Let’s Suit Up! Layer 12 – Ayaka Kamisato

Ayaka is from Genshin Impact

I took just long enough between the last layer and this one that I forgot exactly how I rendered Kal’tsit’s Monster and what I ended up with clearly is different from what I had done, but I think looks a bit better (though is still inconsistent).

Ayaka’s final pic, despite the general complexity of Genshin characters, came together quickly/succinctly and fairly easily. I like how her face, head, and hair came out especially. Originally I drew the sleeves too long/big but fixing them made it look better than what I had so it was a good mistake to catch. Most of my simplifications came just from omitting patterns on surfaces like the breastplate, hip plates and dress and even without them, she’s amply identifiable so I think they were fair omissions.

Final thoughts on this series as a whole: I hadn’t intended this to take a full year to finish, but here we are. I stalled out after about 6 layers when I hit a general rut early this year. Since people had offered money for these, I had difficulty bringing myself to work on them when I didn’t feel like I’d be able to deliver pieces of high enough quality to be worth presenting, even though I had made concessions for this at the onset. Sometimes it was less the quality and more that I let myself get caught up on needing a reasonably creative transition or framing.

Due to the duration I took in completing it, this could technically be a year’s growth showcase, but the quality varies across it and not necessarily improving with time. Sometimes I was forcing myself to get a layer done because it had been too long since the last, sometimes I had a burst of inspiration which in of itself might have just been a concept or may have included the execution, too.

Ultimately, while I think I am happy with the full series as a whole, it definitely took far longer to get it all done than I had wanted.

Let’s Suit Up! Layer 11 – Kal’tsit

from Arknights

Discarded my first draft for not being suit-y enough:

wanted to try to use spray paint circles as latex applying rings as is sometimes seen in suiting adjacent material, but it was a bit hard to convey the idea and, as mentioned, didn’t feel suit-y enough for my tastes so I started over.

Let’s Suit Up!

Finances have been extra tight this month, due to some unexpected expenses, so in order to relieve some of that burden (not quite ready to reopen commissions yet, but soon), and to try something fun, let’s play a game. The rules are straightforward:

  • For every $10 USD donated (total) via my newly opened Ko-fi in the next two weeks (November 10th), Cassera up there will layer on a new suit!
  • Donate any amount you want (min $1).
    • Please only donate if you are able.
    • Use the goal percentage to gauge how much has been donated so far. 1% = $1 (will update if we surpass $100)
  • When you donate, you may use the “your message” field to suggest a character with your donation and that character will be considered for one of the suits.
    • I do not guarantee every suggestion will be used
    • Male or female, and (within reason) monster type characters are all valid options.
    • More complex designs may be simplified or drawn nude
    • OCs with adequate references may also be suggested so long as the creator provides permission for them to be used. All other character related rules still apply to OCs
    • No children/underaged or underaged-looking characters
    • No real-life people or characters solely portrayed by real-life actors
    • You do not need to suggest a character in order to donate. All donations received until the deadline will count towards the event total.
  • Direct any questions, inquiries and references to
  • Each suit will be comprise of two images – in the process of putting it on, and the finished, suit-worn-completely form.
    • example:
      • process:
    • ———————————————————————-
      • finish:
    • Will roughly aim for the above examples as minimum quality. May depend on how many I have to make in the end.
    • Cass will wear the new character over top of the previous one
      • for example, if the first suit is “Palutena,” Cass will put on Palutena. Then if the second suit is “Venti,” then “Palutena” will put on Venti. And so on and so forth.
  • Fine Print:
    • Making a donation does not entitle you to any content. It is money given freely to help support me as a creator.
    • Donation event caps: in the event that I get a lot of donations, in order to avoid overwhelming myself with work, there will be two benchmarks that change the incrementation of new suits:
      • From $100-$200 in total donations, a new suit will be queued for every $20 donated instead of every $10. (5 total available)
      • From $200-$300 in total donations, a new suit will be queued for every $25 donated instead of every $20. (4 total available)
      • From $300-$400 in total donations, a new suit will be queued for every $33 donated instead of every $25. (3 total available)
      • Donations past $400 total raised will not count towards this event, but are appreciated nonetheless.
    • Rules are subject to change at any time should the need arise.