
Art Commissions Open (May 2024)

up next:

  • Testaments
  • Sabs

(one slot per customer, one commission idea per slot)


Submit all commission requests via form found at the end of this post.

  • Paypal or Kofi only.
  • All $ values listed in USD

The full agreed upon payment is due up-front once I inform you that I am ready to begin working on your commissionHowever, do not send me money before I agree to do your commission and tell you to send me payment. If paying via Paypal, I’ll send you an invoice once we’ve agreed upon details and I’m ready to begin working on your commission. I prefer to pick and choose what commission to work on so they may get done an order different than first-come, first-serve. You may be waiting in the queue for a while, so I will let you know when I am ready to begin working on your commission.  This is mostly for your benefit, in the event that I need to cancel a commission for some reason, it will save everyone trouble if I don’t have to issue refunds.

Will do:

  • Skinsuit stuff (naturally)
  • Possession
  • General Pin-up style character art
  • Furry
    • Fursuits and anthro characters wearing other suits (furry or otherwise) are all fair game
  • Original characters (with adequate reference or description)
  • Kigurumi
  • Mechabare (I like this stuff, but I’ll fully admit that I’m not very good at it. I may offer a discount or limit quality promised, depending on the specific details)

Some of this I don’t have a lot of experience with (namely, possession, furry, and kigurumi), but am willing to make an attempt.

Will not do:

  • Minors (characters under 18 y/o)
    • final call up to my own discretion (you can always ask, so long as you respect my decision either way)
  • scat
  • gore
  • necrophilia

If you have any questions about any of the above points or regarding something not listed, feel free to message me to ask (contact info at the end).

Pricing and examples (Prices subject to change as I feel out a balance between affordable for you and worth-the-effort for me.)

Sketch work

  • $7 per pose
    • one “pose” = one character + suit, if applicable
    • Up to four per commission, interacting or individual (This option is offered for multiple different characters in the same composition, in contrast to the next option)
      • example: a four pose commission would be $10 x 4 = $40 total
    • $5 charge per extra suit if applicable
  • $25 for a one-subject, one page sequence (4-5 poses; see examples 4-6)
    • Two characters = double the cost (since it’s double the work)
    • may charge extra if additional stages are necessary
  • Quick and dirty. I tend to have the most fun with these and they should have the fastest turn around time (potentially less than a day, depending on external factors).
  • May splash minor color at my own discretion (no additional charge; can request no color)

Lineart/pencil render + partial shade and/or color

  • $20 per pose
    • Up to three per commission, interacting or individual (This option is offered for multiple different characters in the same composition, in contrast to the next option)
    • $7 charge per extra suit if applicable
  • These get a bit more time and attention, but can also be fairly quick, though that depends more on complexity.
  • $50 for a 3-4 part, one page, one character sequence (may be reduced quality or extra charge depending on complexity of request)
    • Two characters = double the cost (since it’s at least double the work)
    • may charge extra if additional stages are necessary

Full color + shading

  • $50 per pose
    • up to 2 characters per one page commission composition (no discount)
    • Each pose gets one suit portion, $20 per additional suit past that
    • Additional costs (up to maximum additional $20, per character) may be charged for complex character designs, posing, extras (such as additional suits) or composition. If applicable, I will let you know and include it in the quote before any agreements are made.
  • No sequence or comic options for this level of quality

Other notes and guidelines:

  • Pricing and options per tier were decided upon based on the time and effort as well as my own experience with each level of quality. I enjoy doing fast and loose sketches over detailed full color renders, so the pricing was tailored to reflect that.
    • I tend to be more flexible when it comes to content I’m interested in and/or if patrons are willing to pay extra to make it worth my while to go past/outside my guidelines.
  • I’m pretty bad at backgrounds. What you get, if anything, and how good it is will be entirely at my own discretion, but at no additional cost. You may request no-background or “simple/abstract” background if you wish.
  • Any $10 tier patron (“Convincing Façade” tier) at the time of my accepting the commission will get a $5 discount off any item that costs more than $10 at base (basically anything excluding single sketch poses). Please include your Patreon username and/or email address so I may verify your pledge. This may get waived if there are already extra charges due to complexity or other concessions.
  • For anything higher quality than sketches, I will send a sketch preview for your review before continuing on. I will not be accepting any major revisions to the design or composition after you okay the preview.
  • For better results, please provide a clear and comprehensive description of what you want at the very start of the commission process and provide reference pictures for posing and character design wherever possible.
    • I prefer if you have a complete idea of what you want as well before we begin. I may be willing to brainstorm or refine an idea with you, but I also reserve the right to refuse to do so. It is not my responsibility to come up with the idea for your commission for you.
  • I reserve the right to post/use any commission I do on my own platforms for publicity/portfolio purposes. You may do whatever you want with your commission, so long as I am credited with the original.
    • Exception: I do not authorize any work I do, commission or otherwise, to be used for training or analysis by generative AI programs.
  • I reserve the right to refuse/reject any commission proposal without needing to explain why.
    • I reserve the right to cancel commissions if circumstances prevent me from fulfilling them. If payment has already been delivered, it will be refunded in full.
  • All rules, notes, and guidelines anywhere on this page are subject to change as necessary without warning and are effective immediately upon changing.
    • Exception: Any changes in pricing will only apply to commissions accepted after the price change. Pending commissions (already paid or otherwise) will be subject to the pricing agreed upon when the commission was accepted.

How to request a commission

-> Please fill out this form to request a commission <-

This is my first time trying to use a form for this, so I may forego it if it ends up creating more problems than it solves.

Other methods of contacting me (Only if the form is not working for some reason. I will not accept commission requests solely via direct message without extenuating circumstances):

10/31/23 – Draw

Squeezed in appearances for my other two OCs after all! I wasn’t sure I’d find places for them this year. Anyway, another meta meme to round out this Suitober. I counted out 28 cards for Cass’s hand when I was drawing them, but since some ended up drawn over top of others, that may probably not be the visible count anymore.

Hope everyone enjoyed the daily pics. I need to take like a week off now to recharge (meaning shitposts on discord only).

10/30/23 – Pretenders

Another series I know next to nothing about. I initially had a character named Dorothy in the Thomas suit, but events I read over the plot make that less… appropriate than what I ended up with here. Even beyond that, I don’t really have a good sense for whether this situation is one that might actually happen, or if I have these two’s personalities all wrong.

While I don’t have much I can say about the content choices, I do have a bit more to comment on regarding the art itself. I don’t recall ever having tried this type of isometric perspective and since I cheated it a bit, it’s not entirely right (I couldn’t find a good way to set vanishing points that were that far away from the piece itself) I think it conveys the idea that I wanted still, so I can say I’m reasonably satisfied for the effort. The shower’s all off (even after redrawing it a few times), and the hotel room design as a whole is questionable, but backgrounds weren’t exactly my goal going into this. In the planning phase, I was considering a less ambitious straight on angle, split down the center not too unlike the ace attorney piece, in part, because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to execute L!Cynthia standing in that perspective. But after I gave it a shot in drafting, I was pleasantly surprised that that figure came together in a way that looked decent enough to go ahead with, so I kept on with the isometric plan. Since the background/environment was more important this time, I laid pretty much all of that first and then drew in the characters.

I’m not sure what’s going on with that painting over the bed – trying to think of generic hotel paintings, I ended up with a lighthouse on a cape overseeing a ship fighting some waves, if any of that is discernable from this angle. Probably not. Fortunately it doesn’t matter.

10/29/23 – Demonstration

A busy one, since the base idea was able to check a lot of request/suggestion boxes at once, and also Suitober is almost over. Using “drone tech” to enable “1 in 2” suiting (or often more) has been a concept I’ve been fond of for a long time – my first ever published story, “Vengeance is Skin Deep,” even used it, but it can be a bit difficult to wrap one’s head around at times, especially the more complex it gets so I try not to use it too often.

I drew all of Junker Queen’s skin there, but ended up having to cover portions of it to have room for the text. Also, Sakuyamon has her outfit and armor because it was pretty easy to include (a lot of it’s hidden behind Cass) whereas the other two background suits were left nude for simplicity. Similarly, I don’t usually do completely empty eye holes on suits, but this time around it saved me some effort. I normally prefer the empty doll eyes because they imply that the suit even has a built in way of changing the wearer’s eyes, as well as playing into the verisimilitude of skinsuits – things that are fake, fabricated, yet have the ability to seem real, to imitate something real, and that very core level of deception is something that arouses resonates with me.

10/28/23 – Re-Debut

“Talk about the absolute worse time for both of us to get sick!” Nerissa grumbled, blowing her nose.

“I know, right? We can’t debut like this! But, it’s too late to call things off…” Shiori bemoaned.

Fortunately, Cover has its contingency plans and two reliable senpais were called to fill in!

Her Shiori mask on standby but not pulled into place yet, Kiara came over to see how her partner was doing just before they were due to go live.

“Hey, don’t forget to take off the crown and veil, Mori! Here, let me get it for you.”

“Ah… thanks. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this!” Mori sighed.

“Well, we don’t have to, we just have to take care of their debut and then it’s back to business as usual. You remember the script?” Kiara encouraged her.

“Y-yeah. I remember. But making sure I can act like Nerissa while doing it… I’m not quite as confident.”

You? Not confident? What’s the world coming to?” Kiara teased, poking Mori’s cheek. “Don’t worry, you’ll do fine. We were picked for a reason!”

Mori took a deep breath and settled herself. “Yeah, you’re right. Alright, let’s do this!” She psyched herself up as she raised the mask up over her head.

As Kiara predicted, Nerissa and Shiori’s debuts went well. Maybe not perfectly, but that gave them some extra charm. Best of all, no one suspected a thing when the real deals took back over the following week!

Artist’s comments:

I had to rush this one since I didn’t have a lot of time today, and while there are, consequently, a lot of errors, and I definitely could have done better, I don’t think said errors show too blatantly unless you’re looking for them, so I’ll take that.

10/27/23 – Fortune

Whew, a Dragalia Lost Suitober piece that actually came out well! This is another Suitober tradition of mine, and now that the game has officially shut down, it feels more important than ever to remember it. My unfortunate history with Dragalia pieces has been that they tended to not come out very well, whether because they were too ambitious for my skill at the time or were just a bit awkward, so I’m especially happy this one turned out as good as it did. There are a lot of suitable Dragalia chars and Verica was always one of my favs. The darker skin tone of the wearer makes Ranzal a likely suspect, but I didn’t have anyone in particular in mind, just figured I’d include some variety since I was already laying Verica’s own soft brown complexion.

10/26/23 – Conspiring

I’ll be honest, I don’t really like how this one turned out, and I kinda had a feeling it would be a miss even before I started. I got three suggestions/requests for Ace Attorney characters this year from two people and I’ve been making extra effort to try to give everyone who requested something at least one of their requests in some form or another, and I really should not do that (past me knew better), because, with only a few days left in Suitober, I decided the only way I’d achieve that is if I was efficient and combining characters from the same series should be efficient, right? Well, the characters requested had nothing to do with each other. Eve Belduke is from the Layton x ace attorney crossover, in which, only Wright and Maya feature from the Ace Attorney side. The other person’s request was for Franziska or Mia, the latter of which is dead, and the former never crosses paths with Eve, soooo… yeah. There was no reasonable context to combine them. But I really didn’t want to spend two separate days on them, either.

So here we have this… ambiguous set up where the intended implication was that these two were suiting up as a prosecutor and… a witness, I guess, to conspire to rig a trial, but it’s so contrived it hurts, and that was probably one of the factors that went into the art itself not coming out all that great too – a lack of vision and enthusiasm for the piece.

Artistically, I attempted a two point low angle shot, and that didn’t really come out great. My lines felt unusually even more sloppy than usual, and proportions don’t feel right. I cobbled together a background to try for that context, but eh… just eh…

Every Suitober has hits and misses and I’d done pretty well this year so I suppose I was due for a miss. At the very least, I’m still reasonably confident that the characters are identifiable, despite the other flaws and that makes it good enough to say they’ve been done and move on.

10/25/23 – “Hug?”

Another Suitober tradition for me – a Blazblue piece. This year with a little more threat. While I was looking through the cast for ideas for this, I noticed Tao had a big ol’ zipper down her front. While there are semi-lewds of her in Central Fiction’s in-game art gallery, I felt this was a more appropriate direction to take her for this.

There’s some similarity to yesterday’s pose, but it’s coincidental and I don’t really care.

10/24/23 – Crisis Averted

I don’t know shit about this series. Which should make it pretty obvious this was another suggestion/request (would be nice if people spelled character names right in their suggestions, tho), if the unnamed OC suit wearers weren’t already an indication. Felt like doing something a little more emotional, so this is what I ended up with. What happened? I dunno. Someone got too much into character and almost lost themselves?

I’m not great with mecha or mecha-adjacent stuff, so there’s lots of little (and not so little) inconsistencies between the left and right where I can’t properly mirror details that should be fairly symmetrical. Aside from that, though, I like the composition I ended up with, even with it’s a little iffy when you get past the masks to Priss’s lower body. This era’s hairstyles are also awkward to me. Like, Priss’s bangs curl entirely in upon themselves…? Sylia’s head/face isn’t really identifiable from this angle either, so hopefully her armor is.

10/23/23 – Fusion


“It’s… it’s working! Our legs have merged! I can feel them as if they were my own!” Jason gasped, still doing his “Mythra” impression out of habit while suited up as her. “Rachelle, how is this possible?”

“Don’t think too hard about it, Mythra,” Rachelle giggled as she guided her partner’s hand into the Pneuma suit’s arm along with her own. “The short answer though is that it’s non-canon.” She glanced at the fourth wall and gave a wink.

“Wha-? What does that mean? Who are you winking at?” Jason tried to glance around nervously, but he was already too far swept up in Rachelle’s pace as the girl already suited as Pyra steadily pulled the Pneuma skinsuit up over the both of them together. It took a bit of extra stretching to get them both into the head, but by the time they were in, the suit’s magic was already at work, compressing them together. When “Pneuma” opened her blue-green eyes, her figure was immaculately feminine, with no indication at all that there were two equally voluptuous bodies doubled up inside of her.

She smiled at her reflection in a full body mirror, turning and twisting herself to show off every angle and curve. “It’s not exactly the same as in the game, but there. We’re fused. We’re Pneuma,” she declared out loud.

“Y-yeah…” Pneuma responded to herself unsteadily, but the next moment she had snapped back to her previous self-assuredness.

“Now then. Let’s get dressed and head to the con!”

Panic flashed across her face. “Wait, what? The con? But, I said I couldn’t afford to go!”

Her unease was once again replaced by smug satisfaction. “And I’ve just solved that problem. We’ll only have to pay for one person this way!”

Yesterday was a bit more intensive than average for these, so I took it a bit easier today. The original request for this one was actually taking the Rex>Mythra and the Zeke+Pandoria>Pyra situations I’d drawn previously and putting them together into a Pneuma suit, but trying to figure out the logistics of how to do that in a single working context without drawing out 2-4 panels seemed like more effort and time than I wanted to spend on this, so I took the crux of the idea – the Pyra+Mythra>Pneuma angle and spun it differently, at least via the caption. Anyone just looking at the image won’t get the full context, but that’s okay, it can stand alone well enough.

There’s been a lot of 2-in-1 suiting this year, not just over Suitober, but in general, too. I’ve been on a kick with it recently (last few months), and have been extra productive over the same period, so that probably contributes to that. Still, it’s a bit tricky to portray, since it sacrifices any semblance of believable plausibility in exchange for fantastic indulgence. Hence why this is “non-canon,” given that the original context was written with an emphasis on verisimilitude.

10/22/23 – Magic

Because this is only possible via magic. Discord recommendation for a certain cat’s birthday. It took me a bit to compose the final panel – I drew Kiara’s entire body first before planning the suit around her, and the suit isn’t the most self consistent (there’s no real reason the “tongue” should be tearing), but I think it ends up looking alright, and certainly achieves what I was aiming for.

10/21/23 – Spy Replacement

I hesitated a bit deciding to do this one. I had the idea for the composition well enough, the suggestion that proposed it painted an easy enough scene; however I wasn’t sure how my style would do a western comic character, and after looking up some references, there was poor consistency on some details, like hair style in particular. I saw long hair, short hair, middle part, side part, bangs, a wide range of varieties for this one character. Ultimately, I decided the best way to clearly define the character in my style was to add the splash of color, which, combined with the outfit which did at least have some consistency among the refs I looked at, I think does a good enough job for my purposes.

Near the end of my workflow, I briefly considered making the wearer “The Chameleon” character, but not knowing anything about them or having the time today to do the extra research, I decided to just leave the suit wearer as an ambiguous generic male, just because I know that that will fit the scene that I wanted.

I still don’t really know what I’m doing with latex. I just splash some medium hardness white along what I think may be highlight lines and pray that it looks passable. I also added some hatching shading on the suited character to give a bit more of a comic-y feel, though left it off the real Natasha because I’m lazy, but also wasn’t confident I could cross hatch shade her nude form and not make it look awkward.

10/20/23 – Mei Mei

Yesterday was totally a set up. I’d planned this one a few days in advance and though Mei Terumi had been a request, putting her before this one did let me play with the names. This one’s probably the creepiest piece I’ve done and probably will do for Suitober this year.

Other than that, not too much to this one. Kenjaku is technically more of a possession situation than a suit, but eh *shrug*. There’s also like, no lore reason he would take over Mei Mei, too. At least, as far as I know, being just an anime watcher. If this actually happens in the manga sorry for the accidental spoiler, but I don’t really anticipate that.

The hands, especially the left one on the head turned out better than expected. I remember photographing my own hand for that same pose/position for a different piece years ago, and I didn’t need to this time. Then I get to the front braid and have to cover up 80% of that hand… Why is Mei Mei’s hair so weird in the Shibuya arc?

10/19/23 – Mei

I wanted to do one of those poses/compositions of the girl pouring water or sake down their thigh or chest, but it may have kinda gotten a little lost when I changed the fluid source. Oh well. Some may recognize similarities to a pose I did a few months back that is my current discord pfp – it just works for the desired composition, so it was a chance to practice it again. I’m still not good at feet, but I think I’m getting a little better at them each time. In retrospect, the top foot should have the sole angled to the side a bit more, rather than being as flat/straight as it is. The tricky thing about feet is that they’re such an odd amalgamation of shapes that there’s almost no consistency between different viewing angles. An arm is a tapered cylinder whether you view it from the front or back, but feet can be an entirely different basic shape if you rotate them just 45 degrees.

I’m noticing there haven’t been many appearances from my OCs this year – not for any particular reason, just there haven’t really been much opportunity to use them. Though, I did get a lot of requests of just [character] with no additional context or suit wearer, so if I draw any of those, I suppose I can do as I did today and put an OC inside and call it a day (for days that I may not have as much time to spend, also like today).

10/18/23 – Five Star Ramen

What did Yufine do? I dunno, but it must have been out of line and this is just punishment for the offense. Probably.

This one was a discord request that, like many of the discord requests was a bit difficult to fully express in a single image (yesterday’s multiple images was an exception, not the norm). They wanted something to the effect of “Akari suiting as Yufine and finding snacks” which sounds simple on paper, but is technically two steps, and a lot of unexplained details given the two characters are from entirely different games/universes.

While I have minor misgivings about the prompt, the characters were both appealing and I ended up with a composition that I’m actually quite pleased with. Not only is it something of a classic that came out well, I also prove that I’m not an AI by showing that I know how ramen is properly consumed (though I definitely expected the hand holding chopsticks to give me more trouble than it did). And I didn’t forget the halo, even on the first pass!

Also the first non-lewd entry in a while here, too.

10/17/23 – Sizing Opportunity

More Touhou because my discord declared that there was an absence of suiting pieces for several touhou chars and I took that as a challenge. Also, I haven’t done big > small suiting before, since on it’s own it doesn’t really appeal to me, until I remembered one niche application that does in fact interest me quite a bit, and that’s explaining how a character becomes small enough to pilot a mecha suit of a (relatively) normal sized person. It’s not really much better than an ambiguously saying “they shrunk them down with science or magic” but if it ticks someone’s boxes (which it does), then I guess it works. It better not get me in trouble with that crowd though. >_>

The first panel’s posing was a real challenge, and I’m honestly not sure I have it right still. Okina’s supposed to be laying on her back with her hips up as she stuffs her lower body into the Shinmyoumaru suit, but there’re a lot of elements to both the posing and the angle that are pretty foreign to me and I didn’t want to spend a lot of time searching the haystack for a ref. Still, I think it’s probably passable, and certainly good enough for Suitober. I’ve had plenty of past entries that have come out far worse, so I’m not going to sweat it. As far as Shinmyoumaru goes, her size is wildly inconsistent in virtually every ref I did find for her, so I’m also not going to worry too much about that. Between this and my other project this month, I’m starting to get better at drawing muscles (arms at least), which is neat, since they historically haven’t been my strong suit.

Character choices were all recommendations (or skimmed) from my discord; I know very little about Touhou myself.

10/16/23 – Promotion

Today is a me day. No one asked for this and I don’t expect much engagement from it, but to explain: as something of a tradition, each year I dedicate at least one Suitober piece to turning a futa hentai into a skinsuit situation. Before I knew my fetish was skinsuit, I was into futa (because, in retrospect, I was attracted to the “explanation” that a futa was a mtf suiter), and even now I enjoy them since there isn’t any skinsuit hentai of equivalent production quality or length, and it’s not uncommon for ideas I get for stories or comics or pics come from futa hentai stories. My most recent Patreon story, “Intruder,” was in fact inspired by the first episode of “Angel Blade,” believe it or not. Naturally, that one evolved pretty far from the inspiration source, but that’s a common way that I create.

For today, the hentai is “Starless: 21st Century Nymphomaniacs.” It based off an erotic visual novel of the same name and is a story about a virile young man, Yukito Sawatari (whom I presume is the stand in for the player character from the game) taking up a job as a live-in aide for the wealthy Mamiya family. As the mother/matriarch of the house, Marie Mamiya interviews him, the sexual nature of the position he was applying for quickly becomes apparent when she asks him to strip and masturbate for her. The story goes on from there to explore the Mamiya daughters and other servants of the house and the way they entertain guests and host social functions and so on and so forth. Incidentally, the futa character, Marika Mamiya, doesn’t feature in today’s Suitober, because I’m imagining an interpretation where all of the Mamiyas are fake, and Marika is the litmus test for new servants: how can they handle serving a “futa” daughter? If they pass, new hires might be promoted into the more buxom suits of the regular servants, such as Mamika Nonohara, as pictured. And from there, the Mamiyas can have a bit more freedom in the fun they indulge in with their servants.

Artistically, this wasn’t much of anything new or revolutionary for me. Some mostly standard posing, though Marie lounging was a bit ambitious and turned out pretty well over all. Her outfit is pretty erotic, as expected of a hentai, so I wanted to include it, but I ended up distorting it so much, having her breasts bare and hiking up the hem for her cock to come out that it’s a bit hard to make out. I splashed some extra color on this one to make it a little more identifiable for the small handful of people who might be in that middle area of the venn diagram comparing my followers and those who have seen Starless.

10/15/23 – Portal Privilege

I drew a Yukari suit only once before IIRC, and I’ve never been that satisfied with how it turned out then, so I decided I’d try again and am much more pleased with this. I think this may be an alternate costume for her, but this fit what I wanted to do with this composition better than her more common outfit. The frills gave me a bit of trouble, especially around the hem of the dress, but I think they still ended up passable. Drawing the dress’s bodice off and loose was also a bit of a challenge and while I’m not sure I got it right, I think the idea of what I was going for is still clear enough that I’m okay with it. The stroking hand came out better than I was expecting and with less effort – I was expecting to have more trouble with it. And with so much going on in front of it, I can get away with not drawing the left hand/arm at all. It’s puppeting the rest of Yukari’s head or something.

The portals with the eyes will now never not remind me of Kage from Ranking of Kings.

10/14/23 – Heaven or Hell

Today we have some partial suits. Inspired by some discord chatter from last night as well as some more realistic suiting pieces that have come by recently. I originally aimed for the wearers to clearly be guys with the cocks, but by making them suit pieces as well, I open it up to interpretation. Feel free to imagine it however you prefer – maybe they’re still guys, with their tools inserted into the prosthetics that make them bigger than they really are, or maybe they’re girls mixing suit pieces for variety or novelty and got a little too worked up.

I originally had “Baiken’s” arm missing as in canon, but as I decided to make these more realistic suits worn by normal people, I added it in. The glove comes in two varieties: black to blend in with shadows under the sleeve of her outfit, or green to be edited out of photography or video, depending on what she needs.


10/13/23 – Money

I know Topaz isn’t really like that now that I’ve played the interlude/char quest, and I know they don’t have paper bills in any of the worlds we’ve been to so far in Star rail, but… this concept still amused me nonetheless, so here we are.

I’ll give the Hoyoverse suitober pics a rest after this one. At least for now.

10/12/23 – Desert Diplomacy

Today is the boys’ turn. Keeping parallelism with yesterday’s pic, I did 2-in-1 and a single, and before starting I knew I wanted to have Babel screwing a mirror maiden, but when I was first drafting, I hadn’t thought of paralleling the previous pic so I just had one char as babel and one char suiting as mirror maiden and then them fucking. But when I saw the chance to add that parallelism, I revised my plans and you can see how it ended up. I admittedly kinda struggled to think of male Sumeru characters that would suit up with Aether for this. Cyno is barely believable, and Alhaitham is even more of a stretch, but there isn’t exactly much else to pick from among the playable cast: Kaveh’s even less likely to be willing to participate than Alhaitham and while Wanderer would absolutely suit, he’s busy being mona barely a Sumeru character. And that’s all the Sumeru guys. So yeah, Aether bribed Alhaitham to make it worth his time, I guess. That mirror maiden sure looks familiar though…

Art wise, I stuck with the doggy style I originally had planned, but wanted to include “Jeht” once I added her to the mix but didn’t want to redraw the bottom panel entirely and thought going in profile again, while effective for showing spit roasting, would be boring and extra work, so I tried a transparency thing with Jeht, and it… kinda worked out? Maybe? I tried a few variations, and this is the one that ended up reading best, and even this is probably a bit confusing on first glance. I drew Jeht’s entire back and tried lowering the opacity, but as just lineart, it looked like a jumbled mess. Blocking in the lineart with some gray helped, but I found leaving just the block as a silhouette seemed best. Having Jeht’s (disembodied) hands grasping Mirror Maiden’s head is probably the still the most confusing part, and they ended up covering some other parts of the pic, like Babel’s right hand, but I hope you can at least see it with my explanation now. That and “Jeht” talking in the second panel, probably, but I hope the atrocious puns make that clearer. I couldn’t come up with any better puns for Cyno, but that’s okay, his puns are supposed to be bad :>

I could have saved myself a considerable effort if I’d left the chars naked as I originally planned, but as usual, they’re more identifiable clothed and I also just might have a thing for clothed sex, to my own detriment (as in having to draw it).

more follow ups, courtesy of discord’s encouragement:

I’ve compiled all these genshin pics together for easier digestibility.

10/11/23 – Spelunking Monsters

Getting a little higher effort now that I’m finished the big project I’ve been scrambling to finish the last week and a half. Today we have some Genshin FTM where the “M” means both “male” and “monster.” Sprinkle in a bit of totem suiting since I’ve been on a 2-in-1 kick for a bit now, and we’re having a good time. This is the second time I’ve drawn churls, I believe.

This one took a little more time because I ended up having to block in the characters to stand out against a dark background. Originally I was thinking of just doing the characters and then doing a second image showing them going into the chasm, but I realized a bit of extra work on this one could save me the trouble of drawing an entirely second pic, which was probably a net savings.

Backgrounds have never been my strong suit, but I try every now and then, and most of the time even a bad background can be serviceable and help enhance a picture. I kinda reused a pose I drew for something else yesterday for Lumine since it seemed appropriate here as well. No tracing, just “this pose is fresh in my muscle memory still.”

did some follow ups for your enjoyment:

and the adventure continues tomorrow!

10/10/23 – Oracles of Suits

The suit wearers are two of my discordian’s OCs. Had some fun trying to compose a composition for this one, and I for the most part like how it turned out. Anatomy can be a little wonky if you stare at it too hard, but it’s not too bad.

10/9/23 – New Meta

Horny Duo strikes again, looking to get a jump on the meta.

I had to loop Freyja’s closer arm around Summoner’s just so that it wouldn’t get in the way, but it works. I was/am worried that it’s a little hard to tell that Loki’s using her far arm to puppet Triandra’s head, but I think(hope) it’s alright. I mainly chose the far arm so that the closer arm didn’t obscure too much other things (like her bosom). Rather than try to imagine a costume design for the new Freyja, I just left her naked (it’s how this version will mostly be used anyway), but I did grab Triandra’s newest design that came from datamines last week. I also tried to think of a different angle for this, since it’s a mostly profile shot similar to yesterday’s pic, but this is ultimately both what works best to show what I wanted to show and it was easiest for me to execute.

I thought I had this ready several times but as I looked at it while typing this description, I kept finding things I could fix/adjust, and after writing a line here about it, I’d begrudgingly realize, “oh, I still can fix that… it wouldn’t be too much work,” and then I’d do it. For instance, the last adjustment I did as of writing this was to make the Freyja suit’s tits about 30% bigger. They now almost cover the Triandra mask’s eyes, but crucially, they don’t, so it’s okay and now Freyja is more accurate. Win-win C:

10/8/23 – Cats Don’t Dance

Whaddya mean that title is a reference to something totally different?

This was actually a chance to try to draw a bulkier guy and I think he turned out fine. I have difficulty giving characters without boobs enough chest depth in profile, in part cause I’m not sure what/how to handle the area from the clavicle to the pectorals (and the equivalent area on the back).

The twins themselves turned out alright. I couldn’t quite emulate their original style in profile, but I think the 3/4 one turned out well. Getting to draw them naked saved me a lot of time and effort today, but having to draw three bodies ended up still ended up taking bit. Though, it was about as long, if a little less than yesterday’s piece, so considering I drew three times as many bodies for this one, I guess I’ll take it.

10/7/23 – War Gods’ Union

I unfortunately do not remember much about Noragami aside from the lingering thought that Bishamon was hot and suitable. >_> I pieced together some context from the wiki for this, but while I considered something a bit more complex (including Kofuku and Daikoku and Kazuma), I didn’t want to spend that much time effort on both the piece and the research for it. Regardless, Bishamon has been on my to-suit list for a while now, so it’s good to be able to cross her off.

Art wise, this feels… average for me. It’s not bad, but it’s not perfect. I feel like something may be off with the proportions below the waist, but I shrunk that section from my initial sketch since it felt like I had drawn it too big originally. Similarly, the area around the collar I think isn’t quite right either in retrospect.

10/6/23 – Atelier Thighza

Not an original pun name/title.

I’m generally pleased with how Ryza turned out. Not so much about the guy, but he’s not the focus, so it’s fine. I wanted to have more foreshortening/perspective on Ryza’s legs coming towards the camera, but I couldn’t get it to work so I dialed it back. The feet are… idk, maybe some of the better feet I’ve done, but still look a little off? They’re good enough.

The Ryza games are on my backlog, though at present, I’ve only played about an hour or two of the first one.

10/5/23 – What’re You Buyin’?

There’s a lot I could have done with this that I chose not to pursue for time reasons. The game UI is primarily light text on dark backgrounds, and that would have required a lot of effort to make all of this, the art included, readable on a dark background, and the minimum necessary to achieve that would require nearly a full color commission’s worth of effort and that’s not what daily pics are about. At least, I’m not skilled or efficient enough to want to do that for this. Especially since this ended up being a bit higher effort than I had planned, drawing the extra suits. I also went back and forth between making the suits naked vs. clothed, and ended up with clothed for a bit of extra recognizability, though drawing clothes on a deflated suit is a bit of unknown territory for me. I also couldn’t find the font from the game among the fonts that I already had, so I picked as close an alternative as I could find, which isn’t great but it’ll do.

Bonus from some discord banter:

10/4/23 – Androids

Not entirely sure if the fact that Android 21 is supposed to be puppeting Android 18 with her tail is that clear, but it is what it is, and trying to redraw the entire composition at this point is more time and effort than it’s worth. I expected 21’s hair to be more annoying than it ended up being. I didn’t exactly intend it this way, but 21’s pose also ended up being basically the same as one of her official art (I think?), so I referenced it a bit more heavily, which is probably what helped with the hair. Speaking of references, the first pic I found for 18’s hairstyle was actually mirrored so I almost drew the part on the wrong side, until I checked some other pics (unless the first one was right and all the others were mirrored). Akira Toriyama eyes are very different than what I’m used to, but fortunately, not too hard.

I don’t really know Dragon Ball as a franchise well enough to say what 21 is from more specifically. I’m pretty sure 18 is from Z, but beyond that, I dunno. As you may guess from that, this was a suggestion from Discord.

10/3/23 – Genie

My first week of the month here is extra busy so I may try to keep these first few on the simpler side to save time and effort.

Though I definitely played more of Dark Cloud 2 when I was younger, I remember both Dark Cloud and its sequel quite fondly, even if they haven’t aged very well. Still, even if they were staples of my childhood, they weren’t the most well known games, so I was surprised but pleased to see Ruby come up as a recommendation in my Discord for Suitober.

10/2/23 – Kunoichi’s Craft

“Yuzuriha” from Hell’s Paradise.

Not much to say about this one. Fun to do. Maybe should have hatched her ponytail a bit more intensely. Not sure if I’ll add shading to all pics or not. Maybe single image ones. I have a few ideas that will require mini comics/sequences so those may go without.

When I was looking at references, there were a few with the character covered in slime, and I couldn’t resist adding some. I haven’t finished watching the show myself, so I don’t think I got to the point that gives context to that scene, but it was pretty hot anyway. There’s an even more dedicated seductress character in the show that (at least as far as I got) dies before she gets to do anything on screen. Also shapeshifters… kinda? Maybe more like gender-shifters. I dunno, haven’t gotten far enough to unravel that mystery, if the show even covers it.

10/1/23 – Suitober Splash 2023

This year, I’ll be sticking to digital media, unlike using physical tools as I traditionally did back when this started as “inktober.” Though the goal of that originally was to practice ink techniques and owning/not lingering on mistakes that you can’t fix, for me, it just became more of a “draw everyday” exercise and I was using digital touch up tools anyway, so a lot of that original philosophy didn’t really survive anyway, and since I’m almost exclusively a digital artist now anyway, my physical process combined with wrestling a sub-par scanner and then fixing things the scan messed up always ended up taking way more time than I preferred on these pictures every day. Thus, this year, I’m saving myself time, effort, and headache and just going digital from the start. It’ll still be 31 days straight of suit-y goodness so I don’t expect anyone to really complain, and if anything the quality should improve, since I’m working in a media I’m more comfortable with.

As for this piece, I had a more complex composition in mind originally, but it was something I worried I could spend all day working on trying to get right and maybe not even then succeed, and given what I’d just said above, I didn’t want to devote that kind of time to it. This still let me experiment a bit with an upward angled face on Cass, trying out something I saw recently in another art piece, and I think it works for the most part! I’m reasonably satisfied and that’s often the best I can hope for when experimenting.

In previous years, the splash page, as the intro to Suitober, often featured either a pen or pencil, representing how I was using traditional media, or has even been a comic introducing Cass or talking about traditional media vs. digital. This year, since I was going digital, I featured my ipad tablet and apple pencil as they are my tools of the trade, both normally, and for this. I started going digital with them back in around 2019, and I haven’t looked back since!

As with last year, I’ll make a category and tag for this year’s posts so you can find all of them together on my blog: Suitober 2023 Category

Self Defense

AKA, “Wesscest”

I wrote this in an hour as a joke. Don’t expect much :>

“Yo, Less. It’s a real shame you couldn’t make it to the family reunion last week,” Leslie’s brother, Weston came over, interrupting her chatting with friends online.

“I had work, and it was crunch time, there was nothing I could do. They would have fired me if I even had the gall to try to ask off,” Leslie shrugged, not that she was actually that upset about missing the event.

“Yeah, I get that. I wasn’t blaming you or anything, just saying, it would have been wild for you to have met Sel. You two could be like, twins! I thought you had shown up until she looked at me strangely for barging in on her conversation,” Weston chuckled. “Once we got talking, it turns out she’s a lot like you personality and interest wise, too. It was uncanny.”

Leslie frowned, looking away from her phone. “That’s kinda creepy actually.” Weston grinned. “So you say, but you’re interested right? She’s our… uh… father’s brother’s cousin’s mother’s great niece’s goddaughter, I think it was. I got her contact info. She doesn’t live too far away, actually. Wanna meet her?”

Leslie looked away, trying to avoid looking too interested. “‘Sel’? what kind of name is that?” she commented, avoiding answering right away.

“I think she said it was short for ‘Selaria,’ or something fancy sounding.” Leslie’s pout intensified. That was a pretty sounding name… Finally, her curiosity got the better of her.

“Fine,” she sighed. “I’m interested in meeting her.”

“Great!” Weston chimed, “cause you’ve already got a date with her this weekend.”

“What!?” Les squawked. “A d-date!? What’s that supposed to mean? And what do you mean ‘already?'”

Weston danced out of her grasp with a mischievous grin. “I’ve been chatting with her as we speak, she’s pretty eager to meet you, too. And I know you swing that way,” he snickered. “It’s at that corner cafe you like down the block. Sel says she’ll treat!”

Leslie stared as her meddling brother disappeared upstairs to his room, unable to think of a retort.

Leslie stared at her dolled up reflection in her bedroom mirror. She caught herself actually feeling excited.

Wait, why are my expectations so high. This is Weston, we’re talking about, she thought to herself, the last time he tried to set her up with someone, it was one of his friends who apparently had a crush on her, back in high school. Weston was only two years younger, so the age difference wasn’t really a problem. What was his name, Pat? Prat? Something with an I? Leslie couldn’t remember. Even though she wasn’t dating at the time, she wasn’t really interested in romance either. Now that she was fresh out of college though, she had started feeling a touch of loneliness, and regretted not socializing more as a student. Well, hopefully this Sel girl would help with that. Leslie shook her head, amazed at how her brain had wound that train of thought back to the relevant present.

As ready as she figured she’d be, Leslie left her room.

“Wess?” She called out in the hall before her brother’s room, but there was no response.

“Your brother said he’d be out with a friend today,” her mother called from their home office, having overheard her.

“Ah, okay, thanks,” Leslie hollered back. Hopefully she could reach him if something went wrong. She never got Sel’s contact info from him.

Setting out, she made her way to the cafe. Inside, the hostess stared at her.

“Um… is something wrong?” Leslie asked, already feeling a bit worried.

The hostess’s head whipped around to look at a table by the window and then back. She blinked a few times before shaking herself out of it.

“N-no, not at all ma’am. Sorry about that. Your party is expecting you, this way, please.”

“Huh? But I haven’t said anyth-” Leslie’s equally confused stammer died on her tongue as the hostess turned and already began walking toward the window table. Unsure of what else to do, she followed. Perhaps Sel was already here…

Sure enough, the table they approached had a single occupant already seated, facing away from them as they approached. Even from behind, Leslie quickly picked up on what Wess had mentioned. Dark brown, almost black hair hung down to about her shoulder blades, and the way her bare, light brown shoulders seemed to peek out from behind her hair before the eye caught on sunflower yellow floating sleeves reminded her of a top she was also fond of herself. Rounding the table, she met her eyes. Gray eyes that she had seen in her mirror just a few minutes ago stared back at her, though Sel seemed far less surprised by the truly uncanny similarities in their appearances than Leslie felt.

“You’re seat, ma’am…” the hostest pulled out the chair opposite the present company, prompting Leslie to realize she was just standing there slack jawed. Leslie sat and forced herself to close her mouth. Even Sel’s smile looked like her old yearbook pictures.

“You must be Leslie,” she welcomed her. “I’m Selaria, you can just call me Sel. Your brother, Weston told me all about you last week. I’m happy you were able to make time to meet with me so soon!”

Even her voice sounded just like Leslie’s. How was she not as weirded out about this, Leslie wondered, trying to collect her own thoughts.

“Um, yes. I’m Leslie. Nice to meet you, Selaria. Er.. Sel.” Leslie licked her lips.

Despite her nerves, once they got talking, Leslie found herself naturally lowering her guard. They really were eerily similar, even beyond looks, but chatting like this made her feel like she was reuniting with an old friend instead of meeting her doppelganger. By the time Sel had paid their check and they were seeing themselves out, Leslie found herself longing for more time together.

“Hey, if you’re not busy, want to come over to my place after this? I’d love to keep talking!” Sel offered, and Leslie jumped at the opportunity.

“Sure! Yes. Definitely. I mean, yeah, I’m not busy. I don’t have any other plans for today,” she clumsily agreed, almost biting her own tongue.

Sel laughed. “Alright, this way, follow me!”

Leslie didn’t get a chance to take in the state of her new friend’s apartment. As soon as the door had closed behind them, Leslie found Sel’s lips upon her. It was hard to say she hadn’t sensed this coming. They did find out they both liked women and neither had a partner at the moment. It was weird that they looked so similar, and Leslie had never considered herself much of a narcissist, but for some reason, Sel’s alluring eyes and gentle, seductive touches all the way here had put her in a mood that reminded her of how badly she had neglected her own needs.

Thus, Leslie felt no particular opposition to letting things grow abruptly steamy. She felt Sel’s hands upon her, starting from her stomach and rising to grope her C cup breasts. Leslie reached out and returned the favor, feeling Sel’s chest squish pleasantly between her fingers. They were even about the same size here, yet it felt nothing like fondling herself.

They moved to the couch, and clothing began peeling away. It was the middle of the afternoon, but Sel had the place to herself, there would be no interruptions.

“Aaahhh…” Leslie moaned as her partner ate her out. She came quickly and fiercely, squirting milky white juices from her folds all over Sel’s face. Her double ran her tongue around her lips, collecting the ropy goo in her mouth before rising to share it with Leslie.

“How do you like the taste of yourself?” Sel murmured when their lips parted.

“Not bad, actually.”

Sel giggled. “Well, how about some more, then?”

She laid back on the couch and they swapped places.

After making Sel cum, Sel went on the offense again, getting a strap-on dildo from somewhere and driving it roughly into Leslie’s underused snatch. The girls moaned in stero as they climaxed, and Leslie felt an unfamiliar warmth fill her. When Sel pulled out her dildo, Leslie saw a bead of white leak from the shiny black tip. Upon closer inspection, Leslie found herself leaking quite a bit of viscous white ooze.

Sel flopped back onto her coffee table, panting. Her knees hung wide giving Leslie a clear route to grab the strap-on and twist.

Sel yelped. “Kya! Wha-? Wait, the other side is-!” She stammered, but too late. Quickly loosening the straps around Sel’s hips, Leslie deftly pulled the harness off her partner, and with it, the sheath covering the pale pink cock sticking out from between her folds.

“Uh… it’s not what it looks like, Leslie…” Sel breathed, panicking.

Without saying anything, Leslie stepped into the harness herself, pulling it up around her hips, and affixing the hollow shell over her own womanhood.

“Two can play at that,” she declared firmly. “Suck my cock,” she ordered, thrusting out her hips.

Suddenly timid, Sel hesitated, but crawled forward to obey, wrapping her lips around Leslie’s fake shaft. After a bit of sucking, Leslie let out a harsh breath.

“Drink it all, bitch…”

Thick jizz burst forth from the tip of the plastic toy, quickly flooding Sel’s mouth. Leslie held her partner’s head in place while she came, only letting her go when she was about finished. The final few spurts from the faux member splattered onto her coughing and overwhelmed partner.

On her hands and knees as she recovered, Sel was helpless to stop Leslie from digging her nails into her back, finding the seam and prying it open. Sel’s brown skin gave way to reveal pale peach skin underneath. Riding that momentum, Leslie roughly and efficiently stripped the skinsuit from her partner.

“Come on, Patrick. I didn’t introduce you to skinsuits for you to try to pull this on my sister,” Leslie reproached the young man left nude on the floor. She sat back on the couch, crossing her legs as she dangled the empty skinsuit in one hand.

“Huh… wait, Wess? What the fuck-?” the young man cut off as Leslie stuffed her foot in his mouth.

“Leslie is a popular model. You’re hardly the first to try to get close to her or take her place using them.”

Patrick tried to think of something to say, but stripped and laid bare as he was, any protests failed him. Defeated, he apologized.

“Leslie” sighed. “With that out of the way, here, put her back on. Since I know it’s you now, I suppose I wouldn’t mind playing around a bit more. I usually turn over imposters and stalkers to the police after reclaiming their suits, but I’m not going to do that with you. I can tell you’ve learned your lesson. But that doesn’t mean you’ve made it up to me or Leslie yet.” “She” stood once more, drawing attention back to the fake member attached to her crotch. She reached down to stroke it affectionately. “This, I’ll admit, is a new approach, one I’m quickly growing fond of. Why don’t you help me get a better feel for it.”

Halloween Temptations

Just a caption-like passage that came to me on a whim today. I’ve pitched/considered a story like this before, but not entirely sure what else to do with it aside from further detailing the dirty. I did a wolf suit in the past already before as well.

Eh… Halloween. It was fun as a kid, but I can’t just gorge on candy carelessly these days. I need to watch my weight if I want to catch a good boyfriend. Not that living in the gender segregated university dorms helps – they won’t even let boys in to visit. Prudes.

Though, the real reason Halloween makes me bitter these days is because my roommates revel in it. If that just meant spooky decorations and candy I wouldn’t have an issue. No, the problem is my roommates are lesbians and every time they get kinky it reminds me of how single I am. And since Halloween gives Fran an excuse to wear her distinctly male werewolf costume more frequently and more openly, they’re basically in heat all month leading up to the infamous night itself.

I have nothing against furries. They’re nice people most of the time. My roommates are usually great. But Fran’s fursona, “Feral” has the biggest dick I’ve ever seen and hearing Bella getting it every night makes me question my sexuality. If I want some of that, am I a lesbian, too? Am I a furry? I don’t know. I just know that “wolf-boy” walking around the dorm just hanging out has been slowing making me feral. I’ve even seen Fran pee standing up with it, and it cums like a fire hydrant. Okay, that’s a little hyperbolic, but whatever cumming dildo she packs in the thing must have cost a fortune and looks worth every penny.

Hm… maybe if I get drunk enough tonight, I wonder if they’ll let me try joining. Just this once. Just for Halloween.

10/31/22 – How It Began (but actually not really)

No, this is not the canon to how Ruyano came about. Ikino, Ruyano, and Merorin are all my OCs

There was more I could have done with this – I had decided I had wanted to do this for the last day even before the beginning of Suitober, but keeping up with my patreon obligations on top of daily drawings and other life stuff meant that while I had planned to start working on it right at the start of the month, I instead started working on it in the last week, and did the bulk of the work in the last 48 hours. Which means I didn’t have the time or energy to do as much as I might have been able to if it had had my sole attention and time. Still, I can’t say I’m unhappy with how it came out in the end.

Full disclosure, I did trace a bunch of key bodylines from Dokun27’s famous version of this meme, mostly for time efficiency. I especially wanted to make sure I got the bounce like they did. I used their version to gauge frame timings, too.

I was also considering a Cassera version titled “Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time,” where she’s happy to put on a skinsuit, but I ran into the issue of being uncertain of just what suit to put her in, and decided to stick with this version which is more self contained.

I was hoping I’d be able to get away with mirroring my frames in order to get the swing in the opposite direction, but I realized after trying it that Ruyano’s hair is asymmetric and simply mirroring makes her hair wrong. Fortunately, it was surprisingly (relatively) easy to fix and I was able to mirror most of the lineart and adjusted the hair afterwards. I should have adjusted the blush lines, too, now that I’m typing this, but that’s much less of an issue and no longer worth the effort now that I’m done.

Because of my inexperience with animation, I’m glad I opted to do the dance portion digitally. I was considering doing that traditionally as well, but lacking a light table was going to make that way harder than it needed to be, even if I had stuck to my original time table.

Could this have been more suity? Yes. It would have been nice to have a whole animation of putting on the suit before doing the dance. That also would have been several times more work than this already was. I also considered having a bouncing zipper chuck on her head, but again, I didn’t have time. Was also considering a video version with the music that’s part of the meme, too, but I don’t know my way around video editing software well enough to swing that quickly, either. That can still be done later if desired though.

Anyway, it’s been a wild Suitober as usual. The early parts were a bit easier than usual, the final stretch a bit harder. I think while most posts came more naturally to me in terms of composition and execution than last year, that was only partially cause I’ve gotten better. I also played it safer in general with a lot of days

10/30/22 – Paragon

As a kid, Golden Sun was the first game I fell in love with, and Mia was the first fictional character I became obsessed with. It can be hard to tell with the rose tinted glasses, but I think Golden Sun still holds up today, if more as an all around good jrpg, if not really anything that exceptional anymore. Back in the day though, it had impressive graphics for the hardware (gameboy advance), a comparatively simple story, but one that did a good job of really feeling like an adventure. Isaac and co. traveled all over basically two continents, and the sequel, The Lost Age, saw Felix explore every remaining nook and cranny of the world, and most of it as part of the main story, so even if you were bad at being thorough (like 11-12 year old me), you still saw a lot of the game while still having plenty of secrets for people to write GameFAQs for.

I don’t know exactly what it was about Mia, even to this day. Maybe it was more a case of encountering her in the right place at the right time, but I’ve loved her ever since. Looking back, I think she’s a big part of why I like playing support/healing roles in class/role based games. She was one of the first characters I imagined/projected myself as, in a roleplay sense as well. On the gender spectrum, I generally consider myself ranging from 70-55% male, and that 30-45% female side likely awakened with Mia back in the day.

Golden Sun stuff wasn’t among the first things I drew when I started drawing (that was Pokémon stuff way back in first gen, and then .Hack// things in middle school), but I did Golden Sun fanart in a time of my life that I look back on most fondly, so drawing Mia again like this felt like a bit of a homecoming of sorts. Even if I had to look up a reference since it has been a while, each stroke as I went felt increasingly familiar and warm.

10/29/22 – New Ride part 2

An alternate version of episode 2 of “Viper GTS.”

Finishing off from yesterday’s start. We have Ogawa fully suited and exploring what Mercedes’ body can do for him. There was more I considered doing in the third page – self-paizuri, tail into pussy, etc, but I opted to keep it simple in the end; I was already doing a lot of work for these past two days.

Aside from being quite happy with how everything came out, Carrera especially, I don’t have much else to add that I didn’t say yesterday. Oh, other than Mercedes’ “engorged” tail was weirdly shaped in the show.

10/28/22 – New Ride part 1

An alternate version of episode 2 of “Viper GTS.”

It’s time once again to skinsuit-ify a hentai I like. This year, it’s Viper GTS. With a bunch of succubi and cocky angels, this show had plenty of skinsuit potential to go around. One of (the only?) male demons even has two penises.

The first page here is a little underwhelming quality wise, but the second page came together surprisingly easily and looks pretty good all things considered. Inking comic panels in physical media is awful and that aside, I felt like I got the hang of drawing Mercedes and Ogawa both pretty quickly and even got decent at emulating the art style of the show by the second page.

In retrospect, I should have mirrored Mercedes in the third panel to better match the overall left-to-right flow – have it so that her initial reaction is on the left, and then she reacts to her hand deflating on the right. It’s not a big deal, fortunately, but it’s attention to little things like that that I think can make works really stand out.

I’m not real happy with the magic effects, but I wasn’t confident in my traditional media ability to render something really good looking, but if I had to do it over, I’m pretty sure I could do better than what I ended up with. I was just getting hasty at that point in the inking process cause it was already getting late.

Part two tomorrow is another comic page and a single image finisher, so look forward to that.