Confidence part 3

Part 1

Part 2

Going into the latter half of finals week, the dining hall was sparsely populated. Carl and Bao found Adam at a table already half way through his lunch.

“Hey Adam, we’re going over to Bao’s place after lunch to drink and play Smash with some other guys, wanna come? Maybe reclaim your title from Juan?” Carl offered as the two sat down opposite their friend. Adam glared at them wordlessly.

“Oh wait, you can’t. You’re not done with your finals yet!’” Bao jeered and the two shared hearty laughs.

“Oh, go to hell, man,” Adam retorted sourly, stabbing his fork forcefully into a chunk of meat. They could clearly hear it clang against the plate on the other side.

“Whoa, there, buddy,” Bao set down his food and put his hands up, “We’re just rustling your jimmies. No need to take it out on the china. We’re just giving you a hard time cause we’re jealous you get to spend break with a special someone when all we have to look forward to is family and the company of our right hand.”

Adam snorted. “Well, spare me your sass. Barbara’s visiting family overseas for New Year’s break.”

“Oh shit, so where’re you going?” Carl asked.

“I’m going home. Her family didn’t let her invite me along,” Adam spat back.

Carl and Bao exchanged looks. “Oh, uh… sorry to hear that,” Carl muttered, he didn’t seem all that sympathetic though.

“Whoops, forgot something,” Bao announced, standing up abruptly and walking back towards the food counters. Carl watched him go with a skeptical expression, but Adam went back to brooding into what was left of his lunch.

“Hey man, I know it sucks, but it sounds like there wasn’t anything either of you could do anything about. Some families are just like that. Think about it this way – I bet you can totally guilt her into whatever you want for spring break. Especially since she couldn’t get away over the summer either due to her job.”

“Hm… I wasn’t even thinking that far ahead,” Adam admitted, pulling out his phone to check a message.

Suddenly, Adam’s head jerked up and he looked at Carl with intense determination.

“I’ve decided. When I see her next, I’m going to ask Barbara to marry me.”

Bao was on his way back to the table when Adam made his proclamation. Without missing a beat, the mischievous boy turned on his heel and reversed course. From what Carl glimpsed of his accomplice’s expression, Bao was trying hard not to laugh, but at Adam’s outburst, he couldn’t suppress a snort and apparently needed a bit more time to recollect himself.

Amateur, Carl thought to himself, the theater major having little difficulty containing his own mirth. Though, I had figured Bao should be able to handle this much given how much better he’s gotten at acting since they had started this whole charade.

Turning his attention back to Adam though, he put on a concerned expression.

“Uh… moving a little fast there, don’t you think?” Carl cautioned. “I know you think you’re in love with Barb, but is there really any rush? It’ll already be too late to spend winter break with her.”

“Oh, uh… I suppose you’re right,” Adam conceded. His brief moment of energy over, he slumped back in his seat with a sigh, only to jump up to his feet when he checked the time. “Ah shit, I have to go.” He gathered up his stuff and picked up his tray, passing Bao on his way back. “Save some booze for me, this is my last one,” he called back as he left, “and tell Juan he can suck my dick!”

“Hm? I thought that was our job,” Bao snickered only loud enough for Carl to hear as he settled back into his seat. Carl backhanded his friend’s shoulder playfully.

“Those damn Mexican’s really out here stealing all the jobs,” Carl joked in a gruff voice over while pantomiming he was smoking a pipe and stroking a beard that didn’t exist.

Bao chuckled but shook his head. “Dude.”

“Speaking of dudes,” Leigh’s husky voice floated just ahead of her arrival, “How’re my dudes hanging? No Adam?” Kelly followed behind her, silent as ever.

“Just missed him. Poor sap still has one more final today.”

Leigh plopped into the seat Adam had occupied and immediately stiffened. “Oh shit, he was sitting here, wasn’t he?”

Bao and Carl both smirked.

“Eh, whatever. More importantly, I take it you guys figured something out with Barb?”

“Yeah, told him that she was going overseas to spend break with family and she wasn’t allowed to bring any outsiders with her,” Bao explained. Turning to Carl, he added with a snicker, “I just texted him now from Barb’s number encouraging him for his last final.”

“Wait, I have Barb’s phone, how did you-”

“I spoofed it.”

Carl glared at his friend. “Well don’t do that any more. That sort of shit’s the whole reason we had to add Beth to the mix.”

Bao just shrugged noncommittally.

“Well, that works for winter break, but I was really asking about next semester,” Leigh redirected them.

“Oh yeah,” Bao perked up. “I wanted to talk about that, too. I was thinking we could get Adam in on the whole skinsuit deal.”

Carl crooked an eyebrow. “Elaborate, I know you’re baiting with that vague-ass idea that’s clearly bad from the obvious angles.”

“Aww.. why you gotta skip steps like that?” Bao pretended to pout for a moment. “But yeah, don’t worry, my plan won’t out us. Not if Barb and Beth are the ones who seem like they’re supplying the suits. No one suspects someone who’s clearly revealing a secret, right?”

“Yeah, Adam’s probably not bright enough to suspect,” Carl admitted.

“Yeah, and once he knows the sisters have such things, we could get more and do all sorts of fun threesomes. Double team him as Chun-Li and Laura. Jennifer Lawrence and Christina Hendrix? Jessica Nigri and Hitomi Tanaka? We can even throw him in a suit and put on guys, so we can get some male action.”

“Assuming we can get all of those suits in the first place!” Carl shot Leigh a sidelong glance. “I know you work at the same lab, but that sounds like a lot of suits to make.”

Sitting straight, Leigh slowly set down her utensils demurely, picking up her napkin to dab her lips before meeting the boys’ eyes. Slowly she raised on hand and formed an okay sign with her fingers.

“Wait, really?” Carl blinked.

“We’ve made a lot of headway since spring. The process of making suits is faster and more efficient now. It’ll be good to have a bunch of models to try making,” Leigh confirmed relaxing back into her usual casual demeanor.

“Heh, I wouldn’t propose something like that without first checking if it was possible,” Bao added smugly. “Oh, ye of little faith. When have my plans ever fallen through?”

“Ice skating. Literally,” Carl shot back without hesitation.

“Oh, don’t be so cold!” Bao retorted quickly, pawing the air playfully.

“That said,” Leigh drew their attention back to her, “that still was not quite what I was asking about originally. I meant long term. We graduate at the end of next semester, remember? What then? Don’t you have your own ambitions and lives to pursue?”

The boys grew quiet.

“Barb is going to have to break up with Adam,” Carl concluded soberly.

Leigh nodded. “And you should probably start thinking about how you’re going to go about it sooner rather than later. If you want to avoid putting Adam back in the dumps Barbara had pulled him out of in the first place.”

“We’ll be coming up on Barb and Adam’s first anniversary in a little over a month…” Carl mused wistfully. “It’s been pretty wild, but I’m glad I went through with it now. Even aside from helping Adam’s self esteem, it’s a role I’d have never had a chance to try acting otherwise. I can tell that it’s helped me improve in my normal roles, too.”

“This semester’s bio eng classes were a breeze compared to what we do in the lab for this project,” Bao offered his own perspective. “The change of perspective as well as being forced to act outside of the way I normally behave has attuned me to behavioral cues and habits and made me better at reading other people. Not to mention it’s made me more comfortable conducting myself with strangers and in front of audiences. I’ll admit that you’re right, Carl – improv is a multi-disciplinary skill.”

“You say that as if I’m not right most of the time,” Carl quipped, but he smiled as he shared in his friend’s fond recollection.

“Not to mention, tons and tons of sex,” Leigh tossed out there with a grin of her own. Her comment was met with awkward chuckles.

“Ah!” Bao spouted suddenly. “I have it. I know how we’ll do this.”

“Oh boy,” Carl commented, though a small smile still quirked his lips. “Well, let’s here it.”

Bao ushered them closer and lowered his voice. “Alright, here’s what we do…”

Adam glanced around. He was still early for his first date of the new year but he had been too excited to wait. Despite their pre-vacation banter, Adam had abstained from masturbating all break holding out with the hope that it would make his first time back with Barbara even better. Settling on a bench, he was just ruminating about how this was where he had first learned Barbara had a twin sister when his phone rang, notifying him of a new message.

“I’m really really sorry, Adam, but the guy who was supposed to take over for me just called in from the ER and no one else is able to fill in so I’m stuck holding down the afternoon shift. The upside is that he and the boss will owe me after this, but sadly I won’t be able to meet up with you this afternoon. We can still get together later in the evening though, so I’ll message you again when I get off from work.”

Adam deflated. He had taken off from his own job this afternoon just to see Barbara sooner. It was hard to knock a health emergency but that didn’t do anything to assuage his frustrations.

He sighed, glancing over the message again. At least he could still look forward to the evening, but… what was he going to do until then?

“Hey handsome~” a melodious voice called out. Adam didn’t react, assuming she was addressing someone else until two warm bodies plopped down right next to him on either side.

“Oh, you were right, sis, he is cute. Good eye,” the one on his left giggled. Her long black, wavy hair jostled gently as her laughter shook her.

“Toldya,” the one on the right responded, brushing short black hair with dyed tips out of her eyes before turning her attention on him. “Sorry if we startled you. You were just looking so sad and lonely, like an abandoned puppy. Forgive me for being unable to leave you alone.”

Surrounded on both sides by plump, tawny brown cleavage, the sisters were not shy about coming on to him. Gray and green eyes stood out against their light dark complexion, highlighted further by some light turquoise makeup flecked at the corners of their eyes and matching lip gloss. Adam wasn’t sure which pair of long legs drew his attention more – the pair on the left, protruding from a short skirt and capped by thigh high socks and knee boots showing off a dark sliver of absolute territory, or the pair on the right, encased in pale, tight jeans with intentionally frayed slits offering teasing glimpses of the luscious flesh hidden just below. Despite his loyalty to Barbara, he couldn’t resist his body’s reaction to the attractive ladies.

“You looked so excited before, but then suddenly you just drooped,” the left one cooed.

“Don’t tell me, you got stood up? Did they just text you and say they couldn’t make it?”

“Ooh, I bet they were stuck at work.”

“‘Work’” They emphasized together with air quotes.

“Hm? Aww, how cute, he’s turning red. I wonder if we were right!”

“How awful, abandoning a cutie like you for ‘work!’”

“I wonder what she does at ‘work.’ Does her boss demand a lot of her?”

“Hey, why don’t you come play with us instead, then? I promise you, we won’t disappoint.”

A svelte brown hand caressed up his leg, ending up cupping his tenting crotch.

“Oho, his body is interested, even if his tongue’s tied.”

“Yeah?” she whispered in his ear, “Do you have a cheating fetish? Do you want to find out?”

“We won’t tell if you won’t,” the other assured him. “You don’t have to tell us anything.”

They rose from the bench and offered him their hands. “Well? Are you going to keep us waiting?”

Waiting… Adam had waited all winter break. He could wait a few more hours to be with the one he loved.

He shook his head and gave them an apologetic smile. “Sorry ladies, I appreciate the thought. I’m flattered, really. But I can’t go with you in good conscience. I trust my girlfriend.”

The two girls shared surprised glances. While the one in the skirt broke into a fit of giggles. The tomboyish one regarded him with a hapless smile for a moment and then leaned in to whisper in his ear.

“No, Adam, I’m the one who’s flattered.”

Up close, she tugged her cheek and Adam stared as it stretched further than he expected. More disorienting was seeing her mouth desync from her lips, revealing a separate, pale skinned cheek inside. Her face was some kind of mask?

Adam glanced confusedly back and forth between the two.

The sister in the skirt just started laughing harder while the one who had done the cheek tug sighed and fished into one pocket. Adam recognized the phone case that came out.

“Come on, I’ll explain somewhere private. And don’t worry, it’s not cheating if it’s still just me,” she assured him. She tapped out a message and moments later Adam’s phone rang. Sure enough, from Barbara:

As you can see, I’m not actually at work anymore.”

Adam remained seated, looking blankly at the girls and the phone. Could this brown skinned girl really be his fair Barbara? Even seeing her pull her cheek away like that, it was hard to make his mind accept it. Could he somehow still be dreaming?

The tomboy sighed again, more heavily this time. She leaned in again, lifting his chin and kissed him. Adam was caught by surprise. As his reaction speed caught up, he meant to break away until he realized that the kiss felt familiar, too. When she released his lips, she winked and covered his eyes.

“I am Barbara, you doof. I’m wearing a disguise. Come on, back to the apartment. I said we’d explain and we will.”

Hearing it stated plainly in Barbara’s own voice made it amply clear. Adam didn’t really know what was going on, but Barbara was here, even if she didn’t look like Barbara. Numbly, he bumbled along behind the girls as, sure enough, they led him back to Barabara and Beth’s apartment.

It was weird seeing two strangers key in and waltz into Barbara’s apartment, but Adam supposed that since it was actually Barbara underneath, and the other girl must be Beth, this really was just their own apartment. It was still strange to see, but things were about to get much stranger.

With the door closed and the blinds down, the two dark skinned beauties lined up before him. The short haired one removed her choker, revealing a thin seam around her neck. From that, she seemed to peel the skin off her whole head. As promised, there were Barbara’s lovely features underneath.

“See?” She smiled at him. “Sorry for messing with you like that. Beth suggested we test you and while I was against it, when the moment came, I… I couldn’t help but wonder. I had to know if you would fall for it. You have no idea how happy it makes me to see that you didn’t, even though it wasn’t fair of me to put you in that situation in the first place…”

Next to her, Beth had removed her false face as well. She flashed her pearly whites. “Sorry man, that was in bad taste. But to make up for it, how’d you like to actually fool around with these hot bods? Guilt free now that you know it’s just us~”

“What in the world even are these?” Adam asked, gingerly taking the mask in Barbara’s hands and looking at it more closely.

“Uh… well, remember when I said I was a bio eng student? Like Bao? Well, this is what my lab is working on. It’s as you can see – a hyper realistic disguise.” She began to strip out of her jacket and shirt. She unhooked her bra and freed her large, soft brown breasts. Her pink nipples looked more striking against the darker backdrop. From the neck down the disguise was as flawless as it had looked clothed, and as she worked her way out of her jeans and panties, Adam saw that trend continued all the way down to her toes and everywhere in between. His girlfriend’s pale face sat cleanly atop a voluptuous dark skinned woman’s body.

“It’s full body, as you can see.” Despite having been naked together before, a light blush filled Barbara’s cheeks under Adam’s gaze. “And it’s fully… functional – I can feel it as if it were my own skin.”

Adam was not sure he understood, but he realized that he didn’t have to. It was like anytime Bao tried to explain his research: it went in one ear and out the other. While he liked seeing his friends enthusiastic, the attempt to explain science was simply lost on him.

“So you can feel it when I do this?” He asked slyly, stepping forward to tweak one of her bare nipples. The subsequent squeak answered his question.

Beth roared with laughter. “She did say we can feel it like our own skin!” When she calmed down a little, she continued. “So, how about it lover boy? Wanna try the chocolate versions of Barb and Beth?”

Having recovered his confidence, Adam was more than happy to step up to the plate. “Oh you know it!”

Beth grinned and pulled her face back on, unifying her skin tone. Barbara chuckled and did the same. Barbara led them to the couch where the trio had made love plenty of more times since the first. She sat Adam down and fell in next to him, pressing her bare body against him. She unzipped his fly and reached inside his pants, fishing out his hard cock. They kissed while she stroked him, breaking only when Beth drew their attention with a sensuous strip tease until she was as naked as her sister.

“Are you… uh… curvier?” Adam asked, practically hypnotized by Beth’s swaying hips.

“Heh, you noticed! I guess I lost that bet,” Beth smirked. Barbara stuck her tongue out at her.

Adam wasn’t sure what that was about, but it seemed that Barbara was taking her turn first with him. He helped support her as she climbed into his lap and lowered her sex upon his shaft. Even with a different face, Adam still recognized the unique way Barbara’s expression twisted into pleasure. It was always nice seeing her enjoy sex as much as he did. When she was ready, Barbara began undulating in his lap, sliding herself up and down his member. He felt Beth slide in next to him, gently taking his hand and sucking on his index finger. There was a familiar mischievousness in her eyes that he had come to expect from Beth. The only person he’d ever met with similar proclivities was Bao. Beth released his finger from her lips and scooched closer guiding his hand down to her wet snatch where he started fingering her. Her lips drew closer, but Adam hesitated unsure of how much attention he should afford her when he was already balls deep in Barbara.

Fortunately Beth didn’t steal his lips, instead leaning in to nibble on his ear. He could feel her warm boobs squish between their bodies. In a flare of their usual sisterly competitiveness, Barbara shifted, her bouncing stuttering. She, too, leaned in, claiming his attention with a deep kiss. 

Their combined assault quickly brought the pent up boy to climax. He moaned into their kiss as he felt his dam burst. He vaguely felt Barbara tense in his hands as well before she slumped into him, both of them panting.

“Nghahh!?” Barbara gasped. Beth was attempting to pick her sister up from behind, and succeeding to Adam and Barbara’s surprise. Adam felt his hot semen spill out from around his member as Beth pulled Barbara off him. As usual there was a lot – Adam’s volume always surprised him when he came inside the sisters, especially compared to when he masturbated. He supposed it was just a reflection of how much more he loved doing it with them. While he was more than willing to wear a condom, the sisters insisted that they were prepared and it was safe to go at it raw.

“Alright, my turn!” Beth declared, greedily.

“Gah, yeah, I get it! Put me down!” Barbara squeaked. She just barely managed to stay on her feet when Beth dropped her. Adam was not certain he could have recovered from that position.

Clear of other females, Beth pounced on Adam, first settling between his knees to lap up all the lingering cum from his cock. She made a real show of it, even taking his cock in her mouth all the way down to its base. When she pulled back, it sprung free of her lips, fully erect.

Some movement in the corner of his eye drew Adam’s attention away from Beth’s blowjob. Barbara had disappeared into her room, it seemed. Before he could speculate on why though, Beth drew him back in, rising to climb into his lap like her sister before her. Beth’s pussy gripped him more tightly than Barbaras, and her bucking was fiercer, but having cum once already Adam held out for longer before shooting his second load in the second sister.

“Mmhmmaahh!” Beth ground, grabbing his head and smothering him between her breasts. He felt her convulsing around him, pleasuring him as she felt pleasure herself.

When she let him go, he blearily noticed someone emerge from Barbara’s room. It was not Barbara though.

“I’ve seen the way you ogle me when you play with the other boys,” the redhead told him with little more than a towel wrapping her curvaceous frame. “It’s not hard to figure out why you switched mains when I came out. Don’t worry though. I promise you, I was worth the hype.” She let the towel fall and Adam’s jaw dropped with it.

“B…Barbara?” Adam wheezed, his voice cracking.

Pyra smiled and nodded, her gravity defying red hair jostling with the head motion. As she stepped closer, her huge, exaggerated mammaries jiggled similarly. She met Beth’s eyes and the dark skinned sister jerked, hastily disconnecting herself and climbing out of Adam’s lap. Cum splattered on the floor as the overflow dribbled from Beth’s cunt.

Pyra sat down next to Adam, who’s manhood was in crisis, its refractory period clashing with Adam’s intense arousal.

“It’s not exactly perfect, especially when it comes to realizing normally animated characters, naturally, but our lab is capable of this, too,” she explained patiently. She was even cute when she paused to consider her next words so that he could understand them. “You see, my lab is all women, and I’m the only one with a boyfriend, so when we got to the point where we wanted to test… certain parameters, you came up as our first choice for a male candidate. I know it’s weird, but I hope you don’t mind. We can even take requests, if there are characters you’d like us to try making for… your enjoyment of these tests. As you noted with Beth before, these suits can change our shape, so you don’t have to try to think of requests that you think specifically will fit us or will be easy. We welcome the challenge, though realize that there is some chance of failure.”

Adam nodded dumbly. All he got out of that was that Barb and Beth could do some unreal, next level cosplays with these suits. Even her voice… dark skinned Barbara still sounded like Barbara, but this Pyra really sounded authentic to her original voice actor.

“So, give it some thought, and let me know. We can do real life people, too. We expect celebrities to be pretty popular.”


Pyra and Adam turned to the sound that was followed by a husky groan. Adam once more had to collect his jaw from the floor.

Rubbing her head with a wince, Lady Dimitrescu, crouched lower to get under the door clearly designed for normal sized people. Even after she cleared it, the over-nine-foot-tall, pale vampire mistress still could not stand straight up in the room with eight foot ceilings. It was equal parts amusing and terrifying watching her awkwardly amble closer. Ultimately, she ended up laying down, lounging on the floor in a way that made the light shift hanging from her curves practically ineffectual. She made a flourish with one hand and spoke as if her audience hadn’t just watched her struggle through a wide range of ungraceful positions before finally settling into her final pose.

“As you can see, love, these skins are capable of quite a lot,” she purred. “So really, don’t hold back. You know, I bet sis’s- er… Barbara’s lab could even fashion non-human forms. I mean, if they’re capable of this,” she gestured at her immense figure.

“We’re not there yet, but that is in the works,” Pyra replied. Turning to Adam she added, “These’ll revolutionize the film industry. If you think CGI is already pretty good, imagine when it can combine with this sort of thing. It helps actors get into character, literally, as well, and opens up completely new possibilities for stage theater!”

“Yeah?” Adam couldn’t keep the silly grin from his face. “I bet Carl would love that. Think we could share them with him?”

Pyra blinked in surprise. She and Lady Dimitrescu shared a quick glance. “Oh… Oh? Uh… mhmm… I hadn’t thought of that. I think I got his number when we first met.”

Adam lit up excitedly. “Yeah, and I bet Bao would love to know how the bio engineering side of it works. We should share it with him. Maybe his lab can help yours! I dunno, just spit balling.”

Pyra hesitated. “You… would share this intimate opportunity with your friends? I mean, you don’t have to say anything. We could be anyone for just you alone.”

“Yeah, well. I think they’d be into this, too. And it doesn’t have to be sexual. I’m sure Carl and Bao would be super interested just on an academic level.” Adam asserted exuberantly. His energy wound down though after the initial outburst. “But… yeah I suppose I wouldn’t mind even if it was sexual. They’re my friends. No one else would pick me up when I get dumped or rejected. They’re the ones always there for me. I haven’t hung out with them as much since we started dating, but I figured they were just giving me space. Even if they talk like assholes and tease me, I can tell they wouldn’t even bother to go that far if they didn’t really care.”

Adam caught both ladies staring at him as dumbfounded as he had been with each of their appearances.

“Is that weird?” Adam asked sheepishly, before shaking his head. “No, I don’t care if it is. I still think it’d be good. At least, if you two, and Barbara’s lab are all okay with it. Afterall, it sounded like you were in need of more… uh… male representation in your testing pool.”

The two ladies shared another look and Pyra smiled wistfully as she turned back to face Adam. “I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll have to think about it, and as you said, I’ll have to ask my lab director and the team, but we’ll see. I don’t think the chances are bad.”

“Mhmm, I don’t mind,” Lady Dimitrescu noted, “Not that my opinion is as important in the grand scheme.” She rose from her lounging position and pulled her shift up over her head, nearly hitting the ceiling in the process. Free from the fabric, Adam was left to admire the vampiress’s melons, each one as big as his head. “Like what you see?” she teased, cupping them.

“Makes for a good show, but I have a feeling actually doing anything in that form will be more challenging than it will be exciting. Some positions are clearly unviable,” Pyra noted wryly.

Adam chuckled, rising from the couch, his manhood at full mast once more.

“Well, only one way to find out!”

Part 1

Part 2

Part 4 (final)