FE House of Echoes part 6: The Ashen Saint

Part 1


I turned to see Shamir addressing me from the shadows in her usual cool, detached tone.

“Sorry Professor, Lady Rhea wishes to speak to her in private.”

I shared a glance with my partner.

“Well, figured this was coming sooner or later,” Sothis said within my mindscape where she normally resided. She was remote controlling the skinsuit of my female self, the public identity I had taken on here at Garreg Mach, effectively filling in for me while I wore the appearance of Flayn. We had just gotten back to my quarters after a rather curious adventure in the monastery catacombs when the mercenary delivered the summons. “Do you think she knows we took over Flayn, though?”

“It’s hard to say…” I thought back in my head. Shamir stepped closer, entering the dormitories’ lantern light.


I nodded. In my mindscape, though, I grimaced. “There are risks, but if she doesn’t know, we’ll have a better ambush than we’ll likely get from any other time soon. Just be ready to bail me out if things go poorly.”

Even as I followed Shamir away from my quarters, I was vaguely aware of Sothis glancing down at the hands she could move.

“Oh yeah, I have a body right now, I can actually come to the rescue.”

“I mean mentally as well. We know from the golem that this… domain I thought was just us inside my head maybe isn’t actually exclusive to us,” I clarified.

Sothis puffed out her unimpressive chest. “Of course I’ll help with that. This is… basically my home, and you’re my family. I don’t even want to know what might happen to me if something were to happen to you.”

It was a point we had discussed to uncomfortable lengths in the past before. Fortunately Sothis transitioned to a tangential topic.

“Speaking of the golems, I got into Flayn’s golem’s memory while you were busy rolling in the dirt underground. There was something interesting in there that I think you may want to know before we meet with the Archbishop,” Sothis teased.

“Yeah? So what darkness was hiding in the artificial head of our precious innocent mermaid?”

Sothis’s floating form in my mindscape crossed her arms contemplatively. “Well, she was created by Rhea, to start. The skinsuit and the golem innards both.”

“Not that surprising, given their affiliation with the church. So she can make skinsuits like us, huh? Do you think we can make golems, then? Eventually? Hm… wait then that thing she said before…” I pondered.

“That’s right, ‘I am naught but your spare vessel,’ she repeated. And that’s really all there is to her. You know how we found that Flayn actually had a pretty curvy body under her frilly dress? That she’s like an immature version of Rhea? That’s cause she is. Rhea created her to be a literal spare body. She has the growth factor turned off to remain distinct, but if she turned them on, she would look just like Rhea in short order.”

I thought about it a bit. “So like, if Rhea took a mortal wound or something, she could transfer her consciousness to Flayn and grow back into herself?”

“I dunno,” Sothis admitted with a shrug. “All that was in the golem beyond that was instructions to surrender her skin identity to the ‘bearer of the Crest of Flames,’ and to obey all orders from said individual. That and information data on personality and relationships and history and well, all the stuff that let the golem be Flayn.”

“Did you delve into all that?” I asked probingly. “Seems like a lot to parse through.”

Sothis gave a nervous chuckle. “Uh… well, it wasn’t too bad, it was… more like it flowed into me before I even realized what was happening. Was a little disorienting at first, but I’ve felt pretty much normal since then, just with extra stuff I can call on if I want.”

“Huh… we’ll have to comb over that when we get a chance, make sure we understand what actually happened. It sounds kinda dangerous, though if you already have it, maybe you can help me act the part in this meeting, if I’m understanding things right.”

“About that, I think some of the mannerisms information is already leaking over to you. You weren’t walking with that spring in your step when you were underground, right?”

Now that she mentioned it, I was walking differently than how I normally would. At first I was just acting the part of the optimistic and curious young girl, but given how engaged I’d been in the discussion with Sothis, keeping up this Flayn-style canter subconsciously was… telling.

“I see… we’ll definitely want to look into this later. I don’t like when things happen in my head without my consent or understanding,” I reaffirmed. “You’re bad enough of a free radical sometimes.”

“Hehe, sorry about that.”

We shared a laugh just as I arrived outside the Archbishop’s chambers on the third floor of the monastery’s main hall. I had felt Seteth standing guard by Rhea’s door long before we had crested the stairs, and while I still wanted to test more things with the mysterious connection my Crest of Flames had with him and the other church staff, it was better to have fewer uncertain variables when facing an unknown challenge.

The doors to Archbishop Rhea’s chambers loomed behind Seteth ominously.

“Thank you, Shamir,” Seteth waved the merc away and she gave the slightest of nods before disappearing back down the stairs. “Alright, it’s already late, so try not to take up too much of the Archbishop’s time.”

I gave him a sheepish smile. “I’m afraid I don’t know what this is about, so I can’t exactly make any promises..”

Seteth sighed and turned towards the door. “Lady Rhea!” He called through the heavy wood. “Flayn is here as you requested.”

“Send her in,” was the Archbishop’s brief, melodic response.

Seteth opened the door and ushered me in.

Inside, Rhea sat gracefully perched upon the edge of her bed, her usual clerical finery gone in favor of a simple, yet elegant sleeping gown that still managed to hug her figure enough to leave little to the imagination. I could feel Sothis watching through my eyes, drinking in her form with me as she rose and came around to meet me near the foot of her bed.

As soon as the door closed, her gentle smile vanished.

“What were you thinking, going with the professor down into the catacombs?” she hissed quietly. Even twisted into an angry sneer, her features still had a degree of beauty to them. But I much rather see more pleasant expressions on her face nonetheless.

“I look forward to the day I see that face contorted in bliss rather than anger,” Sothis commented crudely from the peanut gallery. I agreed silently.

Out loud, I responded carefully, leaning into borrowed instincts to choose my words and tone. “Forgive me, Mother. I only followed in order to make sure the Professor stayed safe. I know you have been most interested in her of late.”

Rhea massaged the bridge of her nose. “Why didn’t you report to Seteth instead of… hm… nevermind. It’s done, everything turned out alright. Still… first Seteth, then Manuela and Shamir, and now you’re acting unusual as well.” She muttered seemingly more to herself than to me, so I acted as if I hadn’t heard and remained in stolid attention.

“Those are all ones, presumably golem people, that we’ve used our Crest on…” Sothis observed inside my head.

Rhea sighed. “Perhaps it’s time to recalibrate,” she turned her attention back on me, regarding me with weighing pale green eyes. “Remember, I made you as a reserve, a back up incase something happens to this body. So if you go and get yourself taken away or broken, that defeats your entire purpose!”

Well, that more or less confirmed what Sothis had found in the golem’s memory earlier.

I curtsied. “Forgive me, Mother. I seemed to have caused you some anxiety.” That was… a bit of an odd thing to say in response, I thought as the words left my lips.

Sothis shrugged, “If that’s what your instincts said would be most natural for you, then that was probably right, but… wait, is she getting closer?”

Our attention returned as movement caught my eye. Rhea swayed closer, a smug smirk upon her lips, an expression almost as unusual as her earlier irritation.

“That’s right, Flayn, you’ve gotten me quite frustrated this evening, so I hope you’re prepared to help me relieve this stress.”

As she spoke, Rhea undid the sole clasp of her nightgown and shrugged it off, letting its loose folds slip from her shoulders. I only barely remembered not to stare so hard when suddenly face to face with the Archbishop’s glorious bare breasts. They drifted so hypnotically with her every movement, that I almost didn’t notice her spread her stance as she inserted two fingers into her equally bare pussy.

The Archbishop’s eyes fluttered closed as she let out a soft breath. I hesitated, it almost seemed like she was waiting for something and I wasn’t sure if it was me. But before I could move closer, I noticed her pussy practically bulge, its labial lips spreading in a trick I was quite familiar with. The pink tip that emerged from seemingly inside Rhea’s vagina was not quite what I was expecting, though.

Bulbous and adorned with nubs, the bumpy pink head gave way to silver-white scales glistening with pussy juices that almost gave the appendage an armored look, which, when combined with its immense girth made the vaguely reptilian phallus all the more foreign as more and more length continued to slither out from Rhea’s snatch. I could see it visibly pulse as it rose to an erect state, finally finishing growing at the intimidating length of thirteen inches. It was so thick, she couldn’t get her hand all the way around it.

“You know what I want from you, Miss Flayn,” Rhea whispered, her expression back to one of serene patience despite the menacing aura coming from what I could only describe as her huge dragon dick.

In my time since fabricating the female version of myself, I have slept with more than a few men. At first it was experimental, then it became pleasurable, recreational even. Without having to worry about pregnancy or health, I sampled a reasonably wide variety of human dicks. Thanks to that experience, I’m fairly confident in saying that my own male equipment is pretty above average. But even I was dwarfed by the monster cock before me. It had been a long time since a dick intimidated me, and Rhea’s did, in length, girth, and shape.

Doing my best to keep my trepidation from showing outwardly as I got on my knees to pray before the Archbishop. Taking the ribbed head between my lips and feeling the smoothness of the scales upon my tongue at least gave the whole ordeal a touch of novelty. But the sheer size of her as she invaded my mouth and then throat ultimately beat back any enjoyment I might have gotten from the unique shaft.

“Ugh… it’s huge,” Sothis grimaced from the safety of my inner mindscape. She swallowed hard instinctively in response to feeling my jaw straining along with me. “Hey… not to distract you or anything but… feel that?”

We had already been plenty distracted by Rhea’s curves, but now that Sothis pointed it out, I did sense what she meant. That awareness that I’ve been getting from some of the church folk. With Seteth still on the other side of the door for reference, Rhea felt similar, yet different.

“The others are golems, so then this is the signature from the golem maker. She’s trying to open a connection to us.”

“If the golems are sheep, obeying orders, then this must be what it’s like to come face to face with another shepherd, and I’m here covered in fleece,” I joked dryly.

“Well, if the goal is to pull the wool over her eyes, then I’m betting we’ll have a good chance when she cums,” Sothis suggested, running with the metaphor. “You just have to endure until she gets there.”

“Yeah, so far she’s been acting like she thinks we’re her Flayn. At first I thought she might be doing it to disarm us, but if she’s trying to open a connection like this… I agree, we have a chance then.”

“Mhmmm…” Rhea moaned softly. I felt her grasp my head and begin shoving herself in and out my mouth more aggressively.

“Hang in there, she seems like she’s getting close!” Sothis cheered me on.

Finally, Rhea’s breasts heaved as she let out a heavy breath. I could feel her monstrous appendage tense in my mouth and I knew the moment I was waiting for was imminent. As air left her lungs, a soft moan escaped her lips and she came.

I thought I was prepared, but there was so much! Halfway down my throat already, she poured it into my stomach, but I couldn’t hold back my gag reflexes forever and, as my esophagus closed, the archbishop’s ejaculate quickly flooded my mouth with no sign of letting up. Hot, thick goo sputtered violently from my lips, dribbling down my chin to my neck, eventually rolling down over my breasts.

Overwhelmed by the sheer force and volume, I fumbled at the connection I had felt, but I held on and managed to regain my focus, though I was left in little position for delicacy. I rammed my consciousness through the connection and felt my whole body tense as Rhea’s orgasm was suddenly shared with me. Her eyes snapped open but I didn’t give her a chance.

“There!” Sothis pointed, following along with me. Sothis directed me at what seemed to be a stone throne within the central focus of what I presumed to be Rhea’s mindscape. Nearly my whole life shared in a headspace like this with Sothis gave me the experience to wield the advantage our ambush offered. I threw my consciousness at the figure on the throne that Sothis had indicated, knocking them off the majestic seat. Only then did I notice the rule of Rhea’s internal throne was not Rhea herself.

A young adult male with ruddy gray-brown skin and shoulder length blond, nearly white hair awkwardly tried to prop himself up where he had landed after being abruptly ejected from the throne.

“Wha…” his voice was slurred, his movements sluggish and imprecise. He was unaccustomed to moving in this mental space.

“Restrain him,” I told Sothis, as I sat on the throne the man had previously occupied.

As if transferring bodies, when I opened my eyes, I was looking down at Flayn, her lips still loosely holding the huge cock that I now felt pulsing as if my own, waves of pleasure flooding me as the member continued pumping semen into the expressionless girl’s mouth, only to spill to the ever growing puddle on the floor. Feeling it directly, I could tell that only now was the incredible climax finally subsiding.

I took a deep breath, feeling Rhea’s breasts rise upon my chest. That had… worked. I couldn’t quite believe it. But it was too soon to celebrate. The presence of that man on the throne of Rhea’s being… could it mean? I removed my new dragon dick from Flayn’s mouth and the girl ragdolled. It was still my body inside of her though, so I picked her up and moved her out of the white pool on the carpet.

Forcing myself for the moment to focus, I imagined a seam appearing along Rhea’s back, and in response, I felt the skin of her back split.

“Whoa, whoa! Wait… you mean, Rhea is-!” Sothis’ head snapped up as she felt what I was doing.

I reached behind and peeled her away, removing the skinsuit that masqueraded as the most powerful religious figure in all of Fódlan.

The mirror in Rhea’s quarters revealed a man matching the image of the one I had usurped the throne from, albeit a bit more worse for wear. Peeling the more of Rhea’s skin away from the man was a laborious effort compared to what I was used to.

“I wonder if this is what happens when you stay in the same skinsuit for a long time,” Sothis mused, sitting atop the prone man’s mental figure in our shared mindscape. There were shackles around the figure’s wrists and ankles, not that he was struggling much. Under Sothis, he twitched a bit and murmured unintelligibly, but no more than that.

“Any chance you can pick his brain like that?” I asked Sothis. “Like with the golem? Might be faster than questioning him.”

At the hips, I withdrew the man’s penis from Rhea’s insides. He was smaller than average, based on my experience.

“Huh, guess he was compensating…” Sothis murmured as she poked quizzically at the man’s mental head.

“Can’t exactly blame him when he had the means to fix what he wasn’t born with.” I quirked a wry smile. “Too bad it’s mine now.”

I gave his body a stretch and was amazed to feel echoes of Rhea’s orgasm still lingering in this body. It was hard not to get excited thinking about experiencing that in full for myself. Still, other things came first.

Back in the mindscape, I glanced around, realizing something I should have checked earlier.

“There?” I focused on the now familiar presence that demarcated a golem. Reaching out to it with my mind in the same way I had hacked Rhea and connected to the golem before, it connected and I was suddenly aware of my body within Flayn again upon the floor.

“Right, good, a way out of this guy. Woulda sucked to be stuck here, huh?” Sothis punctuated the comment with a nervous giggle and jabbed a finger a bit more forcefully into the man’s mental avatar’s head still pinned under her. This time, her digit seemed to pierce his skull, and he yelped, though there was no blood. Suddenly Sothis stiffened.

“What is it?”

“I.. I’m in… I can… oh… whoa…” her eyes were unfocused as memories flashed before her eyes. Her expression grew strained.

“Are… you okay?” I asked testingly.

“Ah, yeah, I’m, I’ll be alright,” she answered shakily.

She clenched her teeth and withdrew her finger with a pop. “No… I saw what I needed to…” she answered quietly, standing and despawning the shackles holding the man. “When you’re ready we can go. It’ll take him a bit to figure out how to move his consciousness back into control of his body.”

I gave her a concerned look. “Are you going to tell me about it?”

She didn’t answer right away. “Later… I… I still need to process it myself.”

My jaw tightened apprehensively. That wasn’t the most promising answer, but if she thought so, then there probably wasn’t harm in deferring it. “Alright, let’s get back to my body and get things settled for when the former archbishop wakes.”

Sothis came up beside me and gave me a forced smile. “Yeah, we have Rhea! The Archbishop of the whole church of Seiros! Let’s enjoy her a bit! I could use a bit or release after all that.”

I let my consciousness flow away from the mystery man and felt myself return to myself. It wasn’t exactly the most familiar homecoming, as I was still hidden within Flayn’s body, but that was remedied easily enough. But first thing’s first…

Picking myself up off the floor, I searched Rhea’s room and found some… curious effects, most importantly for the moment through, lengths of rope that I could use to tie up the Archbishop’s former puppet master. Once he was secured, I peeled Flayn from my real body and picked up Rhea.

Stepping into her delectable curves was something Sothis and I had dreamed about since first beholding the gorgeous woman. Her legs slid over my own, giving me her plump, yet shapely thighs that rounded up into an ass that was big without being fat. There were plenty of women at the monastery with tighter waists than the archbishop, but for her… apparent age, it was still pretty good. As I had noted when pulling the man out of her, there was an opening in the front of her pelvis where slid in my rock hard dick. I entered it easily but once I was situated in her lower body, I felt my enclosure girp my manhood and moments later I could feel the huge, scaly, cock hanging from her pussy as if it were my own.

“As you may have figured out from that thing, Rhea’s not human, never was,” Sothis explained, her own breathing indicating how she was feeling the majesty of the shaft along with me. “It’s part of why she seems so perfect. Especially those puppies, coming next.”

Indeed, her breasts were magnificent. Even with her empty, deflated head lolling to one side, I couldn’t help cupping her huge, perky mammaries, feeling them spill out of my palms. Warm and soft in my hands, they were also delightfully sensitive themselves. They were bigger even than what I had given my female version, but they fit with the rest of Rhea’s frame perfectly.

“Ahh… truly sinful. I wonder how many impure thoughts this holy woman inspires on a daily basis from the men around here?” Sothis sighed euphorically. I was glad she seemed to be feeling better.

Letting go of her bosom, I lifted Rhea’s head, stretching her neck open and up and diving within. Like with any skinsuit I had put on, after a moment everything synchronized. When I opened my eyes, I searched out the mirror and found Rhea staring back at me, in all of her immaculate, naked glory.

Despite its natural armor, taking my new dragon cock in my svelte hand revealed that it was incredibly sensitive, and the way that sensitivity extended its whole length only amplified the pleasure that came from stroking it. One hand floated back to Rhea’s chest.

“How long has it been since we got off just from simple masturbation,” Sothis moaned through panting breaths.

“Tempting… but…”

Through sheer force of will, I forced myself to release my new genitals.

“Hm?” Sothis grunted, disappointed. “You coulda kept going. In case you didn’t notice when it was pumping gallons into us earlier, the suit greatly supplements your volume and frequency. We could rub one out and then still rail Adraster after.”

“Is that that man’s name?”

Sothis nodded. “Adrester, the namesake of the Adrestian Empire, not that anyone really knew Nemesis’s son until he took over Saint Seiros.”

I let a sly smile spread across Rhea’s lips, still watching myself in her mirror. “The body of the Saint herself,” I mused, not overly surprised. Research into history described a woman of striking beauty with green hair leading Fodlan at every step of the way, starting from Saint Seiros and now to Archbishop Rhea. It wasn’t hard to imagine that perhaps, though some divine power, they were the same person. Who would have thought instead of a goddess’ blessing though, it was dark magic of skinsuits that was responsible for Rhea’s immortality.

Sothis gave a dry chuckle. “All of Fodlan is built on a lie. A lie wrapped in gorgeous, succulent curves.”

I gave Rhea’s breasts another firm squeeze and Sothis gasped as the pleasurable shock zipped through our body. Our play was interrupted by a pained groan.

Adraster struggled futilely against his bindings until he saw the shadow of my approach. Straining to look up, a thick glob of precum splattered heavily into his hair.

I gazed down at him through Rhea’s lovely cleavage, her monster cock quickly rising as Sothis and I imagined what we could do with it.

“Indeed. Still, The King of Liberation’s son? Sounds like there’s more to that… I tied him up out of caution, but can he do anything on his own?” I asked Sothis silently.

She shook her head, her green tresses dancing. “It’s a little complicated, but the short answer is no. He’s smart enough to have invented skinsuit magic through theory, but by himself, he doesn’t have enough magic power to actually wield it. He rounded up stragglers from among his father’s followers to power the magic when he used it on Seiros. If he had cultivated his strength, he might have been able to follow in his father’s footsteps, but living in his father’s shadow made him more of a schemer than a strong arm.”

“So this Seiros was an actual person before, and not a fabrication like the skinsuits we’ve been using.” I gave one of Rhea’s breasts another appreciative squeeze.

Reaching into the well of my own magic source, I found Rhea’s immense latent magic power at my disposal as well, just as Sothis had implied. Flayn had supplemented my magic a bit, too, but since I had never needed it, I had barely noticed. Rhea’s magic power however was greater than my own, and instead of summoning a flame to cut the ropes binding Adraster, I felt emboldened enough to try something flashier.

Blades of air sliced away the ropes binding Adraster, and the man flinched away from me when what I had done registered.

“Adraster,” I called, his name leaving Rhea’s lips in her motherly stern voice, “Your time leading the world has ended. I am Rhea now. I lead the Church of Seiros. You are nothing, and you will fade into the obscurity from whence you came all those many centuries ago. Your only say in the matter is ‘now, or later.’”

His eyes widened, but I could still see a hint of frantic thought behind the panic.

“Best we nip that in the bud,” Sothis growled with a smirk. “He knows too much to let go, but we don’t have to keep him. I have all of his memories, everything Rhea did and knew, we know now, too.”

“Not yet. There’s one thing we can’t do if he’s dead, though.”


“I won’t get another chance to fuck the Rhea we knew once he’s gone.” I explained. “So for now…”

The exchange took just a moment, and out loud, I went on. “As I’m sure you’re well aware, I could end you with a thought, and I have every reason to do so. But I’ll give you one chance – prove that you’re worth keeping alive, even if it means becoming my cum bucket.” I pointed to Flayn’s discarded skin. “Put her on.”

Adraster flinched again. I could see he was still thinking. Even if this was the first genuine fear he had felt in millenia, scheming was too ingrained in him at this point to have given up already. Quashing that was for what came next.

From the tone of my voice, he quickly concluded that he had no alternatives, and meekly scurried over to Flayn’s deflated form. He eyed my twitching shaft like a viper as he passed and for good reason. It was certainly going to be causing him no end of pain soon enough, I thought, petting it idly.

I watched as the man shakily stuffed himself into the form of the girl, reminding me of the magic that allows such shape changing transformations. Once he had disappeared within Flayn’s husk, the girl rose unsteadily.

“Wh-what do you wish of me… erm… L-Lady Rhea?” she squeaked, clearly unaccustomed to both her own voice, and addressing the archbishop in second person.

I gave her my best, gentle motherly smile but despite that, as I stepped closer, she reflexively stepped back until she found her back against the wall. Without breaking my expression, I slammed one palm against the wall next to her head, making her jump. Looming over her, Rhea’s lovely peach globes hovered in her face, while her bumpy dragon cock pressed into Flayn’s stomach.

“I think you know what I want from you, Miss Flayn.”

Flayn licked her lips, her eyes darting to the sides as if searching for a way out.

“Lady Rhea?” Seteth’s voice called from the other side of the door just a little ways away. “Is everything all right in there?”

“Sorry, Seteth it’s nothing. The wind knocked something off my dresser, that’s all. Don’t worry about it,” I called, projecting my voice while still sounding calm and collected. I was surprised that I could make Rhea’s voice carry like that without sounding agitated or forceful…

“Mhmm, I’m leaking some of Rhea’s mannerisms and subconscious traits to you,” Sothis informed me.

“How convenient,” I thanked her.

Back outside, I could practically picture Seteth’s shoulders relaxing. “Ah, I see. I apologize for disturbing you then, Lady Rhea. As always, I’ll be standing by if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Seteth. I always feel safer when you’re nearby,” I responded naturally before turning my attention back on Flayn. “Now then, where were we?”

Resigned, Flayn slowly slumped to her knees, bracing herself against the wall as she lowered herself. She licked her lips nervously once she was at face level with my dick. She took the hot shaft in her hands gingerly and began to lick and kiss it. Her manner was as I might expect from a virgin girl, uncertain, hesitant and yet…

“He’s definitely not inexperienced,” Sothis confirmed. “Both as a man and woman, he’s fucked tons of people over the years.”

“Ara, Flayn, surely you can do better than that. I know this is hardly your first time.” I teased. As she planted an awkward kiss upon its bumpy head, I jerked my plump hips forward and popped the head into her mouth, slowly pushing further, despite her alarmed gasps and grunts.

“Hoooh!” Sothis sighed along with me. It felt amazing invading her mouth like this. I quickly reached the back of her throat, where a little bit more of a push got her gag reflex actively sucking on my tip.

“That’s more like it!” I cooed patronizingly, “Good girl!” I gripped her head in both hands and began moving my hips, pulling out a bit only to shove my monster cock deep once more.

“Ahh… Hghnn!” With the sensitivity of the massive shaft, it only took a bit of shaking my hips for me to feel the telltale pressure of an imminent ejaculation building in my crotch. Unlike normal though, it just kept building, more and more, almost like a female orgasm, but with the intensity of a man’s climax.

Sothis moaned. “Now! Let it out. This dragon dick cums on demand!”

I hadn’t realized that, but once she pointed it out, I could sense it, like a switch or a button, blinking and ready to be activated. But no, not yet.

“What are you waiting for?” Sothis whined, but I didn’t answer, it took all of my focus to keep from bursting as I pulled out of Flayn’s mouth, withdrawing my member from the throat sheath.

Crouching down, I picked her up and carried her to the bed where I roughly positioned her on her back and lined up my hips. Rhea’s dragon cock laid heavily against Flayn’s stomach, nearly reaching up to her diaphragm.

“Do try to stick to your indoor voice, Miss Flayn,” I advised her, pressing one finger to my lips. “Wouldn’t want Daddy to hear what you’re up to now would we?”

Flayn’s jaw snapped shut from the wide eyed stare she had been giving my “holy scepter.”

I pulled back on my hips, creating enough distance so that I could press the nubby pink tip of the monster cock to Flayn’s equally blushing pussy. Her folds gave way, not necessarily welcoming my girth, so much as enduring as my invasion spread her to her limits. To my muted surprise, I managed to bury all thirteen inches of pulsing dragon dick within the writhing girl. Wracked with pain and pleasure, she was unable to contain her voice.

“Ahhhhh!” she breathed, a weak, strangled cry.

“… Flayn? Lady Rhea?” Seteth called from the far side of the door.

Before answering, I grinned wickedly down at Flayn who had cupped her hands over her mouth with a wince. “At ease, Seteth,” I projected back, with a little effort, keeping my voice totally calm and composed. “Flayn’s just enduring a bit of… punishment. I need her to understand that her life is precious and she needs to be careful not to risk it unnecessarily.”

“O-of course, Lady Rhea… As you say.”

Composing my face back to the image of serenity, I bore down on Flayn’s pussy with renewed vigor, pistoning my fat dragon cock in and out, feeling her walls catch on every bump and contour of the specially designed mating appendage. I was already close from oral before, so once I felt the pleasurable pressure reach the same high as before, I finally let Rhea’s penis cum.

The first contraction alone lasted ten seconds, and it was followed by another equally long. All thirteen inches of my member forced as deep inside of her as it could go, my semen poured directly into her womb. I filled her up by the third contraction and with nowhere else to go, my excessive seed bubbled back, spilling out of her cunt around my fat twitching shaft before pooling under us. After my penis’s fifth pump I pulled out, and Flayn went limp on the soggy bedsheets. Rubbing my shaft with one hand, the other grasping at my bosom, I continued to pump more of the Archbishop’s white hot love all over Flayn’s twitching body. She was drenched by the time my flow petered out, but I was not yet satisfied.

“Seteth, is there anyone around out there besides you right now?” I hailed once I’d caught my breath.

“Lady Rhea? Is something the matter?” Manuela’s voice echoed back through the door.

“As you can hear, Manuela was just delivering a report. Otherwise it is just us. Do you need something, Lady Rhea?”

My lips parted into the most devious smile yet. It looked most unnatural upon the Archbishop’s face, and yet, it would take more willpower than I was willing to put in to suppress it. Not when I didn’t have to.

“Manuela’s here, too? How fortunate. Can you both come in here, I have a little request.”

As soon as the doors opened, I flared the Crest of Flames. Neither church employees ever had a chance to react the scene they walked in on before they were set in a trance like state.

“Manuela, go back outside, and close and guard the door. Make sure no one gets in and make sure no one lingers long enough to hear anything. I will call you again when I’m ready for you.” I ordered.

“As you command, Lady Rhea,” the nurse responded, turning and leaving promptly without another word.

“As for you, my dear Seteth, why don’t we get to know your daughter a little more… intimately.

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