FE Echo of Heroes: Aether Raid

“A- are you sure? This seems questionably ethical…”

“Anna, we’re at war! We don’t have the luxury to worry about such things. Besides, when has ethics ever stood between you and turning a profit?”

“Profit you say? Well, I suppose if you’re confident this will work…”

“Trust me, it’ll be worth your while, so don’t hold anything back.”

“Hm… Alright! I like the sound of that. I’ll see what I can do!”

“Excellent. Now then, let’s see… who was their last messenger…”


“Messenger from Kiran arriving at the front gate!” declared a faceless soldier. “Welcome to FEHPlayer 29’s Castle.”

A loaded smile crept across Loki’s lips as she swayed into the garishly decorated grand hall.

A man in a hooded cloak greeted the voluptuous staff user with a nod.

“Well, hello, dear. I am Loki… Let’s just say my heart and body were stolen by your comrade… I mean Kiran, of course,” Loki purred, twisting suggestively in place as she returned the greeting. The man’s eyes were hidden by the cowl of his cloak, but she could tell that his gaze lingered on her assets a while before he abruptly turned and left without further word.

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“Too easy,” she muttered, waiting till he had turned away before peeling back part of her robe to flash a bare nipple at his retreating back for just a moment. Then she was her usual self again: enticing but not truly giving anything away.

Loki watched FEHPlayer 29 thread through a small crowd that occupied the grand hall before leaving through one gate, four of the people from the crowd near the far end of the hall breaking off to follow him.

With everyone’s attention on the portal through which their master had left, Loki was free to slip into the crowd, shape shifting in a split second into another equally sexual form. Her staff changed with her, becoming a cylindrical mint green pouch held by a string. The nearest hero felt a pair of arms close around her from behind, and a pair of breasts push into her back.

“Ah~ Corrin darling,” Camilla preened. “It seems we’re both on standby again today. I’ll help you out of that stuffy armor, so why don’t you come join me in the hot springs?” Camilla was certainly already dressed for it, her curves covered only a light cottony towel wrap.

“C-Camilla!?” Corrin gave a start, shaking free of her sister’s grasp. Camilla put on a pouty face as her beloved sister pulled away. “Ugh.. argh…” Corrin writhed, a purple fog hovering about her person. She seemed to be struggling and in pain. “I’m not… sure… No, I can’t… I might…” she breathed. The dragon tail hanging out the back of her skirt piece thrashed unstably, a relic of her only partially suppressed transformation.

“It’s so hard for me to see you like this, Dear. You needn’t suffer alone. Come with me. You’ve surely heard that the hot springs have soothing and healing properties. Surely a dip will help you feel better,” Camilla insisted.

Finally Corrin gave in and let her big sister tow her away to the Aether resort hot springs. She offered little resistance as Camilla removed her armor, even teasing Corrin’s dragon tail lovingly before doffing her own shift and leading her into the waters. There were no other heroes in the bath with them at the time, but that somehow made Corrin more self conscious.

“Are… are you sure the baths are open? Usually we only come here with FEHPlayer 29…”

“Don’t worry about that, leave everything to your big sister,” Camilla soothed her easing Corrin into her lap in the chest deep waters.

Camilla began massaging Corrin under the water. Her shoulders first, then her arms and then her back. Then her thighs. And in between her thighs, Camilla found her sister’s sex.

“Kya~!” Corrin yelped as Camilla brushed against her femininity. She clenched her thighs together in reaction.

Camilla nibbled one of Corrin’s pointed ears over her shoulder. “Relax, Corrin, this will help you relax. Trust your big sister, okay? Leave everything to me.”

Camilla continued fingering Corrin and the girl slowly but surely loosened her thighs’ grip.

“That’s a good girl,” Camilla whispered, moving her other hand to fondle Corrin’s breast. After Corrin seemed to shift from alarmed to aroused, Camilla let go of her pussy to touch herself for a moment.

“Alright, Dear sister, this is going to hurt at first, but you’re strong, I know you can take it.” Camilla consoled. “Now my dear fallen Corrin. Fall with me.”


Camilla threaded her thick dick into Corrin’s snatch under the water, and thrust it in once the head had found its opening. Corrin let out a strangled yelp, but Camilla held her as she began jerking her hips. Corrin’s cries subsided slowly and she eventually settled into a labored breathing. Camilla then picked her up out of the water and turned around, bracing her hands against the edge of the hot spring with her ass out where she could continue drilling her sister from behind.

Feeling herself approaching orgasm, Camilla shape shifted back to Loki, though omitting her robes so as not to get them wet. She moaned as she came, pumping her semen into Corrin’s cunt and watching the princess spasm from behind until she slumped over. Loki leaned over Corrin, pressing her chest against the girl’s back while she reached for Camilla’s pouch.


“Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did, Love,” Loki whispered in her ear.

Hearing voice different from Camilla’s, Corrin tried to twist frantically, though their point of connection hindered her attempts by stimulating her pussy.

Loki chuckled, watching her writhe while she withdrew a gold emblazoned gun from the waterproof pouch. She aimed the modified Breidablik, the legendary tool that summons heroes from other worlds at Corrin and pulled the trigger.

A flash of light coincided with the ceasing of Corrin’s struggles. Loki pulled Fallen Corrin’s deflated husk off her cock with a satisfied smile. She set Corrin by the side of the hot spring and put Breidablik on top of her, before climbing out of the water herself and reaching behind her neck. An opening formed and she peeled away her skin, revealing a fiery red mane. Anna extracting herself from Loki’s lower body, including unthreading her dick from the whimsical sorceress’s own pussy before sliding it back into hiding within her own feminine folds. Anna set Loki next to Corrin but unlike the foreign princess, she closed up the seam in Loki’s back and moments later, Loki re-inflated back to her normal curvaceous self.

Loki stirred, picking herself up off the tiled floor and stretching.

“My, now that was a new experience, even for me,” she chuckled. She drew close to Anna, lifting her chin and looking her in the eyes, or more accurately beneath Anna’s eyes. “I was intrigued before, but skeptical when you claimed it required sex to put the conversion target into the right condition before pulling the trigger, but now that I’ve been through it, I can’t say I mind. You can wear me again any time, dear summoner.” She ended with a kiss before breaking away.

Anna grinned. “I’m glad your enjoying yourself, but we’re not done yet. There are still two more targets. Two more heroes I’ve confirmed that FEHPlayer 29 has summoned that have eluded me. And an orb stash to steal yet as well.”

Loki picked up Corrin’s skin and handed it to Anna. “I know. I remember the plan,” She assured her partner in crime before shape shifting back to Camilla. Anna accepted the skin and put it on.

“Ha… she really is, quite unstable… but nothing I can’t handle,” Corrin commented, while making the final adjustments to the fit of her face. “Alright…” she turned to Camilla to smile wearily.

“Thanks big sis. I really needed that.”

Camilla laughed, pulling Corrin into a chesty hug. “Of course my dear. Anything for you.”


“Nailah!” the Hawk King called, bursting into the Radiant quarters.

“What’s the matter, King of the Skies?” The wolf queen lounged amid some pillows next to a blonde woman with large white wings.

“Pardon me, Leanne, I need to borrow Nailah’s strength,” he apologized to the heron princess who nodded understandingly. Turning back to Nailah and her well toned body. “Princess Corrin has lost control of her dragon aspect and is running amok, we could use your Glare to help restrain her.”

Nailah raised an eyebrow. “None of the summoner’s prided gravity healers around to help? Very well, let’s go.”

The grand hall was not so grand anymore now that a mid sized dragon had knocked over more than half of the decorations and all of the other heroes had evacuated or been knocked out. As Tibarn and Nailah entered, the Hawk King transformed into his bird aspect and took off, just in time to avoid the trampling dragon. Nailah was not so fortunate. Even in wolf form, she was not quite quick enough to escape the seemingly bumbling dragon and she soon found herself pinned under Corrin’s hoof-like dragon feet.

“Grr… ge’offa me!” Nailah growled, but struggle as she might, even her strength could not dismount the possessed dragon from her. Her bared teeth cracked a grim grin. “Alright Princess, you got me, now what?” Tibarn alighted nearby, shifting back to his human form. “A little help here?” she asked him.

Getting close, Tibarn flashed a smile of his own before suddenly transformed again, but rather than into a bird, he became red haired gambling swordsman, Joshua. The proximity of a human ally forced Nailah back into her own human form, further increasing the power gap between her and Corrin who had grown suspiciously placid after restraining of the wolf queen but gave no sign of letting her up.

“What is this witchcraft?” Nailah snarled, trying to kick as Joshua approached her, but the swift myrmidon easily evaded and slipped in between, catching her feet under each arm on their next kick attempt.

“Whoa there, your majesty,” he hushed her, “Sorry for any discomfort, we’re just starting a new ally support here,” he explained calmly as he began unbuttoning his trousers. Nailah scoffed as Joshua’s huge dick spilled out of his pants and he got it hard by rubbing it against her thighs.

“This is not how ally support works, you horny fool!” she balked but no matter how she thrashed, she could not break free of either of them. When she next looked, Joshua had coaxed himself up to an intimidating ten hard inches and Nailah suddenly felt anxious for the first time in a long time. “No… don’t…” the words slipped from her lips before she could stop them. She gnashed her teeth fighting her pride with her panic.

Suddenly Corrin spun in a flourish, untransforming from her dragon state and settling in where she could straddle Nailah’s hefty chest while still keeping her arms secured with her legs. Her new position obscured Joshua from her view, but Nailah could feel him teasing her womanhood with his detestable mating tool. Movement drew Nailah’s attention to Corrin’s lower body though, as she raised the front of her tunic and revealed her lack of underwear. Nailah only had a moment to puzzle that before she witnessed Corrin spread her pussy and a dick grew out from within it!

“Haa… mhm…” Corrin moaned as she rubbed the slick shaft between Nailah’s boobs. “I’m sorry your majesty, I just can’t control myself,” she apologized, grabbing Nailah’s chest and beginning to pleasure herself more aggressively.

Distracted by the incongruous display up front, Nailah was caught off guard when Joshua thrust his massive sword inside her pussy and began pumping it almost in rhythm with Corrin.

Nailah growled and cried out but the grand hall remained unmoving save for the spontaneous threesome.

“I can’t hold back any longer,” Corrin mumbled, and began spewing hot white goo from her shaft, painting Nailah’s chest, neck and chin with the pungent fluid.

“Me neither,” Joshua agreed, “Time to roll the dice,” he chuckled and came. Nailah herself reached her second orgasm in tandem and as it faded, she felt all her strength flow out of her with it. She barely registered the sight of Corrin pulling an odd but familiar device from somewhere and aiming it at her head. A flash of light and then darkness consumed her.


“I don’t think you can get her pregnant. Not looking like that,” Corrin commented, climbing to her feet atop Nailah’s empty husk. She returned Breidablik to a makeshift holster under her cloak behind her back. Joshua laughed.

“I’m just playing the character, there wasn’t any deeper meaning to it,” he informed his partner, withdrawing his large cock from Nailah’s remains. Corrin picked up the skin and led Joshua back to the Aether resort. Catching a glimpse of their next target, they stole away into the inn and turned off the lights leaving just enough ambient light to do their business.

Corrin set Nailah on a bed before undressing and opening her back, letting Anna pop out. She placed Corrin’s skin next to Nailah’s and reached behind her again. Like Corrin before, Anna peeled away, this time to reveal Kiran. Though he lacked his signature cloak, the light from outside fell just shy of illuminating his head above the nose.

As Kiran set Anna on another bed and closed her up, Joshua shifted back to Loki who picked up Corrin and Nailah’s skin as if deciding between them.

“I’m taking Nailah,” Kiran declared, turning away as Anna returned to life. Loki obediently offered the wolf queen’s skin to him and he slipped it on, finishing just as Anna’s eyes fluttered back open.

“Okay, that was a trip… I can imagine some summoners paying good money to be able to experience that. Now how to convince other lovely ladies to offer themselves though…” She seemed too interested in monetization to worry about her own naked body.

Loki draped Corrin’s skin over Anna’s head, giving her a start and breaking her out of her focus.

“Huh? Oh, right, the plan. I’m impressed, you’re not the Order’s tactician for nothing, Kiran.”

Nailah smiled dryly, “I’m glad it only took you three years to realize that,” she murmured in her husky voice as she stepped out into the hall to talk to reception.

Loki's Discretion

Meanwhile, Anna took Corrin’s skin and hesitantly began putting her on. Loki watched bemusedly, touching herself discreetly. By the time Anna had Corrin on and figured out, Nailah had returned with two rather scandalous bikinis and a Japanese patented school swimsuit.

“I know we just did, but suit up. Again,” she offered them with a laugh.


“Wha- watch out!” A familiar young girl’s voice called out.

Ursula glanced up from her beach recliner just in time to duck as an inflatable beach ball floated overhead. The multicolored orb settled in the sand by her feet and she picked it up as a green haired mage in a navy blue one piece swimsuit arrived to retrieve it.

“Oh! Lady Ursula. Um… sorry about that!” Nino bowed apologetically.

Ursula raised an eyebrow, but smiled softly.

“You don’t need to call me “Lady” Ursula here. We are FEHPlayer29’s heroes not members of the Black Fang. You are just as important to him as I am,” she corrected her cohort. Corrin and Nailah arrived on Nino’s heels, offering similar apologies.

“Hey, Ursula, are you busy? Want to play with us? We could use a fourth to round out the team.” Nailah invited the similarly busty, bikini clad hero.

“One colorless hero doesn’t round out a team with two blues and a green,” Ursula observed with artificial seriousness. But noting that she had been getting bored sitting under her umbrella alone, she figured she could join the already, eclectic bunch.

“Great!” Corrin exclaimed weakly. Her pained expression contrasted with her enthusiastically swishing tail though. “Okay, this way,” she ushered and the group set off along the beach. They passed a few other heroes before finally arriving at the Dark Shrine behind the Cavalry School.

Ursula furrowed her brow. They had lost their ball this far? Suddenly the three girls turned on her, and though Ursula managed to shrug off Nino’s attack even through the Cavalry School’s and Dark shrine’s debuffs, Corrin’s adaptive damage took a huge chunk of her health and Nailah’s glare locked her down in a bad situation.

With Corrin at her back and Nino close by, Ursula had nowhere she could safely move, she had been bested, but she still did not know why.

Nailah closed in, remaining in her human form as she backed Ursula up into Corrin’s grasp. The wolf queen poked her nipple through her damaged swimsuit with a grin, watching has Ursula squirmed. She switched to groping, taking both of Ursula’s impressive mammaries in hand before drawing claws and helping relieve her breasts of their restraints. Claws retracted and Nailah helped herself once more to Ursula’s chest, but one her hands drifted down into her own thong. Ursula was not sure what to think when Nailah removed her hand, guiding with her strong fingers, a thick male appendage.

“You’re impressively composed. You’re not thinking about crying wolf are you? You know how that will end.”

Ursula’s jaw tightened. Even without the phallus, Nailah and her distant counter were a bad match-up for the low defense dagger cavalier, and with her back up, Ursula knew she was well and truly fucked, it just had not happened yet. So, hoping to retain even a semblance of her dignity, Ursula stepped forward and took the wolf queen’s cock in her hands proactively.

“Oh? I like a subject who knows their place. Suck your queen’s fat cock.”

Hiding a grimace as she knelt, Ursula obeyed, taking Nailah’s dick between her lips.

The three other girls watched, some envious, some simply aroused as Ursula sucked Nailah off, and before long Nailah blew her load without warning in the former assassin’s mouth. Coughing, she could do little but let herself be dragged to her feet and spun around. Nailah’s dick threaded between her thighs where it quickly got hard once more. Nailah rubbed the top of her shaft against Ursula’s pussy through the fabric of her swimsuit, coaxing moisture from her folds. The wolf queen reached around to tease her breasts again just before retreating from Ursula’s thighs and driving her manhood into Ursula’s pussy.

The former assassin let out a gasping cry, but Corrin silenced her with a sloppy, sensual kiss. Nino crawled between Ursula and Corrin taking up a spot where she could lick the point of connection between Ursula and her queen. Finally Nailah came again, pouring herself into Ursula’s pussy and making the woman shudder with her own orgasm. Ursula slumped in Nailah’s arms, still connected down below. Corrin stepped away to fetch the Breidablik and offered it Nailah who accepted it gratefully. Ursula collapsed in on herself after a flash leaving only her husk hanging from Nailah’s penis. She removed the skin and shook it out.

“Now all that’s left are the orbs,” Nailah noted contentedly. She stepped out of her flip flops and removed her swimsuit before stepping into Ursula’s form. Her back closed up and her hp recovered, repairing her swimsuit with it. The new Ursula gave a quick twirl on her sandal-ed feet, enjoying the way her breasts and ass jiggled to catch up. She smiled.

“Oh, I could get used to this,” she commented, feeling herself up. When she was satisfied, she turned to her company.

“Alright, you two are up.”


FEHPlayer 29 returned from a frustratingly long arena session to find his grand hall more or less how he found it, but with a new notification.

Exclusive summer hero: Swimsuit Byleth, from the new Fire Emblem game, Fire Emblem: Three Houses has arrived!

Byleth – ‘Well Earned Vacationer’ [Red sword armor unit]

“Even instructors can enjoy Summer Vacation!”

Anna: “The floral pattern of her bikini matches the elegant Victorian lace of her leggings in game! I can’t wait to go to Fódlan if just to pick up all that new merch!”

Summon now, 1 hour only!

Note: Byleth – ‘Well Earned Vacationer’ is part of a special promotion and will only be available from xx:yy to xx+1:yy and will not appear on future banners.

If FEHPlayer 29’s eyes were visible, they would have bulged out of their hood. While this was an unprecedented and absurd new level of exclusivity for limited heroes, but he could complain on Reddit later. If he did not start throwing orbs at this pop-up banner now, he might run out of time!

In the summoning room, Summer Byleth posed seductively over the summoning stone, and FEHPlayer 29 fumbled to load orbs into his own Breidablik when Commander Anna called out to him.

“Hey, FEHPlayer 29! As this is a new trial promotion with an understandably limited time, we’re test driving a new, bulk summoning method!” She swayed up to FEHPlayer 29 wearing a hibiscus themed bikini of her own while hauling along with her what looked like a long hose that was a little more than an orb in diameter. “Instead of summoning one at a time using Breidablik, you may bulk insert orbs through this ‘chain summon’ interface and you’ll receive an equivalent number of heroes after a short processing time. You may insert any number of orbs through this method, though you cannot choose what color you get. In return, the sole focus unit, Byelth – ‘Well Earned Vacationer,’ will appear at an increased rate compared to single summons!” Anna held up the input to the chain summon device.

FEHPlayer glanced furtively between the suspicious hose and the bikini Byleth who had slipped into a pose that teased a nip slip. Finally, FEHPlayer bought into the ruse, beginning to desperately dumping all of his orbs into the hose interface. Anna smiled politely as she held the opening steady and in just five minutes, FEHPlayer 29 had exhausted his supply.

Anna opened an orb shop menu and offered it to the summoner. “Would you like to purchase additional orbs to improve your chances? Ten more summons will increase your five star focus rate over the whole chain summon up to 45% and fifty more summons will increase your chances of getting Byleth – ‘Well Earned Vacationer,’ up to 70%!”

FEHPlayer stared at her for a moment, not really considering whether to accept the offer or not so much as calculating how many orbs those extra summons would require before finally fishing out his credit card.

All the while, Byleth’s image on the pedestal, groped and felt herself up each time FEHPlayer 29 stopped staring directly at her.


Loki returned to her home castle with a content sigh, heaving the Sack O’ Gifts weapon on her shoulder. She waved to some fellow heroes, the men ogled her and some women glared, all as usual. She made her way to the barracks where she scurried away into her private quarters. Setting down the weapon she normally could not equip, Loki shifted out of her clothes and peeled open her back to reveal Fallen Corrin. Corrin stepped out of Loki’s skin and set her on her bed to re-inflate and busied herself with repeating the unsuiting process bringing Anna out into the open. Anna unsuited into Nailah. Nailah unsuited into Ursula. Finally, Ursula unsuited into Kiran.

A few untangling moments later and Kiran had restored Anna and Loki, the former of which immediately jumped to drool over the contents of her new Sack O’ Gifts weapon, filled to the brim with orbs.

Loki for her part helped Kiran set out the three skinned heroes they had acquired along the way.

“So will you restore them?” Loki asked, but Kiran shook his head.

“I did not summon them, I stole them. They won’t obey me on their own. But if some of my other heroes were to wear them… Well, we’ll have to see. This is still new technology, but in the meantime, perhaps I’ll see if I can summon a few of these heroes more legitimately, albeit with dirty orbs. Not that Breidablik can tell the difference!”

Loki joined in Kiran’s hearty laugh. Nothing hit the spot like some clever manipulation for profit.