Blessings of Ala

(Inspired by an idea exchange with CartoonMasker)

I am Fumnanya.  I am a woman of 24 cycles.  Two months ago, I sinned.  In panic, I stopped an eke, a python in common tongue, from consuming my baby sister, and in doing so, brought harm to one of Mother Ala’s servants.  In the Odinani teachings of our Igbo culture, Great Mother Ala is the most sacred of the Alusi after Creator Chukwu, she is the land and she judges we whom she allows to live upon her skin.  Though I prayed forgiveness for many days at our ihu ala, our village shrine to Mother Ala, our dibia’s divination have declared that my Chi has been warped and no longer leads me down my destined path.  I am not however without hope of redemption.

Our village is special.  Our ancestors who settled our home chose this gully among the thick rainforests to best hide us from the pink-skinned outsiders who would steal our people from us.  Since settling here many tens of cycles before I was born, we have not encountered any more pink skin men.  I am sometimes curious as to whether men exist that do not share our dark brown skin.  But I let myself be distracted by our history.

In truth, our village has a special connection with Mother Ala.  Five cycles ago, shortly after our dibia passed suddenly, a foreign dibia came to our village from the outside.  She claimed that she had been sent by Ala to replace ours that had returned to Mother Ala’s womb before another dibia was trained.  As one who had walked the world outside our rainforest she brought tales of chaos and destruction.  Dark gods of pink fleshed men had grown too powerful and they culled our people.  Only by Great Ala’s grace had this dibia escaped her village’s demise and found her way to us.

Shortly after she came to live with us, the dibia had a prophecy.  Mother Ala herself would appear before us to bestow her strongest blessing!  But only if we proved our loyalty.  The dibia declared the forests to the west of the village sacred ground.  We were not to tread there under any circumstances.  One boy did not listen.  He did not return.  The dibia commanded that the boy’s mother offer herself to Mother Ala’s judgment for failing to teach the boy to respect the Alusi.  She gladly made the pilgrimage into the holy ground and never returned.  The dibia informed us that her sacrifice was accepted and that Ala forgave our village for boy’s transgression.

One cycle later, the dibia had a second prophecy.  The holy ground had been fully sanctified and Ala had constructed a temple.  The dibia gathered all the villagers and lead us there to show us the way.  The stone temple appeared ancient, overgrown with vines and moss, as if it had been there for hundreds of cycles even though our hunters confirmed that there was no such structure before the arrival of the new dibia.  Atop the stone steps, the Great Ala appeared before us.

“You are among the last of our people,” She said.  “It is vital that this village remain pure and untainted by the corruption of the outside world.  I have manifested in flesh to help my people in our mutual time of need.”  Mother Ala’s flesh body was awe-inspiring.  She was the vision of health and beauty.  Her dark skin shimmered in the sunlight.  Tall, elegant, and with a perpetual air of grace, Great Ala’s eyes, though dark like our own, shone with a dazzling, spiritual light.  She wore a multitude of bracelets one both wrists that jingled and chattered when she moved her arms.  Her breasts, larger than I have ever seen, shifted placidly as the Alusi maintained the illusion of breathing.  In her face I could see the ancestry of our entire people.  Her hair, plaited in rows, flowed from the back of her head where they looped and danced among themselves in a unique style.  A Nne eke, mother python, coiled docilely around her form.  Starting curled around one thigh, the serpent arced around her hips, wrapped diagonally across her stomach before threading between her breasts and circling around behind her neck to rest on one shoulder.

“At the beginning of the next season, my dibia will select four maidens to offer prayers here on four different nights,” Great Ala declared.  “Here, they will receive my blessing and when the fourth has returned on the last night, my blessing will be strong enough to protect to the whole village.  The gods of chaos in the outside are strong however and I will need to renew your blessings every year.”

And so began our tradition of the New Festival of Ala.  At the start of the dry season every year, the dibia selects four maidens from our tribe to make a pilgrimage to the temple on four nights they receive the blessing of Ala on behalf of our village.

Prayer maidens are to travel, unhindered by possessions or clothes, to the temple after sunset where Great Ala will appear before us and instruct us in the Rite of Prayer.  The dibia revealed that the Rite differs for each maiden, but beyond that maidens are forbidden from speaking of their Rite.  This year, I was chosen, surely this chance is an opportunity to pray for forgiveness to Mother Ala in person.

“To receive my blessing, child, you must first drink of the holy water,” Great Ala proclaimed gently.  As she spoke, the lips of her motherhood parted and the head of a mother python, of Nne eke, appeared.  The snake slowly emerged, sliding gracefully out into the open air, until it extended straight out about one and a half hands from her pelvis.  Nne eke’s eyes were unreadable, her yellow green scales shimmered, slick with Mother Ala’s feminine juices.

I knelt naked in the presence of Mother Ala atop the temple aerie under the moonlight.  Her majestic divine form identical to my memory of Her when She appeared here four cycles ago.

“Permit my divine servant to enter your mouth.  Draw upon her as if drinking cashew apple juice and when you have shown sufficient piety, she will bequeath upon you her nectar.”

I hesitated a moment, the idea of drawing succor from a snake, however divine, was foreign, but I strengthened my resolve by reminding myself, that the Alusi command more than mortal men.  Nne eke stirred, almost quivering as I drew closer.  As I brought her nose to my lips, I could not repress the worry that I may choke against my will should she flicker her tongue whistle inside my mouth.

Great Ala made sound as if drawing unsteady breath when my lips fully enclosed Nne eke’s head.  As directed, I drew in my cheeks, and sucked upon the serpent.  Her scales were much smoother than I expected, perhaps, in part due to Mother Ala’s water glistening upon them.

“Ha.. deeper, my child.  Nne eke must be able to observe your insides better,”  Great Ala commanded, and so I obeyed.  I did my best to repress my gag reflex as I pushed on, letting the holy serpent slide deeper into my throat.

“Good, you’re doing well,” praised Mother Ala.  I wished to smile but was unable to.  The Alusi’s hands reached down to grip my head, her touch warm but firm.  She began to move her hips, withdrawing Nne eke a short distance before plunging her back in.  That Great Ala would go to such lengths to forge an earthly form so as to help us maintain our purity in a world increasingly tainted by outside corruption filled me with a wondrous sense of honor.  And that I would be fortunate enough to experience her touch directly, no earthly discomfort could tarnish the sanctity of such a feeling.  I forcefully buried my body’s misguided desire to choke on the holy serpent purifying my throat and redoubled my efforts to showing my devotion.  The Great Ala cried out.

“It comes!  Drink of it, my blessing’s holy form.  Bathe in it and be blessed, my child!”  The girth of Nne eke seemed to bulge and I suddenly felt her pour Great Ala’s blessings down my throat.  Her nectar flowed with such strength that I shamefully was unable to swallow it all.  The excess flooded my mouth and poured down my cheeks.  The blessing was an unsavory mix of sour and salty, a reminder that good things are sometimes unpleasant at first.  Its white hue like a mother’s milk was further proof that mortals were made in her likeness.

When the blessing’s berth finally subsided, Great Ala withdrew Nne eke from my mouth, her blessing had spilled from my lips splattering across my bare breasts, painting my dark skin with a holy sheen.  I desperately scooped up as much of the fallen blessing as I could from my chest, bringing it to my lips for fear that my inability to drink it all the first time be interpreted as a slight.

“Fear not, my child.  You did admirably.  My blessing is too strong to be received in full, there is no shame in failing to receive every drop,” Great Ala consoled me.  Comforted by her mercy, I returned my arms to my sides, letting the remaining nectar continue to slowly drip down my breasts.

“Your mind and heart have received my blessing.  Now your womb must drink of it before you are purified.  Come.”  Great Ala lead me deeper into the shrine’s altar, her wide hips swayed and her bountiful bosom bounced with each step.  A large flat slab of rock covered thickly in soft moss lay at the center.

“Lay upon the dais and open yourself to me,” Mother Ala ordered, and so I obeyed.  Though I feared the rock would be hard, I found the moss surprisingly comfortable upon my back and behind.  The great Alusi rounded the dais and placed hand upon my breasts.  Her divine fingers played upon my sensitive areas, and try as I might, I was unable to contain my voice.  Great Ala did not seem to mind my outcry however, and continued massaging me until she had gathered enough of her remaining blessing from my chest and scooped it up in her hands.  I watched in wonder as she dribbled it over her great serpent, coating her thoroughly.

“The preparations are complete,” Great Ala announced.  She glided over to position herself between my legs.  I gasped as the python’s cool, nectar coated nose touched against my vagina.  Great Ala placed her hands upon my thighs bracing them as she began pushing with her hips, forcing the holy serpent into me.  Her girth tore my virginity from my womanhood, and my voice ripped from my mouth, a passionate cry of faith through the pain.  Mother Ala’s great snake churned within me, and I wrestled with the guilt of allowing such a holy ceremony to bring me worldly arousal.  Great Ala’s grip upon my thighs tightened and the movement of her hips suddenly became more aggressive.  Try as I might to repress my feelings, I was soon overwhelmed in climax.  Though numbed by pleasure, I sensed the holy snake thicken inside of me before she bestowed the Mother’s purifying milk unto my womb.  I found it difficult to remain alert to her holiness in the wake of the overpowering sensations but before I fell into sleep, I felt Great Ala retract her servant to grant upon my skin some of her cleansing milk.

Ala’s dark features contorted in pleasure.  After admirably accepting plenty of her milk into her womb, Fumnanya passed out.  Ala withdrew her divine snake, though she still had holy juice to share, and aimed Nne eke’s head over the unconscious girl.  As another contraction passed through her length, the snake’s lips parted just enough for the white fluid to squirt out, splattering onto Fumnanya’s stomach and perky breasts.  Panting, Ala’s lips parted in an uncharacteristic grin.  She was pleased by the contrast the liquid made with the girl’s dark skin.  The Alusi ‘petted’ the snake, coaxing more blessing from her to bestow upon her loyal follower.

By the time Ala’s purification of the girl was finished, Fumnanya shone, head to toe, in the glossy white sheen of Ala’s blessing.  The Nne eke, exhausted from her service, hung limply between her Alusi’s plump black thighs, a bit of blessing still dripped from the snake’s lips.

“That was amazing… We can do it again tomorrow, right?” she asked the room, silent save for her own breathing.

Ala’s face changed suddenly, adopting a calm but self satisfied smile.  Her posture straightened, returning to her to her earlier elegant feminine stance.

“Of course.  That’s the whole point of the New Festival, after all.”

This year’s selection of prayer maidens was superb.  The thought of tomorrow night’s twins breathed new life back into Nne eke.  Ala stroked her loyal servant lovingly.  The New Festival was always her favorite part of the year.

I am Ngozi and my twin sister is Amara.  We are virgin girls who have come of age this cycle and were selected by Mother Ala’s Dibia to perform the Rite of Prayer during the second night of the festival.  We are the first twins to be selected and were instructed to make our pilgrimage together.  Friend Fumnanya’s return in the morning was relieving as some maidens do not return.  The Dibia tells us that such maidens have performed their rites exceptionally and so pleased was Mother Ala, that She granted their Chi union with great Chukwu on the spot.  Though we are honored that such maidens as our mother had earned such reward from Mother Ala, and we know that the Ascended continue to watch over us always, we cannot help but miss the comfort of their worldly company.

Friend Fumnanya is forbidden from speaking of her rite in detail, however, she did say that it was both trying but pleasant at the same time.  Mother Ala’s earthly presence is awe-inspiring but her touch is gentle and comforting.  Sister Amara and I remain anxious for our Rite, despite Friend Fumnanya’s words.

Sister Amara and I arrived at the foot of the shrine at the dictated time.  Bare of body and free of material anchors, we climbed the stone stairs to the entrance of the altar.  Though the temple did not exist here a mere four years ago, moss and vine grew over the well worn steps that appeared ancient.  The glint of the moon off my sister’s skin drew my eye to her form momentarily.

As twins we shared many qualities, including our dark brown eyes and the same tall slender frame.  Our mother was considered as the second most beautiful female in our village until she Ascended the first year of the New Festival, and we are told we strongly resemble her.  Sister Amara’s long legs gracefully carried her up the stairs, projecting an air of power and dignity in spite of the small scars that flecked across her arms and legs.  They were small reminders of her less feminine childhood spent running around with mostly boys.  She wore her long black hair in the Kolese or “all back” style, its plaited rows pulled back into a simple but elegant bun at the back of her neck.  I requested of Fumnanya’s mother, to fashion my own shorter black rows in the more contemporary and sophisticated Patewo style.  Sister Amara’s pert breasts bounced with each step, just as I felt mine.  Though I was the first to leave our mother’s womb, Sister Amara’s chest has grown more than my own.  She complains that it makes moving around difficult but I have seen her enjoy the attention they bring her from men.  My own chest is not small but it frustrates me that Sister Amara always seems to best me, even here.  My hand floated to support one of my breasts as I permitted my idle thoughts to command me.

“Focus, Sister,” Sister Amara whispered.  I had not realized that she was watching me as I watched her.  My face flushed in shame, not only having let myself become distracted but that Sister Amara had needed to correct me.  I must strive to perform better than my sister during the Rite of Prayer, or I fear Mother Ala may find me redundant.

We finally reached the top of the shrine.  Torches all about the temple aerie suddenly burst to life, revealing Mother Ala in her flesh form awaiting our arrival.

“Come, my children.  Come before me,” Mother Ala commanded, gesturing in front of her.  We knelt before her.  “The Rite of Prayer is special for you.  This cycle of seasons is your eighteenth, and though you have celebrated the day of your birth already, it will be not until you leave here tonight that you return to your village truly as grown women.

“The goal of the Rite of Prayer is the purify the mind, body and soul of maidens so that you may receive my blessing and impart it to the rest of your village.  In restoring purity and accepting my blessing, I can ensure that yours and your village’s Chi’s are not lead astray by the powerful influences of evil from outside.  For you two, Ngozi, Amara, you will also receive the blessings of adulthood before the Rite is finished.”

Great Ala shifted her hips, widening her stance.  I was overcome with wonder as I witnessed the spirits of the underworld held within her womb churned visibly behind her stomach.  The movement shifted lower until her womanhood, readily visible from my kneeling perspective, swelled and spread, permitting another Nne eke to emerge.  The holy serpent pushed out of Mother Ala’s womb until she hung rigidly in the air, protruding about two hand lengths from her gateway.  Torchlight flickered off of the python’s slick, green-yellow scales.  Sister Amara and I were both mesmerized by the Nne eke’s appearance, our brown eyes locked with her unblinking yellow ones.  Suddenly, Mother Ala’s womanhood parted further and a second snake slithered out to hover beside the first.  The second divine serpent extended a bit further and was thicker around as well.

Great Ala’s bracelets rattled softly as she took each Nne eke in one hand and gently caressed their necks.  “The purification process has two parts: first, you will drink of the holy nectar provided by my Nne eke.  Come children.  Lay lips about my servants and they shall judge you.  If you are found worthy, they will grant my blessing upon your mind and heart through your mouth,” Mother Ala explained.

I glanced at my sister, curious if she were as amazed as I felt at the display, however Sister Amara was already crawling forward.  I hastily caught up, rising from my haunches to meet the larger of the two Nne eke.  She stared back at me patiently.  I abandoned my hesitation, so as not to be outdone by my sister, reaching out with a hand to gently guide the divine serpent into my mouth.  Though I had believed snake scales to be hard and rough, as my lips closed around the head of the Nne eke, I found her skin to be smooth.  From the corner of my eye, I saw Sister Amara consume the head of her Nne eke.  Her eyes closed in concentration and with a mask of serenity upon her face, my sister pushed onward, letting even more of the serpent’s length enter her.  I, too, must show my devotion can at least match Sister Amara’s, I thought.  I moved forward, the Nne eke sliding deeper into my mouth until she hit the back of my throat.

“Excellent, both of my children,” Mother Ala praised.  Since I could barely still see her face around her bosom from my position at her feet, it was difficult to tell, but it sounded as if Great Ala’s voice had grown just a little bit unsteady, her flesh’s breathing grew just a bit labored.  I did not have long to ponder it however.

“Nne eke has seen you and has deemed you both worthy to receive my blessing!” Great Ala decreed.  Not a moment later, I felt the python in my mouth bulge.  That was all the warning I had before I suddenly felt a hot liquid pour down my throat.  I held the position as long as I could, Great Ala’s divine nectar purging and purifying my insides until my lungs burned for breath.  Beside me, Sister Amara sputtered suddenly, falling backwards with a cough.  The Nne eke slipped out into the air, the Great Ala’s holy milk continued shoot in spurts from the lips of the snake, splattering thickly over Sister Amara’s body.  I enjoyed the moment of victory for holding out longer only for a moment before I too was forced to fall back so that I could draw breath and my Nne eke showered me with her blessing.

“Well done, my children,” Mother Ala began.  The twin holy serpents drooped, dangling loosely between Great Ala’s thighs.  To channel so much of Mother Ala’s blessing into the physical plane must be understandably tiring.  My sister and I caught our breath and returned our attention to our patron Alusi.  “Follow me into the altar, the second part shall take place there,” Mother Ala directed.  We rose to our feet, Great Ala’s milky nectar still dripped from our bodies, and followed her into the altar’s interior.

The white fluid had a salty-sour taste that I found unpleasant, however seeing Sister Amara cupping the excess from her breasts to bring to her mouth as we walked compelled me to do the same.  The path quickly opened into a larger verdantly populated stone chamber, lit again by torches and by the moon through an opening in the ceiling.  There were two moss covered slabs of stone in the center, and between them stood another Mother Ala!  I blinked in surprise but soon found my eyes were not wrong.  The Great Ala who met us at the entrance strode over to the other side of one of the slabs so my sister and I could see both nearly side by side.  The two bodies were more identical than my sister and me, down to the vibrant twin Nne eke protruding energetically from between their legs.  Or, was one of the Nne eke on the second body a little smaller than the first?  No, I must be over thinking as I have a habit of doing.

“Here, I will purify your womb and body, and prepare you for your eventual motherhood,” the original Mother Ala announced.

“Lay upon the tablets and present to me your womanhood,” the second Mother Ala ordered.

“Ngozi,” The first called my name.


We each answered to our names, climbing onto the unexpectedly soft moss bedding and spreading our legs to receive the Alusis’ blessings.  I watched as the Mother Alas rounded their tablets in unison, and came to stand over my sister and me.  I felt the cool moist noses of two Nne eke brush against my womanhood and behind both.

“Prepare yourself, girls.  The path to womanhood is not without pain, however, my chosen maidens have the strength to bear the pain and through it you will find happiness you have never known before,” Mother Ala prefaced.  Her warm smile washed away the tension I had not realized I had collected.  My relief would be short however as the twin snakes began to push into me.  My parts spread, and spread, and the strange sensation soon turned into a painful tearing feeling.  I could not contain my voice and cried out, my only comfort was hearing my sister’s scream in harmony, reassuring me that I was not alone in my suffering.  As the serpents penetrated me, Mother Ala leaned forward between my legs.  I vaguely felt her breasts weigh onto my own.  Through my crying, I heard Her voice whisper gently into my ear.

“Bear it, Ngozi!  You are strong!  Pain is temporary.”  I could only barely hear her over myself and my sister’s chorus.

Finally, the pain lessened and I recognized the feeling of Mother Ala’s flesh pressed against my own, we were joined at the crotch and met again at our thighs, stomach, and breasts.  The longer we lay there, the more the pain was slowly replaced with a warm sense of fullness in my abdomen.

“That’s a good girl,” Mother Ala consoled me.  “It will get better from here, I promise.”  A new sensation suddenly blossomed in my head.  A strange mix of pain and pleasure that emanated from my nethers.  Great Ala lifted herself off me to return to standing.  I felt her place her hands upon my thighs and the feeling intensified for a time, then faded only to intensify again.  Eventually I identified the feelings of Mother Ala thrusting and withdrawing her Nne eke from my womb and behind.  The pain never left entirely, especially in my buttocks, however I soon came to find enjoyment in the overall jumble of feelings.  After what seemed like hours of wave after wave of pleasure, Mother Ala buried her servants deep within me and a new feeling was born.  A ripple of dull warmth began to spread from deep within me.  It was not until a minute or so later, when Great Ala withdrew her divine serpents did I realize that the warmth was Her holy purification of my insides.  More hot white milk spewed from the lips of the two snakes, raining over me.  In the absence of the snakes’ pleasuring my womanhood and behind, I was overtaken by a heaviness that made keeping my eyes open an ordeal.  Before I lost consciousness, I noticed from the corner of my eye, Mother Ala thrusting the Nne eke almost violently into my sister.  That Great Ala.  She seemed different.  Her face had. a.  weird face.   A grin?

“Fuck, this was worth every cent,” the original Ala mumbled under her breath.  Her servants had exhausted themselves, once more returning to more intimate company with her thighs.  She glanced over at Amara, currently receiving the second Ala’s purifying water.  Both black girls’ breathing indicated their lapse into unconsciousness.    Ala stood back and watched until the second Ala’s stream of holy serpent juice finally subsided.

“Miss Ruruen, if we can do this again tomorrow, you have yourself a deal,” the second Ala chuckled with a quirky grin on her face.  Her hands still stroked the two snakes at her crotch.

The original Ala’s expression suddenly softened suddenly, a goofy smirk replaced with a serene smile.

“Let us return to the ‘spiritual world’ before discussing anything further,” she suggested gently.

Two dark skinned women, nude save for elaborately painted wood and feathered masks emerged from the shadows.  They would tend to the former virgin twins.  The two Alas strode to where the women had come from, the original with graceful swaying steps, the second with an awkwardly wide gait, and slipped through the hidden door.  The hidden path led downward with some twists and turns until it punctuated in what looked like a rocky cave dead end.  The original Ala reached under one of the rocks and pushed a series of buttons causing the dead end to open.  Inside, was a small but high tech laboratory.  One wall was half lined with humanoid robots with thin metal rings around their temples; the other half was a rack of what looked like human skins, most of them bearing the dark complexion shared by the natives of the area.

The twin Alusi sauntered into the open area in the middle of the lab.  The original Ala reached behind her neck, a seam opening under her fingers.  She reached into the slit and led it down her back till just before her ass.  She brought her hands back to her neck where she stretched the opening, and hauled up on it.  Ala’s face deformed as if her high cheek bones suddenly ceased to exist and an explosion of purple hair prefaced two pale skinned heads popped out of the opening in the Alusi’s neck.  The man in front was middle aged, clean trimmed but just beginning to show age lines around the corners of his mouth.  The woman in back was youthful and stunningly beautiful.  They quickly stretched the rest of the seam, Ala’s torso and then abdomen deforming as it suddenly found itself inhabited by twice the body volume it was supposed to have.  The larger of the two Nne eke withdrew into the folds of Ala’s melting pussy as Luluka Ruruen extracted her own hips and legs and stepped out of her newest Metamophoskin.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves, gentlemen,” she proffered in her usual sultry tones.  Luluka nearly had the physic of a goddess herself.  A massive mane of purple hair topped her head and framed her thin brown eyes with long lashes which paired with a small nose and rounded out with full lips.  Luluka’s fair skin had nary a blemish and her proportions turned all heads in lust or envy.  Her Aphrodite-esque appearance was made incongruous only by the thick seven inch python that appeared to be half hanging limply out of her cunt.

“I had a good time myself,” she added as she leaned forward.  Her double Ds jiggled as she moved, reaching into her pussy at the base of the python.  She rolled off the python’s skin revealing a male phallus that retained the python’s dimensions and hung flaccidly from between the lips of her womanhood.  Three other pythons were quickly reanimated.

“Now then, Mr. Lokaturo, I would like to discuss the details of our companies’ exchange, however I must warn you.  The last hour was a special service, a gift of good will, but if you wish to continue wearing that metamorphoskin any longer, I will have to charge you,” Luluka warned, depositing the used python ‘condomflage’ upon a nearby lab table.

Even with the seam open, now that Ala’s skin was inhabited by only Ulir Kavikson, billionaire investor and one of the foremost financial authorities in the world, it began to try reforming itself.  Her torso returned to their proper shape and size left the Alusi’s deflated head lay ungraciously upon the table that was her own reinvigorated double D breasts.

The second Ala made a sardonic grin.  “When I heard the outrageous amount you were charging my friend there,” she gestured at Ulir who was in the process of inserting his head into his Ala suit, “I thought you and he were both mad, but now that I’ve experienced it, I’m more tempted than I want to admit.”  She sighed.  “But the company comes first.  Let’s get me out of this hot broad before I change my mind.”  The fake Alusi hefted one of her massive breasts with one hand and one of the fake pythons in the other.

Abruptly, the second Ala let go of herself and reached both hands around to her neck, mimicking the earlier display.  Once again, two heads emerged from the nape of the false goddess’s neck, one male, one female.  Jaron Lokaturo CEO of a certain pharmaceutical company had leathery tanned skin and no hair.  Funo, one of Luluka’s lovely assistants, was fair with straight back-length strawberry blond hair.  The body of Ala continued to open the seam in her back distorting her form.  When Funo could extract her hands, she pulled her arms from the skin and helped strip the skinsuit off of Jaron’s body.  The twin serpents retracted into Ala’s vagina one at a time as Funo and then Jaron removed themselves from Ala’s wide hips.

Free, Funo jumped back to let Jaron step out of the pile of dark skin at his feet.  He pulled at the base of the python condomflage like Luluka had done, rolling it off of his cock.  Funo also removed her condomflage, and the revived Ala watched curiously as she pushed her flaccid five inch member back into her cunt.

“Good.  I look forward to a mutually beneficial arrangement.”  Luluka smiled professionally and lead Jaron to a separate room to begin negotiations.

Funo bowed before Ala.  “Mother Ala, you still have some time remaining this evening.  Is there anything else you’d like to partake of?”

Ala grinned mischievously.  “How do I do that tentacle thing?”