Please Teach Me! – An Exotic Encounter

Since her introduction in her first class teaching Bio 117, Jin and his friends quickly fell in love with  Kigumi Ookawa sensei.  A gorgeous woman in her late twenties,  Ookawa sensei was roughly 5’9″ with back-length, slightly wispy ebony hair, long luscious legs, a shapely ass, and a killer rack.  She preferred blazers and business suits, keeping her appearance professional while still subtly emphasizing her assets.  Not only were her looks model worthy, but her personality was calm and patient.  She was an excellent teacher as well and even some of the chronic skippers had already made it a full week to her 9am class.  Jin himself had masturbated to pics of her, and even fantasized about her to excite himself for sleeping with Yui.

A sophomore in college, Jin Yoshida studied bio engineering.  He was an honest and straightforward young man with short black hair and a short clean shaven beard.  5’10” and with a slim build, he kept moderately active by running regularly, but was not notably muscular.  He and his high school girlfriend, Yui Atsuko, entered the same college together, but after their first year his girlfriend changed and he had been looking for a good opportunity to end their relationship.

One evening, about a week and a half into the fall semester, Jin tried to ditch a particularly clingy Yui who he had already indulged for most of the afternoon.  Naturally she was having none of that and angrily pursued.

Yui’s panted as she ran in search of her fleeing boyfriend.  Her straight, ear-length hair was dyed red-brown with black roots in accordance to the latest fashion; her 5’2″ frame was not the cute compact package it once was.  She used to be petite in high school and having being a member of the softball team, tried out for the university team.  Unfortunately she could not make the cut in the college leagues and fell out of being active, becoming somewhat plump.  Her butt benefited from the fat however, and her bra size is now pushing the larger end of C cup, but visually, neither help to offset the body mass she gained elsewhere.  She suffered from a weak personality and easily fell victim to trends and peer pressure.  Jin sometimes wondered if he had originally been drawn to her by a desire to protect her.  Her college “friends” had been less than supportive, so she desperately clung to Jin.  He was beginning to think that she relied on him too much and had not made much effort to change things for herself.  Thus he eventually decided that he wanted out of their relationship.

Having lost her momentarily, he fled toward his apartment complex, town homes really, and jumped through the partially open front door.  Though he had hoped to get some tag team help from a roommate, the house was empty at the moment, so he raced upstairs to his roommate’s room and hid in the closet.  His panicked mind figured that simply locking Yui out would cause her to make a disturbance but hoped that by letting her look around the common area and probably even his room and closet, she would give up if she did not find him there and assume he had gone elsewhere.
After a few minutes of silence ticked by, Jin noticed that he was curled up amongst a collection of clothes that included dresses and skirts, as well as lingerie.  This was not his roommate’s room; there were no girls living in his unit.  Around the same time as that realization, he heard the front door close and lock downstairs accompanied by movement.

He could see the room through the slit between the two closet doors and his heart dropped when a young woman entered.  Her ebony hair swayed lightly as she removed her earrings and other jewelery and when she turned so Jin could see her face, he could not believe what he saw.  Ookawa senesi shrugged out of her blazer top and unbuttoned her blouse, her double D tits jostling about.  Jin’s dick had, upon recognizing her, sprung to attention, and as she continued to strip before him, it throbbed longingly.  Her skirt fell and she turned to sit on the bed as she rolled off her pantyhose.  The bra came off and it took all of Jin’s self control to keep his hand from his cock.  Ookawa sensei hefted her breasts, each one larger than could hold fully with one hand, and massaged their mass.  After a few passes though, she let them return to their natural position and reached up with both hands to the nape of her neck.  Searching for a second under her hair, she pinched something and drew one hand down her back.  Jin’s cock never softened even a bit, but what followed baffled the rest of him thoroughly.

Eyes closed, Ookawa sensei’s face seemed to melt away, her whole head seeming to deflate as her hands pulled forward, and a different person’s head emerged from the back of her neck.  It was hard to see clearly, but the new head had buzzed brown hair, and a hint of facial hair.  Her two gifts of nature also lost form as the new person shrugged his shoulders and chest out of Ookawa sensei’s torso, extracted his arms from hers and peeled her skin down to his waist.  He was young, around Jin’s age, maybe younger, with a similarly thin build.  He stood, still using Ookawa sensei’s bombshell legs and hips, and maneuvered the loose skin around his waist – tying her flaccid arms around him like one might tie a sweatshirt as a chilly fall morning gives way to a warm sunny day.  He tucked some of her head and hair into the fleshy arm belt to keep it out of the way and approached the closet.  The awkward sight of the skin had frozen Jin’s mind and body and he fell over as the boy opened the closet and found him.

He froze as well and Jin tried and failed to think of anything to say or do in this situation.  After a few seconds, the boy broke into a wry, wistful smile.  He seemed neither upset nor angry, merely surprised.

“Well, this is unexpected.  Why are you in my closet?”

Jin fumbled for words and finally composed an intelligible response.  “Wh-who are you?  What did you do to Ookawa sensei?”  The boy blinked.  His eyes narrowed briefly, inspecting Jin more closely before answering.

“Don’t be so quick to jump to conclusions.  As I’m sure you saw, I AM Ookawa.  And if I recall correctly, you are Yoshida san, from my bio 117 class.”  Vaguely somewhere in his mind, Jin was surprised that he was identified – Ookawa sensei taught multiple classes, and though bio 117 was not a huge lecture, there were still a good 30 people in the class.  Jin nodded and though his mouth moved, words had not formed yet so nothing came out.  “Now then, I’ll reiterate my original question.  Why are you in my closet?”

“Hiding from girlfriend,” Jin managed to blurt out, immediately regretting it.  The boy raised an amused eyebrow.

“I… see,” he mused slowly.  “If you’re hiding, then you were probably at least a little panicked – was this just a literal open door opportunity, or perhaps an assumption error, though?”  He tapped pursed lips with one finger in thought – something Jin recognized as a very Ookawa sensei-ish behavior.  He was beginning to accept that this really was just who Ookawa sensei really was.  As the boy continued his line of reasoning, Jin recognized that as well as Ookawa sensei-esque cool logic.  “Do you live nearby, Yoshida san?”  The question snapped Jin back to the present.

“Uh… 204.  Apartment 204,” he managed to blubber with a hasty nod.

“That’s next door.  I’d say that is certainly nearby enough.  I believe I understand the situation now – I was just bringing in my mail so I had left the door unlocked.  Given that the mailbox was across the street, I suppose that was careless of me.”  The boy nodded to himself, pleased at solving the puzzle.  “Now then, the question is what to do from here.”

“I… ah.. I won’t tell anyone, I promise!”  Jin had yet to regain full mastery of his tongue, but he was so on the defensive that he had not even considered perhaps trying to overpower the boy/woman and even less try to talk his way out.

The boy chuckled softly.  “I don’t really care so much that you saw now that you’ve seen as much as you have – I’d have to ‘kyaa’ and get angry if I’d caught you before taking off my upper body, but that would have just been obligatory.  Even if you go out and tell someone you saw ‘Ookawa sensei take off her skin and there was a boy inside!’ who would really believe that?  And what would it achieve?  I suppose telling the right people could potentially make some trouble for me, so I’d still rather you not do that.”  The boy sat down on the edge of the bed, facing Jin still sitting in the closet.  He crossed Ookawa’s curvacious legs as he continued to consider Jin.

“The simplest thing to do would be… you return home next door and we both forget this happened.  Let’s say that’s the minimum I’d like to happened, though.”  The boy smiled as he pulled Ookawa sensei’s upper body back up over his own.  A few seconds later, Ookawa sensei was once again before him in her full nearly naked glory.  “If you have some time though, I wouldn’t mind getting to know my student and neighbor a bit better,” she cooed seductively.  Jin finally pulled together enough motor control to shift to a more comfortable sitting position, which unfortunately ended up bringing his erection tent front and center.  Ookawa sensei grinned at it and him and Jin flushed, unsure of how to feel knowing there was a guy inside that sexy exterior.  Not that his dick seemed to care how his head felt.

“Are you a virgin?”  She asked casually.  “It’s okay either way, I’m just curious as to how much experience you have.”  Jin was certain his face could not get any redder

His ears felt hot as he answered, “  I’ve done it a few times with my girlfriend.”

“Ah yes, the one you were fleeing from earlier.” Ookawa sensei grinned wryly at him.  “I was going to say, your first time should be as yourself, but that’s not an issue it seems.”  She sobered suddenly, glancing away.  “I… must confess.  I am something of a ‘sexaphile.’  Not hard to understand now that you know what you do about me, I hope.  It is however a… touchy subject to approach, in more ways than one.  I know well enough that your body’s reaction is not always in agreement with your head or heart.  And even if you seem to be at odds with your girlfriend at the moment, she is your girlfriend and not your ex so you are still officially seeing her, so… If you want to leave and we’ll stick with option number one for now, I’ll understand.”  She met his eyes again and smiled warmly.  “We are neighbors now so if you want anything don’t hesitate to ask.  I can offer some… diverse and very… unique tutoring, under only the caveat of confidentiality.”  Ookawa sensei trailed off for a second though Jin remained quiet as he processed what she was saying.  “Think about it for a minute, I’ll go outside and check to see if the coast is clear for you at the very least,” she suggested as she put on a new bra and slipped a loose dress over her head.  A few pinches and pulls later, she left the room and Jin heard her pad softly down the stairs.

He no longer felt attachment to Yui – he just did not want to be rude about letting her down, but more for his own image’s sake than for her sake.  His cock had not faltered in the last few minutes despite the roller coaster of emotion his heart had gone through.  Confidentiality.  He would not tell, she probably would not tell either if she didn’t want him to.  What about down the road?  Would she maybe…

Fuck it.  Fuck it all.  Including her.  He had fantasized about this very thing, and now it was actually before him.  Who cares about future consequences.  He was in college, the prime time of his life to have new experiences and make mistakes.  Most of all, Jin was afraid that he would regret simply letting such an unbelievable encounter like this slide away.

Ookawa sensei opened her mouth to say something as she returned to the bedroom but stopped when she saw the conviction in Jin’s eyes.  She broke into an excited smile as she pointed to the bed and shrugged out of the temporary dress, offering only one word, “sit.”  Jin quickly stripped out of his pants and boxers, freeing his boner from its confines, and sat obediently on the edge of the bed.  Her bra joined the dress on the floor as Ookawa sensei knelt to address Jin’s member.

Yui had never done fellatio so this was a new experience, and Ookawa sensei was even more skilled than he had expected.  She started with her tongue tip to tip with his cock before tasting its full length down to his balls and back to the tip.  Jin felt a surge but clenched his everything and fought it back through willpower.  Feeling the twinge through the flesh of his cock, Ookawa helped by pinching near the base.

“You were that close already?  Good boy for holding out, though.  Soon, but not yet.”  They waited a minute before Ookawa moved in again.  This time, she pursed her lips against the head of his cock and slowly pushed down, letting her lips part stubbornly so they pressed firmly over Jin’s dick’s contours.  Down she went till her lips touched Jin’s crotch and he felt his tip enter her throat.  Ookawa then pulled back, her tongue playing along his cock as she went.  She then arched her back and nestled Jin’s dick between her plump breasts, their breadth enough to engulf his girth entirely.  One bounce in that position was all it took to push him past the point where he could no longer hold it back and cum exploded from Ookawa’s fertile valley, splashing up over her face and showering her tits.

“Oh my, So much!”  Ookawa giggled, wiping some semen from her cheek.  “Well, I hope there’s more still where that came from.  I expect you to return the favor after all!”  She stood and kissed Jin, invading his mouth with her tongue.  There was a salty/sour taste on her tongue which he realized must have been his own sperm.  He smelled it on her face as well with her so close.  She pulled away after a few seconds and laid down on the bed next to him, finally removing her panties and spreading her legs.  He could already see her pussy dripping in anticipation.  Despite having just cum, his cock never went down and he eagerly got into position to insert it but Ookawa stopped him.

“Hold on, there’s a proper order to things.”  She spread her pussy with her fingers before him.  “If you receive oral, you must give oral as well.”  Jin gulped, but obeyed.  Slowly he got used to the taste and scent of Ookawa’s cunt and started noticing its responses to him touching certain parts.  Feeling a little more confident, he tried forcing his tongue inside the folds of her labia, illiciting a gasp of pleasure.  “Ah! ah… alright… tha- that’s good enough.  You may… enter now.”

Jin happily obliged, rising from his knees and once again lining up his rock hard erection with Ookawa’s pussy.  With her as wet as she was, his penis slid right in, her cunt enveloping him in gooey warmth.  It was nothing like Yui – Ookawa’s vagina pulsed tightly around his dick.  Not wanting to pull out right away, he shifted his hips to move his dick around inside, producing another pleased moan from Ookawa.  Jin was growing steadily more confident and began thrusting his hips slowly at first, and then gradually picked up fervor.  He leaned forward without stopping and teased her tits, massaging them with his hands and sucking her nipples.  He felt Ookawa’s pussy tighten around him as he came again, painting her insides with his seed.  They remained there for a few seconds, still connected, breathing heavily, before Jin finally pulled out, his cock dripping sexual fluids, as Ookawa sat up on the bed.  Her face still smelled of semen as she drew him close to kiss him again, lightly before letting him go, and getting off the bed.

“Excellent,” she praised with a small smile.  She wandered over to the closet, opening it and then opening a secret panel in the side.  “Now then, would you be interested in experiencing the other side?”  She took out what looked like a human skin.  Jin could tell there was a good amount of flesh to the deflated breasts, half hidden under the mass of long snow white hair.  He had come this far.  Why not see how far down the rabbit hole went?

“A… alright,” he breathed, taking the skin as Ookawa handed it to him.  “I can just put it on as it is?  Like a wet suit?”  She nodded.  Sitting on the bed, he found the opening in the back and spread it wide.  It ran from the small of the girl’s back up to just into her hair line above the nape of her neck.  He put one foot in first, and pulled the skin up over his leg till it was taught.  As he had somewhat expected, it felt like a fleshy wetsuit.  Would all of it feel like this?  How did Ookawa experience sex?  What would happen to his penis?  He realized all of his questions would be answered by simply putting on the rest of the skin.  He put in his other foot and pulled up the leg, standing to cinch the buttocks over his own.  He watched his junk, still messy from the earlier cream-pie disappear behind the girl skin’s crotch.  That must have been a checkpoint of sorts as once he was situated in the skin fully below the waist, he felt a tingle run through his lower body and he suddenly felt the carpet on his bare feet again.  Jin tried to wrestle the flesh of the girl suit’s upper body to examine his new pelvis, but Ookawa stopped him.

“Just put all of it on, and then you can check all of it out at once,”  She said, facing away from him but looking over her shoulder.  Makes sense, he thought, and returned his attention to the girl skin.  He worked his arms into hers and bringing her shoulders over his also brought her chest to life.  The weight over her breasts hung noticeably from his new shoulders, though he could not see much around the mass of hair, he felt the hair and deflated head resting upon his new chest as naturally as if it were his own.  The final part, he stretched the last bit of the opening and stuffed his head inside.  It was dark at first, but after a few blinks, he realized his eyes synced up with the skin’s and he no longer felt like he was wearing a mask – the skin’s face was his face now.  He raised a hand to touch his cheek, and noticed how different his girl hands looked, with their long slender fingers and well kept nails.  His C cup breasts were smaller than Ookawa’s but they still obscured a good part of his lower vision when he looked down.  Cupping them in his palms, he started as the sensation of just touching them sent a shock through his new body.  He felt fingers on his back as Ookawa closed up the opening.

“Alright, you’re all set,” she confirmed for him and he looked around locating the full body mirror in the corner.  Standing before it, he saw a beautiful young girl, probably no older than 18 or 19.  Well endowed in all the right places, he had large tits, a slender waist flaring out to healthy hips.  A cute ass rounded out the ensemble and his large blue eyes, small nose and full lips were framed by butt length fluffy white hair.

“Whoa.  This is-!”  He spoke aloud for the first time since donning the suit and his ears were surprised to be met with a girl’s high pitched voice.

Jin felt hands on his shoulders around his hair as Ookawa came up behind him.  “My second skins are perfect.  They change you as precisely as they’re meant to.”  Her hands left his shoulders, tracing fingers down his back and then back up to reach under his arms and grope his breasts.  Ookawa’s own chest pressed into his back as she leaned forward to look over his shoulder into the mirror.  Her weird wording became clearer as Jin felt flesh brush against his thighs, and a long cock passed between the thigh gap, pressing up against his smooth shaven crotch.  It protruded 3 or 4 inches from Jin’s thighs, and he felt his heart rate rise at the idea of it entering him, not that he had much of an idea of what that would actually feel like.  Jin had planned on exploring that part of his new body next, but Ookawa had already taken the lead, rubbing her cock against his new pussy, sending shocks of sensations cascading through his body.  Retreating, she guided him to the bed and laid him down.

“Since this is your first time, I’ll let you skip the foreplay, but next time I’ll teach you proper fellatio.”  She stood over him, stroking her long cock slowly with a seductive gleam in her eyes.  Her cock was slick with vaginal juices and Jin’s own left over semen from the cream-pie, and Jin’s pussy was plenty moist itself.  Even so, it was Jin’s first time receiving and, with that monster of a dick, he was understandably nervous but excited as well.  Ookawa knelt first and teased her tongue around Jin’s cunt, using it and her fingers to spread his virgin labia.  Then, she guided her cock head to his vagina and begin to push with her hips slowly.  His folds were tight, but eventually gave way, accepting the tip.

A moan ripped involuntarily from Jin’s mouth as his whole body was overtaken by sensation that just seemed to grow exponentially as Ookawa slid inch after inch into him.  She was only half way in when Jin’s cunt convulsed and squirted – he yelled out as his first female orgasm cascaded through him, but Ookawa did not stop.  By the time their crotches met, Jin had cum a second time, and could no longer think straight anymore.  Ookawa leaned forward to tease his breasts, like he had to her before, kneading their flesh and suckling on his areola.  Then, Ookawa began to move.  New waves of pleasure coursed through Jin with each shift, both in and out.  He came again, but his high did not fade, it was like his orgasm just kept going.  Ookawa’s breasts bounced as she pumped her hips, flecking bits of Jin’s earlier cum into the air.  She bit her lip and ground her crotch up against his, pushing her cock deep as she could reach as she exploded inside of him.  She came and came until it squirted out of Jin’s pussy around her cock and as she withdrew from his cunt.  She continued to shoot her semen onto Jin’s girl-body, nearly covering him completely with a thick gooey layer of white before she was finally finished.

Jin coughed and wiped the semen from his eyes.  The volume was unreal.  Was the boy inside Ookawa really capable of this, or was there something about the skin that helped out?  Her dick had already been monstrous in size.  As Jin opened his eyes though, Ookawa was already tucking her cock back into her pussy.  However it worked, a second later, she was all woman again.  She looked at his drenched form ruefully.

“Ah, I’m sorry.  It’s been a while since I’ve been able to pitch so I kinda overdid it.  I hope I haven’t soured your opinion of the experience, though,” she apologized timidly.

That was hardly the case – being covered like this was not enough to forget the incredible orgasms he had felt.  Jin shook his head, “ you’re fine.  It was amazing.  In more ways than one!”  Ookawa looked relieved to hear that.

“Good, I’m glad.  Well, that’s more than enough for one day, let’s get cleaned up.  You’ll want to wash once in the skin, then take it off and wash your core skin.  I’ll take care of the rest of cleaning the skin afterward,” Ookawa said as she stood and moved towards the bathroom.

Ookawa drew a bath, and they washed together.  Once their outside skins were clean, Ookawa opened the girl skin for Jin and helped him out of it.  Jin watched in awe as she then shed her own skin and became the boy from earlier again, in full this time.  He noted that the boy was not as well endowed as Ookawa had been.  They washed and soaked again, this time Jin felt substantially more self conscious but as the boy seemed perfectly comfortable, he did not complain.  While they soaked, he did try to fish for some more information.

“So… what’s your real name?  Or what should I call you, when you’re not Ookawa sensei?”  He asked sheepishly, avoiding eye contact.

“Kigumi,” the boy responded simply.  “I am still Kigumi Ookawa, even if I’m not wearing that skin.”  He smiled wryly at Jin.  “Even though we’re building a bit of a unique relationship here, you’d do well to remember that that much is still always true.”  Kigumi looked up at the rising steam.

“As you may have guessed, I am younger than you, I’m 17.  My apparently brain’s wired differently than normal and that put me ahead in school.  Way ahead.  My introduction on the first day of class was all true – I am a PhD holder.  Being a kid in college and even in the PhD programs was passable, I still got weird looks and plenty of suspicion of my abilities, but show that you’re the real deal, that you really can do what you claim to be able to, and most people will accept it, in academia at least.  Most.

Once you’re out of school though, looking like a kid becomes a hell of a lot less palatable for most people.  I like research well enough, but I’ve always wanted to teach, and well the education system in this country is… well I’m sure you’ve heard about it.  Even if I can prove that I know my stuff, that I know how to teach, that I have dual degrees in bio engineering and secondary and tertiary education… a lot of establishments still wouldn’t accept me.  If I had to guess, it’s because they think that acknowledging me would hurt their pride, like ‘he got his PhD at 15, but I didn’t do that till I was 28.’  As if that some how made everyone else less of a scholar or teacher.

So I developed these skinsuits to change what I look like.  That’s really where those originate from.  Naturally it was just what I figured an older me would be like, but as I developed the technology more and saw it’s wider potential, I of course got curious about how else it could be applied and that’s how I got here.  The now official Ookawa Kigumi is a mature adult who other adults have no trouble accepting.”  He trailed off as Jin processed what he was hearing.  It truly was one of those rare cases of being way too gifted.

Kigumi looked back at Jin and smiled mischievously.  “As for why a woman?  Naturally if I were able to become anyone else and experience anything from their perspective, why limit myself to the gender perspective I am already familiar with?  It’s sometimes incredible how differently women experience things from men, even simple things like exercising or going to the bathroom, for better or worse.  I definitely feel like I understand all people better for knowing both sides of the gender divide.  And, after experiencing both sides, I decided to make my new life female.”

He paused to wink at Jin.  “Of course, natural women aren’t all as glamorous as men think they are.  They have all sorts of problems to deal with physically, mentally, and socially, many of which they hide very well from men.  Some of my early femsuits aimed at recreating the female experience as accurately as possible, so I’ve felt what it’s like to suffer through menstruation and trying to maintain a figure I was happy with, and boy did I toss that idea out quickly.  My current skins don’t menstruate and are capable of maintaining their physical… parameters… with little user effort.  I still exercise and try to eat healthily because that’s simply good for me, on my insides, but you could technically ignore both of those while wearing a skin and the skin wouldn’t outwardly show it ever.  You’d experience some unpleasant complications if you did it for a long time, but I tried to make it as low maintenance as possible.

“The menstruation thing also helps with my sexual activity.  As I mentioned, getting a taste for sex in a different body unleashed something inside of me.  There are so many different ways to feel good and make others feel good, so I tailored my current suits to be able to do that without having to worry about consequences or side effects.  I can’t get pregnant, and I can’t receive or transmit any STDs.  I suppose if someone with AIDS came inside me and then another guy stuck his penis in my full cunt the second guy runs the risk of catching it, but I’m not in danger and if I get a chance to cleanse between partners, none of them are in danger.”  At that last bit, Jin broke eye contact he had not realized he had made with an uncomfortable shift.  He was not gay, not that he had anything against gays either, but he was not used to that kind of… openness.  He was also reminded that he was sharing a bath with another guy and that guy had also fucked him just a little while ago.  As a woman.  With a dick though.  Jin was more than a little sexually confused.

Noticing Jin’s confusion, Kigumi spoke up again.  “Since my sexual experimentation began, my sexuality has naturally become blurred.  I am still predominantly attracted to girls actually, but a good looking cock can also get me aroused these days, even when I’m not wearing a female skin.  I’ve tried gay sex, it’s actually not all that different from straight sex.  You and your partner pleasure each others sexual organs.  Gay anal and straight anal both feel the same to me, and so do blowjobs.  Giving and receiving for both.  It’s all just sex.

“When you get two skinsuits involved, what you call it becomes way harder to define, but in the end, it’s still just sex.  And, done right, it feels good for everyone.”  Kigumi lounged back, brandishing his arms over the edge of the bath.  “That’s my perspective at this point anyway,” he said quietly.  They both soaked a little while longer in silence before getting out.  Jin had plenty to contemplate, and was not sure he would reach any conclusions too soon.

Kigumi redressed in his ‘femskin’ and redressed that in light evening ware.  Her one piece dress fluttered when she opened the door and looked around outside.  The coast was clear and Jin thanked his neighbor and teacher for her time and lesson and returned to his apartment.

“I basically followed her home but when she found out we were neighbors, she invited me over since I had had some trouble with one part of our last homework assignment,” Jin lied to his two other housemates, one of whom had seen Ookawa sensei and him leaving her apartment.  They were fired up about having a hot neighbor and Jin did his best to feign enthusiasm.  In truth, the experience had been very exciting and stimulating, but had ended so… existentially that he felt heavy afterward.  It did not help that he was physically exhausted.  Sex was a physically demanding activity and Jin passed out nearly immediately upon making contact with his pillow.

Next door, Kigumi hummed happily as she finished cleaning her dishes from dinner.  She was elated to have made a new friend, and potentially, a very special new fuck buddy.  She had one other regular partner who played with skinsuits with her, so a third would open up some new possibilities.  Plus her new project was almost done as well.  The next few weeks promised to be very exciting.