FE House of Echoes part 2.5: Primary Care Physician

Part 2.5 rather than 3, because there isn’t really any plot advancement, I just whipped this together for fun. There is a non-essential foreshadow or two in there though.

“Enough, woman! You’re a physician – you should know that you’ve already ingested a dangerous amount of alcohol. I’m cutting you off!”

I glanced up from my late night meal. I’d ended up grading papers straight through my normal dinner time and, in my famished state, must have ignored that peculiar awareness of my fellow professors when I had arrived. With Hanneman raising his voice and my meal more or less finished, I elected to see what was going on in the previously quiet corner of the dining hall.

“Ah, Professor, I swear the woman continues to drink at this point simply to spite me – my concerns for her health be damned! And now that we’re at this point, I’m confiscating the bottle. If you would do me the favor of restraining her…” Hanneman harrumphed, standing and grabbing the bottle of spirits when he noticed my approach.

“Abuh… h-hey, don’t take that! I’m not done with it!” Manuela blubbered. I placed a hand on her shoulder as she tried to rise and gently but firmly forced her back into her seat.

Aaand he’s gone… thanks for dumping the problem on us, Monocle… Sothis muttered.

Don’t be like that, I pacified her, you did say we should do something about her sooner rather than later. We haven’t had a chance to get Seteth alone yet, but here’s a chance to get to know Manuela better.

I let go of her shoulder and settled into the seat next to her. “Manuela. Talk to me – you don’t get like this for no reason. What happened?”

The curvy woman pouted for a few moments before heaving a sigh. Despite all she had drunk, she suddenly did not seem as inebriated as she was acting before. “You’ll probably think it as stupid as the old geezer, but… well, I thought I had found a nice man for once. We had lovely dinner this evening but just as we were heading back to his quarters we… ran into his girlfriend. A janitorial staff woman that I myself had just the other day pronounced pregnant.”

Ouch, Sothis winced.

“They fought at first, but it turns out he just wanted to make her jealous because he thought she was cheating on him, but in reality… she had started avoiding him because she wasn’t ready to face that he was the baby’s father! Once that was out in the open, I was basically invisible. They were suddenly over their spat and he didn’t even say goodbye or good night or walk me back to my room or anything! Just swept the bitch up and carried her into his quarters leaving me to pick my jaw up off the floor along with the pieces of my heart that he’d so carelessly tossed aside…”

I nodded in sympathy and tried to offer her a reassuring smile. “He was rude and wrong to treat you like that. But it’s a good thing that you discovered his true nature now rather than after, say, your third date! And think about it this way, too: He chose you because you are beautiful and desirable enough to make his girlfriend jealous. Because, had he been a better man, you are a woman who could threaten to steal a man from another girl. Had he not thought that, he would not have asked you out in the first place.”

Manuela stared at me, still processing my explanation.

“He asked you because he thought you were better than her. She just had an unfair advantage – she had her hooks in him already, and she reeled back before you had a chance to set him free,” I added, to further clarify.

“Oh, Professor!” Manuela bawled, suddenly wrapping me up in a soggy embrace. “You’re right, I… I’m a catch, who wouldn’t be jealous of me?”

“I’d be first in line to become you,” I whispered over her shoulder, “if I could, of course.”

The woman collected herself and pulled away, wiping her tears with a kerchief. “Thank you, Professor. You’re so kind and patient with me… It’s too bad we’re both women-”

“Why is that bad?” I cut her off quietly as I double checked that we were alone in the dining hall. We were.

Caressing her cheek, I reiterated. “What’s wrong with us both being women?” I smiled softly.

Manuela blushed fiercely. “I… um.. well… I assumed that since… er…”

“You didn’t have any problem coming onto me when we first met. Or were you just teasing me?” There wasn’t any malice or accusation in my voice. Despite my words, it was clear that I was the one teasing at the moment.

“You know I traveled all over the continent as a mercenary under my father. I got my position as a professor because I have so much experience. If you care to accompany me back to my quarters, perhaps I can offer you some faculty training.”

Manuela swallowed hard. “Very well, Professor. Lead the way.”

“In the east, there are some isolated villages where Almyran influence is stronger. Their artisans are more… open to things,” I explained while shrugging out of my coat and gauntlets. Reaching into my desk, I pulled out my magically disembodied, disguised phallus. “This is something I picked up while working out there one time. It cost quite a bit of gold, but thanks to magic, I think you’ll be impressed at how realistic it can be.”

“Oh my…” Manuela stared, following the phallic object as I set it down on my desktop so that I could continue stripping.

Down to my leggings, panties and basque, I picked up the faux toy and led Manuela to my bed.

“What do you think?” I asked, gently prodding and rubbing the gray-sheathed cock against her stomach, then up to her breasts, before finally holding its head just in front of her lips.

In answer, Manuela slowly leaned forward and began to lick and kiss the tool.

“Wha… you weren’t kidding… it’s warm and twitching even…” she murmured in surprise, her lips never quite leaving my shaft.

“Its surprises don’t end there,” I informed her smugly. I pulled it back and Manuela’s lips seemed to follow it, as if they wanted to continue.

Back in the desk drawer, I retrieved a harness I had had made since last playing with Petra. I slid the cock through a ring in the front anchoring it in the thong before sliding it over my legs and up my hips.

“Here we are. Do you think another woman insufficient to fill in for a man now, m’lady?” I teased, stepping closer to brandish my not-so-fake cock within the thirsty woman’s range.

“Forgive me for doubting you, professor…” Manuela replied breathlessly before resuming oral.

Whoa. Now this is an experienced blowjob… Sothis gasped, as we together felt Manuela’s fellatio.

“That’s right… just treat it like it’s real… and it’ll treat you in kind.”

As she expertly brought me to orgasm, I did my best to keep my poker face. “Remember when I said it still had surprises… well brace yourself – I’m cumming.”

Magically enhanced, my seed spewed out into Manuela’s mouth, catching her by surprise despite my warning with its volume. Choking, she reeled back leaving me to shoot the rest of my first load over her face and chest. I cut it off just before making a real mess of her clothes.

“Not bad, huh? There’s more where that came from. It’s not even close to being empty yet. You may want to take off your clothes to avoid getting them dirty.”

The curvaceous physician jumped to comply, quickly shedding her cloak and dress. Finally free, her huge breasts jiggled delectably.

“Professor… please, I can’t wait any longer…”

Not that I needed the invitation. Mounting the bed, she spread her legs and I pushed my thick ‘strap-on’ into her eager, sopping pussy.

“Oh Goddess…” she moaned. “It’s so big… it’s almost as big as – hnghnn!”

What the- Sothis groaned herself. For as loose as her personality is, how is she so tight down here? It’s unlike anything we’ve ever fucked… is she- is she curling around us? How? It’s like her pussy can actively milk a cock…

Needless to say, we came quickly, but thanks to our fortifications we were able to keep going for Manuela’s pleasure. We enjoyed a number of other positions; I particularly enjoyed driving between her plump mounds.

Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t you give her your thing to use on you? Sothis suggested mischievously after our third or fourth shot.

“Want to give it a try?” I offered as our breathing settled. Manuela looked askance at me, until I stood and undid the straps of the harness. Once I offered it to her, she understood.

“Oh, well, if you insist,” she chuckled, letting me slide it up her legs.

Sothis panted as Manuela gave her new attachment a few experimental strokes. Oh, oh… yeah, it’s definitely different on someone else. In a good way.

I pulled down my leggings and panties and presented my femininity for her. “It’s pretty fun to give as well as take.”

Manuela licked her lips and dove in, bracing my legs back, she pushed gingerly at my pussy at first, slipping a few times and needing to realign the false false penis as she searched for how best to wield it. Before long though, she managed to pop it into my cunt and began awkwardly jerking her hips, working different muscles than she was used to using.

Ha… wow,… yeah, you really are big. I don’t think we’ve ever taken anyone as big as this! Sothis grunted. You never go this deep when masturbating either!

“How do I… make it…” Manuela asked between heavy breaths.

“Mnghnn! It… does it automatically… after you work it… enough!”

And she reached “enough” quickly, prompting my first self-creampie.

Sothis giggled in the afterglow. Ever the pioneer in self-cest.

Thanks to you, really. I rebutted.

Heh, you’re welcome.

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