FE Echo of Awakening: False Vengeance

Robin paged through the army roster thoughtfully. The candles on her desk flickered, throwing shadows about her private quarters in the Shepherd’s barracks. Most of their troops had their uses but no one she had looked over yet had the qualities she sought. Finally, she came across someone who might work.

The addition of Naga’s voice, Tiki, to the Shepherd’s forces had been both a boon and a bane. Tiki was a formidable warrior and her prowess had been essential to many successful sorties. However, having such a prominent scion of Naga so close by greatly limited Grima’s abilities. Passively, Naga’s blessing suppressed Grima’s power, but also actively, Grima could not extend his power too far else Tiki might detect him in hiding. That was why doing something about Tiki had become Robin’s top priority.

Robin shut the roster with a sigh and leaned back in her chair. After stretching a bit, her gaze settled below her desk where a curvaceous dark mage huddled between the tactician’s knees. Grima’s thick penis stuck out from the front of Robin’s trousers but only an inch or so felt the cool air before the rest of her length was cozily hidden inside Tharja’s warm, moist mouth. Though Tharja’s tongue and lips actively serviced the cock, her eyes and expression were vacant. Robin willed focus back into the puppet and the illusion of life returned to Noire’s face, a light returning to her eyes and her expression softening into one of pleasure. Robin smiled wryly.

“It’s a shame your daughter ended up a bit of a waste, Tharja,” she murmured as much to herself as to Tharja. “Merely a victim of an indulgent impulse…” Robin glanced over her shoulder at her bed where Noire’s skin laid empty. Unlike her mother’s hexes and general reputation, Noire offered little tactical value to Robin at present. Perhaps her mood swings could mask malicious intent, but at the moment, Robin needed to place Grima’s puppets more discerningly and Noire did not help.

Robin pushed her chair away from her desk, pulling her member from Tharja’s lips and letting the dark mage climb out. The Shepherd’s tactician stripped out of her clothing and picked up Noire’s skin.

“But I suppose I can offer you a chance to get revenge on your mother before discarding you,” Robin mused before stepping into Noire’s skin. The younger woman’s limbs were thinner than Robin’s but her chest and hips were heavier and wider respectively. Robin’s head disappeared inside Noire’s and the young woman’s face came alive moments later. She closed up the seam in her back and stretched to make sure everything was in place. When she was satisfied, Noire sneered at her mother, who had been watching and waiting patiently.

“Oh, Mother. I love you for bringing me into this world, but I hate you for making my life suffering even without Grima’s help,” she grumbled in roleplay. Noire reached for her snatch and spread her feminine lips to allow Grima’s cock to push through out into the open. The large tool stood erect, still remembering Tharja’s earlier service. “If you feel any remorse for what you put me through, Mother, you’ll show me the love I deserve.”

Tharja stepped forward, taking Noire in a warm embrace. The smooth motion was carefully calculated to slide Grima’s cock between Tharja’s thighs and against her barely covered slit, while simultaneously pushing the two voluptuous pairs of breasts against one another.

“My dear, Noire,” Tharja purred, “Of course I’ll take responsibility for what I did to you. Nothing would bring me more pleasure than to serve you and Lord Grima at once.” As she spoke, she reached around to fondle the dick sticking out under her butt cheeks. Noire smiled and kissed her mother, a sensual, tonguing kiss.

“Too bad this isn’t about your pleasure, Mother,” Noire whispered back. Noire shoved her mother back. Tharja’s demeanor changed abruptly, suddenly becoming fearful. she stumbled and fell to her knees when the back of her legs met Robin’s cot. Noire stepped up, thrusting Grima’s cock in Tharja’s face.

“Suck on it,” Noire commanded coldly. Tharja hesitated and Noire grabbed her by her hair, roughly pulling her close till Tharja reluctantly closed her lips around the hard, hot shaft. Noire began moving her hips while holding Tharja’s head, ramming her dick further down her mother’s throat till she felt the male appendage tighten.

“Swallow it all, mother!”

Grima’s cock exploded in Tharja’s mouth spewing out cum faster than she could drink – the excess spilling out and running down her chin. Finally, the flow subsided. Like before as Noire’s cum poured into Tharja, the dark mage’s breasts and curves slowly inflated. Robin would have to relieve some of the bloating so as not to make the changes to Tharja’s body too obvious as to attract undue attention.

Finally, Noire cut off her orgasm. She could have kept going, but she wanted to save some. She was not finished yet. Noire hauled Tharja off the floor and pushed her onto Robin’s bed, mounting the mattress after her. Tharja put up token resistance, but Noire overpowered her easily, tearing at her panties and sliding her still hard cock into her mother’s pussy. Tharja cried out and softly begged Noire to stop, but the busty girl continued pounding Tharja’s cunt.

“I begged you to stop experimenting on me many times, but to no avail,” Noire jeered harshly. “Don’t expect to receive any mercy you failed to give!”

With a look of horror, Tharja twisted on the bed, trying to free herself, but Noire adapted, shifting positions to continue fucking her doggy style. Finally, Noire came again, depositing her seed deep inside Tharja.

“Let’s see if I can conceive this world’s Noire? Maybe you’ll treat her better than you did me!” Noire added with a cackle as her climax pumped more and more jizz into her mother.

After an impossibly long time, Noire finished, and pulled her now limp cock from Tharja’s abused snatch with a content sigh. The two lay there in the mess of their body fluids till Noire recovered enough strength to stand. She reached behind her neck to peel off Noire’s skin. As Robin emerged from her back, she pulled Grima’s cock back through Noire’s pussy before finally extracting herself fully from the young girl’s skin. Having pretended to grant Noire closure, Robin deposited her on the bed absently.

Robin glanced at Tharja, her large breasts almost bulbous in proportion now, and her hips and ass practically jiggling with each of her golem’s imitations of breath. “Go clean up, then we’ll thin you back out,” Robin muttered, not that she needed to give verbal commands to a puppet whose every move she controlled with her mind. Tharja crawled off the bed, taking a sheet to wrap herself in so that the messy state of her dark mage robes was at least not immediately obvious to a passing glance. She opened the door to Robin’s quarters to check if the coast was clear, breaking the soundproofing spell she had placed earlier, and seeing that it was, slipped out to go to the baths.

Robin herself had avoided most of the mess thanks to Noire, but she had still worked up a bit of a sweat. Bathing herself sounded appealing, but she wanted to make a few more plans before retiring. The tactician slipped back into her trousers and shirt, not bothering with underwear, and settled behind her desk again. Before long though, she found herself stroking the extra appendage through the fabric of her pants.

Fortunately, as Robin saw through Tharja’s eyes, the dark mage had found herself in a most favorable position – sharing the bath at this time of night solely with one time-travelling princess. Robin stood back up. It was time for some more mother-daughter bonding.