Please Teach Me… About Halloween

There was a box on the table. It was addressed to him. Jin eyed it suspiciously, wondering what Kigumi was up to this time. After a particularly brutal set of midterms, during which Kigumi had insisted studies take precedence over sex, Jin came home from his last exam hoping for some fun. Kigumi’s apartment next door to his appeared empty however. Yuki had left on a job some time back and was not expecting to return till later next month, but Kigumi herself was usually home by now. Instead, Jin found only the present on the table topped with an unsigned note addressed to him:


I know you may be tired from your exams, but don’t take off that thinking cap just yet. Use anything that’s readily available to find me at the Halloween party at The Gala downtown.”

As one of the ritziest scenes in the college town, Jin never thought he’d step foot in The Gala with his more humble financial background. He was not sure he was keen about venturing there alone either, but dragging him out of his comfort zone had been a predominant theme of his relationship with Kigumi so this was par for the course.

Anything readily available, huh, Jin thought, setting aside the note to open the parcel. Inside was a skinsuit, as Jin expected, but he nearly dropped it when looked more closely.

It was Kigumi. It was the sensual female teacher body that Kigumi wore to teach classes and interact with the college. Jin swallowed. Kigumi wanted him to go to the party… as her? The skinsuit’s long, soft black hair even smelled of her shampoo. Jin felt excitement building in his crotch.

This was a new level of fantasy fulfilment for him. He had started out masturbating to this Kigumi’s luscious curves, then when he found out her secret, he gained the opportunity to actually copulate with her. But their meeting also unlocked a stage of lust beyond that: the existence of skinsuits broached the possibility of becoming that which he lusted after. Those seductive hips, her plump ass, her imposing rack, all of her sublime features were but a suit that the real Kigumi wore as a facade, and being able to wear them himself was something Jin had only dreamed of since the beginning of their relationship.

Jin double checked that the front door was locked behind him before taking the package up to the privacy of Kigumi’s room. He threw his messenger bag full of books on the floor by the door and quickly stripped out of his own clothes. Jin excitedly dipped one bare leg into the opening in the back of the Kigumi skinsuit and pushed it down into her limp hollow leg, watching as his filling brought it to life. The other leg went on next and as he pulled her ass over his hips, he noticed how much more volume she had compared to the younger girls Kigumi had given him to wear up to this point. Ookawa sensei was a curvy mature woman and Jin was amazed at how differently she felt.

Jin dove into Ookawa sensei’s back, submerging himself within the rest of her skin. In a single deliberate motion, he slipped arms into hers and his head stretched her neck till it properly populated Ookawa sensei’s head. Her shoulders naturally settled around his, pushing her chest taut against his. When he could open his eyes, he was immediately drawn to the massive mammaries hanging at the bottom of his peripheral vision. Jin lifted them with his hands, feeling their weight on his shoulders as well as the tactile feedback from the breasts themselves. He stood up and looked in the mirror by the bed and saw Ookawa sensei’s motherly figure in the nude, perfect save for the loose opening in her back.

Back to the mirror, Jin glanced over his shoulder to watch as he closed up the seam in Ookawa sensei’s back. Kigumi showed him how to do this just recently, though he would still need her to open it back up when he was ready to become himself again. Taking the base of the seam between this thumb and forefinger, he pinched the two edges of the skin together and watched as they began to fuse. He drew his fingers up the seam until it closed at the nape of Ookawa sensei’s neck.

Turning back to face the mirror, Jin played with a tassel of his new long black hair. It was a way to occupy his fingers so that they did not dive between his legs immediately. Ookawa sensei glanced back at him timidly through the mirror. She was as beautiful as always. Jin shook his head, making those ebony locks sway. He had to refocus. Kigumi Ookawa had a party to attend.

Jin poked around in Kigumi’s closet. The same place where he, while attempting to hide from his obsessive girlfriend at the time, happened to witness Kigumi’s transformation from a wet dream female professor to a scrawny teenage boy genius and this whole sexual ride began. Before he had huddled, curled up on the floor, unaware that a hidden switch made the back of the closet open up and permit one to access the more exciting objects in Kigumi’s wardrobe. Finding it, Jin stumbled forward into the closet’s depths. One side remained locked, Jin figured there were probably other skinsuits in that side, but the other was open to him, and Jin found himself staring down a diverse collection of costumes.

Wonder Woman, Asuka, Nurse Joy, all manner of outfits lined the clothing rack, all neatly labeled and organized by origin first and alphabetically within. As a low key otaku, Jin was impressed by Kigumi’s selection. He perused the rack, trying to imagine how Kigumi would look in each one. About half way through, he realized that Kigumi probably would not wear the same skinsuit for all of the outfits, and began to wonder if the inventor had produced skinsuits specifically for any of the characters represented in the wardrobe. Finally, he decided on one and pulled it off the rack.

Lust was a homunculus from the anime series Fullmetal Alchemist. As her name suggested, her voluptuous physical appearance was created to invoke sexual desire. Her signature outfit was a simple, form fitting black one-piece dress that hung low about her bosom. Aside from her cleavage and shoulders, she showed little other skin and in Jin’s mind, Lust’s costume offered an ideal combination of sexiness and classiness, compared to other characters that wore little more than glorified underwear. He found a strapless bra and panties out in the regular dressers in Kigumi’s room and put those on before wiggling into the tight black number. Exercising the make up skills that Kigumi had been teaching him made Jin realize that this was like an exam between them as well. Kigumi wanted him to use what she had been teaching him to see if he could pull off a convincing performance without her holding his hand.

Jin slipped his arms into Lust’s long black elbow gloves and then rechecked the mirror. Ookawa sensei’s hair was already a good match with Lust and it only took a little strategic curling and straightening to get it to look decently like the fictional character’s.

Tossing a light jacket over his shoulders to avoid being too inviting before reaching the party, Jin noticed that Kigumi’s purse was also by her bed. He hesitated at first, but ultimately decided to grab it as well. If it had still contained items she needed, she would have brought it with her. Instead she left it for him so he assumed she had meant him to use it. The purse’s contents confirmed that suspicion, as he found her ID and even some cash among other personal effects. With the purse under his arm, he left for the party with a mix of excitement and nerves.


“Ookawa sensei!”

Though he had been prepared to show Kigumi’s ID, the doormen recognized Jin’s Ookawa appearance upon his arrival so his purse remained closed. He smiled his best Kigumi smile for them.

“Happy Halloween, gentlemen,” he greeted them cautiously.

“Happy Halloween, to you as well, Sensei,” one responded. Neither one seemed to question his presence nor attempt to bar his entry. Jin passed through the portal into the lavish world with a quickened pulse. So far so good, but that had hardly been a hurdle. Only now was Jin realizing that he might be in trouble if he crossed paths with anyone who actually knew Kigumi. However, it was too late to go back now.

The lobby alone was breathtaking. The Gala was one part event hall and the other part hotel, and, the well kept furnishing and trim about the room seemed nearly obsessive in its maintenance. The rigorous upkeep actually seemed to clash with the attempted decorations as no one would believe for a second that the window sills could house cobwebs but not a spec of dust. It took surprising effort not to stare.

Jin followed signs to the main ballroom. The hall was filled with people in varying quality of costumes. Some simply wore fancy dresses or suits with Halloween motif decorations, while on the other side of the room, Jin spotted a nearly fully functioning Iron Man suit. Jin was suddenly grateful that Lust’s outfit could for the most part also pass just as a classy succubus and that he had not decided to go with something decidedly more “anime,” as his friends might describe the likes of Kill La Kill’s Ryuko, or Morrigan from Darkstalkers. His fears were mitigated though when he did spot a Saber from the Fate universe, though he had to admit that her default outfit also made for a mostly tasteful costume without sacrificing its distinctive flair.

Jin accepted a glass of some alcohol from a waiter and nursed the drink as he began his search for Kigumi. He wandered around the room methodically, inspecting the guests. There were a number of lookers among the women, balanced out by a few that were outside of Jin’s tastes, but by the time Jin returned to near the entrance, he had not identified anyone who could potentially have been Kigumi. He had seen a few of her other forms in the last month, but as best as he could tell through the various costumes, none were present here. Though there were two guests whose costumes obfuscated their identities completely, but approaching them would be Jin’s last resort, as both would be a shot in the dark. Best to try to eliminate all other options first.

Jin finished his drink thoughtfully wondering where to go next with his search and glanced at the bar in the corner. With most of the guests supplied with good wine by waiters and the hor d’oeuvres set out in the middle of the room, there was only one customer at the end of the bar.

Back to the rest of the room, Jin had not recognized the Greed cosplayer from the same series that his Lust originated, but there he was. His arms were not burly enough to do it justice, but the outfit itself was otherwise well made. His dark gray half jacket/vest was topped with just the right amount of silver fur and under that he had a black compression shirt atop a pair of black slacks with a pair of pointed toe shoes.

Jin had thought, from the beginning of his relationship with Kigumi, that looking in a mirror and seeing someone not himself was the most surreal thing he had experienced. In that moment, he corrected that opinion. In the absence of a mirror, to look upon another person and to see himself now topped his list of his identity questioning experiences to date. Somewhere in his mind, this did not come as a surprise to Jin. Given that Kigumi had given him Ookawa sensei to wear, it was not a jump in logic to expect Kigumi to complete the role reversal and wear a skinsuit of him.

“Excuse me,” Jin flagged a waiter with another tray of drinks and helped himself to another. He downed the whole glass in front of the startled waiter and returned the empty glass before approaching the bar.

“Hora,” Jin started trying his best to sound haughty. “I was not expecting to see a bastard like you of all people at a nice classy gig like this.” Jin lowered his eyelashes and made a small condescending smile. “You came out here, but didn’t bother to even try dressing up nicely, too.”

Greed blinked at him, as if startled that someone was talking to him. He looked up and down taking in Jin’s Lust cosplay, his mouth opened as if to say something, but instead he turned and finished his drink first. He took another breath and then seemed to finally get into character.

“Well well, I however am not the least bit surprised you’re here,” he replied, trying to add a coarseness to his voice. “How many of these movers and shakers are dancing to your beat specifically?” He grinned though it was more of a flash of teeth.

Jin hesitated. Like most of the evening, he had entered this conversation with minimal preparation and was already bumping against a wall. To hide his panic, he smoothed his features into a placating smile.

“Mhmm… wouldn’t you like to know?” was the best he could come up with without drawing out the silence further. Greed raised an eyebrow but just continued to give the mentally flailing Jin a smug leer.

Then, Greed’s expression softened though and he let out a breathy laugh.

“Ha! Alright, I can’t keep this up,” he chuckled, “It falls apart too quickly when we both have bad acting.”

Jin made an affronted face, but couldn’t hold it. He laughed as well, taking care to try to restrict himself to a soft chuckle. He could not help but be amused and awed by how great Kigumi was at acting the characters she wore

Greed gave a more genuine grin but lowered his voice. “Well done. You found me.” He gave a satisfied nod. “Now then, about your reward…”

Jin’s doppleganger led him out of the hall and to a small storage closet. As the door closed behind them, KiguJin, as Jin decided to think of the curious clone of himself before him, grasped his soft Ookawa form and pressed him against the door, leaning in to occupy his lips with a passionate kiss. KiguJin’s hands groped Jin’s breasts while Jin rubbed the throbbing bulge in his partner’s pants. They turned and KiguJin leaned against the door while Jin unzipped his fly, extracting KiguJin’s eager seven inch cock. Remembering all of his lessons, Jin slowly began to lick the dick in his face, looking up past it into KiguJin’s pleased face. He then took KiguJin’s cock in his mouth, patiently rolling its girth in his mouth, letting his tongue caress its underside as it steadily slid deeper. Not wanting to make an incriminating mess of the closet or their costumes, Jin kept his lips clamped around KiguJin’s rod as he felt his partner’s shaft tense just before cumming. KiguJin sighed in pleasure, letting his climax pour thick semen into Jin’s mouth who drank it all down.

When he finished, Jin pulled back, carefully cleaning off the phallus in the same motion. He turned and took a few steps deeper into the closet, letting his hips sway enticingly with each step. Jin looked back over his shoulder with a smile. He leaned forward, bracing one hand on the far wall and with the other, hiked up the hem of his dress up over his ass, presenting an invitation to his partner who happily accepted. KiguJin teased Jin’s hungry sex with his tip before taking hold of Jin’s hips and slowly pushing in his fuck stick. Jin bit his lip to suppress a moan, basking in the pleasure that radiated from his loins. The feeling of a hot shaft spreading his lady lips, the sensation of fullness that spread warmly in his abdomen. He had come to love the feeling of receiving as a woman as much as pitching as a man, and Ookawa sensei’s body had one of the most sensitive cunts he had experienced. It took only three thrusts of KiguJin’s thick meat to push Jin to orgasm, but the ride was not over. When he wanted a break from the delightful sight of his swaying boobs, Jin glanced over behind him to see his own face mixed with concentration and contorted in pleasure as KiguJin continued to pound his backside. Finally, the Greed cosplayer reached his second ejaculation which happened coincided with Jin’s third climax.

With another content sigh, KiguJin withdrew, opting to settle on the floor as he caught his breath. Jin shakily sank to the floor next to him, his dress still cinched around his waist.

“How is it?” KiguJin asked when he caught his breath. “Getting fucked by yourself? That’s what it’s like when you fuck me.” Jin did not answer. It was as surreal as it had been pleasurable, and while he was not sure how to put that in words, something about KiguJin’s own word choice seemed off just then.

KiguJin clamored forward and reached between Jin’s legs, stroking Jin’s still sensitive pussy and drawing a gasp from him. “Let me have a taste, too,” he requested. KiguJin leaned in and sucked on Jin’s cunt, slurping at the remnants of his own seed still fresh upon Jin’s femininity. Gently, he eased a finger in between Jin’s folds, diving into the mixture of vaginal fluid and jizz. Then he inserted another and suddenly Jin realized what he was after and flipped the mental switch to release his own cock. KiguJin found the fleshy tool and brought it out with his hand. Jin’s manhood protruded stiffly from Ookawa sensei’s pussy, messily dripping with cum. Jin watched in amazement as his clone licked and slurped all the white goo from his futanari dick, and, once it was clean, KiguJin wrapped his lips around the hot shaft and began enthusiastically attending him.

This too, was a view Kigumi had seen, back when she was training Jin how to give head. Feeling more like Kigumi than just wearing her appearance further pushed Jin towards his first male climax of the evening. Just as he was on the brink of cumming, KiguJin paused, still with a mouthful of cock, and reached behind his neck. In a smooth, calculated moment, KiguJin stripped off his Jin face as the real Jin came. The Jin skinsuit’s lips stayed around Jin’s own shaft but behind it he saw a bush of red-brown hair emerge followed by an unexpected face increasingly painted with white goop by his on-going ejaculation.

“What the fuuuuccckkk!” Jin gasped weakly in alarm and horror as the opening in his clone’s back spread down to the small of its back, its face, arms and torso rapidly deflating as his ex-girlfriend, Yui Atsuko, rose from its remains. Her dark eye sparkled mischievously and she stroked Jin’s still cumming member through the mouth opening of the Jin skinsuit and the last spurts of Jin’s spunk splattered thickly into her chubby cleavage.

Yui collected some of the jizz and dripped it in her mouth. “My, Jinny, you never got this into it when we used to do it. I never knew you were such a freak in bed.” She tried to look bashful with a finger in her mouth.

Jin’s mind reeled. After Kigumi had helped him build some confidence, he had dumped Yui cleanly and though she had not been happy, she ultimately accepted the break up. So why was she here? This was supposed to be Kigumi, wasn’t it?

Yui grinned sheepishly, pulling herself and the rest of the Jin skinsuit away from the genuine article. She squirmed out of the rest of the skinsuit, Jin noting curiously that the Greed cosplay seemed to be built into the suit rather than being clothes worn after the suit was put on. As she pulled it off her hips, KiguJin’s cock deflated as the strap-on that was occupying it came away with Yui’s hips. Finally, she stepped out of the pile of skinsuit and nudged it aside. Her attempt to sway her hips as she closed back in on Jin were spoiled somewhat by the jiggling of her stomach flab. Jin scrambled backward on his ass, but his back quickly found itself up against the wall. Yui stepped close, she caressed her dildo, bending it towards her belly before letting it slap him in the face.

“If I had known you liked being a sissy all this time, I would have broken out my cumming strap-on from the start. Now, then, there’s plenty more juice to drink, and I know for a fact now that you have a mighty thirst…” Yui bit her lip in concentration and suddenly, the strap-on began to spew its hot white cum on Jin’s face. As the stream dribbled down to Jin’s lips, his mind finally caught up, spurned by the taste of semen.

“Wait…” he started, looking up into mirthful eyes. He lifted his face and let the dildo slide into his mouth where he drank down the rest of its cum.

“Hehe, finally figured it out?” Yui giggled when she finished her orgasm.

“Given your secretive nature on the topic of these,” Jin tugged at his cheek letting it stretch a little further than was natural, “you wouldn’t have let her in on them for a casual prank.”

Yui clapped her hands quietly. They were still in a storage closet. “Ding! That’s right! You pass. For real,” she announced. She reached for the straps around her hips, and, unfastening them, pulled the fake strap-on off of a very real penis. “I call it a ‘strap-sheath.’ I think you can imagine what it’s for,” she explained with a wink.

“Devious. Even for you,” Jin commented wryly. He did his best to clean his face with a tissue from Ookawa’s purse. “So are you going to put me back on to leave?” he asked.

“Not yet,” Kigumi answered, smiling with Yui’s lips. She reached behind her neck once more and in a smooth motion, pulled Yui’s plump features from her face, revealing the sultry curves of Jessica Rabbit. The rest of the Yui skinsuit soon joined the Jin one on the floor and Jin admired how Jessica’s unrealistic womanly proportions contrasted with the thick cock still hanging from her cunt. Jin was struck by another question.

“How many layers are you wearing? I didn’t realize you could wear more than one at a time,” He mused glancing at the now two shed skins on the floor.

“Had me my purse,” she commanded in husky tones. Jin curiously complied and was startled once again to see Jessica open the lining of the purse and withdraw her signature red dress, purple elbow gloves and dainty heels. Jin had wondered why the bag seemed a bit heavy for its apparent contents. “Previously, you couldn’t wear more than one. This was another experiment like when you first met Yuki. I may have another layer below this one before finally reaching the gangly boy me that I’d rather not share with the rest of the world.” Jessica answered as she quickly slipped into the ensemble. She packed the two extra skinsuits into Kigumi’s purse.

“Now come,” she said, digging up a second strap-sheath from the hammer space within her bag’s secret lining with a smirk. She handed it to Jin. “There is plenty more tricking and treating to be had this mysterious and hallowed night.”