FE Echo of Awakening: Nemesis

Lucina gently pushed open door to the manakete’s quarters. The interior was strewn about with an eclectic collection of pillows of varying origin. The two older manaketes were both asleep, one haphazardly draped atop a small mound of pillows and catching flies, while the other curled up on a mat a little ways away hugging a body pillow topped with a blue mop.

“Oh, Nah, you’re still awake?” Lucina whispered, as the youngest manakete self consciously snapped closed the book she had been reading by candlelight on the floor.

“I… got caught up,” she claimed with a light blush. “What about you, Lucina? You’re usually up early to practice or do rounds. Are you going to be okay staying up this late?”

It was Lucina’s turn to be self conscious. “I um.. couldn’t sleep. I was hoping I could talk to Tiki…”

Nah regarded her for a moment. “The nightmares again?” she asked simply, though the look of concern said volumes. Lucina hesitated but then nodded. Nah turned in place and leaned back and was just barely able to yank on Tiki’s foot.

The eldest manakete only rolled over, but that brought her close enough for Nah to get a better grip and shake her more roughly.

“Uh-buh?” Tiki finally woke, sleepily sitting up. “Mar Mar?” she murmured when she saw Lucina in the doorway.

“Sorry to wake you, Lady Tiki,” Lucina let her voice correct the sleepy dragon. “Might I speak with you alone?”

“Oh, Luci? Sure…” Despite her acquiescence, it took another few minutes for the Voice of the Divine Dragon to work up the energy to stand and follow Lucina out of the manakete’s quarters, seemingly unaware that she still had her body pillow in tow. The crisp night air helped wake Tiki a bit more as Lucina led her out of the Shepherd’s Garrison and out into the local forest.

Eventually, Lucina stopped by the edge of a placid lake, its glassy smooth surface reflected the waning gibbous moon like a mirror, doubling the moonlight against the two women on the lake shore. Unconcernedly, Tiki plopped down on the grass and resumed hugging her pillow.

“Are you having nightmares again?” she asked perceptively despite drawing her words as if still half asleep.

“Well, yes, but that’s not all,” Lucina began anxiously. She remained standing nearby, looking out at the scenery illuminated in soft light. “The truth is… I was close with my world’s Robin. Very close. And he… took advantage of me before his betrayal.” Tiki remained quiet, sensing that Lucina had yet more to say. “And, I think he may have done something to me when we… Erm, after Naga sent us here, I felt her power… clash with something in me. When I arrived here, I was… not quite the same as when I left my original world. And his interference is the only possible reason I could think might have caused… this.”

Lucina unbuttoned the front of her trousers and a thick dick spilled out. It took a Tiki a moment before she turned slowly to see. By then, Lucina’s cock had swollen to a most formidable size.

“Wha-!” Tiki gasped. She could sense Grima’s power throbbing inside the incongruous appendage. “This is… how did this… how have you?” even the wise, several-thousand-year-old manakete seemed overwhelmed.

“I’ve been able to deal with it up to this point because it stayed small, but recently it’s been getting big like this and I think it’s starting to affect me. I have been having weird dreams, and they’ve started to spill into my thoughts even while I am awake. Even now… I’m… I’m imagining doing terrible but wonderful things to you, Lady Tiki!” Lucina clapped her hands over her face as if to hide her shame, despite her dick continuing to pulse at Tiki’s face level. “I don’t know what to do anymore… I can’t go on like this!”

Tiki looked from Lucina’s covered face to her obtuse manhood and back. The shock had chased off all remaining sleepiness but even attentive, she was struggling to find consolation for her troubled ally. The way Lucina seemed afraid of this part of her that she did not understand reminded Tiki of the existential plights of her own past. It was too easy to see her old self crying where Lucina stood, afraid to let others get close for fear of what harm she might unintentionally inflict…

But unlike her past self, Tiki may be able to help Lucina. If this aberration was a product of Grima’s influence, then Naga’s power within Tiki may be able to cancel it out. To be able to resolve Lucina and spare her the trauma Tiki had once suffered… Tiki’s own discomfort could not override her desire to help. Tiki set aside her pillow.

“Ah!” Lucina gasped as she felt Tiki’s fingers close around her dick. Lucina peeked out from behind her hands to see her friend stroking her. Tiki had a furious blush of her own, but she continued regardless.

“Ahem,” Tiki started. “I have heard that men can relieve themselves by doing things like this… or by having a partner do it for them,” she explained. “Perhaps if I expose it to Naga’s power, I can cancel out this curse. Or at the very least, we can try.”

“L-lady Tiki…” Lucina murmured, emotionally. “Thank you.”

Tiki continued fondling the princess, but while Lucina remained hard, it was not enough to make her cum.
“Um… If I may,” Lucina suggested, “Maybe your hands aren’t direct enough – Maybe you should try your… mouth?”

Tiki blinked first as if the idea had not occurred to her, but then blushed, revealing that it had. She tucked a stray bang behind one ear before rising on her knees and leaning in to take Lucina’s cock between her lips. Lucina put her hands on the manakete’s head subtly making her hips thrust a bit more vigorously with each swing.

“Ha…. ah…. Lady Tiki…! Something is… coming!”

Lucina’s warning barely preempted the explosion of jizz that erupted from her cock and poured out into Tiki’s mouth. Tiki choked, swallowing some of it before she could spit out the member while it continued squirting semen over the manakete who stumbled onto her backside. Though the flow subsided after a minute, Lucina’s dick remained standing in attention.

“Oh no… there’s still more inside…” Lucina panted. “It did feel… good… soothing in your mouth… I think it might have had an effect, but your mouth may not be enough…”

Tiki felt odd herself. She felt hot. Normally a fire inside of her was the precursor for a dragonic rampage, but this time it felt focused in between her legs. Her femininity. The lips she stroked while thinking of Mar Mar during lonely nights… She had not felt that pain, or that pleasure, since joining the Shepherds on their mission, but a longing had returned in force now.

Tiki knew she ought to stop Lucina as she rounded her to the lower part of the sloped lake shore. She knew what came after using her mouth. Tiki was no longer the naive young manakete that fawned over the dashing prince who had saved her from eternal slumber. Even if Lucina was a distant ancestor of Marth’s why was Tiki baring herself for Lucina’s entry? She could not explain it beyond a lust that seemed to be consuming them both. Was it Grima’s influence? Was the curse within that appendage having an effect on Tiki as well? All the more reason to stop. Should such power invade Naga’s sanctuary with her, it could-!

Tiki let out a cry that echoed about the lake basin. Lucina pushed herself further in, leaning as she went to grope Tiki’s matured chest. Lucina pumped her hips, imagining while she bucked what it was like to have the impressive chest she felt between her fingers. Or rather, remembering what it was like.

“Lucina, please…” Tiki barely managed to blubber between heavy panting. “This… something’s not right! Aaah!” Lucina ignored her, continuing to pound the manakete’s cunt. Lucina no longer needed to keep up pretenses. She was already inside, and without her dragonstone, Tiki could not force her out. She had already won.

Lucina smiled. “Lady Tiki, I’m cumming,” she whispered, “I’m spraying Lord Grima’s thick, potent cum into Naga’s vessel! Come with me, Lady Tiki! Become one with Lord Grima!”

Injected directly, Grima’s power bypassed Naga’s protections, attacking Tiki’s very core and carving her out. The look of confusion and fear on the divine dragon’s face just before it collapsed on itself only fueled Grima’s arousal. Tiki’s curvaceous body finished deflating before Grima’s orgasm ended, leaving Lucina to shoot the last of her cum into Tiki’s empty husk. Lubricating it would make it easier to slip into anyway.

When she finally finished, Lucina pulled Tiki’s skin off her member and stripped out of her clothes. She willed open the seam in her back and Grima peeled Lucina from his body with efficient movements. He picked up Tiki’s skin and separated her from her sticky small clothes before prying open her back and stepping inside. Even the revered divine dragon could be worn as easily as any human, but when Tiki’s back closed up and the skin magics kicked in, Grima was greeted by a swell of power. Naga’s strength, and Tiki’s vitality added to his own. Somehow, he had forced an unholy union between their normally incompatible power, and now, both served his ends. With this much power…

Tiki fished Grima’s cock from between her pussy and wrapped Lucina’s skin’s mouth around it. She groped her chest as she massaged Lucina’s deflated lips against her flesh. It pleased Grima both to have some womanly definition up top once more but also to see two of his staunchest foes so helpless to his whims. Indulging in the fantasy become real, Tiki quickly brought herself to orgasm, empowering her ejaculation with newly acquired magic till she easily filled Lucina’s skin with a new golem. But her orgasm did not stop when Lucina plucked her lips from Tiki’s cock. The Grimleal dick continued pouring forth its hot white goo, and Lucina bathed under it, letting it cover her completely. Only then did the flow come to an end.

Tiki knelt to kiss Lucina’s cum covered lips, and runes appeared from the point of contact. The cum seemed to move and shift over her, adding shape to her chest and hips and even changing color and appearing to harden into a different texture until the one locked lips with Tiki by the lake side was not Lucina, but Aversa, the sultry dark flier and former enemy who had joined the Shepherds after discovering she had been manipulated and brainwashed by the Grimleal.

The two women’s lips parted and Tiki reached behind Aversa’s neck and pulled. Aversa’s back split open, and with Tiki’s help, Lucina emerged. Even now hollow, Aversa held her form, and the three women smiled, pleased by the successful experiment.

“Thank you sooo much for your help, Lady Tiki,” Lucina simpered with a giggle. “I feel much better now. I suppose I ought to get some rest. Don’t stay out too late yourself. I’ve seen some questionable figures about this evening.”

Aversa opened her mouth to object, but was yet too incomplete to speak. She would need some filling of her own.

Tiki laughed in her place. “Don’t worry,” she assured her friend, running her fingers along her erect cock. “I can handle myself.”

Lucina set about re-dressing in her clothes while Tiki busied herself putting her cum stained pajamas back on. Looking like her normal self, Lucina waved once more before heading back to the barracks for the night. Like the golem puppetting Tharja within Robin, Grima shared all of her senses, even as she passed out of sight of the forest lake.

Tiki regarded her remaining company slyly.

“My, Miss Aversa! Whatever brings you out here at this time of night? You weren’t perhaps spying on me were you?” Aversa swayed closer with a devious smile while Tiki laid back and spread her legs. “Miss Aversa? What are you doing? Wait, why do you have-!?” Despite her alarmed words, Tiki could not help but grin while she pantomimed her own rape. Not to mention she was the one with the incongruous male anatomy, but it would not look that way for long.

Morphing Aversa’s form, Grima covered her in her usual attire first, then he had her lift her skirt and pull down her panties. As his power commanded, a phallic appendage seemed to protrude from within Aversa’s pussy, but as she brought it close enough to kiss Tiki’s, the tip of Aversa’s shaft abruptly widened, revealing a hollow interior. Snake-like, Aversa’s tool slid over top of Tiki’s, covering her entire length before pushing its edges in-between the manakete’s male and female flesh. Their connection established, Aversa’s dick resumed the illusion of rigidity, and she began moving her hips.

Externally, it appeared as if Aversa was the sole hermaphrodite, and that she was forcing herself upon the divine dragon. Inside however, the movement of Aversa’s hollow shaft over Tiki’s hidden member pleasured them both. At a cue from a different remote puppet, Tiki reigned in her sardonic grin and began acting distressed.

A minute of self indulgent role play pushed Tiki to orgasm, and she came, adding Grima’s semen to Aversa’s interior while the dark skinned woman maintained the thrusting of her hips. As planned, Grima had all but filled Aversa when they were interrupted.

“Lady Tiki!?” a shrill voice called out in alarm. Up on the crest, a small girl with a bob cut looked down upon the explicit scene in horror.

Aversa clapped a hand over Tiki’s mouth and her expression and movements stiffened as if she were cumming. During the break in movement, Grima withdrew his cock, pulling it back out of Aversa’s hollow shaft and into hiding behind Tiki’s womanhood. Some of his cum slipped back through Aversa’s hollow shaft, simulating her ejaculation while reforming her penile head before Aversa pulled out. Her dick stood firm and large, trailing a rope of cum in the bright moonlight.

A flash from the ridge indicated that it was time to move. Without bothering to tuck away her tool, Aversa clambered to her feet and bolted, skirting the edge of the lake to get away from the transformed manakete that was barreling down the shore slope at them. She had disappeared into the shadows of the forest by the time Nah reached Tiki.

“Lady Tiki!” Nah cried out again, her dragon form settling protectively over Tiki’s abused body. Tiki feigned unconsciousness, and Nah’s concern for her manakete mentor overshadowed her desire to catch the perpetrator. As she carefully carried Tiki and her body pillow back to the barracks, calling for help, Nah smoldered internally. They never should have trusted that witch.