s allure, Wallace never thought to check the discarded strap-on. He never saw its hollow interior, bereft of any of the supposedly advanced mechanisms.

“Hey Wally, can you help me with something?”

Had this been two months ago, the request may not have surprised Wallace so much, but since Cecilia’s return, Lacy had used the secret code they had invented to pull Wallace away from Erin for sex less and less, until she stopped asking entirely. For his own part, Wallace had told himself that he had kept up indulging her that far out of respect for the relationship they had built in Cecilia’s absence, but in reality he got a kick out of how naughty it felt going behind Cecilia and Erin’s back now. Not to mention he got to lead when he was doing Lacy. But as her interest in his affection waned, he found he didn’t miss it too much with how much he and Cecilia were fucking at night.

Therefore, when Lacy asked this time, Wallace blinked, hesitating for a moment. He glanced at Erin and Cecilia who were cooking together in the kitchen. Sensing that the other ladies wouldn’t need him for a time, he excused himself and followed Lacy out into the shed in the backyard where they had begun stealing away for these romps when Cecilia returned and there was more of a reason to be discreet.

Like back then, they didn’t exchange words or ask questions. Once the door was closed behind them, their lips locked and they began to loosen clothes just enough to permit access to each other.

Leading Lacy’s face away by her chin, Wallace directed her down to begin sucking his stiff member. As sexually active as Cecilia was with him, she refused to give him a blowjob, so this was the only way he got oral, and that novelty alone kept him from turning down Lacy when she was still asking.

Gently holding her head as it bobbed upon his tool, he grew firmer in forcing her to take it deeper as he got closer to climax until finally he blew his load. Dutifully, Lacy drank him down.

As he rested, Lacy made a show of unzipping her pants and pulling them down her plump legs. She perched on the edge of a table and spread her legs. Wallace wasn’t quite ready to go again yet, so instead, he indulged in her soft breasts. They weren’t as big as Cecilia’s but they were still enjoyable to fondle. Once he was ready, he put it in.

Aside from the blowjobs, “good but not quite as good as Cecilia” was a recurring theme with Lacy these days which was part of why Wallace hadn’t minded the decrease in Lacy’s sexual interest. It still felt great to fuck Lacy, but once he blew his second load in her snatch, he noticed she seemed quieter than usual. Not that she normally made a lot of noise since they were supposed to be doing it in secret, but she seemed… distant, despite being the initiator.

Wallace pulled out with a content sigh though. He had enjoyed himself and if Lacy wanted to talk about something they could do so later. But as he tried to redress and turn, Lacy caught his sleeve and pulled him back.

“More…” she whispered. Sliding off the table, she turned and bent forward over it, presenting her ass. She spread her rear with one hand, making abundantly clear where she wanted it.

Wallace screwed her two more times after that, by which point he was shooting blanks, but Lacy seemed insatiable.

“No more…” Wallace breathed fending her off as he slumped into a chair in front of a workbench. To his bleary alarm, Lacy seemed disappointed and… resigned. Or was it… bored?

Suddenly the shed door opened, admitting Cecilia. “Dinner’s ready, you two.”

Wallace gaped, then rushed to cover himself, but after it all, he was left dumbstruck at how unconcerned and unsurprised Cecilia seemed looking at the two of them in their obvious state of undress. To add to Wallace’s shock, Lacy practically jumped into Cecilia’s arms.

“Cessi, I tried like you asked. I really did,” she whined, “I gave him another shot, but Wally just…” After everything that had happened in the last hour, it was only now that Lacy seemed conflicted. “It’s just that Wally really can’t satisfy me anymore! It has to be you! Do you have it? I need it. I’ll do anything for you, just put it in me! Please!” she begged.

Cecilia smiled gently, patting her on the head.

“Of course. I didn’t want it to be this way, but I suspected it would be. Here.” Taking off and setting aside her apron, Cecilia widened her stance and unzipped the fly on her tight fitting jeans. Lacy practically dove to pull aside Cecilia’s panties and begin licking and sucking at her feminine lips. Cecilia moaned softly, holding Lacy’s head like Wallace had before when Lacy was performing fellatio. Cecilia’s face scrunched up and though Lacy’s head blocked his view of Cecilia’s loins, he noticed that the movement of Lacy’s head changed from static licking to… bobbing. Before long Cecilia’s face scrunched up again and she let out a soft groan. A sound Wallace recognized from right before her cumming dildos unleashed their juice. And sure enough, he saw white goo splatter out onto the floor. Lacy pulled away, finally giving Wallace a clear view of the long, hot pink phallic object protruding from Cecilia’s fly. It hung half flaccid, but before Wallace’s eyes, Cecilia stroked it back to its full nine inch erect length.

Where… had that come from? Wallace couldn’t even muster the strength to ask, he was so spent from trying to keep up with Lacy. Wallace had caught a glimpse of Cecilia’s crotch when she was putting her apron aside. It had been totally flat, and there was nowhere to hide such a monster in those tight jeans. Yet, it was equally nonsensical to assume such a huge penis filled with such volume of cum was real, much less attached to such a beautiful specimen of femininity that was his wife. She had pointed out the absurdity of such an idea herself not too long ago. Whatever sleight of hand or witchcraft was at work, there was no way something that could shoot so much semen could be real, especially after a man such as Wallace was emptied after cumming far less volume.

Whatever the truth was, Wallace was still stuck in his exhaustion induced paralysis, watching as Cecilia took her giant fake dick and rammed it in Lacy’s holes almost violently all while Lacy cried aloud about how good it felt. Cecilia’s placid, motherly smile never left her lips, as if fucking Wallace’s secret sex friend in front of him was just another chore for her in taking care of her family. Her expression barely changed, even as she came a second time, excess ejaculate gushing from Lacy’s cunt and pooling on the ground. After a moment to catch their breath, Lacy turned, offering her ass like she had for Wallace, and Cecilia, already hard and ready, took her from behind in stride, plowing her till she added yet more to the puddle of cum on the floor.

This was why Lacy had stopped requisitioning him for these asides. She got everything Wallace could offer, no, more from Cecilia and her unrealistic pink magic dick… How was a normal man to compete with that?

By the time the ladies were on their fifth round and showing no sign of slowing down, Wallace had finally recovered enough strength to get up.

“Agh… wha the hell, Cessi?”

The only sign of exertion on his wife’s face was a slight blush.

“What do you mean, ‘what the hell?” the knockout blonde riposted, barely pausing the shaking of her hips. “Upset that Lacy likes mine better? That shouldn’t be surprising, you know the differences in our specs first hand.”

“N-no, well. ugh… I mean, why? Or how l-long? Have you been cheating on me with… La-” Wallace’s vocal facilities hadn’t fully recovered yet still, but Cecilia got the message.

“Ha!” she laughed unabashedly. “Dear, I am your wife. Erin told me you refused to consider filing a divorce. Even without me around, you could have made a Motion to Serve by Publication or Posting. I was considering it myself, since I was determined never to see you again for the longest time. But neither of us did, so our marriage remained valid all this time. In that sense, when you started fucking this bitch in my absence, it was you who cheated first, so I don’t think you have any room to complain.” She gestured to the juicy connection between herself and Lacy. “As for this. This is just skinship between close female friends. Ask any other woman if you dare.”

The onslaught only added to the mental and emotional damage Wallace had taken to his psyche and pride, and left him unable to rebuke. Unable to stand watching any further, he mustered what strength he had and dragged himself back to the house, falling asleep on the couch. Erin asking if he wanted dinner didn’t even register to him.

Back out in the shed, Cecilia let out a content sigh.

“That felt good,” she mused, pulling out of Lacy’s snatch to spew the last few contractions of her ejaculate across the spent woman’s back. Without bothering to pack her “strap-on” back into her pants, she grabbed her apron and sauntered back to the house, her toy swinging flaccidly between her thighs. As expected Wallace was out on the couch.

“Erin, Honey, can you give me a hand?” Cecilia smiled innocently at her daughter. “Bring the mixing bowl, I have just enough left to make the base for tomorrow’s alfredo sauce.”

Erin grinned back. “Of course, Mother, it would be my pleasure,” she giggled as she brought over a large bowl and set it on the ground as she got on her knees, gently beginning to lick and stroke the hot pink shaft between her mother’s legs.

The pleasant tingling between her legs a fond memory of the wild sex she had just enjoyed, Erin curled up contentedly in her mother’s embrace. The older woman’s large breasts pressed softly against her back and ever so often, Cecilia would shift in a way that would incidentally make the hot, semi-flaccid pink shaft protruding from her womanhood brush against and between Erin’s thighs; and in moments such as those, Erin was reminded of just how much cum Robert seemed able to produce these days by the bulbous semen filled tip of the condom disguising his manhood as the skinsuit of her mother disguised her mischievous boyfriend.

“Hey… just how long do you plan to keep this up?” Erin asked quietly, the question coming to mind on a whim.

“What’s that, Love?” Robert seemed to enjoy keeping up Cecilia’s voice and manners even in situations as private and intimate like this.

“This charade. You are going to go back to just being Robert full time eventually, right?”

“Hm… do you not want to stay with momma forever?”

Erin hesitated, thinking. “You said it was for my benefit, but I think you’re enjoying yourself. You’ve really fucked Wallace up. I can tell he’s more paranoid than ever, but he’s also so defeated after all your gaslighting that he’s given up trying to do anything about it and has just accepted that this insanity is his life now.”

Robert chuckled; it was a sultry sound in Cecilia’s voice, but as he went on, his voice lowered to his natural register. It was a mental switch he could just turn on or off in the suit, he had explained to Erin once before. “He has gotten quite obedient, almost boringly so. Almost. But I suppose you’re not wrong. I am enjoying myself. And you are too. We’re both getting revenge, after all, he’s the one who fucked up both of our families first. Does it bother you now, that I’m fucking your father? In more ways than one.”

“You’re a twisted bastard for enjoying this. But no, you’re right. He deserved this. Mom gave him so many chances and he never learned, that’s why she left. And then I had to deal with him until Lacy started splitting his attention. And she’s better than he deserves, too. I do think you went too far with her,” Erin answered.

“It’s precisely because Wallace doesn’t deserve Lacy either that I took her from him,” Robert explained, “If you mean how broken she’s gotten, well… she’s just unfortunate collateral damage. Or maybe it’s her own fault for enabling Wallace. Either way, the damage is done. I fear what might become of her if I stop supplying her with my dick.”

“Speaking of sperm supply…” Erin noted, reaching behind her to tease her boyfriend’s dick. “Is this also an effect of the skinsuit somehow? You weren’t nearly this big before. Nor did you have this stamina or volume.”

“The size and volume boost are the result of another product from the same company I got the suit from. Perhaps you’ve heard of them, a little corporate firm by the name ‘Ladies First Corporation.’” As he spoke, Robert grew harder in Erin’s hands, till his shaft was between her thighs and pressing up against her pussy.

“No way, the sex toy company?” Erin scoffed, shifting her hands around forward to play with his tip, rolling off the filled condom and working on a new one.

“Let’s just say I found my way into their secret catalog.”

“And I take it what you saw there was what inspired you to custom order a skinsuit of my mother?”

“That’s right. Who was the one person I could disguise myself as that would get Wallace to lower all his walls?”

Erin paused. “How did they make it really look just like her? Minus the tattoo.”

“I managed to track her down, and got some pictures. I imagine they might have done some investigation on the production end as well. I pestered her a bit for my own research into her personality, discreetly of course. Since you seem curious, she’s doing well on her own. If you want to check out how well… did you know more than one person can wear these suits at once? We could double up inside her and go replace her for a day, so you can experience for yourself.”

“How does that even-? No you’re just teasing me now. You really are twisted…” Erin pouted. She was pleased to hear her real mother was doing okay, but she wasn’t sure if she should meet her now, after all that had happened with Robert.

The mischievous devil himself, sensing her ambivalence, reached around using Cecilia’s hands to grope her daughter’s breasts. “You know,” he continued lightening the mood, “you’re pretty twisted yourself for enjoying having sex with your mom.”

“Hey, you’re not-” Erin’s reply was interrupted by the feeling of her “mother’s” cock sliding into her moist folds. “Aahhn… Y-you’re not my real mom,” she breathed in token protest.

Cecilia paused planting kisses on her daughter’s neck. “Now don’t you take that tone with me, young lady,” she cooed in Cecilia’s voice, jerking her hips to drive her dick further inside while pinching Erin’s nipples admonishingly. “As for how long I plan to be your mother… Well, you graduate in the spring, so after that, we can go wherever you want, whether that’s away from here for school or work, or sticking around. Momma will take care of you no matter what, even if she has to invent a nice college girl for you to room with. I’ll figure it out.”

“And- haghnn… and what about Wallace and Lacy?”

“Once you’re independent, they won’t matter. Fuck ‘em.”

“You already are.”

“No, Momma’s fucking you, my little baby girl. And when the others are out of the picture, you’ll get all of her love to yourself.”

“I- haah… nghn… I thought I’d be happy just to… ahh… to get away from Wallace, so I never gave a lot of thought beyond that, but you kn- nghn.. know, that does sound pretty fun. Though, I also wouldn’t mind having a normal boyfriend again.”

Erin felt Cecilia’s breath on her ear, but it was Robert’s voice that left her mother’s lips. “Why not both?”