Maid And Master: After Hours

Lara drew shaky breath through a bright red ball gag as she teetered precariously atop a wooden sawhorse.  A rope and pulley system ensured that she did not fall off.  A cat o’ nine tails blossomed from her anus and twitched ever so often as her rectum dealt with its invasive presence.  Maria watched patiently as her slave squirmed, absently stroking the six inch dark brown phallus protruding from the zippered opening in the front of her black latex thong.

Richard was in bed from a long day, and Lien knew to keep the other staff away from this particular chamber.  If not for maintaining the illusion that no one in the estate knew of Maria and Lara’s special relationship, Jacob may have entertained the idea of adding Lien to these pleasurable nights.

The crack of a leather switch echoed against the walls of one of many secret basement rooms beneath the manor.  Lara flinched from the strike, setting off a chain reaction.  The motion of her diaphragm agitated her perch atop the sawhorse and the resulting stimulation set the cycle in motion anew.  Maria sighed; it was too soon to let Lara pass out from over stimulation.

“If you can’t even handle this much, how disappointed must poor Richard be?  His trophy wife pretty on the surface, but rotten and worthless at her core,” Maria spat as she hoisted Lara off the sawhorse.  She suspended the buxom blonde in the air by her restraints.  Maria ran her hand down her own latex clad figure; Jacob relished the high he got simply for perpetuating the current situation.  A boy impersonating a woman who was a maid but also secretly a transsexual dominatrix over the woman who was supposed to be her boss.  The layers of deception got Jacob as aroused as the sex itself.  Rounding the other woman, Maria grabbed a fist full of the flagella protruding from Lara’s ass and hauled up, producing a guttural groan.

“I understand you though, even if no one else does.”  Maria brushed the tip of her black cock against Lara’s dripping cunt.  “If you convince the world that you love Richard, you won’t have to bother with other men.  A necessary measure – a small sacrifice to avoid the greater hassle of dealing with suitors.  You have no need for any of them.  After all, you have me.”  Maria pushed with her hips, just enough that Lara’s suspension pushed her pussy against the tip of Maria’s dark-skinned cock.  “And after you got a taste for me, you voracious cunt could never possibly be satisfied with any man.  Not Richard, not even a wild gang bang.

“Since I am a merciful mistress, I’ll give you the dick you love so much.  You’d better be grateful!”  With that, Maria took hold of Lara’s hips and slowly dug her penis into the flesh of Lara’s vagina.  Stepping forward, Maria bounced Lara upon her cock, each sharp thrust of her hips lifting the blonde up only for gravity to pull her back down upon her maid mistress’s shaft.  Maria stepped back, letting the ropes return to Lara’s sole support.  Jacob was close.  As much as he wished he could creampie Lara’s tight pussy, he did not want to risk impregnating her.  Maria pulled out and spun Lara around and hastily pulled off her gag so that she could aim her imminent ejaculation.  Jacob’s semen sputtered messily over Lara’s face; what she did not catch in her bangs or pool in her mouth dripped down her cheeks and chin.  The slow drip of jizz on the stone floor accompanied the panting of two aroused women.  Further under Lara’s suspended form, Maria noticed another drip of vaginal fluid.

“Getting facialed gets you off, too, does it, skank?  You really are enjoying every moment of this you sick fuck,” Maria scathed mercilessly.  Lara’s face flushed a deeper red, but she offered no objection to the abuse.

The brunette maid heaved a sigh.  Jacob was spent, though he suspected that Lara could keep going.  “I wish I could fuck you more, but I get the feeling you’d like that too much.  We’re done for tonight.  Let’s get cleaned up.”  As mysteriously as the Maria skinsuit was able to boost his sexual drive and stamina, he still struggled to satisfy all the women on the estate and staff by himself.

Maria lowered Lara to the ground, dipping her in the shallow pool of sexual fluids that had amassed under her.  The maid helped her employer out of the restraints.  Maria sent Lara to the adjoining shower room while the maid herself set about cleaning up the bdsm chamber, one of the rare moments Maria performed actual maid-ly chores.  Freshened up, Lara snuck back up to the master bedroom to rejoin Richard for the night.  Maria shed her dominatrix latex and re-garbed herself in her maid uniform.  It was a pain to tie the ribbon around her collar and the bow on her apron, but she needed to keep up appearance at least until she was safely back in the safety of her private quarters.  Moonlight glinted off a pair of glasses in the shadows as Maria slipped into her room for the night.


After a long day filled equally with work and play, Lien’s hair bun had loosened enough to bob lightly as she padded silently down the empty hall and quietly admitted herself into the master bedroom.  The door closed behind her and locked with barely a click.  Before her, the lord and lady of the manor made passionate love.

“Not that you seemed to be waiting, but Jacob has retired for the night,” the Vietnamese woman announced.

“Of course he is.  By his regular standards, his last load was practically a blank.  He has nothing left in his tank.  You guys have been emptying him pretty good every day, recently,” Lara managed to retort around Richard’s lips.

“He’s been keeping up with the increased demand well, all things considered,” Richard added, pulling away from Lara’s lips to nibble on her erect nipples.  Lara moaned softly.  The blonde had her hands full addressing Richard’s hard member.  Lien gave a wry smile and approached the bed.

“Let me help you with that, milady,” she offered, loosing her ribbon and discarding her apron.  Her maid dress soon joined it on the floor.

Richard laid down on his back and Lara and Lien double teamed his erect pole, passing it back and forth with their tongues, lips and breasts.  Under their combined assault, Richard climaxed quickly, but despite the orgasmic contractions, only a small fizzing of white fluid escaped the tip.

“Hmm?” Lara’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.  “Now I know Jacob can’t take your full tank, and yet here you are quite empty.  Where, pray tell, did the rest of your load go today?” Lara interrogated reproachfully.  Richard grinned guiltily and Lara found she could not maintain a serious face.  “As long as you let me have my fun, too, I’ll let it slide.  But do include me next time!  Now then, let’s get you refilled.  Jeph, if you will.”  All three sat up.

“It would be my pleasure, milady,” Lien gave a small bow and transitioned the movement into removing her panties.  She rose to her knees and slipped her fingers slowly into her wet pussy, spreading its labia.  After a second, a cock head peeked out.  Lara reached over to coax it out and Lien breathed out as her folds spread further to accommodate the penis’s girth.  At its full eight inches long and an inch and a half thick, Lien’s dark brown cock stood proudly erect from the woman’s pale genitals.  Lara supervised her maid in guiding the thick shaft to Richard’s anus, which he offered enthusiastically.  He groaned as the head maid’s dick spread him wide.  Lien’s slow journey into Richard’s rectum was cut short half way when her tip met what she was looking for.  With a quick heave, she pushed her circumcised tip through the structure.  The mechanism triggered, Richard’s cock split in half down its center and Lara slowly peeled the two halves aside.  An almost perfectionist level of attention to detail resulted in a surprisingly accurate recreation of the insides, up until the membranes that accommodated the unnatural split.  At the base though, the seam opened a bit further, and inside was a womanly blossom.

Lara smiled affectionately.  “Jacob may indeed have a better cock, but Linn, my love, you will always have the best pussy.”  Lara brushed aside a blonde bang to lean in and kiss Richard’s secret womanhood.  Richard quivered at the brush of his wife’s lips.

“Pall… Please…”

“I know, my love…” Lara sat up on her knees and reached into her own vagina.  With dripping fingers, she withdrew her own phallus, pulling out its full ten inches.  Richard held apart the two halves of his dick, inviting his wife to penetrate his secret place.  Lara gently tapped his folds with her head, sending another shiver up the man’s body.  With a lusty glance into each others eyes, Lara pushed with her curvacious hips, her manhood invading Richard’s tight cunt.  Richard’s voice escaped him with each inch that slid deeper inside him.  When their crotches finally touched, Lara pressed her lips against his once more.  Lara began to pump her hips and their tongues dancing in time with the beat of flesh against flesh.  The lady of the manor bore down on her man, pushing her cock more aggressively, letting their rocking shift Richard’s ass atop Lien’s dick so as not to forget their third partner.  Lien and Lara alternated the motion of their hips, pounding Richard front and back like pistons till the two women came to climax in unison, their cries harmonizing with Richard’s bass moans.  The passionate moment was accompanied by a flow of fluids.  Richard gripped hard to Lara’s breasts as she filled him with her massive load.  Spending all day receiving always left Lara stocked with huge volume at the end of each day, and she happily gave it to her husband for him to use the following day.  Lien did not pitch as often as Jacob, but she had some regular partners among the maids and out in the town as well.  Lien could not offer as much juices as her mistress but she contributed what she did have.  The semen flowed into Richard’s modified womb, where it would be drawn upon when he wanted his manhood to perpetuate the illusion of authenticity.  When Lara’s orgasm finally ended, Richard’s belly swelled slightly with all the love he had received.

“Haa.. whew… I’m not sure I need this much, Love…”  Richard panted in the post orgasmic glow.

“It’s for your side girls,” Lara replied with a dry look.  “And a little for me, too,” she muttered under her breath.  Lara withdrew from Richard’s snatch and slowly worked her massive member back inside her pussy.  Richard helped Lien extract her own rod from his ass, as she retreated from the mechanism inside, Richard’s own cock came together and restored itself.

Reaffirming her feminine sex, Lara laid back on the bed and lifted a leg, spreading her folds with one hand.  “Jacob’s afraid of getting me pregnant so he never cums inside.  We filled you up, so now we need to prime your equipment.  Show me you can reciprocate my love.”

“Gladly,” Richard breathed, crawling forward to position himself.  “When it comes to you, I lack the personality to give you the dom you want, but even so I’ll always love you, Pall.”

“I love you, too, Linn,” Lara whispered.  “This may not make sense given our present situation and history, but I would never try to force you to be someone you were not for my own selfish sake.”

Richard chuckled softly.  “It does seem strange but I understand what you mean.”  The couple kissed again, their lips stifling Lara’s moans from Richard’s penetration.  Richard straightened out to focus on properly pleasing his wife.

Lien crawled over next to Lara’s head, taking advantage of her mouth’s vacancy to present her heavy tool for Lara’s enjoyment.  The blonde happily accepted her maid’s dick into her mouth and throat while her husband continued to ram her pussy.

Already well synchronized, the three partners climaxed together again.  Lien was running a bit low but Lara happily gobbled up the semen that did leak from her cock.  In contrast, Richard exploded inside Lara’s uterus, painting her insides white.

Three bodies lay in a panting milky mess.

“Will… Will this all really help us against… Him?” Richard broke the silence.  Lara and Lien exchanged concerned glances.

“We have to trust that it will…” Lara consoled her partner.  “I know it’s been a long time, but if we’re still around, then so is he, and only we know how to stop him.  We have to continue to support Yuan, or else it’ll be impossible to face Him.”

“I sometimes feel guilty, living such an opulent life even knowing it’s helping our cause.  I feel like I’m just indulging myself,” Richard confessed.

Lara propped herself up on her elbows so she could meet Richard’s eyes.  “We’ve been over this, dear.  We ARE helping.  We’re training and fostering those that Yuan has determined have compatibility with his skinsuits, and these are the individuals who are going to be able to resist Whisper’s influence.”  She sat up the rest of the way and shimmied off the bed to her feet.  “Now then, enough moping.  You still have work tomorrow and that means getting up early.  Let’s get cleaned up so we can get some proper rest.  Lien, you have an even earlier start than we do.”

The two remaining on the bed nodded acquiescence.  The three welcomed the streams of hot water from their oversized shower, feeling as though the steamy jets carried away with them, not only the grime of intercourse but also their doubts and fears, if only for a while.  They resolved to enjoy their indulgence while they could.  After all, they would have to face Him eventually.