10/31/20 – Always Has Been

As usual ending with a meme. Couldn’t resist slipping in some Blazblue suiting after all =w=

Mai Natsume and Kajun Faycotte from Blazblue… universe.

The sketch always looks better than the ink to me, but all things considered, I’m happy enough with how this turned out. I originally planned on keeping it more true to the meme’s angle (slightly behind both characters, rather than in front), but this angle ended up being way easier to show the features and expression of the poses that I wanted to make sure were clear.

I went basically all of this year’s inktober fighting the settings on my printer/scanner and only yesterday did I discover that photoshop is able to detect my wireless scanner and generates scans of way higher quality than the other programs I felt like I was always forced to bootleg into (seriously, it was weird what would and wouldn’t detect this darn scanner). Figures right? Maybe I’ll remember for next year.

10/30/20 – Seed of Doubt

Teaser/Cover art for a commission that’s been a long time coming. I’ll be publishing the first part in… a few hours, so look forward to it!

From top to bottom, left to right: Great Deku Tree, Hetsu, Impa, Paya, Janine Sidon, Riju, Link and Zelda, all except Janine from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild; Janine is an original character conceived for the purposes of the story.

Story part 1

10/29/20 – Visible Excitement

Even though nothing’s set in stone yet, hearing that French Bread, developers of the Under Night In-Birth anime fighting games is working on implementing roll-back netcode into UNICLR brings a big smile to my face. I’ve been itching to play my girl, Yuzuriha, again recently, too!

News source 1

Source 2

For those of you not familiar with the anime fighting game situation, “netcode” refers to the programming systems that connect two players to each other while playing a match online. “Roll-back” is a better system than the on that’s currently used in most anime fighting games. This change would make the online experience leagues better!

Contrary to my above enthusiasm, I’m not super happy with this piece, though I kinda expected that given that it was a spur of the moment idea with little compositional thought or inspiration amidst a haze of not being sure what to draw for today. I used a reference again for the pose/angle but even with that, I wasn’t able to get the proportions right with the odd angle, so Cassera’s head’s a bit too big, and it makes everything else feel slightly off.

10/28/20 – Porno

Cassera’s not actually this mean, I just defaulted to her design when I was drawing the girl.

Kinda really like how the pose turned out, but that’ll probably only last as long as I avoid over-scrutinizing it. I especially like how the face turned out. There are some quirks to drawing eyes that I’ve been trying to keep aware of but somehow haven’t really drawn much recently where those quirks actually apply so it was nice to have a composition where I remembered “Oh yeah, I need to keep that in mind for the eyes here!” and then actually successfully do it. Little victories.

(All original ‘characters’)

10/27/20 – Monster Mash-up

Yeah, I think I’ve exhausted all the sensical permutations of this title at this point.

Zoe using her tentacles to make the most of a Vera suit, both from Monster Prom.

Accidentally made Zoe a tad younger looking than she should, in part because I’m admittedly over accustomed to drawing busty characters and less so the other way around, but also because I’m just bad at scale in general.

I had a way more elaborate original idea for this that I cut back for the sake of time and effort, especially with the end of the month looming just days away…

10/26/20 – Trust Me

I was recommended Akudama Drive recently and while I’ll admit, I haven’t watched any of it beyond a trailer, I got hella suit potential vibes from “Isha” or literally, “Doctor,” and the more I read about her, the more she made for a great suit, and thus here we are.

Artistically, I… spent too much time on this, as usual.

  • Even drawing heavily from a reference, the perspective was tough, and while I ended up with something I feel is passable enough, I was forced to concede that I don’t have the skill/experience to get it any more right than this at the moment.
  • Fortunately, going extra hard on the pencil tones made most of them actually show up for a change, so that’s good, too.
  • The one tricky thing about “Isha’s” outfit is that her skirt, top and leotard are all… kinda transparent, as in, you can see her leotard edges through the skirt and top, and you can see her belly button through her leotard, but I guess when layered together they’re opaque enough to conceal her naughty bits. I neglected the top’s transparency while getting caught up with how to render the fabric’s folds but I’ll just say that it’s less apparent since it’s further away from the PoV. I did my best to account for some transparency of the skirt.
  • Perspective on “her” cock was also deceptively tricky, but like the overall pose, I managed something I consider passable.
  • She’s supposed to have vials and syringes inside her coat, and I almost forgot them, but ultimately left them out still for the sake of time.


Isha: “Now that I finally have your consent…”

“… We can begin the treatment for real. Don’t worry, it only hurts at the start.”

“Trust me, I’m a doctor! <3”

10/25/20 – Tuner’s Rest

Or something. I don’t follow Guilty Gear lore like I don’t follow Blazblue Lore. I just like the fighting games =w= All I know is that someone at arcsys managed to slip their mechabare suit fetish into a character and I love the madlad for it, even if I don’t play Haehyun myself.

Also I have no idea what’s going on with ‘his’ muscles. I tried referencing the official art and even that didn’t make sense to me (which may have been part of the problem).

Cassera (original character) piloting Kum Haehyun (Guilty Gear)

10/24/20 – “Do You Love Your Mom and her Two…”

Masato finally obtains the power of an op protagonist, but he’s uncertain of what to think about it… until he really gets a better feel for things.

Masato Oosuki as his stacked-in-more-ways-than-one mother, Mamako Oosuki, from “Do You Love Your Mom and her Two Hit, Multi-target Attacks?” or as it’s more conveniently referred to “Okaa-san Online”

Maybe I should have warmed up a bit more rigorously, but I had trouble with pen/pencil control today, and it left the art feeling less than satisfying. It also took me a bit longer/later than usual to think of something to do for today, but I think I do like the idea, even if the execution ended up a tad sloppier than usual.

I did an unrelated discord sketch of this pairing a while back with a slightly different tone, that I don’t think ended up in my usual art gallery, so this is as good a place as any to keep everything from the same series together. I did not draw the colored picture (credit for that to “z666ful.”)

10/23/20 – Iconic Duo

This is an extremely niche joke, and don’t feel bad if you don’t get it. I hope that you can appreciate the suiting regardless. I’m mostly happy to finally have a Dragalia inktober drawing that doesn’t look abysmal.

That said, I had ai-am-genius-oh-no

moment in production when I thought I was just about done… and then remembered that Phoenix had not one, but two sets of wings and an elaborate triple tail that I had entirely forgotten to draw. And I’m not great at wings/feathers.

Mikoto as Phoenix both from Dragalia Lost

10/22/20 – Alternative Necromancy

Characters are Ainz Ool Gown as Clementine, both from Overlord.

I started an Overlord comic a while back that I should get back to at some point. Along with like, four other started but incomplete comic ideas. Scouring my ipad for references to that, I hadn’t realized how many random little sketches or other spontaneous drawings I’d done in the last year or so, especially stuff that never got posted outside of the discord conversation it was specifically relevant to.

I haven’t been typesetting my inktober stuff thus far, because normally my handwriting is decently legible when I try, but for some reason it was just too messy for me to feel comfortable publishing, even with a transcript, so I figured I’d just typeset it and remove the risk of confusion. Plus I screwed up some of the wording when I was inking in the text anyway, so it gave me an opportunity to correct and better space that.

10/21/20 – Hot Wire

Despite being voiced by Saori Hayami, despite being prominent enough to appear in this season’s opening of Fire Force, this psycho bitch puppeteer… doesn’t have any canon name. She’s just “Haijima Puppeteer,” or more often just “Puppeteer.”

I generally like how this turned out, though, believe it or not, her sleeves and gloves should actually be even bigger/poofier than this.

10/20/20 – Akame Out of Time

Prior to starting to think about this, all I knew about Akame ga Kill‘s Esdeath was that she had ice powers and I vaguely remembered hearing/reading that she could use them to stop time. From that I came up with this idea, and then dove into the wiki to see if I could build a more specific context for it. An hour or two scouring the plot and relationship details though, and I… didn’t really find anything that worked really well.

Initially I was thinking Akame would be overly tsun or something and was holding out on main character man, Tatsumi, who could then take Esdeath and take what he wanted, but… that doesn’t really fit… like, any of the characters involved, not to mention I couldn’t pin down a good time in the series such events might take place, either. From what I was reading, any even potential romantic feelings Tatsumi or Akame might have felt for each other were backseated for literally everything else that happens in the plot, and then so and so dies and so and so maybe dies, but not really, but also, what? Just reinforcing that a wiki isn’t always a practical substitute for watching/reading a series.

I did find a female character named Merraid Oarburgh who had the level of infatuation with Akame that I needed, but it sounds like she dies pretty shortly after said infatuation manifests and I wanted someone with a cock for this particular scenario.

So ultimately, this ended up having more generic dialogue with vaguely implied suiting and no real explanation to be found, but hey, if any fans more familiar with the series’ plot and relationships can see a path that makes this make more sense with specific characters, hit me up, it’s easy enough to update dialogue.

Artistically, it’s a mixed bag. Some of the angles, posing and compositions I fully expected to be out of my depth ended up not looking nearly as bad as I was prepared for, but without knowledge of the source manga/anime, it doesn’t read as clearly as I had hoped.

10/19/20 – Relaxation Zombie

I would say that I’m surprised to have not run across much, if any skinsuit content for Zombieland Saga, but I could also say that about a lot of media, in part because there just aren’t very many of us skinsuit content creators, and because a lot of skinsuit consumers flock to and commission the same popular material over and over as well.

Went through a handful of potential composition ideas before settling on this one, including Kotaro stretching the face stitches on Junko, and Saki doing something similar while fighting with another girl in the group, but despite the others being more interesting and dynamic, this ended up being the most practical for the amount of time I wanted to spend on today’s inktober drawing.

Also, I wanted to draw Yugiri’s boobs, but as a character, she doesn’t really fight with anyone so that kind of stretching wouldn’t have made much sense. While making sense has never been a super high priority, there is something of a measure of “degrees of freedom” within suspension of disbelief and one of the keys to good fanart/fanfiction is minimizing how much the audience has to concede ‘artistic liberties’ in order to accept your piece.

Only after I was scanning did I realize the similarities in today’s work to an old skinsuit piece in circulation of a Marilyn Monroe-like model peeling back her face to light up a cigarette. Coincidence, homage, take your pick.

Also also, I have no idea what’s going on with Yugiri’s heart shaped hair bun. That shit makes no sense to me.

10/18/20 – Escalayer: behind the scenes

Another installment in: “further fetishize my hentai,” my favorite scene from “Beat Angel Escalayer,” (end of ep.2) now with the futa robot girl, “FM77,” played by an actual animatronic doll. Why? I find the idea hot for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also some implied suiting of another character for kicks. Also the idea of portraying a hentai like a filmed porno.

Was a bit uncertain about how to frame and arrange this scene, since the poses and angles involved are not the simplest, and I didn’t get it perfect, but I surprised myself and actually find I like how it turned out in the end! That said, I did screw up a lot and ended up having to do a fair bit of post-production edits because ink is inerasable outside the digital space (how barbaric)

10/17/20 – FE House of Echoes part 3: Tools

“Master Seteth, may I have a word with- oh!” I walked in on Rhea’s administrative assistant already entertaining company.

“Professor, this is my sister, Flayn,” Seteth hastily explained, introducing the young woman. The claim was believable enough – they shared similar green hair and green eyes. Flayn glanced up at me with large, curious eyes framed by two heavy green ringlets.

Both of them… Sothis noted in my head, her words agreeing with what I felt. Both of them have that… feeling. Like, we could close our eyes and spin around a few times and still be able to point directly at either of them.

But will they both respond the same way to our crest? At the same time? And why is another feeling approaching from behind?

“Seteth. I’ve finished my investigation of… Sorry, am I interrupting?”

I turned more slowly than I wanted, trying to hide my confusion over this… awareness I felt towards some of the church staff.

It is entirely church staff, isn’t it? Sothis mumbled, pondering on her own. Not all of them, but everyone we’ve felt it from has been. A few of the chefs, custodial staff, Seteth, and now Flayn and this woman. Not to mention… Rhea herself, though she feels different than all the others.

Seteth glanced back and forth between Flayn and all the sudden company. “Flayn, we’ll talk later,” he muttered at his sister before focusing on me with a grimace. “Apologies, Professor, whatever it is you need of me, can it wait?”

“Uh… sure,” I nodded. Even if all the present company exhibited that weird sense I was picking up on, there were just too many variables right now to safely test anything. Too much could go wrong too quickly to cover up. I got out of the way as Flayn scurried out and the woman who had just arrived stepped up, eyeing the newcomer as she passed.

Short dark hair and contrasting pale skin. A half jacket almost the same color as Seteth’s hair covered a black corset jerkin that almost blended into her equally dark, form-fitting pants.

Tight, Sothis mused appreciatively. In a single word, “tight” comes to mind. I couldn’t help but agree.

“Ahem, Professor, this is Shamir. She’s a mercenary that’s been helping the monastery for a bit now.”

The merc met my gaze levelly, and I could see her coolly taking my measure. “So you’re the new instructor they decided to hire,” she noted finally with a minimal nod. “If you need anything from me, let me know. I’m happy to help. For the right price.”

“Or if what the professor needs is already covered by your contract with the church,” Seteth added. “The archbishop has suggested assigning Shamir to assist with your lessons when she’s in between missions for the church.”

Shamir shrugged. “If that’s what you wish of me, then so be it. Though, I’ll warn you that I don’t exactly count babysitting among my strengths.”

“Right, I’ll keep that in mind,” I mumbled bemusedly, seeing myself out and closing the doors of Seteth’s office behind me. Glancing around it looked like Flayn had not lingered around after her own dismiss-.

“I investigated the brigands that attacked the house leaders the other day and found evidence that their leader had been in proximity to warp powder,” Shamir’s voice sounded clearly in my head, making both Sothis and I stiffen in surprise.

Wait, what? Those doors are closed… Sothis babbled. I stepped away from the door and turned to stare at it, confirming that the sturdy wooden panels were indeed closed. Still, the conversation continued sounding in my head, not unlike how I heard Sothis’s voice with my mind rather than my ears.

“Warp powder? So he was acting under the instruction, or at least suggestion of someone behind the scenes…” Seteth noted. I could tell he was frowning, despite being unable to see him.

“It’s not one of Rhea’s other tools, is it? It wouldn’t be the first time she’s gone behind our backs despite our purpose,” to serve her, Shamir inquired cautiously.

Sothis blinked. Wait, was that… that last bit.

“N-no. I… It wouldn’t make sense for her to want to,” harm the students “… unless,” she just wanted to scare them? Or, more worryingly, if she suspected one of them meant her harm first… Seteth’s response came fragmented between speech and thought.

We can read their minds now? Sothis gaped, listening in, as Seteth and Shamir’s conversation seemed to play out like an open book in my mind.

Oh, is that the new professor? Blue-green hair and an absent expression… yeah, she fits the bill.

Sothis groaned. Oh what now? A new “presence” approached from down the hall.

“Professor Byleth, right?” the new voice’s second line reached my ears rather than bypassing them. I shook my head, feeling a strong hand clap on my shoulder. “Are you alright? Please don’t tell me you find Seteth so dreamy that you can’t help fantasizing when you pass his office!”

“Huh, no, sorry. I, uh… was up late grading papers. It’s just a coincidence that I spaced out here,” I hastily covered. “Um, have we met?” I shook off the hand on my shoulder and found it attached to a blonde woman with a golden brown complexion. Her red and white asymmetric tunic was well worn suggesting ample field experience, bolstered by the memory of her grip strength. She grinned amiably at me.

Ha! Aww, she’s the diligent type, huh? That’s cute. Reminds me a bit of Shamir, She thought in her head. Aloud she responded more politely, if still informally. “Nah, but I’ve heard of you from Lady Rhea. I’m Catherine, you could say I’m Lady Rhea’s right hand woman.”

“As opposed to Seteth who’s Rhea’s right hand man?” I responded coyly, meeting her genial manner with a joking response of my own.

Catherine laughed aloud. “Yeah, I suppose you could say that! Anyway, glad you’re okay and not smitten with the salty sod of an administrator after all. I guess this takes care of introductions, so looking forward to working with you to help make Lady Rhea’s vision of the future a reality!”

She raised a hand as if offering a toast, but with no drink, we just ended up with an awkward fist bump. Apparently that was an acceptably amusing answer, and the seemingly jovial woman departed with a hearty laugh. It was hard to tell with her bulky clothes, but Catherine had a pleasant figure as well. Her personality was a bit… loud though.

Perhaps we can do something about that, Sothis suggested. I nodded to myself, remembering my purpose in visiting Seteth in the first place. Perhaps we can…

“Oh, Professor? You’re still here?” Shamir emerged quietly from Seteth’s office. “I’m finished speaking with him, if you still need him.”

The hall was empty save for us, though I could feel Seteth in his office, I could also sense that he was focusing on something at his desk and had not heard Shamir call out to me in the hall.

“It wasn’t anything urgent, and he seems pretty busy at the moment,” I responded finally. “Though perhaps you can help in his place.”

Shamir raised an eyebrow, but between a mild curiosity and being unable to come up with a good excuse to turn me down she nodded. “What do you need?”

With a subtle beckon, I turned and led her down the hall and around towards a storage room. “I was informed that we have some equipment in storage here, but I was struggling to make sense of the organization.”

I opened the door to the storage room and ushered Shamir in ahead of me.

Ugh… musty storeroom diving… I should have told her I had something else to do for Rhea…

“Mhmm… I’m afraid I don’t know how Seteth has things arranged in here, but what are you looking fo-”

As the door closed behind me, I activated the crest of flames, grasping in my mind at where I had heard the voice of her thoughts in my head. Like with Seteth, Shamir’s expression slackened from tight lipped serious to a relaxed neutral.

“Crest of Flames detected; awaiting command,” she spoke in monotone.

Finally… Sothis chirped excitedly. So I wonder what are valid commands… will she do… anything?

One way to find out.

“Take off your clothes,” I commanded. Shamir responded promptly, moving with the same efficient, impassive grace as earlier. Her jacket fell to the floor, followed by her boots, and pants. Surprisingly, under her pants, her panties had a bit of lace frill.

Whoa, who were you planning to impress with those, Miss Merc? Sothis whistled amusedly as the lingerie joined her other clothes on the floor.

She reached for her corset top but I stopped her.

“Hold on, leave that on.”

She stopped, as ordered and returned to a neutral stance, unperturbed by her now bare sex. She was shaved down below.

That was a decently specific command followed by a context-sensitive command, though both were relatively explicit in what I wanted, I thought to myself. So then…

“Suck me off,” I told her, offering no further explanation, though in my mind, I held onto a vision of my desired expectation.

To my delight, Shamir approached me, lithely descending to her knees and reaching up to unbutton my shorts, almost one to one with how I had envisioned her moving. With power and precision, Shamir tore a hole in my hose over my mound, and offered no hesitation before diving in, licking and sucking upon my feminine folds.

Mhm… Despite the moan, Sothis mirrored my dissatisfaction. She’s not awful, but she’s… kinda stiff and awkward? Can you make her do it more.. I dunno, naturally?

“Do it more naturally,” I passed on the request vocally, while in my head, I imagined how I might eat out a female partner myself. Just like that, Shamir’s technique improved, matching the details of my own technique.

Ohh, that’s much better! Sothis squealed.

True, but… I licked my lips and reached for a different mental switch. This time, without issuing any verbal commands, I imagined Shamir transitioning on her own. As my cock slid out of my pussy Shamir accepted it into her mouth, shifting to sucking and licking it as I had desired.

10-17 inktober2020

Pleased by the experiment’s results, I had Shamir bring me to orgasm.

“Show it to me.”

Shamir retreated from my softening shaft and opened her mouth, revealing a pool of thick milk mixing with her saliva.

“Good, now swallow.”

She closed her mouth and when she reopened it, my seed was gone.

I smiled. “Now, get up and turn around.”

I forgot how obnoxious Byleth’s default design is to draw

I attempted this pic originally at a high angle, looking down along Byleth’s front to Shamir sucking her off. Needless to say I couldn’t get it to look right and it was approaching a level of effort not worth it for an inktober deadline. Maybe when I’m a better artist with a useful ref, I can come back and reattempt it, but I also know I’ve said that about a few different things and I’m not sure it’ll ever happen. Even shifting to a more neutral angle, there are a number of unsatisfying things that it’s getting too late to dwell on, so I’m just going to drop it and move on.

10/16/20 – Hydration Trick

Mahla [and her pilot] getting in a post flight drink. Normally he can get his sustenance from what Mahla consumes, but nothing quite beats partaking of food and drink directly.

These are original characters and a teaser of sorts for upcoming $10 tier patreon story that I need to rally the energy to actually do the drawings I’ve already planned for it.

While I think the product more or less conveys the idea I was going for, I once again lacked the skill and execution to really capture the vision I had had for this idea. There was a lot of “I want it to be like this,” followed by “How the fuck do I actually show that?”

10/15/20 – Double Sided

Some discord fellow was talking about side zippers, and it works for Double (Skullgirls), cause she can hide it like her teeth, but not sure it’s really any more stealthy a way to hide a seam/zipper than down the back (where long hair or other clothing are liable to cover it).

Anyway, Double would make for a weird suit, regardless.

10/14/20 – Boom

If I had a nickel for every “busty anime lady wielding more explosives than advisable for someone who’s already lost an arm” that I’ve encountered in media, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.

And that’s the extent of my thought process on this idea. But hey, more ftf for those folks, right?

[Kuukaku Shiba from Bleach as Baiken from Guilty Gear.]

10/13/20 – Virtual Prep

Today in “I should have saved this idea for digital art because ‘how the fuck am I going to render this effect with pencil and pen?'” We have vtuber, “Kiryu Coco” “suiting up” for a stream.

The “materialization/phasing in” of the hologram worked out… well enough I guess, but I should have not ambitiously attempted to also have the beginnings of the holographic “hiding” effect applying to the cock – definitely something I think would have been better left to digital effects.

After attempting the pose and angle manually, I grimaced and decided, “this would be better to at least grab a pose guide for.” Thus I traced some skeletal guides from that poser app on my ipad that I should probably use more, but am usually too lazy for.

At this point, it’s probably my fault for continuing to try doing pencil stuff that I know my scanner isn’t going to properly pick up, but eh… “orz

10/11/20 – Hex Maniacs

I’m not even sure I’m the first to make this comparison using skinsuits, tbh.

Boring pose, sorry. Been feeling a bit unambitious the last few days. Had considered a more complex pose/angle for yesterday’s pic, too and went with something easier/safer.

(Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening as Hex Maniac from Pokemon)

10/8/20 – Snack Seizure

Wanted to do something with ClaraMomma from “Welcome To Demon Academy, Iruma kun!” and having her ‘brood’ all get together to dress up as her was the idea I just couldn’t shake. Since the kids are obviously kids though, I went with something light and comedic.


Momma: “Clara, you’re grounded!”

Clara: “Wha-!? Momma? Why?”

Momma?: “Don’t talk back to us- err… me!”

Momma?: “We-… I’m confiscating your snacks, too.”

Clara: “Aww…”

Momma?: “Now go to your room and stay there!”

10/7/20 – Error

After visiting “Katheryne,” the Nurse Joy/Officer Jenny-like guild coordinator of both major cities currently accessible in Genshin Impact, I noticed that the Liyue Katheryne has a miscellaneous line (as many npcs do) that the Mondstat Katheryne does not:

I might have thought it, as she attempts to claim, to be an error in retrieving the line she’s supposed to say there… until I noticed that it has a corresponding voice line that reads “…Error…” in a somewhat monotone delivery (hard to tell from a short, single word line).

Naturally, this got me thinking, though up to where I am, there’s no evidence to substantiate any theories, the privilege of an artist/creator is to be able to explore and expand upon any idea I might fancy.

I tried to make Liyue Katheryne’s “under-face” look mechanical/robotic, but I didn’t really research, plan or ultimately execute on a good way of doing that so it kinda looks… otherwise alien or whathave you. bleh. Didn’t do myself any favors by making it an inktober drawing either, where I’m stuck with physical media, bad at spacing out my drawings so that I have enough room to accurately and clearly render what I want, and can’t undo or erase ink once it’s set to paper. I also failed to make them the same size, now that I step back and look again, something that the wiring makes harder to correct believably even in post production. Ultimately, I decided, it’s just inktober, no need to sweat it.

10/6/20 – Mechabare-Mon 1.5

A direct mini-continuation from: Mechabare-Mon.

“Durel, you’re up.”

“Already?” The dwarf huffed having just sat down after returning his “equipment.” “You’re already shrunk.”

The fairy that had called his name shot him a scowl. “I’m wearing this because I’m on reception shift. You’re here, finished closing out your last client’s case, and still on the clock, which means you’re available to take a new client.”

Durel sighed. It wasn’t as if he disliked the work, it was just a bit tiring having to act deliberately while constantly aroused. Assuming everything goes smoothly with his next client unlike the last, he may be able to sneak in a nap during post-coitus cuddling.

“Yeah yeah, who’m I playing now?”

“Ura,” The fairy replied, reading off of her clipboard. She floated over his shoulder continuing to rattle off details about the client and their requests as Druel stripped out of his tunic and underwear.

Durel set Teele’s skin on the floor, the process second nature enough for him to give his boss most of his attention while he worked. Folding Teele’s wings over each other the patterns that formed lit up and as Durel brought one bare foot close, his foot shrank till it was small enough to pass through the center of the glyph. The rest of Durel’s body soon followed and when his whole body had passed through, he was small enough to fit comfortably in Teele’s skin.

Tugging at Teele’s face to smooth out lingering wrinkles, the fairy gave a satisfied nod.

“Did you get all that?” her boss asked, alighting on the floor to stand eye to eye with Teele. The subordinate fairy saluted sarcastically.

“Ma’am, yes Ma’am.”

Her boss shot her another dirty look, but knew well Durel and Teele well enough to trust that she would do a good job.

The two fairies flew off in different directions, Teele off to the “girls’ quarters” and her boss back to the reception desk.

Finding Ura’s quarters, Teele bypassed the locked door via a fairy access near the ceiling. Leaving the mundane wood, brick and mortar hallway, Teele entered a much more technologically advanced chamber- the housing for Ura’s body.

“Gah… whoever used her last just tossed her back in…” Teele grumbled, seeing a crumpled mass of tentacles on the floor with a frown. Flying over to a fairy sized control panel in one wall, Teele accessed the room’s facilities, and in moments, a series of robot like arms descended and picked Ura’s human torso off the ground, bringing the bulk of the scyllia mecha-suit’s tentacles with it.

The arms set Ura on a stand in the center of the room where she was properly braced to stay upright before making an incision right between the scyllia’s huge breasts. They pulled apart the imitation mammaries and revealed Ura’s cockpit, in the same place as Durel’s last ride. The doors opened in respond to a wireless signal from Teele’s console and opened. As apparently part of Ura’s automatic programming, she brought her hands together under her open chest giving Teele an easier place to land before climbing inside.

Once settled in the cockpit, Teele dialed in the command to reclose the suit. As the doors closed, Teele caught a glimpse of Ura’s hands moving on their own, cupping her breasts and smooshing them over the closing doors, till darkness overtook the cockpit, fought back only by the faint glow of a basic command console.

Suddenly other screens inside lit up, as Ura’s full systems booted up. Teele pulled the cranial interface from its mount hanging from the ceiling and set it over her head. She blinked, and when her eyes reopened, she saw vision of what the sensors in Ura’s eyes detected ahead of her. The rest of Ura’s senses synced with Teele as the rest of her came online.

Ura was one of the more challenging girls to play, eclipsed only by the slime girls among the popular girls. Teele took her time adjusting to moving her numerous tentacles. There was an assist program that translated simple actions to scyllian variants, but Teele only used it to help her mind get used to thinking in terms of scyllian movements before turning it off and moving her manually.

With Teele settling in, Ura took a deep breath, feeling her breasts heave upon her chest. Looking down, there was no indication that her chest had been sliced open moments ago – the micro-suturing arms sealed the incision automatically as the final part of the onboarding program. Ura’s hands returned to cup her breasts, appreciatively this time.

“Ara, ara…” she purred to herself, recalling her younger client’s profile. Several tentacles reached out for her closet of outfits and picked out a lacy bra, a frilly blouse and sharp blazer coat along with a pair of glasses. “Seems like Professor Ura’s classes are in high demand this month…”

10/5/20 – Guilty Split

I dunno, I don’t have any clever title for today.

“Jack-O” from the Guilty Gear universe, doing a standing split that’s apparently a popular JP twitter meme of sorts at the moment (#字バランス). I’d say color might help those unfamiliar with Jack-O’s design better interpret her jump-suit-like outfit, but it’s beige and not particularly high contrast to her pale skin so even that would be a bit of a hard sell.

Even with a reference, I kinda expected the pose to give me more trouble than it did, which is good =w=

As far as what’s going on with the mask…s well, I had an idea in mind but didn’t think through its execution, so the result ended up… not quite as clear as it could have been. Still, I’ll leave it up to the viewer to interpret how they will, since I realize how it ended up could be interpreted in a way that appeals to a suiting crowd I hadn’t intended to target, and that being the case, why not let them enjoy it, too?

10/4/20 – Besties

“Wow, a surprise from Mercie? I can’t wait!”

(Annette and Mercedes from Fire Emblem Three Houses)

I didn’t plan any background when I started drawing and throwing one in, I was too lazy to ruler it, so you get awkwardly curvy lines and horribly bad perspective.

Had been considering an Annette x Mercedes story or comic for a bit, but with my interest in 3H waning I’m not sure that’ll ultimately happen, so at least I can put some related content out here.

10/2/20 – Anemo Resonance

Forgot how bad scanning can sometimes butcher pencil shading/toning. Didn’t help that my scanner was being weird and not connecting through my usual scanning program. Pretty much all light tones and even a good chunk of the mid-tones are basically gone :<

Anyway, been addicted to Genshin Impact lately, and love Lisa. As a bonus, she and a few other chars have compatible personalities for skinsuit content, including Venti. Even after drawing him a few times, it didn’t occur to me till the cleaning step that he’s a shota by body type… oh well, he’s also just as easily mistaken for a girl, so whatever. I don’t intend to draw them often, but I suppose it’s good experience drawing a different body type.

Really though, I wanna do stuff with Jean and La Signora as well. *-*

Need to stop doing comics for my inktober drawings so I can have the time and energy to work on other stuff in the same day. ‘orz


Venti, Bard of the Wind:

“Sigh… It’s been a long time since someone’s resonated with my power like that…”

“I want to bond more with that traveler girl…”

“but I had to go all whimsical and aloof like that and now my pride’s getting in the way.”

“Oh… I have an idea!”

-In the library-

“Sorry to swirl in like this, Miss Lisa! I’m just here to borrow something from your library. Don’t worry, I’ll return you on time!”

-meeting with traveler girl (main character)-

[traveler girl has] Already resonated with Geo (earth element, while Venti is Anemo, the wind element, and used it to form an) earthen dildo.

“Lisa”: “This is not what I had in mind!”

Bonus warm up sketch:

10/1/20 – Inktober begins; Cassera Enters

So begins inktober 2020. I don’t have much to add that Cassera didn’t cover above. I’ve wanted to do an intro comic like this for Cass since conceiving her a few weeks ago but had been putting it off because I hadn’t brainstormed any outfits for her (haven’t had the energy or time to dedicate the few days worth of consideration the design process deserves). So for this, I just threw her in a bunny suit, which is something of a standby of mine anyway.

Probably going to pause the dedicated “Re-learning to draw” posts this month, since I’ll be drawing something daily anyway.

Transcript in case you can’t read my handwriting:


“Saw that, did you?”

“Well I’m afraid I’m going to have to…”

“Just kidding!”

“I meant to show off my zipper!”

“Consider it my way of saying ‘Hello!'”

“My name’s Cassera!”

“I’m Lheriss’s new(ish) OC.”

“This is only my version uh… 0.2 or so. He hasn’t even designed me a proper outfit yet!”

“But even so, we thought it a good time to introduce me since there’s a good chance I’ll show up in more inktober stuff!”

“Of course, being a Lheriss character…”

“I come equipped with…”

“a Futa mode! <3”

~Look forward to seeing more of me in the future!