10/31/21- Right?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

[Original characters, see below]

Artist’s Comments: “You thought it would be Starbucks milk meme, but it was me, the Anakin meme!” Other suit content creators were already working on Starbreasts meme while it was hot, and while I was considering it and may still do something with it later, I wanted to do something different. My original plan for this was appreciably less clear and I only realized it a few days ago, but fortunately came up with these lines that were much easier to follow. Original idea went something like:

1. Two girls, A and B, with strap-ons or with bottom halves wearing guy suits A:”Wow, I’m not used to using a penis.”

2. B:”Because you’re a girl like me, right?”

3. A: 🙂

4. B: “Because you’re a girl, right?”

This set up unfortunately ran into the problem of an unclear punchline. I couldn’t think of a clear way to imply that, with everything already going on, the answer to B’s question was A:”No, because I’m a guy who’s been pretending to be a girl for a long time.”

While the original plan might have used some Fate/Astolfo suiting or something (didn’t get that far before seeing the other problems with it), this revision didn’t fit quite as well so I decided to let myself keep character designs a bit simpler (since I knew I’d have to draw 3-4 panels anyway), and thus made two new original characters. Here are some hasty, low quality sketches of them:

Meet Ruyano and Merorin respectively. Both are suits of course. Ruyano is worn by an introverted girl named Ikino who found out about and tried suits in order to help alleviate crippling social anxiety. Behind Ruyano’s fierce, tomboyish mask, she feels more comfortable expressing herself and finds it exciting to be able to be more proactive. When pressured in certain situations though, Ikino’s soft, passive side comes through, meaning, while she likes being dominant, if something goes wrong or she’s thrown off her pace, she’s susceptible to being dominated instead, something Merorin quickly got very good at doing.

Merorin is the mischievous and flirty suit of the normally straight-laced Bresen, an ordinary guy doing well enough in life, but who’s always had difficulty breaking out of the ‘straight man’ type of role in his relationships. Finding out about skinsuits, he figured he’d try one in private and took a chance on a blind-bag offer, not having any particular preference of who he’d become so long as it was different from who he was. When a thin, long-blonde-haired girl slid out of his package, he suddenly knew her name was Merorin, as if reuniting with an old friend. Putting her on, he naturally fell into a personality wildly different from his own, but that felt natural for Merorin. An expert in relaxing and indulgence, Merorin was perfect for helping Bresen unwind. When something gets in her way of doing what she wants (or threatens to), Bresen’s personality peeks through to help, enabling her to go to great lengths to take care of any problems that stand in her way.

*Cass angrily protesting these two newcomers having more development than she has already. Kinda. I’m still deciding if she should also inherit the super chuu-ni backstory of the character I invented in high school that she inherited her name from.

I drew up those sketches last night after sketching the plan for today’s inktober pic but I made those profiles up just now, so everything subject to change still. Similarly, I don’t have any further grand plans for these chars, just felt like making them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

10/30/21 – Cure for Fastidiousness

[Riuru Kaneshiro and Karen Konohara from “Night Shift Nurses 2” aka “Yakin Byouto Ni” (Hentai Haven link) (episode 2, scene starts around 6:55)]

Artist’s Comments: Hey look, it’s that thing I do sometimes. You know, the one where I take a (futa) hentai that I like and imagine it involving skinsuits. Anyway, fairly happy with how this turned out all things considered, although, I’m sad I don’t feel like I really captured Riuru (the blonde)’s look recognizably enough in the reflection. I didn’t give myself a lot of space to work with and inking didn’t do it any favors (Karen’s hand also suffered a bit in the inking phase). I wanted to portray her hair spreading more naturally as well, but may have needed to give the shot a different angle to ensure that no one lock covered too much of the zipper which why I exaggerated the ‘window.’ The distinction between hair and skin would probably be easier to discern with color as well. This was another classic case of “long hair getting in the way of everything.” A shame cause I still like long hair aesthetics.

10/29/21 – Maintenance behind the Magic

Always take good care of your spellcasters. (To be clear, this “Witch” is a goblin fabrication from the start).

[“Witch” from Goblin Slayer]

Artist’s Comments: Whew! I went into this thinking “I did some goblin slayer for one of my first inktobers, and it was an interesting idea, but execution was still amateurish and I haven’t since gone back to the series despite it having plenty more suitable characters!” Which led me to deciding I wanted to suit the Witch character. What kind of context should go with that? Well, why not revisit the concept from before? Thus we have “mechabare” goblin Witch.

This turned out way better than my first attempt. I got away with not trying to portray any goblins actually inside the subject this time, which let me focus on other things and frankly, that would have been where I was most liable to run into trouble. Instead, I focused on highlighting various other aspects that show off how the “suit” “works,” if just in the vaguest sense (whereas the more specific I tried to get with it, especially in this medium’s limitations, the more “off” it was going to look, like the first time).

I knew I wanted one with a leg, one with an arm, and one with the head, and that there would be string mechanisms controlling parts that a goblin pilot housed inside her core would not be able to reach. I also wanted to show a goblin restocking a “fluid” supply with something toxic, and originally I was thinking pouring it into some kind of artificial uterus/vagina structure (hence that goblin being down where it is), but while working on the design, I decided it would make more sense for fluids to be stored in the breasts, so I closed up the opening I’d drawn in the Witch’s pelvis and instead connected the lower goblin’s activity to her breast. The cord makes less sense the more you think about it (ultimately it draws the eye from what that goblin’s doing so that the viewer connects it more easily to its purpose), and now that I look at the uploaded version, the dangling end of the cord shouldn’t even be visible (would hang behind the bottom gob). Though given I have this space to justify it, my excuse is that the cord links the fluids in the breasts with the now un-shown vaginal structures so that poison can be delivered via the breast or the pussy. It got pulled out that far incidentally when toxicgob removed the breast sack.

I expected to run into more difficulty with the goblins themselves, but once I got momentum in the sketching phase, they turned out pretty well, surprising myself. The two sitting ones are a bit awkward but passable. Not sure how I managed their faces, but the fact that they’re supposed to be ugly and awkward probably helps.

If I do another goblin slayer piece, Sword Maiden is definitely next in line to be suited.

10/28/21 – Caching Out

And they’ll still screw it up somehow. (Crate says: “For research purposes only” “DITTO CACHE” in case anyone can’t read it)

[Jesse, James, Cynthia, and Garchomp all from the Pokémon franchise]

Artist’s Comments: I don’t remember the last time I drew an actual Pokémon. Even Pokémon characters are a bit of a rarity.

Went quick and dirty with this one. Have other things to do today, so I didn’t want to spend too long on things. I used a ruler for the crate, but wasn’t very rigorous about perspective so maybe I shouldn’t have bothered. Garchomp was fairly heavily referenced and it helped that ‘he’ isn’t doing much to worry about and partially covered by ‘Cynthia.’

10/27/21 – Gideon’s Bane

Ares as Rit, both from “Banished from the Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside” aka “Shin no Nakama” (真の仲間)]

Artist’s Comments: I haven’t watched today’s new episode (yet), but from the previous ones I’ve definitely been sensing that Ares is being built up as an antagonist to Gideon/Red, so when I decided I wanted a suit of Rit (which was basically within her first five minutes of screentime) Ares was the best suiter candidate with a plausible motive (cause otherwise, there doesn’t seem to be too much going on yet with other chars around Red and Rit since the series just started airing recently). Will be fun to see how right or wrong I am as the show plays out!

I really liked the sketch of this, which naturally meant that inking it felt like a downgrade, but the final product isn’t too bad, though having to mirror it because I forgot that Ares’ monocle is on his left (our right) eye does make it look a tad more awkward than the way I drew it. I’m not sure what specifically that’s a red flag for (not that it surprises me), maybe proportion balance or some other consistency point, but it’s something I need to work on.

10/26/21 – Kaiser Oversight

Silly Kaiser, the throne room is no place to try on a new skinsuit, no matter how excited you may be.

[Christina Morgan, Tomo Mikuma, and Kaiser Insight (Mana Senri) all from Princess Connect Re:Dive]

Artist’s Comments: Since I don’t expect most people to get the joke in the title, the fox eared character who’s the current ruler of the land goes by the name/title “Kaiser Insight.” With that out of the way, Christina was released in Princess Connect Re:Dive global yesterday! I basically don’t play anymore since the gameplay loop bores me, but Christina’s still hot and amply… suitable. The other layer to this piece is that Kaiser Insight is already a female avatar played by a male player, so you could say the Christina suit is an excuse for him to whip out his “Unique Equipment” without risking untoward rumors starting about his actual character.

I wanted to have “Christina” force themselves on whoever interrupted their suit-y time, but none of the available options for such an event were all that appropriate (Jun wouldn’t really barge in like this, and the other two known characters in the royal guard guild, NIGHTMARE, are quite underaged). The one who appears here, Tomo, is only 13, but once I cut the sex portion, she became an acceptable character for the role (now it’s just indecent exposure). By going this route, I also saved myself from having to draw an extra panel, based on my initial plans.

As far as the art itself, Christina’s got a lot going on in her design. It’s not the busiest I’ve seen/drawn, but it was still a bit tiring. It also suffers from what I call ‘dark on dark’ syndrome, where her character design has a whole bunch of dark colors next to or on top of one another. She works well enough in color, but in black in white, especially with the limitations of my scanner to pick up subtle differences in dark pencil tones, the toning step was a bit challenging. I also thought, for most of my time working on this, that her design was poor for doing subtle back zipper shots, since her feather shawl/mane…thing covers the back of her neck entirely. I didn’t have references for her back on hand, but when I thought about it near the end of the inking process, the type of dress she wears could feasibly have an open back portion, at least enough so that I could slip the zipper peek under the spotted shawl-thing in the second panel. I’m glad I could, subtle as it is, because the stretchy neck part of the suit in the final little panel ended up being too small to make out against Kaiser Insight’s white hair. Chibi-fying Christina in the second and third panels was also a bit tricky because of the intricacies in her design, and that I haven’t really done much chibi work lately, especially not approaching the super-deformed style more rigorously as I have been trying to be with my art as a whole. I like how the third panel turned out, but I try not to look too hard at the second panel.

Mini Tomo similarly took a bit of… concessions given that I was trying to fit her into a space little over 1 cm tall.

10/25/21 – Sakurai san’s Secret Spicy Swimsuit Shoot

Kazama san’s guilt is only rivaled by his arousal.

[Kazama san and Sakurai san from “My Senpai Is Annoying” aka “Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi,” “先輩がうざい後輩の話”]

Artist’s Comments: Took a bit of fenagling to imitate the show’s style, it being a bit more chibi/cutesy, but I think I got it well enough in the end. I feel like that previous sentence has roughly been the theme this year, that along with: “There are errors, but it still looks alright, and that’s good.”

I considered inking in both char’s hair since they’re both pretty solid black in the show, but wanted to leave some of the strand details in on the mask and if I leave those, I realized I ought to leave the other instances of hair to be consistent, so I just pencil darkened them. I freehanded the phone and furniture – didn’t seem worth the effort of grabbing my ruler.

Wasted a little time thinking about little additional details I might be able to add to better convey the context, but settled on just some extra dialogue. Ultimately the only important thing I wanted to convey that wasn’t obvious in the image itself was that the suit wasn’t Sakurai herself suit-ified, it’s a reproduction type suit. Was considering a LINE app message notification from Sakurai san herself, but that would have required more effort than I deemed it worth (LINE app notification icon, what the message actually is, and why Sakurai’s sending it to the PoV character, etc). Not to mention, I’d have to shift down the pic of Sakurai san, too, and that’s simple in digital production but a pain in the ass in physical media.

10/24/21 – Happier Times

With the Fangs of the Black Wolf party in their heyday.

[Paul Greyrat, Geese, Elinalise, and Ghislaine from Mushoku Tensei]

Artist’s Comments: Tried to do a little bit of extra muscle definition for Ghislaine. Probably technically wrong, but I think it looks alright enough. Surprisingly everything went pretty well with this one. About the only part that I kinda cringe over is Elinalise’s skin’s hair in the second panel, and that was probably inevitable because I have no idea how giant ringlets behave/look like when upside down. Posing of the main panel is pretty similar to the FE Fates inktober from a few days ago, but that’s alright. I think there’s enough extra going on in this one to differentiate them. Maybe I should have left this one for a few days later to give more space between them, but too late now (as in, I don’t feel like doing an entirely new inktober drawing starting now).

I have wanted to do something with Ghislaine for a little while now, but the story’s present day cast focuses on underaged characters (Rudy, Eris, Roxy, etc) that I didn’t want to involve. Fortunately I realized that Ghislaine has a history with Rudy’s equally pervy dad and thus my starting idea was “Paul Greyrat (Rudy’s dad) as Ghislaine getting ready to perv on Zenith (Rudy’s mom) when they were all younger.” Researching Paul and Ghislaine, though, led to a light spoiler discovery about another character in their party that also fit the personality of a suit prankster too much to pass up.

10/23/21 – Divine Deception

Unapologetically borrowing the title from an actual in-game event title

[Sandalphon and Harle/Loki from Dragalia Lost]

Artist’s Comments: I barely/don’t really even play the game anymore, yet there are so many great suitable characters in Dragalia Lost, I can’t help but make tradition of trying to do a DL piece each inktober, at minimum. The first two years, the DL inktober drawings was one of the worst in the sets, combination of being over-ambitious and stubborn, but last year’s DL piece was alright, even though I still stumbled over Phoenix’s wings. This year’s a nice crystallization of keep trying, and even though I made a bunch of mistakes still, it looks pretty decent, I think! And that I think that in those terms specifically was a bit of a revelation for me as well – it’s a sign of growth that the mistakes I’m making aren’t crippling to the piece as a whole. The only error I made that I really regret is being unable to keep those cord/lines consistent width.

That said, I suffered a somewhat classic failing in that that left hand looked so good in the sketch but then the inking pen decreased its quality. Though, that’s likely more a product of mental fill in than anything else (this effect comes up often enough for artists in general that I’ve seen several videos on youtube about “why does the sketch look better?” That being the case, I can postulate what’s going on even without watching said videos)

I’m gonna claim it’s “artistically” rotated off center, but I mostly just drew it that way on the page to feel like I had more space to work with. Unfortunately it resulted in the left part of the halo not fitting and since it hasn’t been drawn, I can’t really center-rotate the image, cause it’ll be painfully obvious a third of the halo just isn’t there. *shrug*

10/22/21 – Inside Joke Character

“You thought we weren’t going to be playable in Type Lumina?”

[Neco-Arc, Neco-Arc Chaos, and Arcueid from Tsukihime Melty Blood]

Artist’s Comments: Perspective was a little tricky, especially since the Neco-Arcs are… non-traditional contour/proportion-wise, but while I’m not sure I really got as strong of a camera angle as I initially imagined, what I ended up with seems alright. Neco-Arc Chaos is a lil wonky, but that’s kinda par for the course for them anyway, so I left it be. I only just noticed that my scanner picked up the light toning I did on only one of Neco-Arc’s two ear floofs.

10/21/21 – Lap Time with Big Sis

Reference maybe?

[Niles and Camilla from Fire Emblem Fates]

Artist’s Comments: Foreshortening practice mostly. Toesies both improved but still bad. I think something about their shape finally starting to click, but still need to work on spacing and positioning, as well as the general shape of the foot. Also hair! I screwed up Camilla’s hair so bad – nowhere near enough fore-thought/consideration on what it should actually be doing from that position. Just phoned in hair strands with only vague awareness of the contours and natural curve. Saved myself a little with line thickness to keep body curves distinct from hair business.

10/20/21 – Alternative Blade Enhancement

From the Xenoblade Fandom Wiki: A paladin-like proponent of justice, the Rare Blade, Perun’s unique Blade Quest sees her lead the party in search of missing children. They track their quarry to the clutches of a bit antagonist, Dr. Castrofari, a mad scientist who believes that Blades can be enhanced by combining them with biological components from children.

Alternate bad end to her Blade Quest, Dr. Castrofari relinquishes the children in exchange for Perun becoming the subject of one final test. Establishing himself as her driver, Dr. Castrofari’s experiment is a success, for him. By altering Perun’s structure, he converted her into a wearable skinsuit, which, once worn by himself, the driver, brought out a new, unprecedented power from Perun as a result of achieving a new level of synchronization. As the driver, Dr. Castrofari had full control though, and to Perun’s dismay, all of her was his to command: her power, her voice, her body, her memories. Taking advantage of his new form, Dr. Castrofari returned to the party pretending to be Perun, informing them that ‘she’ had taken care of the doctor and that with the return of the children, this case would be closed. The experiment though, was far from over.

Artist’s Comments: Wiki links included because I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t know who either of these characters are (though I summarized all you should need to know in the caption). I mostly just felt like Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s main cast hogs way too much of the game’s fan attention from a number of other suitable characters, especially among the rare blades. And by “main cast,” I mean, Pyra/Mythra/Pneuma.

In addition to wanting to do something XB2 that wasn’t main cast, I wanted to try a more challenging pose, and had to break out my 3d poser tool to get the perspective halfway right. It’s still not perfect, especially about the waist, but I did what I could.

10/19/21 – A Break from Harvesting

Inspired by the manga, “Campus Predator” by Yaruku (ヤルク) – Yaruku fan art with a Yaruku twist!

Artist’s Comments: I’m a big fan of Yaruku’s interpretation of “mecha girls,” especially those with an onboard pilot. You can see this influence in many of my own “mechabare” pieces (メカバレ : “Android/robot characters shaped like humans, but with their interior mechanisms showing due to damage or maintenance or other operation”). “Campus Predator” is particularly great for the implied deception play involved in the girl going about her everyday life thus far. The only way it would have been better in my eyes would have been if you saw the girl actively blending in at the school more naturally. Maybe also if there was a scene of her toying with each other and/or a human girl, but I understand that that would be practically doubling the length or more.

Art wise, I’m pretty happy with how the perspective turned out for the most part. The shoulders don’t look quite right, even after some attempted editing in post. I have been doing some decent feet of late, but these are not among them. Not sure what happened. I’m overdue for more intense fold studies, too, particularly heavily layered stuff like the pulled/scrunched up shirt. Lastly I recall thinking about it while sketching, but when time came to ink, I still accidentally made ‘her’ nipples too small. Oops. Considered adding a bit more to the background to add to the context, but I decided to save the effort. It would have also made the composition a little too similar to an inktober drawing from earlier in the month.

10/18/21 – Fitting In With The Crew

Robin reference, maybe?

[Luffy, Usopp, and Yamato from One Piece]

Artist’s Comments: I haven’t been following One Piece in a while, but I’ve heard they might be getting another crew member. Maybe. I haven’t been able to find any confirmation and didn’t want to spend the time wading through the source for this, so I kept it somewhat vague.

Oda sensei’s style is pretty different from what I usually do so it was a little bit of a challenge. I think I managed Luffy and Usopp well enough, but Yamato’s face gave me trouble. I expected to have more trouble with the on-the-shoulders pose, as well, especially when they were then supposed to fit ‘reasonably’ into Yamato. I used folds of Yamato’s skin and clothes to kinda hide parts that might’ve been problematic. Speaking of, I think I ought to have made the hanging/folds of her outfit bigger, both the hanging folds, and the hanging sleeves, but it occurred to me too late to fix it, and I had been too worried about how it would interact with the rope waistband in the first place. Also maybe should have checked more than one or two references for Yamato’s outfit, since I’m only now seeing one that’s appreciably different (sleeveless for one).

10/17/21 – Glasses Swap

[Shiroe, Henrietta, and Marielle from Log Horizon]

Artist’s Comments: Another comic, but I had more fun with the last two, though they’re still time consuming. Messed up “Marielle’s” hair in the last panel because I left detailing it till inking thinking naively (as usual) that I could do that. Henrietta’s hair was a bit of a challenge, but I think it turned out pretty well everywhere it appears. I intended to shade “Henrietta’s” face in that middle panel to give the glasses more of a glow effect, but I forgot to before getting all the way through most of the other postproduction, at which point it didn’t seem worth it. Drew lots of hands for this one, and while none are exactly right, most aren’t that off. Most of them.

10/16/21 – Say Your Prayers

Inspired by a discord suggestion/request. Original characters.

Artist’s Comments: The suggestion was mostly just for a skinsuit nun with a “holy rod.” Though they actually wanted her penetrating someone with it, I couldn’t fill in a satisfying context that wouldn’t require more work than what I ended up making for myself. Another deceptively challenging aspect of the request was depicting a nun displaying subtle hints of being a suit, which is tricky because, when fully garbed, nuns show very little skin, so skin effects like wrinkles and creases about joints simply wouldn’t be visible. It would have been possible if I went with the “porno nun” but that circled back to the issue of how to build a concise context around that in as few images as I could get away with. There was the “church’s secret sex dungeon” angle, but that’s been done and this felt more creative at the time.

Started out using a ruler for panels, but after that just freehanded most of the other lines *shrug.* After having the idea for the concept, I spent some time mulling over if I could clearly convey it in one image, and it may have been possible with a steep angle, overhead shot x-raying through the top of the confessional. As you may have gathered at this point, I mocked up a few attempts, but ultimately, as I expected, I lack the skill to make that work at the moment, so went with a short comic to better convey the scene, tone, and what was going on.

10/15/21 – Vengeance of the Shield Hero

Shield Hero AU where Naofumi uses the skinsuit shield to suit as Malty. The idea might have been to use her position and influence to reverse opinion of the shield hero, but after tasting what the princess and her hot body can get away with, he falls into degeneracy. Even in his depraved life, though, with the other heroes wound around his fingers, he manipulates them into working together better than they could on independently and through his shadowy efforts, the heroes manage to protect the world.

[Naofumi and Malty from “Rising of the Shield Hero”]

Artist’s Comments: Wanted to do something a little simpler today after yesterday’s effort. My wrist/forearm was a little sore afterwards and though I considered something more ambitious for today (apparently it was Es‘s birthday today), I went with this to rest my hand a little. I still have commission stuff to do, too, among other tasks to worry about today so didn’t want to make it another 3+ hour inktober day.

As far as this piece itself, I actually neglected to design/draw a shield for Naofumi till after I had scanned the piece, so I ended up drawing it on and rescanning, then going in with an image editor and removing the already inked lines of his arm that were now covered by the shield. Aside from that, I also touched up Malty’s face which I had messed up while inking. One thing I left was that I made the back of Naofumi’s head/hair a bit too spiky, but it wasn’t a big enough deal to try fixing in post. I also noticed Malty’s hair part is off center, but that seemed a much more difficult fix and shouldn’t be all that distracting, so I similarly left it alone rather than risk drawing more attention to it with an awkward edit (though I realize I’m somewhat negating that by drawing attention to it in the comment anyway, but oh well).

10/14/21 – More Testing Needed

Inktober request from someone on discord, although only in so far as the theme and IP – the details were inspired by a discussion I had a while back in a friend’s server.

[Morgan Le Fay, Artoria Pendragon, and Merlin from Fate universe]

Artist’s Comments: Ugh…. out of my comfort zone in a lot of aspects made this unpleasant in multiple ways. I wasn’t feeling any of the ideas I had previously jotted down so I went to my discord server to see if I could fulfill a request from the suggestions thread I set up last month. Though trying to hit all of the aspects of the request in one piece (Fate Universe + discarding a skinsuit expended via cumflation) ended up requiring a comic page and a busy one at that. I can’t blame the requester since I’m ultimately the one who chose to act on the request, but I’m probably not doing this kind of content again. While it’s fascinating that a niche within a niche such as skinsuiting can still have so many varied aspects that draw people to it, cumflation and suit… abuse? are just not things I understand and don’t appeal to me. Probably why I’m bad at commissions. “orz

While the last two panels ended up marginally better than expected, the whole page is still rife with errors and things that just didn’t really go as I had wanted and I don’t really feel like going into depth with this one.

Weirdly enough, not only did my scanner/post processing end up retaining more unintended lines than usual (including the physical remnants of erased pencil lines, but wordpress is being arbitrarily different in it’s new post format, too. Hopefully this all shows up properly still, but if it looks different than previous posts, I dunno what’s up with it either. Phew, after checking it looks okay.

10/13/21 – Rental Fees Due

Alternate ending to “Rent a Girlfriend.”

Artist’s Comments: I’ve been trying to practice drawing floppy/deforming masks recently to middling success. The way I imagine them, they’re not totally devoid of form, so like, the nose, lips, brow would naturally protrude some just by virtue of the distribution of material used to make it and that material’s natural plasticity. As a result though, it’s always challenging to visualize how such an object interacts. In this pic, since the PoV (implied to be MC of the anime, but doesn’t have to be) character is holding the mask approximately by its temples, there’s some tension between the eyes and some stretching at the edges, but where the bottom half of the mask falls from the hands, it’s no longer supported by anything, so it’s got mostly gravity, but is also deformed by tension from the point of contact interacting with the natural structure mentioned before. If I weren’t so broke, it’d probably be a good idea to invest in a mask of my own, just as an art prop.

Pretty much all the hands in this picture turned out “better than expected, but still bad in some way or another.”

And I made a bunch of inking errors at the start of the inking process since I didn’t warm up before hand like I should have. I didn’t appreciate how much warming up does for me personally till today. I don’t have the steadiest hands, which is a major thing I’ve appreciated in the transition to digital inking.

10/12/21 – Get Out of Jail Free Suit

My discord was talking about Persona 5 and Sae, among others and I remembered I wanted to draw her at some point, so I did. :> These are pretty easy when I’m not overthinking things.

Artist’s Comments: Aside from coming together very quickly from idea to completion, not too much to say about today’s pic. Right ankle’s a little wonky and I had to redraw Joker’s profile and the right hand a few times (drew the hand backwards initially, but quickly noticed it didn’t look right). Tried some wrinkle lines on the mask, but they also didn’t really look right, so I just took them out in the final drawing. Joker’s hair is a little weird – there seems to have a precise amount of controlled chaos in its locks and I ended up with a little too much “controlled” in my chaos, but that’s mostly fine tuning territory.

I was surprised to find a ref of Sae from behind, but it being her business suit ensemble rather than her palace version, it wasn’t too busy and I had mostly guessed right what it looked like before finding the ref.

10/11/21 – Double Trouble

“Aoi trusts Kyoko, right? What bullshit! There’s no way they’ll be able to stay so buddy buddy after ‘Kyoko’ forces herself upon Aoi, though. Even when Kyoko finds out the ‘truth’ and the group turns on Kizakura san, the cracks will remain! Just what I need to draw attention away from me after having to deal with Seiko and my poor Yoi. I’ll survive this by whatever means necessary, no matter what!” Ruruka Ando muttered to no one in particular, punctuating the declaration with an unhinged chuckle.

Monaka Towa peered over her shoulder. “Oh? Well, in that case, if you click that, an check those routines, then you can layer Monokuma’s personality masks so that you can more accurately emulate Kizakura san pretending to be Kirigiri san. Hey, I’m helping like I said, so do you have any more of those cookies?”

Artist’s Comments: Or something. I had the idea for this set up/composition before I researched/knew enough about Danganronpa to pick characters and write a greater context. Despite how ripe Danganronpa is for dark suiting scenarios, the fact that a large portion of the cast are high schoolers makes a lot of them underaged for erotic fun (even though one could probably get away with all but the most child-ish looking characters under the Poké-porn umbrella). I went with the DR3 Future arc largely because it featured characters aged up into, presumably some degree of adulthood, but even then, once I researched that storyline more, the ideal suiting perpetrator (in terms of means and motive) was Monaka Towa, who, even in the Future arc, is very much a child “orz. Thus, Ruruka Ando became the perp, which is okay, since she has her own precedence for brainwashing that I could use to involve Monaka but keep her er… less culpable (even though she already has a twisted personality and moral compass). I wrote the dialogue caption right now as I’m prepping to upload because I figured it would help to better define the context I had in mind.

Anyway, regarding the pic itself, I’m generally pleased with the composition, and the general posing ended up better inked than in the sketch which is rare (usually it’s the opposite). Still made some mistakes, some I was able to fix in post, some I wasn’t, but it is what it is. The toning was a bit challenging as I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do with the lighting effect, but it wasn’t till I had already put pencil to paper that I figured out how to actually go about rendering it.

10/10/21 – Miko’s Maw

Yae Miko from Genshin Impact

Artist’s Comments: I dunno why I felt like doing this, but I had fun with it even though I’m very inexperienced with snouts. Minor inconsistencies in design between left and right sides that I either noticed too late, or was too lazy to fix. Similarly realized the pendant on her chest isn’t exactly shaped like that, but I was having a hard time finding a clear reference in quick searchers. There’s a light tone over most of the fur, but as I feared, my scanner didn’t pick it up well, where it detected it at all. Mouth/snout design lightly inspired by this fursuit-y doujin (sad panda link).

10/9/21 – Obstacle to Infiltration

World of Warcraft based, but no specific characters this time (I just got the name from a WoW Nightborne name generator).

Artist’s comments: Not sure if I’m just not feeling that inspired today or I just didn’t connect with the idea that well, since this was a request. I was informed that there was a quest line where characters infiltrate the Nightborne city using disguises so I worked off of that, but guess I didn’t really have the energy to do more with it than I had to, and everything ended up half baked. I apologize either way.

I actually expected it to turn out worse once I realized in the pencil tones step that it would be a whole lot of dark on dark tones, but it actually came through alright. Went with a kig-like suit this time just to vary things up. I think it works with the hood in the design since it keeps prying eyes off the subtle seams around the face. Still, the design I was referencing just got weirder to me the longer I looked at it. Guess, I’m just not used to WoW style character designs.

10/8/21 – Predator

Yes, that’s supposed to be a little X-Parasite pretending to be jizz. Apparently Metroid Dread is out. I knew it was soon, but I have enough on my gaming backlog with higher priority that I’m just gonna ask for it for Xmas.

Samus Aran [robotic facsimile], Metroid, and X-Parasite from Metroid series.

Artist’s comments: Most notably, screwed up the proportions of “Samus” in the first panel (head’s too small), but everything else turned out decently well (well, the hands/fingers are ‘eh’ at best). Maybe I shouldn’t have cut off the top of the guy’s head if I was gonna let him spill out of the panel in the first place, but oh well. Low key proud of how “Samus’s” hips in the last panel, especially since I kinda botched the hips/pelvis in an similar pose in an earlier inktober pic this month. Wasn’t sure how the pencil toning would work out for the X-parasite but I think it looks good enough. The metroid itself was easier to draw than I expected.

My thinnest inking pen is dying, and I’ve found a substitute from among some other old inking pens, but it’s just as liable to dry up at basically any moment as the first. My thickest pen isn’t doing so hot either. All of them are at least 5-7 years old, so this unfortunately isn’t all that unexpected.

10/7/21 – Fill In Model: 2 Body References

Follow up to yesterday’s pic.

Fafnir needs more… elaborate reference material this time.

[Fafnir, Tohru, Lucoa, Takiya from “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid”]

Artist’s comments: eehh… decently satisfied with everything except “Tohru’s” arms. I even tried fixing them in post, and I still don’t think they look right/good. Contemplated adding text, but I want to think the image does decently speaking for itself.

10/6/21 – Fill In Model

This is how them horny dragons get’cha.

Takiya as Lucoa, extrapolating on events from episode 7 of “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S” (Season 2)

Artist’s comments: Have a possible follow up to this, but did not have the energy to make it today “orz. As is not uncommon with my physical inking, there were a number of parts of this piece that looked better in the pencil draft. Oh well.

10/5/21 – Prank Partners

Natsu teaming up with the Gemini duo to get up to who knows what mischief in the guise of Lucy [Fairy Tail]

Artist’s comments: Not too much to say about this one. Kept it on the simpler side after putting in a little bit extra effort yesterday. I’ve drawn this general pose once before so it wasn’t too unfamiliar, but I got to try some male musculature and I don’t think it looks too awful.

10/4/21 – Always Aiming for the Top

Follow up to yesterday’s pic.

[Ninomiya, Belza, and Shia from “The Dungeon of Black Company” aka “Meikyuu Black Company”]

Artist’s comments: Another I’m fairly happy with all things considered. Tried to stick to two general values for the pencil tones: a mid and dark, to make things easier on the scan and I think it worked out. Once I had sketched in the couch prop, I felt compelled to do the rest of a cursory background. Then when it came time to ink, I lined the couch without a ruler before I thought about it and realized at that point, using a ruler for any of the other straight lines would stand out more than just winging them by hand as well. Or at least, that’s what I told myself.

10/3/21 – In Need of A Hero

[Ninomiya and Shia from “Dungeon of the Black Company” aka “Meikyuu Black Company”]

Artist’s notes: Messed up on the tunic flap things and where they’re supposed to interact with the ground, but otherwise I’m fairly happy with how most of this one turned out, especially Miss Debt Collector’s eyes. I’ve seen some resources on that particular sharp angle view of the face but hadn’t really been able to pull it off till now. The gun (another thing I’m usually not good at) I mostly eyeballed from a screenshot but it’s busy enough that I think it looks passable enough. Finally, tried some implied fold patterns in the sleeves of the debt collector and her goon and the goon’s look alright while the debt collector’s look eh but not terrible though. As usual I should have darkened all of the pencil toning I did cause my scanner does a shit job of contrast and detecting lighter tones and when the detection range is poor, there’s only so much post production touch up I can do to salvage things.

I admit, I’m usually a bit condescending towards plot device “skinsuit items” such as the classic “skinsuit gun” or “skinsuit knife,” but in certain fanfiction situations such as this, where such a function in this case can be added to an extant literal mystical, mysterious, sentient future gun, I think it works. My other idea before I had gotten far enough into the anime to have seen the gun was just to have another relic from the dungeon, since the party had already just found a brainwashing staff so a skinsuit knife wouldn’t have been canonically unprecedented.

Anyway, wanna do another with Ninomiya getting into Belza, so that’ll probably be tomorrow’s pic.

10/2/21 – Entering Lala Land

Given that suits are often already accepted to be physics bending, why not go a little further and add portals to enable some fun dullahan shenanigans?

[“Lala” from “Everyday Life with Monster Girls” aka “Monster Musume”]

I keep trying these low angle shots and I don’t feel like I’m getting much better at them. Like a lot of the things I think I’ve been struggling with, I would benefit from some more focused, academic-style studies to better understand these sorts of things. Then again, I’ve kinda been saying that for years… “orz

This piece also resulted in a situation that comes up annoyingly often in my skinsuit works where remembering that a character has long hair cascading down from their head, wherever their head might be positioned, ends up screwing with the composition I had in mind.

10/1/21 – Suit Up

Not too much to say, here. This is the time of year when I return to my roots in physical media and remember how miserable I am at inking. I miss my undo function already! But I heard recently that practicing without erasing/undo-ing is good for speed and consistency so I’ll stick with it.