Rubber the Wrong (Right) Way part 2

Jimmy stood before the bathroom mirror and stared, really taking in the dizzying number of bizarre events that had transpired in the last two hours and how they had led him to where he was now.

Fleeing to escape the boss’s ire after screwing up his gang’s operation earlier that day, he happened upon a woman and stole her purse out of habit. Rubber Girl cornered him and Jimmy surrendered to the fledgling superhero hoping to get some clemency and protection from his old gang if he were in prison. The police station would not take him just for petty theft though, and Rubber Girl whisked him along with her when she went to investigate a new commotion. Watching a mystic type supervillain toy with a physical hero like Rubber Girl had been a fascinating, if somewhat terrifying spectacle, and getting to see The Guardian jump in to salvage the situation in person might have been something to brag about had Jimmy not been a criminal himself.

Perhaps the most amazing and absurd development of all – left with nothing to lose, and Rubber Girl practically paralyzed from her encounter with the villain, Jimmy forced himself on her, fueled by his own perverted fetishes he toyed with her elastic body till he discovered he might be able to fit himself inside her. Hysterically, he crawled further in half convinced himself that there was no way it would work, and yet, despite Rubber Girl’s protests, he not only managed to unbirth himself, but he also found her insides so elastic that he could insert his limbs inside her own and take them over, forcing them to move as he did instead of by their original owner’s command. The Pièce De Résistance was finding that by pushing his head into Rubber Girl’s head space, he took over her completely, hijacking sensory information from her skin and the ability to see through her eyes and speak in her voice.

Jimmy the thief had disappeared, and all that was left was Rubber Girl and the stolen purse. The police arrived shortly after and finding he could even speak in Rubber Girl’s voice, Jimmy managed to fool them into believing he was the genuine article before taking his leave. Still burdened with the purse that was now of little value to him, Rubber Girl’s feet had carried Jimmy back to the same police station she had dragged him to before.

“My purse!” the woman who was Jimmy’s earlier victim exclaimed from the sitting area to the side when Jimmy numbly walked in. She stood up daintily and came over. “You are… Rubber Girl, right? Thank you so much for getting it back!” Jimmy felt himself blush and it was not simply from the woman’s gratitude.

Her icy blue cocktail dress framed her breasts and tight waist enticingly and the hem ended mid-thigh, a view reserved for only those who approached her or were approached by her from the front as a knee length trench coat concealed her from other angles. She was young, Jimmy guessed in her mid to late twenties, and her blue eyes matched her dress and shone out from among the tresses of her long straight auburn hair. When Jimmy had first spotted her earlier, he had only noticed her clothes being a little too nice for where she had been walking and her bag as a possible target for theft. Now that Jimmy saw her from a different perspective, he better recognized her subtle beauty.

“Uh… yes. I am- I’m Rubber Girl alright!, heh…” he stammered, realizing that he ought to respond to the woman’s gratitude. It still took some effort to make himself talk normally and it still sounded bizarre to hear Rubber Girl’s voice leave his lips. “Ahem. You’re fortunate I was around to stop that rascally thief, Miss… uh…”

“Judy. Just call me Judy,” she offered with a sweet smile, as she tucked a lock of hair behind one ear.

“R-right then. Miss Judy. That part of town’s not a friendly place to be a woman alone dressed as you are – though, I suppose you already know that now.” He was trying to be ‘hero-y’ but he always got tongue-tied when it came to talking to pretty ladies. Jimmy could only assume it had been the weirdness of the situations before that had helped him speak so naturally with Rubber Girl earlier. The usual response to his lack of conversational dexterity was wry mocking or outright disdain, but to Jimmy’s surprise, Judy seemed genuinely appreciative, if also a little amused.

“Yes, I understand, err… Miss Rubber Girl. I’ll be more careful from now on,” she responded earnestly. After a few moments, she added, “Are you alright?”

The question snapped Jimmy out of the haze of admiring Judy’s body. “Oh. uh.. yeah.” Suddenly Jimmy made a point to look around at anywhere aside from Judy’s available cleavage. The woman was surprisingly unguarded. Was it because Jimmy looked like a girl himself at the moment? In his inspection of the police station interior, Jimmy caught the eye of a bustling officer of some rank who gave her a sour look.

“‘Miss Rubber Girl,’” he started, though by enunciating how he was copying Judy’s way of addressing the young hero, the cop made it sound patronizing instead of respectful. “We’re rather busy right now, so if you don’t have any further business here, why don’t you make yourself useful and escort the young lady home.”

Rubber Girl’s brows furrowed, picking up on the implied jab. It seemed even as a superhero, Jimmy could not catch a break from the cops. Jimmy turned back to face Judy, forcing himself to look her in the eyes rather than ogle her chest. He almost succeeded.

“Very well, I’ll do that. Come on, Miss Judy, let’s get you home.”

Judy hid a small smile behind a hand, graciously accepting ‘Rubber Girl’s’ protection. As they left the station, Judy clung to ‘Rubber Girl’s’ arm as they walked, dictating directions to direct them back to her apartment rather than actively leading. It seemed a strangely intimate gesture to Jimmy, but surely it carried no special meaning between two girls.

“I don’t know if you’re allowed to tell a civilian like myself, but the bustle of the station, and the commotion I heard on my way there, that couldn’t have been because of my purse. Did something else happen nearby?” Judy inquired curiously at one point along the way.

“It seemed The Guardian was giving chase of a villain who fled to an alley a few blocks away. They clashed again when The Guardian found her there but she escaped in the end,” Jimmy answered carelessly, only realizing that he should have been more discreet when several other pedestrians looked at him in alarm. “D-don’t worry though! The Guardian was hot on her tail and chased her far away from here. There’s no danger here anymore!” He hastily added. Seeing suddenly anxious faces relax, he realized that his words carried more impact than they ever had. That was what it felt like for people to listen to him and take him seriously.

Judy let out a sigh of relief of her own. “Whew, that’s good. But even if this villain was still around, that’s why you’re here, right?” She squeezed ‘Rubber Girl’s’ arm tightly against her chest and looked into her eyes. “You’d protect me, wouldn’t you?”

Jimmy gulped. Was… was Judy coming on to him? Jimmy had seen their gang’s strippers and whores use this sort of words and body language to attract customers.

“Of course,” he finally remembered to respond. “I won’t let anyone get hurt when I’m around!” he puffed out his chest and the bouncing of Rubber Girl’s breasts reminded him of his facade.  Maybe he was thinking too much into it – Surely Judy wasn’t coming on to Rubber Girl. They were both girls. Unless…

Jimmy felt a peck on his cheek. Rubber Girl’s cheek. He turned to see Judy retreat wide eyed and red faced. She let go of Jimmy’s arm and clapped a hand over her mouth in embarrassment.

“Ohmygosh, I’m sorry,” she gasped, “I got caught up in the moment, it’s just a habit I picked up from my girlfriend.”

Jimmy glanced around nervously. Despite having allayed their fears, they still had a small audience since it was not too often a superhero simply walked the streets among them in costume. He gave Judy a forced smile. “I don’t mind. Really.” he offered her his arm back. “Come on, let’s keep going.”

“You don’t?…” her eyes widened again. “Are you also…? oh- okay.” With a nervous smile, Judy resumed her hold on Jimmy’s arm, perhaps a little tighter even this time, and they continued on their way. The hints that Judy had let slip had not escaped Jimmy’s notice and he was more than a little intrigued.

Judy ultimately led them to a nondescript door on the fifth floor of an ordinary apartment complex. Surprisingly, it was right on the edge of his gang’s old territory, which Jimmy supposed may have explained why she had been passing through nearby.

“So… um… Miss Rubber Girl. What are you going to do next? Off to continue patrolling?” Judy asked gingerly, avoiding eye contact. She seemed a little fidgety, but she had brought up an important question. What was Jimmy to do next? He had not even had time to consider it at that point. He knew he wanted to explore this body a bit more, but up till then he had just been carried along by circumstance. Thinking it through, he had no idea who Rubber Girl’s secret identity was, so going home, either Jimmy’s or Rubber Girl’s was also out of the question. Before he could decide though, his stomach answered for him, grumbling about how he had not eaten since breakfast.

“My!” Judy laughed. “I don’t suppose you could at least let me fix you some dinner. As thanks.”

Jimmy chuckled self-consciously. “With the cops all swarming around the area, I suppose I could afford to take a break.” The image of sitting down to eat with Judy reminded Jimmy that Rubber Girl was still in costume, not to mention what he had done inside her a little while ago. “That is, if you don’t mind. I am still a bit sweaty from a hard day’s work.”

Judy unlocked the door and ushered him inside. “Not at all. You’re welcome to use the shower if that’s bothering you. It’ll take me a little to prepare dinner anyway.”

It’s not me that I’m worried about bothering… Jimmy thought to himself.

But with the concerns about his current presentation otherwise relieved and not one to turn down a free meal with an attractive woman, Jimmy elected to take up Judy’s offer.

Jimmy pinched his cheek, still unconvinced that he was not dreaming. He both felt the sensation of Rubber Girl’s fingers on her cheek, but her cheek also stretched a few inches. To be fair, that was expected of Rubber Girl’s elastic body, though. He let go and her cheek snapped back into position, his test inconclusive. Perhaps it would be safest just to assume this was real.

He moved his hands to cup Rubber Girl’s breasts. She was well endowed and the plumpness more apparent in her thighs was also present in her chest, giving both a pleasant jiggle whenever Jimmy moved them. Under the layer in his mind that was Rubber Girl’s sensory input was his own body’s senses and rather than overwriting, the two seemed superimposed. He wrapped her arms around herself in a self hug of sorts adding another layer to the way that Rubber Girl’s whole body seemed to hug him from head to toe in a warm erotic embrace. One hand descended to her navel where he could feel any outward pressure transmit through her to his erect dick. Despite his hard on, nothing showed through Rubber Girl’s skin to Jimmy’s relief, possibly because of her general ‘thickness.’

“Hey, I have something you can change into. It’s on the bed, hope it fits you. Do you want me to wash your costume?” Judy called through the door making Jimmy jump a bit. He had some time to himself, but it was not unlimited.

“Uh, thanks. Don’t worry about my costume, it uh.. needs to be washed specially.” Jimmy had no idea if that was true or not.

“Alright. Dinner will be ready in about half an hour. Take your time until then.”

With a more concrete time limit now, Jimmy set about removing Rubber Girl’s costume. Removing her knee-high boots and elbow gloves granted him a whiff of Rubber Girl’s more concentrated flavor. He had been so caught up in events up till this point, he had not even noticed that he had grown desensitized to her passive body scent. Dismayed by the thought, he lifted her arm to drag deeply and was comforted to find he could still partake of her more intimate odors. He picked up one of the boots he had just taken off and admired how it smelled different, yet still characteristically hers.

The turquoise leotard seemed almost as stretchy as her body which made sense after Jimmy thought about it. The way it hugged Rubber Girl’s body reminded him of how Rubber Girl clung to him and the process of peeling it off her skin became more erotic by the moment. As he had learned earlier, she did not wear panties under her costume’s leotard so with that piece gone, it was just a matter of removing her sports bra before Jimmy had Rubber Girl entirely naked.

Skin bared in true, Jimmy took the time while the shower was heating up to admire Rubber Girl’s figure once more. From her toes to her head, she was pleasantly plump in the right places, but she did not feel sluggish or heavy to move. If anything he felt stronger than normal. Suddenly, he realized there was part of her costume he had neglected. The black eye mask that covered most of the top half of her face and hid her secret identity remained in place. Almost reverently, Jimmy unfastened it at the back and let it fall, revealing her full face.

Jimmy did not recognize her. Rubber Girl’s face was as cute without the mask as with, perhaps a bit more so. Without the mask, she looked younger, possibly even high school age. With her blonde hair up in a ponytail, she looked the part of the typical school girl.

Good for blending in as a secret identity, Jimmy supposed. Oh, I should take down her ponytail before getting wet. On a whim, he blew a kiss at Rubber Girl’s reflection, and seeing her cute face appeal back at him sent an involuntary pulse of excitement through him. He made a few more faces and poses until the mirror began steaming up indicating, not that he was being too hot, but that the shower was ready.

The hot water felt strange against Rubber Girl’s skin, like many of the sensations he had experienced since entering her. It felt good, but at the same time it felt superficial, and Jimmy wondered for just a moment if he should take her off to wash himself before remembering that she would probably wake up and kill him for what he had done to her as soon as he left her insides. Was he stuck like this forever then? Well, it was too early to assume that; maybe he could concoct some way to leave her where she would not be able to follow. Then again, the idea of staying as her forever did not sound all that bad, all things considered.

In the process of scrubbing his second skin with a loofah, Jimmy passed over Rubber Girl’s pelvis, agitating his persistent erection. Being in Rubber Girl’s skin had put him in the perpetual state of arousal to the point where he had almost gotten used to the feeling of being hard while inside her, but the brush of pressure against her pelvis sent a flare of bonus sensations through his hidden tool. Conscious thought faded as the hot water washed over him and he began stroking himself through Rubber Girl’s stomach.

Suddenly he felt something new spread out in a wave from between his legs. Without realizing it, he had moved his spare hand to play with Rubber Girl’s pussy, teasing and pinching her clit. It seemed to swell between her fingers and Jimmy was struck by another terrible idea. With some awkward pulling and maneuvering, he managed to poke his dick in behind Rubber Girl’s swollen clitoris, causing it to balloon further till it housed his entire manhood, only barely hiding his cock’s defining contours within its thin membrane. Smug and amused by this development, he resumed his stroking.

“Ha… ha… aaaahhhh!” Jimmy came, his moans transmitted to his ears via Rubber Girl’s feminine voice only heightened his orgasm. The explosion of pleasure was nothing like he had ever experienced before and in the recesses of his mind still capable of thought, he wondered if it was the combination of a female and male orgasm. Since he had been jerking off through Rubber Girl’s clit, maybe he had brought her body to climax at the same time he reached his. Whatever the case it was intoxicating and the fuzziness in his head threatened to rob him of consciousness.

A few amazingly drawn out moments later, the feelings began to fade and Jimmy was left panting on his hands and knees under the stream of water that was slowly growing less hot.

There was a knock on the door.

“Are you okay? I heard yelling!” Judy inquired anxiously.

Jimmy bit his lip and forced air into his lungs. “Sorry, I just got some shampoo in my eye, it just startled me,” he lied.

“…Okay, well dinner’s almost ready so finish up soon.”

Jimmy staggered to his feet. His erection had finally calmed down in the aftermath of his ejaculation, conveniently retracting from Rubber Girl’s clit-condom on its own. Dazedly Jimmy finished rinsing the suds from his feminine body and shut off the now cold water. Despite having showered, Jimmy was certain his real body had been sweating under Rubber Girl’s skin but without taking her off, he had no way of cleansing himself. He did not detect any odors from himself or Rubber Girl though, and the realization reminded him of his earlier discovery that he had become desensitized to Rubber Girl’s own bodily scent.

With a melancholy pang, he indulged instead in the costume he shed earlier, taking a moment to waft and taste the far more concentrated remnants of Rubber Girl’s essence. The fact that the crotch of her leotard made direct contact with her femininity made it especially sweet. Her used sports bra similarly shared with him a new variation on Rubber Girl’s fragrance. Only when he noticed his erection poking against the inside of Rubber Girl’s stomach once more, and one hand idly entertaining it, did Jimmy realize he was running out of time.

Jimmy grew even more painfully aware that he was probably keeping Judy waiting as he toiled under a woman’s necessary post bath chores. He did his best with Rubber Girl’s hair, and elected to at least run water through her leotard before hanging it up to dry. More on a whim than anything else, he rinsed and dried Rubber Girl’s eye mask and replaced it over the top half of her face. Maybe it helped Jimmy stay in character, as little as he knew of her, or maybe it just made him feel better about hiding his true nature behind the facade that was Rubber Girl herself, but whatever the case, having the mask on felt right, even if it might end up looking funny in casual clothes. Speaking of, Jimmy ventured out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel to see what Judy had offered him.

In the bedroom, Judy had provided a simple but cute spaghetti strap dress in a baby blue that Jimmy suspected might have been her closest match to Rubber Girl’s leotard. There was no bra or panties though. He considered getting Rubber Girl’s used sports bra but Jimmy was afraid he would not be able to put it on by himself anyway. It would certainly be something he would have to learn if he wanted to potentially stay Rubber Girl for a while. Left with little recourse Jimmy and went commando and slipped the light dress over Rubber Girl’s curves directly. It just barely covered her bust and the hem ended above her knees leaving him at a non-negligible risk of wardrobe malfunction. Maybe Judy would like that though. Maybe she wanted it. Maybe Jimmy secretly wanted to show it. His heart picking up and his erection also beginning again, Jimmy wandered out into the apartment’s primary living room.

“Oh!” Judy gasped upon seeing him. “It’s a little small. I gave you something I used to wear when I was younger, but it seems you’re filling out up top faster than I did at that age.” Jimmy’s gaze was drawn to Judy’s chest. She must have taken the time he was in the shower to change out of her cocktail dress and into a more comfortable forest green turtleneck and form-fitting jeans. Jimmy estimated that Judy and Rubber Girl were about the same size. Judy carried a pan of fried rice to the table and took off her apron, giving Jimmy a moment to admire her in her new attire.

“I’ll see if I have something that fits better,” she said apologetically and made for the bedroom, but Jimmy stopped her.

“It’s fine, this is good enough for now, thank you,” he assured her. She glanced him over again and blushed, licking her lips, but finally conceded.

“Sorry it’s nothing fancy, this was the best thing I had the ingredients for…” she prefaced shyly as she served him a hefty portion.

For Jimmy’s part, fried rice was fine, and it tasted great, too. One of his old friends in the gang used to make great fried rice but, Jimmy had not had any since that friend got captured and carted off years ago. It was not exactly the same, but it was still surprisingly nostalgic.

When the first bite of food hit his stomach, Jimmy turned into a beast, wolfing down seconds and even thirds with little regard for manners and making no attempt at small talk. In his defense, Judy never volunteered any subjects for discussion either, letting him eat without distraction and simply watching with a small content smile as she worked more gracefully on her own plate. The question of how food shoveled into Rubber Girl’s mouth ended up in his stomach floated across his mind and was quickly dismissed. He had long since given up trying to understand how she worked as his second skin and had just come to accept the boons she afforded him. Such as this delicious meal. When he was finally finished, Judy cleared the table. She sat across from him at the small square table, but after cleaning up the dishes, she came back and sat adjacent to him with two glasses and a bottle of wine.

“Would you like some?” she offered. Jimmy was not sure how old Rubber Girl was, or even if alcohol would affect her superpowers, but he knew he was in the mood for some drink even if it was some fancy pants wine.

“Yeah, babe,” he purred lazily forgetting himself for a moment. Judy blinked but only hesitated for a moment before pouring her guest their own glass with a smile. They sipped in silence for a moment before Judy put a hand on Jimmy’s bare thigh.

“I know it may have seemed like routine justice for you, but I really do appreciate you both getting my purse back and escorting me home. I…” She suddenly seemed to clam up. “I really admire how strong and confident, but also how down to earth you are and willing to help even a lone woman like me. The bigger name heroes… they always seem a bit high and mighty, like they always have bigger fish to fry and can’t be bothered with the average Joe, or Jane, even if we get into trouble, too.” She got closer, close enough for Jimmy to smell her perfume. “But you, you’re always thinking of us on the ground level. We matter to you and we appreciate that, even if we can’t always pay you back.” She hesitated a moment. “I wish I could do more than just offer a hot meal, so… um… since I know superhero-ing can be a stressful job, I was thinking maybe I could help you relax a bit, if just for tonight.” She had hovered close enough that her final words places her lips upon Rubber Girl’s own, and Jimmy offered no resistance.

Judy started off slowly, hesitantly, but as Jimmy let her kiss him, she quickly grew bolder. Tongues invaded foreign mouths and hands groped breasts through fabric. Judy pulled away abruptly.

“Get up on the table,” she breathed. Jimmy tossed back the last of his wine and turned to sit on the edge of the table. He spread his legs and lifted his dress for his host who eagerly dove in and began licking, sucking and pleasuring Rubber Girl’s cunt. The purely female pleasure was one thing he had forgotten to explore in the shower and so Jimmy was grateful to have a partner to help show him the way of female love.

Judy quickly brought him to his first female climax (excluding that hybrid one in the shower), but the pleasure only seemed to frustrate his raging hard-on hidden behind Rubber Girl’s stomach. Encouraged by the wine, Jimmy had an idea, or rather, rehashed an idea. He licked his lips.

“Most people know that my superpower is my elastic body, but it can be used for more than just fighting crime. Check this out,” he sloppily prefaced. With one hand, he teased Rubber Girl’s clit, exacerbating the swelling that Judy had already set into motion. Then he pressed on Rubber Girl’s abs, pushing his internal dick down till it slipped into to her clitoral protrusion, like in the shower, which rapidly inflated into a thick shaft. “Looks kinda like a cock, huh?” he suggested, stroking himself through the membrane again.

With Judy staring amorously at his crotch, the situation elevated Jimmy’s arousal past what he experienced in the shower. Here he was, wearing Rubber Girl like a suit while he pretended to be her pretending that her clit could blow up like a cock while stroking his real cock hiding inside her swollen clit. And all the while Jimmy spectated over the view of Rubber Girl’s hefty chest as it threatened to burst from the tight little dress. Jimmy had to stop stroking himself to avoid cumming right then and there.

“It looks amazing,” Judy marveled, wrapping her soft, warm digits around his clit-dick. Jimmy shuddered at her touch. “It’s so big, too!” she mused, swelling Jimmy’s head as much as his penis. Jimmy had not realized he had closed his eyes in pleasure till the feeling of Judy’s lips around his rod startled him into looking again at the fantastically erotic scene.

Judy only bobbed three times upon his cock before it was too much and Jimmy came. But with his ejaculation contained within Rubber Girl’s skin, nothing spewed out into Judy’s mouth and she seemed none the wiser to his climax. His cock throbbed as he shot more and more while Judy just went on fellating ‘Rubber Girl’s’ super powered clitoris.

Jimmy was panting when Judy finally let up, but the reprieve was only to invite him to her bedroom. He stroked himself idly as she gave him a little show of stripping out of her shirt, turning around to take off her bra before turning back to reveal her breasts, and then letting them dance for him while she wiggled out of her tight jeans. Compared to Judy’s striptease, it was almost anticlimactic when Jimmy lifted the simple dress over Rubber Girl’s head and that was all it took for him to get naked. Judy did not seem to mind though. She pounced, pushing him onto his back and slopping her lips about his shaft once more. Jimmy had some experience with women, but with how easily Judy brought him to orgasm, he felt like he was a virgin anew taking advantage of the expertise of a more experienced partner.

“Let me do you, too,” Jimmy offered weakly, his pride demanding it. Judy paused to mount him properly, offering him her pussy over his face so that they could mutually please each other. Once Jimmy finally brought Judy to her own climax (after she had expertly gotten him off twice), Judy climbed off and spread her lower feminine lips.

“Come,” she beckoned. “Make me feel super.”

Jimmy required no further invitation and bounded forward to line up his clit-dick with her slit and slowly pushed in. ‘Rubber Girl’ drilled Judy in various positions as the night grew later and despite experiencing far more orgasms than he ever had before, Jimmy continued climaxing throughout their intercourse, sometimes just male, sometimes just female orgasms, and eventually he came to anticipate the times when they coincided and he reached that new peak set by that first hybrid experience in the shower. Finally, Jimmy flopped onto his back, too exhausted even to enjoy the perverse jiggle of Rubber Girl’s breasts. Judy joined him with a content sigh.

For Jimmy, it was about the best end to a bad day he could have imagined. No, this was far beyond what he could have imagined. Even in a city where superheroes exist, if Jimmy had told his old mates what had happened to him today he would have been laughed for weeks or assumed to be hallucinating on something. Despite that, he thought it a pity he would not be able to share his experiences with them – he was surely on the run from his gang by now. At least he had a way forward now though, a rickety bridge though it may be to cross this chasm he faced.

Jimmy’s eyelids drooped, lulled by the sound of Judy’s quiet, rhythmic breathing. His last thoughts before losing consciousness were vague plans to try to find out more about Rubber Girl’s secret identity. Maybe if he went out without her mask someone might recognize him and he could feign amnesia or something. Whatever it took to keep his life and as much of his freedom as he could. Well, in any event, it was something to worry about later. For now – sleep.