The God of Indulgence Chuckles

When he grabbed her ass, all he heard was Yumi chan’s giggle. He only saw her small smile. That was enough for him to convince himself that she liked it. He was wrong.

I can see what he misses; the little signs that big shot Ken of the school’s prided soccer team willfully ignores. Her thin brows upturned in the middle. The subtle tremble of her lower lip. A slight strain in her voice. Yumi chan hates it when her boyfriend does that, but she’s too afraid to tell him. Sadly, so am I. Everyone is. The school idol suffers, beloved by all, but held captive by the one jerk no one had the guts to fight for her.

Ken disengaged from groping his girlfriend when our homeroom teacher entered, but the damage had been done. Even Kagawa sensei’s exotic blonde hair and luscious curves packed within her no-nonsense blazer and pencil skirt could distract me from my silent anger… as well as my frustrations with myself. I knew Yumi chan was unhappy with Ken, but could I, Hideyoshi Kuguruki, stand up to him? I’d been asking myself that for years, but thinking it through never ended well for me. He had his reputation as an athlete behind him, and I wasn’t even an honors student. Neither my fists nor my words had any chance of besting him.

I finally lost myself in the little hypnotic jiggles of Kagawa sensei’s hefty bosom, wondering for the umpteenth time whether she might have once been or might still be a porn star on the side, just as homeroom came to an end. Kagawa sensei departed for her first class leaving us to wait for our first period instructor.

“Hey, Yosh,” a gruff growl called across the room. The dull murmur of chatter about the room abruptly silenced. Ken stood up and slowly began to saunter toward my desk. “Saw you ogling my Yumi chan earlier. Got tired of banging Kagawa sensei with your eyes so you think it’s okay to fantasize about my girl?”

My heart felt like a drum and I was terrified everyone could hear it. Somehow, it failed to drown out Ken’s venomous words. Why now? Why today? Fine, fuck it… if he’s going to give me shit anyway, I might as well say what I’d always thought of him… Was what I thought in my head, but as Ken loomed closer, my courage died on my tongue, never let loose. Before I could muster any response, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and lifted me clean out of my seat. Being scrawny and small had never helped my self confidence and it certainly did not make things any easier for me here.

Just about all I could manage was to flail about with my legs, and fortunately – or unfortunately, one of my frantic kicks found Ken’s crotch. I barely kept on my feet when he dropped me suddenly, and I wasn’t sure how I managed to find the coordination to flee from the classroom. I could feel the eyes of my classmates, fellow bullies snickering and bystanders alike watching as I scuttled away in fear and disgrace.

I had a decent head start, but I knew I would not be able to outrun them forever. Especially since I had landed the first blow this time, the professors would probably punish me instead of him and it would ultimately only defer Ken’s wrath till later. I skidded to a stop in front of a janitor’s closet and threw myself inside. They were probably going to check here, so I was not safe yet. There was a set of old lockers in the corner that, for once, I was glad I was small enough to fit inside. The lock mechanism was broken so I did my best to simply hold the door shut from the inside and try to slow my anxious breathing. No sooner did I secure my hiding place did the door to the janitor’s closet open.

I could just barely see through the slats in the locker door and to my surprise, the one who poked their head inside was Yumi chan herself. She gave the closet a quick glance around before calling over her shoulder.

“He’s not in here.” It was soothing to hear her soft soprano tones and not just for her words sending his pursuers away. A crash coupled with the sound of breaking glass in the distance reached my ears. Wow someone was mad. Yumi chan winced but her features then contorted into irritation, a look I was not used to seeing on her normally kind and placid face. “Go find Okami san, I think Sensei mentioned that he was the only janitor on duty today. I’ll check over here,” she hollered over her shoulder again. Instead of leaving though, she slipped the rest of the way into the closet and locked the door behind her.

I watched in baffled arousal as Yumi chan began to strip out of her sailor fuku uniform right there in front of me. Why? I had no idea, but in moments she was down to her underwear and I could not help drinking up the sight of so much of her bare, flawless skin. Next to her long black hair, her pale complexion practically glowed, but even that thought withered as I watched her remove her underwear as well. Fully nude, she turned her back to me.

My confusion only compounded when Yumi chan then reached behind her neck and seemed to tear her own skin! Beneath her snowy pale complexion, was another skin tone – this one tanned and seeming far darker than it was by juxtaposition. As I continued to watch, the ‘tear’ split neatly straight down the middle of Yumi chan’s bare back, ending just above her tailbone. She shrugged and tugged at her skin peeling more of it away and eventually even pulling her own head out of place, causing the skin of her neck to stretch unnaturally. Finally the person wearing this bizarre Yumi chan suit emerged enough to be identifiable.

Okami san?! It took all of my self control not to blurt out the janitor’s name aloud. One of the school’s handful of janitors, and the only one on duty today apparently, hastily finished pulling Yumi chan’s wide hips off his own. Her smooth supple legs gave way for hairy angular ones. Okami san stepped out of Yumi chan’s skin and nudged her aside with one foot while grabbing at spare work clothes folded in a cubby nearby.

“Urgh, how did all three of the others all call out at once today? Poor Yumi’s going to have to have an anemic spell or something to explain why she has to step out of class every time someone spills some juice…” he grumbled to himself. Someone called for the janitor again outside and the middle aged man quickened the pace at which he stuffed himself in his work clothes. The whole transformation, clothes included, took only a couple minutes and suddenly, I found myself alone in the closet once more. Alone with the discarded skin of my crush, the school idol.

I warily climbed out of the locker, glancing at the corners of the closet wondering if there were hidden cameras watching. And yet, even with that thought, I pressed on, too intrigued, too aroused by the display I had just seen to not investigate. I felt like I should have been revulsed by the idea of a man wearing and shedding the skin of a girl, much less of my idol, Yumi chan. But having witnessed it myself, somehow, I only felt curious and intrigued – could I wear her, too?

Her skin was as soft to the touch as I imagined, and she was still warm, too. Her silky hair still smelled of lavender, and down below… her patch was neatly trimmed in the shape of a heart. How cute. I found the seam in the back easily and I practically threw off my clothes so that I could get inside sooner. I was thigh deep into her legs before I wondered how I would close up her back but the intoxicating feeling if Yumi chan’s smooth legs brushing against each other, and the fact that I could even feel them at all chased away such concerns. Would the rest of her feel as good to wear as her legs? I had to know.

I hit a snag quickly though. What should I do with my manhood? According to… online research… I was on the larger side of average… but so was Okami san. In fact he was bigger than me, I recalled with hot cheeks. There had to be… oh, there. I found a, erm… a pocket of some variety in the crotch of the suit that seemed positioned for me to tuck my penis into. Erect, it slid in easily enough, but bulged out the other side. I hesitated a moment, but the weight of Yumi chan’s generous chest hanging from her shoulders as I held her torso in my hands urged me on. Like the back seam, I could worry about it later.

I found the openings to the insides of her arms within her torso. Inserting my own required a bit of maneuvering around her fat chest, but doing so helped set everything below my neck to more or less its proper position. With a bit of plucking I seemed indistinguishable from the real Yumi chan below the neck… All that was left was her deflated head hanging over her bosom.

I saw her neck stretch before but even knowing that it should, I pulled at it gingerly, and only until I could crane my head and shove what remained of myself inside. Darkness swallowed my vision and I could only feel the surreal smooth texture of the inside of Yumi chan’s skin as I pulled at the skin trying to push my head into hers. After some initial resistance, my noggin slid right in and, like with the rest of her body, her features seemed to snap into place, requiring only minor adjustments.

I blinked, feeling heavier lashes than I was used to. As my eyes readjusted to the light, my attention was immediately pulled down to the first person view of Yumi chan’s marvelous breasts hanging from my chest. We were seniors so she, like the other girls were well on their way to physical maturity, but knowing that and experiencing them like this were two entirely different things. I could feel them hang from my neck and shoulders – it was not hard to imagine why busty girls might complain if they had to live with this strain. But that didn’t apply to me! For me, the feeling was novel, erotic even. I moved one hand south instinctively, searching for the tool that I was accustomed to using to relieve my arousal, but found it missing. Instead, my smooth crotch was adorned with a slit, one I quickly found to be even more sensitive than I was prepared for.

“Ah…” I breathed, a little moan escaping me. “Wha-?!” My voice! It had changed as well, matching Yumi chan’s high pitch. I’ve always been a bit sensitive over my small stature for a guy, so it was not too surprising that I managed to fit inside Yumi chan, but how had my voice changed as well? Not to mention my genitals…

I reached behind my back and found… nothing. Yumi chan’s smooth skin continued around my back and rear uninterrupted, and my neck was similarly seam free. A stroke of panic shot through me. What if I couldn’t take her off at all? A small part of me responded: would that be so bad? Indeed, I wonder…

“Hey, you! do you have a hall pass?”

A muffled voice reached my ears and I jumped.

“Yessir, right here,” a student responded. Of course they weren’t talking to me… the hall monitor barked something else but I tuned it out. I had lingered too long. Who knew when Okami san would return for Yumi chan’s skin… I wasn’t sure what I thought of that, but I didn’t want him to walk in on me naked as I was. That thought urged me to grab the clothing that she had taken off earlier.

Sliding her simple white panties up those smooth legs felt like it could have made for an erotic novel all by itself, or at least a short story. The sensation of the soft fabric laying smooth against my crotch was also not a feeling I’ll forget any time soon. I couldn’t figure out how her bra worked so I left it rather than waste too much time and instead pulled on her blouse and skirt. Fiddling with her stockings revealed that bunching them up and rolling them on was more effective than trying to put them on like socks. Finally, all that was left was putting on her shoes and tying her ribbon around her- my collar. That I managed that much, even without the bra surprised me, but more of it was intuitive than I had expected, or at least I hoped. Looking down at what I could see of myself past Yumi chan’s protruding knockers, I thought I looked presentable. But the real test would be stepping out of the closet…

I shook my head, sending Yumi chan’s black locks dancing at the edges of my vision. I had gone this far… If I started doubting myself now, I’d… I wouldn’t make it out of that spiral. Instead, I stopped thinking and pushed open the door.

“Huh… wait, Yumi chan? Yumi chan!” I blinked against the bright lights in the hallway, unable to identify the speaker until my eyes adjusted. Before that happened though, I was pushed back as the girl slammed into me with a flying tackle-hug. “Oh my god, Yumi chan! What happened? You’ve been gone almost all period! Why were you in the janitor’s closet? Did that pipsqueak do something to you?” I couldn’t keep up with her between the physical contact and the rapid fire questions.

“I.. uh..” I stammered, “N-no, I.. he didn’t do anything. I don’t think…”

The girl finally coming into focus pulled back with a look of concern on her face. “Are you sure? What were you doing in there?”

“I…” I began but trailed off. This girl, ‘Hatoko,’ if I recalled correctly, was a friend of Yumi chan’s from our class. She wasn’t questioning me… Well she was, but out of concern for her friend’s safety, not out of suspicion of my identity. The lingering doubts about this skin suit melted away. I didn’t realize I had been slouching till I straightened up. I’ve been admiring Yumi chan for seemingly forever, and when she talks to her friends she kinda sounds like…

“Sorry Ha-chan, I must have hit my head when I went to take a closer look inside,” I explained with a weak laugh and a hapless smile.

Hatoko seemed to relax a bit. “Are you alright? Maybe you should go see the nurse…”

“Don’t worry, I’m okay,” I assured her, clapping both hands in front of me apologetically. “I’ve missed enough of class already thanks to… err… let’s just get back to class.”

“Hm… alright,” she finally agreed. “I hear they never found Hideyoshi kun. Do you think he left the school grounds entirely?” Hatoko gossiped as they started back to their classroom.

“Who knows… I… I wish Ken would just leave him alone,” I murmured. Hearing Yumi chan’s high voice from within her own head still sounded odd to me.

Hatoko nodded solemnly. “Yeah, it’s just getting sad at this point. He’s been riding that boy for years now. If he was a girl we’d joke that Ken had a crush on him!”

I laughed but it was hard to keep the nervousness out of my voice. “Wonder if he’d stop if I threatened to break up with him,” I joked but Hatoko gaped at my off handed comment.

“If he’s going to listen to anyone, you’ve got the best shot at telling him off, but be careful, you know how his temper is…” she conceded finally.

“Yeah, I know all about his temper…”

When we returned, Ken leaped out of his seat while the teacher was mid-sentence and practically shoved Hatoko out of the way to wrap me up in a hug that actually lifted me off the ground.

“Babe, you’re okay! I was worried that the asswipe might have done something to you when you didn’t come back earlier!” I noticed with a grimace that one of his hands cupped my butt as he pressed my chest against his.

“Hey, put me down!” I squawked before he finally obliged. I was about to open my mouth to respond properly when I realized he was waiting for me. He may not listen, but he still wanted to hear my voice and make a show of being a good boyfriend.

I could make him wait.

I snapped my mouth closed and did my best to imitate Yumi chan’s patient face. Instead of answering, I casually brushed off my uniform, taking my time to check that my appearance was just right before I decided to answer. When she was addressing her boyfriend, I believe Yumi chan spoke like…

“I’m sorry for worrying you, Ken. But you can fawn over me later. Right now, you’re disturbing the class,” I told him with a honeyed smile.

Well, that was way more passive aggressive than Yumi chan would normally be, but it was worth it. Ken’s face flushed in shame. Ken! Ashamed! I never thought I’d see the day. His lips tightened but I had made him self conscious enough not to make more of a spectacle of himself. With a bit of a huff, he turned and returned to his seat without another word.

Hatoko and a number of my other classmates watched in shocked silence. Feeling unnaturally good after a confrontation with Ken, I turned to the professor who was upset over being interrupted and offered him an apologetic bow before heading for my seat.

I almost turned down the wrong aisle of desks, instinctively aiming for my own desk rather than Yumi chan’s. Fortunately, I caught myself mid-step and forced myself to the desk that matched my current appearance. Hatoko passed me on her way to her own desk situated behind my new seat.

“Wow girl, never mind me, you seem like you know what you’re doing!” she complimented me appreciatively.

I just smiled back at her, but inside I felt a whirlwind of emotion. On one hand, I was pleased by the result; my confidence swelled and my arousal at my current situation along with it. I rested my hands in my lap, stealthily trying to check that a hard-on wouldn’t give me away. Just as before in the closet though, my crotch remained flat – no untoward protrusions. On the other hand though, I had picked up on Ken’s irritation. He was too proud to let this go, so he would likely… inevitably have words with me later in private. Not even his girlfriend was allowed to sleight Ken.

When lunch period rolled around and I had finally obtained some semblance of comfort in Yumi chan’s skin, Ken approached.

“Hey babe, ready to go get lunch?” he asked curtly.

“Just a second,” I told him, once more taking my time organizing my notes, going so far as to meticulously arrange my pencils and pens from smallest to largest on my desk. Part of me enjoyed making him wait. Part of me wanted to put off being alone with him for as long as I could. I could hear his foot begin to tap impatiently long before I decided I was finally ‘ready.’

“Hey, Ha-chan, want to come get lunch, too?” I asked my friend behind me, but Ken cut her off before she could answer.

“No,” he said forcefully. “Sorry, Hatoko, I want it to just be us today.”

Hatoko shrunk a bit in her seat. “It’s fine, I brought my own lunch today anyway,” she squeaked.

Thanks Hatoko…

When he stated it so plainly, I knew I was not going to convince any witnesses to come with me. As we left the room, I figured we had made enough of an impression on our classmates that Ken shouldn’t do anything too crazy – it would be painfully obvious who to accuse first if anything should happen to me.

I shook my head, that was the old me thinking. It would be alright. Ken was proud to a fault, but he wasn’t dumb. He knew it would reflect badly on him if he hurt me… er… if he hurt Yumi chan, his girlfriend. In that sense, Yumi chan’s skin felt like a suit of armor – I could do anything to him and if he tried anything back, he would also hurt himself!

On our way to the cafeteria, he pulled me into an empty classroom and I braced myself.

“Oh, Yumi sama, if I did something to upset you, I’m so sorry.” Ken pleaded, hastily dropping to his hands and knees and kissing the top of my shoe. Stunned by the abrupt change in his demeanor, I didn’t think to stop him. “Please, all I ask is that you keep up our arrangement in public. I’ll do anything for you!”

My mouth opened and closed, trying to form words but I was speechless. Was this Ken’s true face? A sniveling yes-man held on an invisible collar by his girl? I would have been enraged that I had let such a person bully me for years if I were not so incredibly aroused by the feeling of these chains I suddenly found in my hands.

“Please, Yumi sama, I’m sorry I made a big deal of Hideyoshi and got you involved in my stubbornness. He was just looking at you with his grubby lust filled eyes and I couldn’t sta-”

I pulled my foot out from his simpering grasp and stepped on his head, forcing his face to the floor. I wanted to stomp harder but I restrained myself, if barely. I did not need to act for an icy disgust to seep into my words.

“You’re pathetic,” I spat.” You put up a proud front just to look good and you bully those weaker than you just to make yourself feel big enough to match the image you’ve created of yourself. But look at this – when you’re honest with yourself, you’re just a dog who barks at everyone thinking he’s doing his mistress a favor.”

It was still disconcerting to see Ken’s broad shoulders and strong body huddled so subserviently. I could feel myself beginning to react to the sight of Yumi chan’s dark stockinged leg stretching out before me as I stepped on the head of my most hated enemy. My mind was a bit of a haze though, deciphering how I felt about discovering this side of Ken while still trying to project a side of Yumi chan that I never knew existed either.

Finally, I let up on his head, letting him lift his head and look up at me through pleading eyes. A shuddering blush hinted that he may have enjoyed the weight of my heel though. “Well, um.. my… oversized puppy,” I addressed him again, trying to keep my voice level, “You’ve barked enough. I’m tired of your antics with Hideyoshi. Leave him alone from now on.”

“A…as you say, Yumi sama,” Ken conceded.

That was all? That was it? Just like that. Years of suffering… It was unsatisfying to say the least. I wanted, needed something more… and the persistent urge between my legs had a suggestion to offer.

“Tch,” I clicked my tongue in frustration. “Now that that’s out of the way, dog- erm… my puppy, you can show me you love me down here.” I informed him, lifting the hem of my pleated skirt to the sound of my excited heartbeat. “With your tongue,” I added. “Don’t make me spell it out!”

Ken stared at my plain white panties a moment before shuffling forward awkwardly. I leaned back against the wall as he pulled aside my underwear gently. How Ken could do anything gently baffled me, but the feeling of his lips upon my sex moments later banished any further thoughts. A flood of sensations coursed through me, originating in my crotch and shooting out to my limbs before bouncing back and collecting as a building pleasure in my pelvis.

How was he so good? Feeling awful was the only association I had ever had with Ken yet everything that had happened since slipping into this empty room turned what I knew about him on its head. His tongue came out and the feelings grew more intense. I had started panting at one point without realizing and it took all of my effort to avoid moaning out loud.

The pressure in my pussy came to a peak and I was vaguely aware of juices squirting out over Ken’s face but that image quickly faded to black.

I woke with a gasp, the remnants of my first female orgasm still fresh in my mind and body’s memory. Fluorescent lights hummed overhead as I sat up in bed. A curtain rounded the free standing bed suggesting I was in the nurse’s office. I came here frequently, particularly after bad run-ins with Ken and his goons.

The rest of the events of that secluded classroom descended upon me in a rush. As mad as I wanted to be at Ken for all the pain he had caused me, seeing him like that… I was left with just pity. Ken was a shell of a person living a lie… not unlike myself at this very moment… But as I sat up, shrugging off the thin sheet over me, I felt Yumi chan’s breasts pull upon my chest, reminding me of their bounty. Unlike Ken, I was full of substance.

I cupped one boob, just barely being able to get all of Yumi chan’s delicate fingers around it and gave a squeeze. I felt a pleasured pressure in my chest, like a small flame under my breast. When I shifted to tease a nipple, accessible through my shirt thanks to leaving Yumi chan’s bra behind before, that heat snapped in upon itself like a spark and it felt like a shock of electricity jolting to my back and down my spine. My other hand traveled south, slithering under my skirt and inside my panties.

“Aahh!” I couldn’t help myself as a little moan escaped my lips. There… that was what I felt when Ken was lapping at me… it wasn’t quite the same but the way pleasure built slowly was as familiar as it was compelling.

“Oh, feeling better I see.”

I jumped as the curtain suddenly slid open admitting the school nurse, Tomoko Take sensei. Fresh out of her certification, the boys of the school celebrated replacing the old male school nurse with the young voluptuous Take sensei. She and Kagawa sensei quickly became the faculty wet dreams among the guys. I was no exception, especially since I got to see her somewhat regularly. Being in her gentle care was usually the only silver lining on those days.

Take sensei tucked a light brown lock of mid length hair behind one ear as she regarded me knowingly. For a moment, it felt as if she could see right through Yumi chan’s skin and could tell it was me. I certainly felt my face heat for having been caught in such a compromising position. Unsure of what to do in this situation, I slowly withdrew my hands from my privates.

“Sexual frustrations?” She smiled understandingly. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Believe it or not, that’s fairly common among girls your age. Parents can be so protective they fail to understand how their ‘precious little girls’ needs change over time. I mean, you’re a senior this year right? This is the last year you’ll be living under your parents’ roof before leaving for university or wherever – it’s better you know about sex before leaving rather than finding out the hard way once you’re on your own.”

As she spoke, she turned away and paced back to her desk to poke around one of the drawers. In all the visits I’ve made here, I had never seen her go into that one.

“So it’s a bit hush hush because of fragile parents but we provide some extra sexual education at school for students just like you.”

When she faced me, I realized what that entailed. In her hands, the nurse held a thick pink penis shaped toy attached at the base to a harness. I watched with nervously as she pulled down her skirt and her panties afterwards, replacing them with the harness and false cock. Once the straps were secured around her wide hips, she adjusted the phallic shaped, reaching behind the base with a look of concentration before deciding it fit properly.

She swayed back to the bed, and the plastic dick waved with her movement, stopping right in front of my face.

“This is modeled after a boy’s penis, as I’m sure you’re aware. If you’d like, we can use it to help you explore sex in a controlled, safe environment. The door’s locked; we can take as much time as you need.”

Take sensei had always been friendly and approachable to me, but this was on a different level. Still, the tingling remnant between my legs had stoked my curiosity. The idea of Yumi chan and Take sensei having lesbian sex was hardly unexciting to imagine and getting to experience it first hand was a compelling incentive. It’s just a toy, I told myself, as I let Take sensei slide her sexual education tool between my lips. I’m a girl right now anyway; this is part of the experience. But why did it have to be so big?

The thick dildo spread my jaw wide and as Take sensei began gently thrusting her hips, I struggled not to gag as the head brushed the back of my throat. Grappling with her faux dick, I was only vaguely aware of Take sensei taking my head in her hands as she steadily picked up the pace.

“Ha… ah… Oh and just as a warning,” Take sensei added between panting breaths, “This dildo is designed for education and… thus it spares no expense in simulating realism! Ha… That means… ha… nghnn… That includes having the ability to ejaculate!”

It was not much of a warning; as soon as the words left her mouth, I felt the device in my mouth convulse, it’s inner mechanisms launching into motion in the imitation of a real cock and the next moment, my mouth was flooded with a thick, hot goop that tasted somewhere between sour and bitter.

Choking, I reeled back letting the spewing member fall from my lips and finish its simulated ejaculation by squirting the rest of its load down the front of my sailor uniform.

I coughed till I caught my breath. That was… rough, but the sight and smell of the impressively realistic cum making a mess of my front, lingering upon the curves of Yumi chan’s breasts… It fed my arousal in spite of the unpleasant taste in my mouth.

“Ah…” Take sensei breathed, her own face a little red from the exertion. “Oops, sorry, I must have had the volume set up high. I didn’t mean for it to cum that much for your first time.” The dildo drooped from its base in the harness, presumably exhausted of its supply. “Why don’t you take off your uniform while I refill this. I have a spare uniform for you when we’re done and I’ll wash and return yours later.”

Take sensei disappeared behind the curtains as I pulled off my top, baring Yumi chan’s breasts. Even though my shirt and scarf had caught the majority of Sensei’s cum, some had still landed in my cleavage. I considered cleaning that off as well, but Take sensei returned before I could decide what to use as a cloth.

“Unfortunately, most guys won’t be so gentle,” Take sensei warned. “Once they get hard, they tend to only think about themselves.” Her pink strap-on was standing full mast once more, filled and ready to go again. “If they get into it and take the lead during sex though, we girls get to lay back and let them do the work,” she added with a chuckle. She joined me on the bed with a smile and gently pushed me onto my back, reaching under my pleated skirt and sliding my panties off my person. “You did well for your first time performing oral, so this time relax and let me show you how a boy can make a girl feel good, too.” She flipped up my skirt to bare my female sex.

As Sensei nuzzled my slit with her tool, all I could think about was how large it had felt in my mouth. It seemed too big for my… for Yumi chan’s snatch! Wait, was Yumi chan even a virgin? Could Ken have- the thought cut short as sensei entered me. I couldn’t believe how big it felt, but it also teased pleasurable areas I had no idea existed. Her artificial shaft felt endless inside me, and if she kept going, I feared she would break me! But just when I thought she could not go any deeper, Take sensei pulled back.

I fell into her rhythm of push and pull, each motion came with a different yet equally pleasurable sensation. I felt something culminate inside me, recognizing the feeling as a female orgasm just as it peaked, but Sensei kept going. I climaxed, but stayed conscious this time. Unlike as a guy, it did not fade and somehow I came to another shortly after, even more intense than the first. I was barely aware of Sensei shifting my position – as long as the pleasure continued, I was content to oblige her suggestions mechanically, without thinking. As I reached my third orgasm, Take sensei’s own pleasured moan finally reached my ears. I was on all fours and Sensei held my hips as she rammed her dick into my pussy from behind. I felt a new feeling – a fullness that spread in my pelvis. Presumably Sensei’s cock was cumming inside me. My legs felt like jelly; I hadn’t realized I was tensing my whole body so hard till I finally relaxed and fell twitching to the side, leaving sensei’s dick to slide out of my cunt and finish squirting its load over my hips.

I sensed Take sensei leave the bed, and saw her pelvis enter my field of vision where I lay. The thick member that had been inside of me hovered in front of me.

“Well, how was your first time having sex as a girl? Have you been enjoying your time as Yumi, Hideyoshi kun?” Take sensei asked.

“Mhm…” I groaned in response, my brain slow to process what my ears heard.


I glanced up questioningly and was met with an uncharacteristically smug grin on Take sensei’s face. She reached down to her tool, grasping the base with one hand and gave it a slight twist. Unhooked from the harness, she pulled up and the pink dildo lost its shape as it slid off the form of a real cock. The thick, veiny phallus flopped back down once it was free of its sheath and I could tell at a glance that its tanned skin tone did not match Take sensei’s creamy thighs. I could predict what was coming but it did not make it any less startling.

Take sensei shrugged her white coat down to her elbows and reached behind her neck. From my lower perspective, her face’s internal structure seemed to melt as she pulled it away from her real head inside. Her neck stretched and bloated as she pulled her now deflated head forward and Okami san, the janitor from before revealed his tanned face with a smirk.

“Did you think I wouldn’t notice she was missing?”

With some effort, I mustered some energy to sit up and used that time to find my voice.

“H- how did you know it was me?” was the first question that came to mind.

Okami san blinked. “Well I was Yumi chan when you got chased out of the classroom,” he responded plainly, letting Take sensei’s face hang unceremoniously from his neck. Even with his identity revealed, he posed himself from the neck down as Take sensei normally did. There had always been something subtly provocative about how Sensei held herself and I was beginning to suspect that it was intentional.

“How long have… wait, are you… who all…?” my remaining questions all jumbled and Okami san put one of Take sensei’s thin fingers gently to my lips to quiet me.

“I know it might be hard, but trust me when I say you’re probably better off not knowing. I will tell you this much, though. It was no accident that I unsuited where you could see. I’ve been keeping watch over this school for a while, and out of all the students, you caught my eye.

“What would someone so powerless do with a taste of power? Would it consume them? Would you take revenge on all who wronged you? Would you have the courage to seize the opportunity given uncertainty? I won’t say you surprised me terribly, but I do thank you for the… entertainment,” he mused reaching down to Take sensei’s crotch to lift his dick with a wry smile. “Now that we’ve had our fun though, I must ask you to return Yumi chan to me. Not for free of course, I promise being on good terms with me will be well worth your while.”

I could imagine… even just the opportunity to be Yumi chan again… I could hold onto her – refuse to take her off. But without understanding how she worked… I had never been one to take risks. Even putting her on in the first place had been uncharacteristically bold of me. I didn’t have a lot of information to go on, but all that I did know suggested that making an enemy of Okami san was not a good idea.

So reluctantly, I stripped out of what clothes remained on Yumi chan’s person. Her skirt slid off her legs, and her dark stockings shortly after. I reached behind my neck but hesitated. Like before there was no seam or zipper that I could find.

“Imagine it opening up the way you saw me remove her the first time,” Okami san instructed, folding his arms under Take sensei’s large bust.

Even without having to actively recall it, his words summoned the memory and as I focused on it, I felt my neck open on its own. When I next felt behind my head, I found the opening and pried it open further, trying to be gentle with it. Peeling it off the rest of my body was a mix of disappointment after an adrenaline rush and a comforting familiarity of feeling my own original body. Upon reflection after fully removing Yumi chan’s skin, I think I preferred being her. It was a sobering realization, and Okami san seemed to pick up on my mood as I glumly handed Yumi chan back.

“Don’t look so down. She’s not going away. Look.”

Okami san shook out Yumi chan’s skin like a towel before putting his lips to the back of her neck and blowing. Yumi chan’s vacant body rapidly inflated on its own till Okami san let go and she landed lightly on her feet, but stayed standing on her own. To my amazement and confusion, her eyes fluttered opened and she seemed to draw breath. If not for moments ago, I’d have believed that the real Yumi chan stood naked before me in the flesh.

The illusion was ruined by her completely vacant, neutral expression, though. Her eyes were open, but seemed lifeless and doll-like. She showed neither shame nor excitement at standing naked in front of a boy who was also in the nude. My mind hesitated, but my body apparently had lower standards.

“You love her enough that even on standby she arouses you, huh,” Okami san commented slyly, openly inspecting my hard on. I feebly tried to cover myself, but Okami san had other ideas. “No need to be shy, we’ve already gone all the way once,” he teased, putting a hand on Yumi chan’s shoulder. “Yumi, why don’t you give the boy what he wants, or at least just a blow job for now.”

Before I could protest, life bloomed within Yumi chan like a switch turning on. Her eyes lit up and even her pose became more natural. She pounced forward and gently moved my hands out of the way before beginning to lick and fondle my genitals expertly.

Visually, it was a dream come true, seeing Yumi chan run her tongue along my shaft, kissing it before wrapping her lips around the head and swallowing it down. Inside her mouth was hot and wet somehow and it felt amazing. But mentally I struggled to comprehend how it was happening, how I got to this situation. Not to mention why Okami san had to stand right in my peripheral vision stroking his own member with Take sensei’s hand while he watched. Ultimately though, my mental hang ups hardly prevented my body from quickly reaching orgasm. Like the virgin I was, at least from the male side of things, I came in Yumi chan’s mouth after just a minute or two of receiving her affection. She drank down every drop and cleaned me up once I was done. Licking her lips, she straightened back up with her classic comforting smile.

“Here, me, too,” Okami san commanded and Yumi chan dutifully dropped to her knees to take the janitor’s full length just as enthusiastically as she had fellated me. Moments later, Okami san groaned softly and I could see Yumi chan’s throat pulse as she swallowed his seed.

“Good girl,” he cooed, petting her hair till he was finally finished. Yumi chan pulled away and stood. This time without commands, she turned and walked out of view. With Yumi chan gone for the moment, my attention naturally floated back to Okami san, who was busily packing his penis back inside Take sensei’s vagina which was a spectacle in its own right. Once finished, he picked up Take sensei’s skirt and stepped into it, pulling it back up over her hips till she looked normal below the bust. Her deflated head still hanging from Okami san’s neck was starting to look erotic in its own way.

“Regarding your time as Yumi, don’t worry about Ken kun and the rest of the class. I’ll smooth things over. You just go back to class and mind your business as usual. I’ll take care of things from there,” he reassured me as he finally lifted Take sensei’s face from her bosom and stuffed his head back inside, returning the sexy nurse to her normal self.

Take sensei swayed back to her desk where she filled out a nurse’s note and brought it back to me.

“This will get you excused from the classes you missed, but you’ll have to make up the work still. Don’t forget that you’re still a student – your job here is to learn,” she explained sternly. It was nice to hear her husky feminine voice once more. Her manner was just like it always was so I had to remind myself that Okami san’s tanned face hid just behind those kind blue eyes.

“Here, Hideyoshi kun, I brought you a spare uniform as well.”

Yumi chan returned now fully dressed and carrying a male uniform in my size. She passed it to me with her usual friendly smile.

“I’m going ahead back to class, don’t linger too long here, okay, Hideyoshi kun?” she asked, batting her eyes at me.

“Yeah… sure…” I stammered, slipping into a fresh shirt. It wasn’t quite a skip, but there was a pleasant bounciness to how Yumi chan walked as she left that I found myself studying.

“I trust you’ll give your teacher as much attention when you’re back in class,” Take sensei chided lightly. I hid my blush by buttoning my shirt intently. “Well as she said, once you’re done, get going. I need to reopen the ward in case there’s an actual medical case that requires my attention. You can keep the spare uniform, the school’s too stingy with them anyway and I suspect you might be getting yours dirty more often in the near future,” she concluded with a nod. Take sensei sauntered over to the clinic door and opened it, disappearing out into the hall, leaving me to finish dressing alone while I processed the whirlwind of new things I had experienced in the last half an hour.

I arrived back in class soberly. The Math sensei teaching at the time was notoriously strict so no one made a fuss at my reappearance and since my nurse’s note was apparently legitimate he accepted my excuse and let me return to my seat without incident. Silent though they were, all eyes were on me as I trudged back to my seat. It shouldn’t have been surprising that my gaze would gravitate toward the one face not accusing me of something or other. Yumi chan’s brows were sympathetic but her small smile mischievous. My eyes lingered on her perfect face only a moment so as not to draw attention to her, but in that time she gave me the most whimsical wink. That was all it took for me to brace myself, comforted in the knowledge that I knew her secret and no one else did. Even if everyone in the class condemned me, I would leave school today with the memory of the school’s most popular girl with her lips wrapped succulently around my cock. With that image in mind, I felt like I could even weather Ken’s antics.

One infusion of courage was not enough to overturn years of instinct though. By the time the last bell rang, I was dreading what my classmates might say regarding my disappearance earlier in the day. Ken himself stood before the bell was even finished, and he looked directly at me, though his expression was muddy. As he started towards my desk, I was rescued by an unexpected savior.

“Kuguruki san,” Kagawa sensei called after the bell dismissing classes ended. “Come with me, I have class materials you missed from earlier collected back in my office.”

Ken stopped in his tracks, and Yumi chan caught up with him, tugging on one of his sleeves, a concerned look on her face. Ken turned, his girlfriend requesting his full attention. With a somewhat defeated sigh that gave way to a pained smile, he scooped her up in an embrace similar to the one I experienced earlier that day. I could tell how he even positioned his hands just right so that he could cop a feel. But knowing it was an act… Yumi chan’s eyes flitted to meet mine, she smiled a knowing smile and I could tell. She actually did enjoy his affection, or at least, she enjoyed showing off his affection for her. Could she really be an empty shell despite how alive she looked? Fortunately, I didn’t have to face that question now. I grabbed my bag and followed Kagawa’s fine swaying ass out of the classroom.

Rumor had it that Manami Kagawa sensei was of mixed heritage, which certainly explained her massive rack and bright blonde hair. She might have thought that she could downplay her inherent sexiness by dressing as conservatively as she did, covered neck to toe in a professional blazer and straight skirt with black hose and a frilly cravat, but the way it dipped into business attire fetish territory ultimately made it even more distracting. It didn’t help that the ensemble could only be punctuated with high heels. Or the fact that she wore rimless glasses.

Enjoying the view from behind, we arrived at the teacher’s offices and she guided me into hers, closing the door behind us.

“Have a seat, Kuguruki san.”

Okay… there seemed to be more to this than just the make up work, as if I hadn’t had enough surprises today. Still, I sat down in one of the chairs situated in front of her desk. Kagawa sensei rounded her desk and picked up my note from the nurse from among the other piles of papers.

“Now, I’ve only been your homeroom teacher for this year, but we are in the second term,” Kagawa sensei began calculatedly, “I think if you actually had anemia you would have shown other symptoms before now. Where were you really, Kuguruki san?” her eyes narrowed suspiciously behind her glasses.

I gulped. “I really was passed out in the nurse’s office,” I stammered. That did technically happen. “Ask Take sensei, she cared for me while I was there.” Take sensei flashed in my mind, but rather than her own face, she had Okami san’s head. He got me into this mess, he’ll have to vouch for me!

“Mhm… she did sign this note…” Kagawa sensei conceded, though by her tone she wasn’t done yet. She rounded her desk and stood right in front of me, her hands on her hips looking down like an interrogator. “Here’s the thing though, Kuguruki san. Take sensei was out today – she wasn’t on duty.”

I gaped. “No, that’s… that can’t be right… I saw…” Then another possibility dawned on me. My assumption had been that Okami san had replaced Take sensei. I hadn’t thought about when and I avoided thinking about how, but given how effortlessly he had impersonated her, I just naturally assumed he had taken on her role. But he never claimed that did he? Okami san had explained little in retrospect. What reason did I have to trust his word when the only things he had ever given me were lies and deceit?

“You’re falling apart, Kuguruki san. That’s what happens when you lie poorly,” Kagawa sensei sneered accusingly. She raised one foot and stomped down on the chair I was sitting on. I only barely scooted my legs and junk out of the way in time. Kagawa sensei loomed over me, though the closeness of her hose encased leg and the low angle view of her bust made her seem more like an erotic dominatrix than an inquisitor. Unfortunately the stray thought ran away from me.

“Hm? What’s so exciting? You think I’m doing this on purpose for your pleasure?!” she scoffed, her face turning red at the sight of the growing tent in my pants. “Why I never-! You’ve earned a dire punishment, young man. I hope you’re prepared to suck my cock!”

I winced before her words registered. When I opened my eyes a moment later though I was staring down a somewhat familiar tan one-eyed monster protruding from a hole in the crotch of Kagawa sensei’s hosiery. I glanced around the throbbing presence leveled at my face, past Kagawa sensei’s huge rack and up into a face that no longer made any attempt to hide its wearer’s crude amusement.

“Oh, Kuguruki san. I’m only trying to look out for you. Please, don’t make this any worse for yourself,” she intoned disingenuously. “Just suck Sensei’s cock.”

My heart pounded as I reluctantly parted my lips with a grimace and allowed Kagawa sensei to slide her thick dick into my mouth. She cupped one of her breasts through her blouse as she began to pump her hips, edging her cock head deeper down my throat each time.

If this was what it took to turn my life around, I guess I’ll just have to become the best goddamn cock sucker in this school. They say people can get used to anything. I just hope that’s true. I never really had a taste for salty-sour goo, but it would be worth it to feel Yumi chan’s curves on my body once more.

“Mhm… that’s good… Now, once you’ve made me cum, check behind my desk. I have some extra homework for you to make up for what you missed.”

I’ve never been excited to get extra homework before, but there was a first for everything.