
Ted Raizer stared at his tv, his jaw on the floor. Then he looked down at the slip of paper in his hand. Then back at the tv.

“I… I won…” he blabbered, unable to believe it even as he said it.

“Our sources say that there is exactly one match for these numbers, meaning one lucky lad or lass has won the whole seven hundred and sixty million dollar prize! Congratulations! If that was you, please check our website to begin the process of redeeming your money,” the National Lottery program host declared.

“Huh? What do you mean ‘won?’ Did you start another game without me?” Ted’s friend, Michael asked through their voice call.

“N-no. I- I mean… I won the lottery.”

“Whoa, neat. Which one? Did you get any good loot from it?” Michael inquired.

“No not in game… like…” Ted swallowed, “like, the National Lottery. The grand prize – the whole pot. I just won seven hundred and sixty million dollars…”

“… Dude… are you yanking my chain?”

“No, man! I’m serious. I bought a ticket on a whim this week and the behind-the-scenes documentary I had on earlier ended and the lottery program came on. Since we were in between games I remembered that I had bought a ticket so I figured I’d check, but like. You never buy a lottery actually expecting to win!” Ted insisted, still in shock.

“… Whoa… holy shit, dude… That’s uh… that’s a lot of money. Don’t suppose I could get a million or two, right? I mean, you have over seven hundred of them now?”

Ted laughed. “I’ll think about it. I’m just… honestly still processing.”

“Gonna quit your job? You should absolutely quit your job. Dude, you don’t need me to tell you your job sucks ass. You can finally go in tomorrow and tell them to fuck off!”

As appealing as that was, Ted felt his brain come back online after rebooting. “Uh… I’m positive I have a winning ticket here, but I’ll need to go through the redemption process, and then I think there’s all kinds of taxes and obligatory donations to charities and so on… I can pay off my student loans, and I have my parents to think about, too. I’m not really sure how much of that I’ll actually have after all that.”

“My man, there’s no way all of that is going to cost seven hundred mil. You’re still gonna be crazy loaded afterwards, don’t worry. But I getcha. I was being er… what’s the word, facetious. I’d love even a drop, but you don’t have to give me anything – don’t feel like you have to,” Michael assured him. “Oh! That said, now that you’ll be able to afford it, I do know a place you absolutely have to check out once the dust all settles. As someone with your tastes,” he added cryptically. “Before you start investing in any of those figures that you’re always drooling over.”

“Hey, you happen to own some of those very figures, so I don’t want to hear that from you! We both have a taste for the… supernatural.”

He heard his friend snort over the line. “And it’s exactly as someone who has a veritable menagerie that makes me qualified to advise you that there are better ways to spend your new fortune. Believe me, you won’t even be thinking about figures after your first taste of ‘Paradise!’”

“‘Paradise,’ huh?” Ted smiled gratefully at his friend’s discord icon. Things were probably gonna change a lot in the future, but he was glad he knew he could rely on Michael to be his best friend. He had seriously pulled through for Ted in the hard times, so it was only fair Ted keep him close in the good times, too.

“Right, anyway, I’ll let you know when I’m planning to go in and quit my job. After that I’ll be free for life, and we can go check out your so-called ‘Paradise.’”

Michael chuckled. “Now that’s the spirit! Go start the whole redemption process, and in the meantime, let me get you my lawyer’s info. I know you’re a weirdo who actually likes reading contracts and fine print as a hobby, but if you really did win it all, I can promise she’ll help you actually navigate it all and keep as much of it as the law will allow.”

Ted entered his workplace with his uniform folded over one arm instead of on his person. He navigated the generic department store aisles till he reached the management office in the back where he crossed paths with the one person in the cursed establishment that he was going to miss.

“Ted? Ah, I’m not used to seeing you without your uniform!” Stacey Ackern greeted him with an airy chuckle, her smile setting Ted’s heart aflutter.

“I- I could say the same for you! That dress is really cute,” he responded, noting that his co-worker was similarly wearing a light blue sundress and sandals rather than the usual corporate polo and khakis. The open bodice of the dress showed off a hint of deep cleavage; he usually only got to enjoy the silhouette of her bosom in her work clothes. Shaking his head, Ted did his best to focus on Stacey’s large, bright blue eyes instead.

“Thank you.” Stacey glanced away bashfully, curling a lock of her long, curly strawberry blonde hair around one finger. “You know, I’m going to miss working with you, Ted. You were one of the few people who made this darn place bearable.”

Ted blinked. “Wait, are you quitting, too?”

“Huh? N-no way!” Stacey gasped. “You, too? Well, I suppose it’s not surprising after the fiasco last week…”

Ted steeled himself. This was an opportunity. 

With Michael’s lawyer’s help, even after settling taxes and setting aside good chunks of his winnings for other obligations like family, charity, and retirement, he still had a very respectable four hundred million now formally in the bank that would easily last him several lifetimes if he didn’t blow it with wild abandon. And several lifetimes could also mean one lifetime for several people…

“Um, Stacey!” he blurted.

“Wha- what is it? Ted?”

Ted more carefully lowered his voice, realizing what he wanted to say wasn’t something he should broadcast.

“Ahem, Stacey. I’m actually quitting because… because I’m the one who won the National Lottery last week. I’m rich now, I don’t have to put up with this blasted store anymore. And, well… since I have more than enough money now… um… I was wondering if… if you’d go out with me!”

Stacey covered her mouth daintily hiding her shock.

“Wait, wait, that came out kinda wrong…” Ted held up a hand and scratched nervously at his scalp through his dark brown crew cut as he reorganized his thoughts. “Not… not because I’m rich now… I meant… Well, what I was thinking was that, we’ve always hit it off, right? Even here. And, well, um… how to put this… I want to get to know you better outside of work, and I’m willing to support you financially since I have ample means to do so now, so you don’t have to work any more, either!”

“Hit it off” was an understatement, at least from Ted’s perspective. They’d always had good chemistry, and the things they’d chat about while working really gave him the feeling that they’d be a good match off the job as well. But between the poor management and shitty work itself constantly draining Ted’s energy, and his own nerves, he never worked up the courage to ask Stacey out properly, even in the whole year they had been working together. A fact that Michael often tried to use to egg him to finally make a move. Any move.

“Ohmigosh… um, first, congratulations, that’s incredible. I can’t believe I know the man who won the lottery!” She started smiling, but her enthusiasm mellowed into a more serious tone. “You make a… very kind offer, Ted, but I’m afraid I’m not ready to make that kind of commitment… I’m quitting today because I got an offer for a… a dream job of sorts, and now that I have that opportunity, I don’t want to let it go,” she explained soberly. “I’m afraid I’m not allowed to talk about it more specifically.”

“I… I see. You always wanted to be an actor, right? Er.. actress. I understand; it must be some new up and coming production then if you can’t talk about it. How exciting! Regardless, that’s great to hear… You’ll do fantastic, I’m sure.” Ted did his best to keep it together. “Um… th-then, uh… forget about what I said about the money stuff, but I… I’m still serious about wanting to date! I… I can move if it’s in another city… I don’t mind… Or well…” he sighed. “Wow, I must sound terribly desperate, huh… Listen. I really like you, Stacey. At the very least, I don’t want this to be where we part ways for good.”

“Oh, Ted…” Stacey smiled sympathetically. “I… like you as well. But now isn’t a good time for me to be dating. I want to focus on my new job, at least for a little while until I get more used to it. But that doesn’t mean we’ll be out of touch. You have my number after all. You can use it for things other than work. You have my permission, in case that was what was holding you back from messaging me more casually before. So, just to be clear, ‘not now,’ isn’t the same things as ‘no.’ I just… need a bit more time.”

That was, by her own clarification, not a rejection. Ted perked up a bit. He could accept that.

“Ted? Stop dawdling and change into your uniform!” His portly manager came out of the backroom to find the duo shooting the breeze just outside. “And don’t harass Stacey anymore, she’s no longer working here. Wait, were you even on the schedule for today?”

“I was not!” Ted answered, flashing Stacey a bold, confident look, though his heart was still racing from excitement and nerves. “I am here to inform you that I am also quitting.”

His manager gaped. “Wha- what the hell? You- you can’t do that! How are we going to do inventory and pulls with both of you gone? If things go to shit here it’ll be your fault. Do you want that on your conscience?”

Ted gave his manager his most shit eating grin. “Not. My. Problem. Anymore. Things were already shit here, and Stacey and I were the only ones holding it together, but heaven forbid we get the recognition or pay we deserve. No, if you don’t want to lose your job, perhaps you should get off your fat ass, stop lazing about in the backroom for once and actually do your job.”

He handed over his uniform to his slack jawed former manager. “And if everything does burn to the ground without just the two of us, what does that say about you and the rest of the team?” he added triumphantly before turning and offering Stacey his arm, high on the moment as he was. “M’lady?”

Stacey giggled and looped her arm through his, offering their manager a final wave before letting Ted lead her out of the store.

Michael nudged Ted after they finished a game just as Ted’s phone buzzed with a notification. The message stated that his ride had arrived, and peeking out the window to see what Michael wanted to show him confirmed that a sleek black limo was awaiting out on the road, looking terribly out of place in his blue collar neighborhood.

“Yeesh. I didn’t before, but now I’m starting to feel that hundred grand ticket you talked me into… Even after all the money I threw around settling affairs last week, I’m still a bit in sticker shock,” Ted commented as he locked up his apartment.

Michael snorted. “Yeah, because last week was all the dry legal and formal stuff. This is the first investment you’ve made that you’ll actually get to immediately enjoy.”

Ted led the way down to street level and as he approached the limo, he saw an attractive young woman with long, straight, light orange-red locks in a sharp black and beige business pantsuit meet his gaze. She ceased fidgeting with her puffy black beret and snapped into a prim salute greeting him. Compared to her, his jeans and hoodie felt underdressed, but Michael was similarly dressed casual and hadn’t mentioned any dress code. And sure enough, the woman did not seem put off by the difference in their dress.

“Are you, Mr. Raizer? May I see your invi-” she asked with a work smile, cutting off with an acknowledging nod as he and Michael stepped out onto the sidewalk. “Right this way, Mr. Raizer.” The stewardess promptly opened the limo door and beckoned them inside. She joined them in the back cabin and Ted felt the vehicle begin to move. “My name is Mata. I’ll be taking care of you for the duration of your stay with us. If you need or desire anything, do not hesitate to ask, and I will do everything in my power to make it so.” The outside of the windows had been tinted for privacy, but Ted had not expected the inside windows to be similarly opaque.

“Before we make our way to ‘Paradise,’ please sign these release forms,” Mata informed him, handing him a tablet with digital forms filled with legalese for him to sign. “If you would like to decline any of the terms, we will refund you your investment minus a small cancellation fee.”

“It’s pretty ordinary stuff,” Michael assured him. “Though, there’s also a non-disclosure agreement, but it’s just a ‘this is an exclusive club’ kind of deal.”

“How do you know? Have you been to ‘Paradise’ before?” Ted probed. “With its price tag? I find it hard to believe.”

Michael kept his cool though. “I have connections. And what you bought was the most expensive package available without invitation. There are more affordable options, though, they’re still not for the layman. I’ve gotten to enjoy their services through work though.”

“You always dodged questions about your work,” Ted mused. “Now I’m more curious than ever, but I know better than to pry.”

“Heh, sorry. I’m not allowed to talk about it now, but I’ll tell you someday.”

Ted gave him a sidelong glance and a small smile. “All right, then. Keep your secrets.” The joke earned a chuckle from Michael and even a smile from Mata.

Michael scooched around to flirt with the stewardess quietly while Ted focused on reading the releases and waivers. Unfortunately, as Michael had said, they were mostly mundane. There was a little oddity just in the fact that they didn’t reveal nearly as much about what “Paradise” actually was as an establishment than most similar forms do for the businesses they serve. But based on the language and parties that it mentioned…

“Mike, are you taking me to a brothel?” Ted asked amusedly as he finished signing the last form. He had a feeling that wasn’t quite right – he had seen some comparable forms from brothels before, and the similarities stuck out, but there seemed to be more to this place, and not just for the shroud of secrecy.

“Well, no… but actually- well, it’ll make more sense when we get there. Save those questions for later and just trust me,” Michael answered cryptically.

Fishy as that was, Ted did trust Michael, so he instead resumed a conversation they had been having back in his apartment earlier to pass the time. About forty minutes of travel later, the limo seemed to finally reach its destination, and Mata ushered them out.

Warm sunlight illuminated a quaint gated community. The few picturesque buildings he could see all shared the same simple yet tasteful architecture that suggested they were all built together as the same project, and the whole community was fenced by a tall red brick and mortar wall. It certainly didn’t look anywhere as brothel-like as Ted had been expecting.

Michael’s evasiveness suddenly made sense when the door to the nearest house opened and the first resident came out to meet the new arrivals.

“Oh, welcome, honored guests. Welcome to Paradise,” the voluptuous, purple-skinned, horn-adorned, spade-tip-tail-wagging, huge-tits-jiggling-in-a-revealing-leotard-clad, full-stop succubus woman greeted them with an appropriately sultry voice. 

Behind her, a flush faced lamia girl with only star shaped pasties covering her own large jostling breasts slithered out only to hide behind the succubus. In the distance, Ted spotted an arachne girl scuttle into an open window on the second floor of one of the houses. A sporty wolf girl covered head to toe in gray and white fur appeared around a bend in the main road, pausing her jog to examine the newcomers curiously with bright yellow eyes. Her pointed ears and bushy tail twitching excitedly even as she kept her expression reserved. When she noticed him staring, she nervously adjusted her sports bra and opened her muzzle to take some water, making Ted’s fascination grow as he observed the inside of her mouth. It looked as anatomically accurate as he could imagine, from her sharp teeth to long tongue.

Ted jumped as Michael clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Understand now? Why get a figure when you have the real deal?”

Ted’s brain scrambled. There was no way this was real. Monster girls were fiction, most of them physically, and physiologically couldn’t exist. Yet, it was hard to deny what he saw in front of him. If these were fabrications, they were damn good. 

Ted turned back just in time to see Mata remove her beret to reveal a pair of orange cat ears poking out between tresses of hair. A calico tail also uncurled from behind her as she met his gaze with her own blue-gray eyes and an amused wave.

“I can now inform you that what you see before you is the main reason we ask patrons to sign an NDA,” Mata informed him, stepping closer and allowing the limo to pull away. “The media would not let us live in peace if we were discovered by the general public, not to mention the scientific or medical communities.”

“Can… can I touch them?” Ted asked, mesmerized by the natural little twitches of Mata’s ears.

A light blush spread across her face, but she smiled and bowed her head, giving him a better angle. Reaching for one, Mata gasped a little when he made contact, but soon he was lost in the soft fur running between his fingers. It was just as he had remembered from pet cats his family had had in the past.

“And… your tail,” Ted requested guiltily when he’d had his fill floofing ears.

The way she brought her tail around in front of her so naturally would be believable maybe from a professional remote animatronic puppeteer on the set of a movie or tv show, but live and in person as it was, Ted was struggling to see it as anything but a real, genuine cat’s tail attached to this girl. Especially the way she reacted to him touching, pinching and squeezing her tail even with her eyes closed. It was even warm in his hands. Finally, he let her go, and she straightened up looking more than a little flushed in the face now.

“Sorry, I just couldn’t quite believe it,” Ted apologized earnestly, still a bit dumbfounded by his conclusion.

Mata smiled. “It’s okay, that’s a very common and normal reaction. I’m used to it.” She let her tail return to a more natural position behind her and took a breath to re-center herself. “Now then, if you’re ready, Mr. Raizer, I’d like to show you around our village.”

As Mata led the way through the village’s winding main road, Ted got to meet more of the residents. A mantis girl with four arms seemed tickled that Ted was willing to shake each of her hands. A centaur girl let him ride on her back for a bit, and feeling the muscles of her horse aspect ripple underneath him was incredible. A cow girl who was a whole head and shoulders taller than him offered to let him try some of her milk straight from the teat; her boobs were each larger than Ted’s head! A trio of hyena ladies snickered as they passed, and Ted’s party stopped on a bridge crossing a stream that ran through the village to exchange pleasantries with a mermaid.

The succubus, “Frista,” and her lamia friend, “Rii,” followed along with Ted and Mata. Frista seemed to enjoy chiming in about various other residents’ sexual preferences when she could get a word in, though Rii did a surprisingly good job reining her in if the succubus started to get a little too risqué.

After meeting the first few unnaturally sexy monster girls the idea that this was an elaborate brothel snuck back into his mind. However, it was once again cast into doubt as a huge muscular minotaur man politely offered greetings as he passed by, casually carrying an entire refrigerator on his shoulder. Ted began to spot more male residents as well, which started to give him more of an impression that this really was just a peaceful village of demi-humans. A lizardman and lizardwoman couple, scaled hand in scaled hand nodded to them as they strolled the other way. A buff, full-fur young lion-man gave a startled look and turned tail and ran when Ted spotted him approaching with a gorgeous lioness woman.

“Forgive my brother, he seems to have caught a case of ‘scaredy cat,’” she apologized with a husky chuckle, taking Ted’s hand in her furry paw and squeezing him between her soft paw pads. “Have you been enjoying your time in Paradise?” She rested her other paw on her formidable bosom that strained against the sleeveless cream colored button down blouse. “Hm? What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” she laughed heartily.

“S-sorry,” Ted stammered, feeling his cheeks flush. She had a similar body type to Stacey, he realized as she graciously excused herself and sashayed away. Big breasts, thin waist, wide hips and a bubble butt wrapped in a tight pencil skirt that gave way to long, toned legs… he swore that he loved Stacey for more than just her body, but she did have a fantastic figure and pretty face, which certainly was what originally drew him to her at their old job.

“Lia is a natural switch. She comes on strong, but if you push back decisively, she’s happy to fold and let you do whatever you want with her. She has the softest tits in the village, at least in my opinion,” Frista whispered in his ear, chuckling when he jumped. “Letting her and her brother dominate you together is the ultimate bi experience, though.”

“Frista, it’s not good to make assumptions,” Rii squeaked.

The succubus laughed. “I said it specifically because I’m not assuming!”

“Please excuse them, Mr. Raizer,” Mata bowed her head, her tail thrashing a bit. She gave the other two a glare. “I think you’ve said enough. Don’t you have better things to do?”

“Oh, Mata, dear, don’t call yourself a ‘thing.’ You should value yourself more.”

Red flared in the cat girl’s cheeks, but she held fast.

“Come on, Frista, let’s head back…” Rii tugged on her friend’s arm and the succubus finally relented.

“Very well. Wouldn’t want to come off as too pushy.” She leveled her gaze on Ted, bright red pupils set on black sclera. “I wish you well, Honored Guest. Enjoy the rest of your stay, and like anyone here, if you wish to have some real fun without the censors, you need just ask. We would be more than happy to offer our services for a generous benefactor such as yourself. We and our friends and family can only continue living here thanks to your contributions.” Contrary to her lascivious comments, she gave an elegant bow before allowing her lamia friend to drag her away, heading back the way they came.

Ted watched them go for a moment, the hypnotic sway of Frista hips most certainly not distracting him from thinking about what she had said.

“I apologize again for Frista’s rudeness,” Mata continued. “I sent them away too late, perhaps. After all, we’re just about done with the tour anyway. If you come this way, we have a private room prepared in the dining hall for your evening meal. After that, you are free to do as you wish for the remainder of your stay. We only ask, as per the agreement that you signed, that you not attempt to force any of our residents to do anything they outright refuse or protest to. But if you ask, you should find most of us are amenable to most requests.”

Between Frista and Mata’s wording, the implication was clear. He had been right asking Michael earlier. This was functionally an exotic brothel for the rich, and it was hard to say that the residents had much of a choice. But at the same time, everyone seemed pretty happy and welcoming, even knowing that Ted, as a customer, would likely want to sleep with at least one of them… 

Dinner was tasty, though Ted found himself distracted as he continued to mull over how he felt about ‘Paradise.’ His thoughts were interrupted as Michael barged in, a buxom bunny girl smiling on his arm. He sent her off with a playful pat on her rear which she seemed to enjoy, flashing him a smile and a wink before excusing herself.

“So, how’ve you been enjoying Paradise, buddy? The girls here are way hotter than in any brothel, right?” Michael asked in passing as he made himself a plate of the feast on the table. Sitting next to Ted, he began digging in without a care.

“Where the fuck have you been? And how? Now that I think about it, I only paid for my own ticket,” Ted realized out loud. Now that he was thinking about it, he hadn’t seen Michael since the beginning of the tour through town.

“Me? I got special permission to play around on my own. Think of it like a referral bonus, for getting you to buy the VIP package.”

“You used me?” Ted balked.

Michael coughed, setting down his fork to swallow. “Wha-? No! It’s not like that. It’s a perk sure, but that wasn’t my goal. Like, we’re two brothers in appreciating monster girls, right? This is like… the hidden holy land for that, right? They’re real here! I couldn’t tell you ‘cause of the NDA, but now that you can afford it yourself, I can share it with you!”

Ted pouted, but he had to admit that did sound more like Michael than his accusation. Rubbing the back of his neck, Ted sighed.

“You seem conflicted. Is something bothering you?” Michael asked, sitting back from his plate to give Ted his full attention.

“Well… this is basically one fancy brothel for the rich, right? But because of the residents’ situation, they don’t really have any choice but to agree to the… erm… prostitution, or their livelihood is at risk. I don’t know… even if they say they’re willing, would they tell the truth if they weren’t?”

Michael gave him a sympathetic smile. “Ted, my friend. You’re a nice guy. Perhaps too nice, if some of your old work horror stories were any indication. So… out of respect for you and our friendship and in the interest of your experience here. I’ll let you in on a secret a little earlier than I had planned.” He leaned in and Ted leaned closer to listen.

“The truth is, I actually work here,” Michael admitted in a low voice. “I’ve been working here for a while now. I’m not allowed to say more specifically, but I know the residents pretty well at this point, and I can promise you, you don’t have to worry about them. They really are down to fuck.” He sat back and continued in a more normal tone. “And like, think about it. They’re already free from the stigma of sex work because they have a closed community where everyone already does it. Because of species biology stuff, humans can’t get them pregnant, and they’re not vulnerable to human STDs either, but it still feels as good since, you know, it’s sex. 

“There are some who don’t want to sell their bodies like this, but we have them set up in a different community. We don’t separate families, and anyone from one community can move to the other any time for any reason. The set up makes bank because all our patrons are the super rich, but because we have the funds, we make sure to take care of the most important assets our establishment has.”

That… made a lot of sense. It wasn’t like brothels were all inherently bad either, historically. They gave some women more power and control over their lives than they otherwise would have had, especially in more patriarchal times and cultures. Feeling better, the two friends chatted more amicably until they had eaten their fill and the various eared and tailed maids arrived to clear the table.

“Mata?” Ted spoke up. Within seconds, the cat girl stewardess slipped into the room with a bow.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Raizer?”

“I’d… I’d like to meet with… um… Miss Lia tonight,” Ted requested. “The, uh… lioness lady from earlier.”

“Of course, Mr. Raizer. I’ll send for her now and we can make sure you’re comfortable in the guest house while you wait for her to join you.” Mata bowed with a smile and left.

Michael clapped him on the shoulder with a grin. “Sounds like you’ve made up your mind. I’ll get out of your way. I have my own place where I stay while I’m working here so don’t worry about me.” He made to leave, but paused in the doorway looking back with a mischievous look. “Oh, and one more expert suggestion. If you have energy after Lia’s through with you, I suggest taking a stroll through the town at night. Some nocturnal residents come out only after the sun goes down.”

A playful trill of light taps drew Ted’s attention away from his phone. Opening the door, he was met by the sight of the beautiful lioness he had met earlier, this time her curves wrapped in an elegant red evening gown.

“Made an impression on you, did I?” Lia purred as he let her in. “You caught my eye, too.” As he closed the front door of the guest house behind her, she pounced, pressing herself against him, sandwiching him between her soft, supple curves and the cold hard door. She helped herself to his lips, kissing him fiercely in his surprise. Smacking lips with a snouted partner was a first for Ted, but it wasn’t nearly as awkward as he feared. Her attack only lasted a few seconds, and she pulled away just as abruptly. “Mhm… What a delightful taste. I wonder – will you be my partner tonight? Or my prey?”

She led him up to the bedroom where she pushed him onto the bed and quickly straddled him. Lia made a show of untying the fabric of her dress behind her neck that held it up against her impressive bosom. Letting the dress fall, she cradled her breasts with one arm, teasingly obscuring their full form for an extra moment, before finally letting them go, gravity making them bounce hypnotically before his eyes. Her torso bare, Ted finally got to really soak in the sight of her.

Light yellow-orange and cream colored fur offered low contrast to the patterns that played across her body – teasing that they were there, even if they were not easy to see in the dim room. A mischievous light sparkled in her amber eyes, one of which was partially obscured by long, flowing blonde bangs that merged with the rest of her hair behind her into a cascade of silky locks tamed only by a frilly white scrunchie near the small of her back. Ted reached up reverently with both hands and cupped her huge cream fur tits. They were warm and plump, with a pleasant firmness to his touch, but also incredibly soft – cottony like a kitten’s belly. He couldn’t help but squeeze them between his fingers.

“Mrow..!” Lia moaned softly, enjoying his touch as much as he was enjoying touching.

Ted had begun getting hard as soon as he had seen her silhouetted by moonlight in the doorway. But now that he had his hands full, he was at full mast, and he noticed his hard-on brushing against Lia’s rear just before he felt another soft warmth curl around his member’s length and begin stroking him. Lia’s hands were still at her sides so that must be her tail!

Ted wasn’t a virgin, but he was hardly experienced, and between the craziness that came along with his sudden new fortune, he had not had much chance to relieve himself. That only left him all the more vulnerable to Lia’s attack, and as the lioness leaned forward slowly, pressing her chest against him and finding his lips once more, the stroking of her tail pushed him to his first orgasm.

“Ah- my my, aren’t you eager? It’s fine. The night is young.” She licked her lips. “I’ll take my turn then.”

Picking herself up off his chest, Lia lifted her dress up over her head, leaving her naked save for a pair of black lace panties. She crawled up his body and pulled aside her panties to present her bare sex to his face. Ted obligingly did his best to lick and suck at her quivering folds, and feeling them moisten reassured him that he was at least turning her on, even if she’d probably been eaten out by more skilled partners.

“Mhrmm… haa…” Lia moaned, her husky voice lilting as she approached her own climax “Aaah…!”

Ted kept up his efforts even as Lia grew more enthusiastic, gripping his head with her paws and grinding her crotch against his face. Even as she indulged in her own pleasure, her slim, soft tail continued giving some attention to Ted’s cock. Eventually, Lia let out an impassioned cry and Ted felt her snatch convulse before releasing a sticky discharge all over his face, after which, Lia slumped a bit, panting. By then, Ted was rock hard once more.

“Not bad, Mr. Raizer” Lia breathed, pulling herself off him. “Now then, let’s continue.”

It was a curious experience, receiving head from a woman with a snout, even one as short as a lioness’s. And she primarily used the bottom and sides of her tongue instead of the top, since the top surface was rough, a vestigial feature from her feline ancestors. Even with that limitation, she was skilled enough to make him cum again in minutes. She let him recover between her tits, but after a little more domination play, he realized he still hadn’t put it in her but she was still toying with him.

Compelled by a swell of boldness, frustration and pure lust, Ted took Lia’s shoulders and pulled her down to the bed as he got up, effectively swapping their positions. He found his erection raging harder still as he looked down at her startled expression, but he held back on shoving it into her right away. Instead, he reached for her pussy with his hand and she gasped as he found it dripping wet.

“You’ve been messing around awfully long for someone who’s this wet!” Ted jabbed, punctuating his comment with a thrust of his fingers. He wasn’t sure what was coming over him, but he liked it.

“Aah..! Hngh… I’m not-…!” Lia tried to protest, but Ted pressed further, cutting her off.

“You’re not? Well then, if you want it so much, beg for it,” Ted continued. So this was what it felt like to do the dominating? he thought to himself. Eager as he was, he was enjoying keeping her in suspense.

“Oh? So you think you’re in charge now?” Lia tried to retake control of the pace, but Ted rubbed his length against the outside of her sex making her shudder.

“Are you sure you want to talk back?” Ted threatened quietly, pulling his dick away.

Lia inhaled sharply, her eyes tearing up. “I’m sorry. Please… please give it to me,” she whimpered.

“I can’t hear you. What did you say?”

“P-Please, Honored Guest! Please fuck me with your big hard cock!” She practically yelled. “I want you inside me so badly,” she added more quietly.

Ted lined up his penis and slowly pushed it in, relishing the way she writhed in pleasure under him. Because of him. The feeling of her hot insides wrapping tightly and pulsing around his raw dick was incredible. And it felt even better once he started moving.

Having shot his load twice already, Ted held out long enough to try two other positions before finally hitting his third orgasm, and as much as he would have loved to keep going, his stamina had already been pushed to its limit.

“That was delightful, Mr. Raizer. Don’t worry, you can come back any time and we can do more,” Lia whispered in his ear as they lay cuddling in the afterglow. Ted was indeed already making plans.

Ted’s bladder woke him up in the middle of the night.

After carefully extracting himself from Lia’s way too comfortable clutches, he relieved himself in the master bathroom. As enticing as it was to simply rejoin Lia in the warm, soft bed, for some reason his friend’s words rippled to the surface of his mind and he instead got dressed and stepped out into the cool, but comfortable night for a little late night stroll.

Ted walked out onto the main road through the village and had to immediately jump back out of the way as a red fox girl with her hackles up chased a raccoon girl carrying something down the road.

“Hey, get back here with my lunch!” the fox girl said.

Stumbling back as he caught his balance, Ted felt something bristle against his back.

“Ah, careful there, um… Honored Guest.”

Turning, he found he had almost tumbled into the quills of a timid hedgehog girl, who made an anxious bow and scuttled away.

Continuing his walk, Ted was struck by the sheer bustle of the town despite the late hour. It was different from cities that never sleep – even in those, the general level of activity wanes as most people go to sleep, even if not everyone did, but here, the village was just as lively as during the day. There were more cat-related and rodent-related residents out on the prowl, as well as more insect types, too, but most of the reptilian residents and all the large body residents seemed diurnal. Curiously, he saw a few more demon-esque residents as well, both male and female and it reminded him that Frista had been the only non-animal type he had seen during the day. Passing over the bridge in the middle of town, he noticed the mermen and mermaids that were active at night looked different from the ones he had met during the day. Though he was a bit tired between the long day and all the sex, Ted was glad he decided to take Michael’s suggestion and explore the night.

As Ted finished a short chat with a scorpion man near where the limo had dropped his party off that afternoon, he was about to start heading back to the guest house when something caught his eye. Curly strawberry blonde hair flashed under the illumination of a street light, and before Ted knew what he was doing, he was already walking briskly in that direction. Surely it was just a coincidence. She wasn’t the only one who had that hair color and style, certainly, and it didn’t make sense for her to be here. But Ted realized he wouldn’t be able to enjoy his stay if this remained a mystery looming in the back of his head. He had to know for sure.

As he got closer, he noticed that, though the figure he saw had a silhouette that was strikingly familiar above the waist, below that was the form of an arachne’s eight legs and fat dark brown abdomen. And yet, just as he was about to move on, he caught a glimpse as she turned her head, and, crazy though he may be, he saw Stacey’s face in profile. Ted had a bad feeling about this, but he pushed through it and continued following nonetheless. He had to know what was going on, and maybe getting a proper look would dispel the illusions his mind was projecting.

Eventually, he had followed her to what seemed like her residence.

“Excuse me? Miss arachne?”

As the arachne lady turned to look at him questioningly, Ted’s breath caught. It… it really was Stacey, from her face to her hair to her figure (above the hips at least), and even her striking blue eyes (though she also had a few more smaller eyes on her forehead).

“… S-Stacey?” Ted stuttered. “Is… is that you?”

All of her eyes blinked in surprise.

“I’m sorry, who?” She even had Stacey’s voice, but what she said with it tore into Ted’s heart. “Um… Honored Guest, I’m afraid you may be mistaken. My name is Rachelle. I don’t believe we’ve met before.”

Ted rubbed his eyes, wondering if maybe his brain was taking some hallucination to an absurd level, but no matter what he did, he still saw Stacey.

“N… no that- that can’t be right. But… I don’t understand what’s going on…” Ted shook his head.

“I’m sorry, sir. I don’t want to get- I don’t want any trouble. I’m afraid I have some business I have to attend to so I’ll be excusing myself now,” Rachelle continued in Stacey’s voice. Hastily, she opened the door to her home and scuttled inside, shutting the door behind her.

“Wait! Don’t- don’t go!” Ted blurted out, clambering up to the knock on the door. “Stacey! Why do you have Stacey’s face!?”

“Is there a problem here?” Mata inquired from behind him. “I believe you agreed not to bother residents who outright refuse you.”

Ted spun to face her. “Mata! I… uh… I want to sleep with Sta- err… Rachelle here!”

Mata scratched lightly at one of her cheeks apprehensively, a concerned frown upon her features. “Mr. Raizer…” She sighed, but pulled out her phone and stepped out of earshot to make a call.

Ted realized how unreasonable he was being; he wondered if that call was to get him thrown out instead of seeing his request processed. Looking back at the closed door, feeling that the time he had was ticking down, he started to fear the worst regardless of realism. 

Was there foul play afoot? Stacey had just gotten a new job, what if it was a con and they had instead captured her and did human experiments to turn her into this arachne, and then wiped her memories? Would she ever remember him again? Was she in pain? He couldn’t know unless he saw her again and could ask. Through desperate adrenaline, he noticed the window right by the door was open.

“Mr. Raizer, I- Wha-what are you doing!?” Mata returned from her call to spot Ted already halfway through the window, and by the time she had closed the distance, he had rolled inside entirely. Mata banged on the front door, but Ted ignored her. He had to find Stacey.

The inside of the home seemed mostly normal, save for a distinct lack of any chairs and the scaling up of the size of halls and doorways to be more comfortable for a resident of an arachne’s proportions. Ted spotted Rachelle poking her head down the stairwell in response to Mata’s knocking only to see him start climbing the stairs.

“Wha- What are you doing, H-honored Guest? Why are you so obsessed with me? Please, leave me alone! I don’t want to be fired for this!”

‘Fired?’ Was that a euphemism for offing her? Disposing of her? Ted thought as he reached the second floor and found Rachelle trying to climb out her bedroom window. I can’t let that happen, I won’t let them lay a finger on her!

He caught one of Rachelle’s legs, preventing her from crawling out onto the building’s exterior.

“L-let go!” She tried to kick him off, but seemed she was too cautious about it, and when he started trying to pull her back in, she acquiesced. “Wait! Stop pulling! I’ll come back in, just… don’t break it!”

Ted didn’t let her go, but did give her space to climb back into the room through the window, and only after she had closed the window behind her did he release her. Anxiously she fidgeted in front of him.

“S-so… what do you want with me?”

That… was the question… Ted realized. With his goal of meeting her again face to face achieved, his adrenaline was starting to fade and common sense and reason was beginning to creep back with a heavy dose of guilt.

“You… you are Stacey Ackern… she doesn’t have any siblings and you look exactly like her. Like, exactly, to an uncanny degree that… they must have wiped your memories somehow. Did they hurt you here? Are you being forced to um… prostitute for rich people?” Ted hesitantly probed.

“What? N-no. I told you already, my name is Rachelle and I er… I signed up for this. It was my choice,” she asserted, though she didn’t sound convincing.

“Did they make you say that?”

“No!” Rachelle responded more forcefully, exasperation starting to pierce her fear and confusion. “I don’t know what you think happened to me, but I’m not being coerced!”

Ted stepped forward, his anxiety spiking again. The arachne shied away. “They could have made you say that, too. Blink three times if they experimented on you to make you into an arachne!”

“Wha-!?” Rachelle blinked once, then twice, and then had to make a concerted effort not to blink again.

“Mr. Raizer.”

Strong, furry orange arms suddenly wrapped under Ted’s and easily lifted him off his feet and back a few steps. Ted felt a large bulge in the lion-man’s shorts poking against his butt as he pulled Ted back and held him helpless.

Mata and Lia both stepped into view around Ted and the buff lion-man restraining him. Both lovely cat ladies seemed exasperated.

“I know it was my suggestion, but I didn’t quite expect you to go this crazy,” Lia sighed. She looked as gorgeous as before redressed in her red evening gown.

Mata gave her a stern look before focusing on Ted. “Well, Mr. Raizer. I’m afraid you’ve broken one of the key agreements you signed before coming here. We’re going to have to ask you to leave. We will provide transportation back to your residence, but you will not be refunded, and remember that the NDA is still valid even if-”

“But that’s such an unsatisfying and anti-climactic end to Mr. Raizer’s visit. It would be a shame to leave someone with such a poor impression of Paradise,” Lia interjected, earning another dirty look from her fellow cat lady. Unintimidated by Mata, Lia went on in an almost whimsical tone. “Especially someone with so much love to give to such unique people such as us. How about this instead: If Mr. Raizer were to invest, say… twenty million dollars in Paradise, wouldn’t that make him the majority shareholder? In which case, he would gain the authority for us to more properly clear up this… little misunderstanding.”

“I… suppose that’s not an impossible route,” Mata admitted with a scowl. “What are you up to?”

Lia ignored her and got closer to Ted, giving him a clear look down her glorious cleavage. “What do you say, Mr. Raizer?” She purred. “Twenty mil is a lot, certainly, but compared to four hundred million? And such extra funds would go a long way to helping us out here. And for you, you get to learn all of our deepest, darkest, secrets. I promise, I can make this make sense.”

If it was to help Stacey Ted didn’t even need to give it a second thought.

“I’ll do it,” he announced resolutely.

Lia grinned at Mata who raised an eyebrow back, but accepted the tablet Lia had apparently brought with her and pulled up an investment form.

“Can- Can I let him go now?” the lion-man boomed with a deep voice behind Ted.

“Yes, Lansa. But stay here, we’re not done with you yet,” Lia answered.

“Ack… really?” Lansa whined as he gingerly set Ted down. Ted glanced at the lion-man, having not gotten a good look at him when he first saw Lia’s brother in town during the day tour. Ted could see the resemblance in his light orange and cream colored fur patterns, unobscured on the topless lion-man’s upper body. In retrospect, his pecs and abs had been firm against Ted’s back but his fur there was soft, reminiscent of certain globes he had recently had the pleasure of handling. He had experienced the power of those strong, muscled arms first hand, but they were still impressive to behold, and his casual cargo shorts seemed to fit him well everywhere except for the taut outline of an even more impressive bulge.

“Do you perhaps swing both ways, Mr. Raizer?” Lia cooed in his ear, draping her arms over his shoulders from behind, pressing herself against his back. “My brother is quite the stud, is he not? He looks big right? But those shorts undersell him. You should see him when he’s actually hard.”

“S-Sis!” Lansa protested, growing flustered. He attempted to cover his crotch, but that only made it more obvious that it was slowly expanding further.

“Before you get distracted, Mr. Raizer, here. This is the investment form.” Mata brought the tablet before him and pointed to one field. “This is the investment amount. You need to put at least twenty million there to become the majority shareholder. The form is a formal agreement for the investment and the perks, rights and privileges that you gain for making it.”

If there was one thing to bring Ted down from a high, whether aroused or crazed or both, it was a page full of legalese. As much as he enjoyed exploring such pages, it was not an exciting activity. Reading it over, he didn’t spot anything concerning and signed it at the bottom.

Lia and Mata looked at each other and let out a collective sigh of relief.

“Alright, bubble popping time, unfortunately,” Mata gave a wry smile.

“No, I think this will go quite fortunately,” Lia countered with a smirk. She met Ted’s eyes as she reached behind her neck and dropped her dress once more, but her hands remained where they were for a moment, continuing to fiddle with something…

Before Ted’s eyes, Lia dislocated her head and stretched her neck allowing a cute young woman with short black hair to emerge from a slit in her back like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. A human woman.

“As you can see, and as you already knew on some level, monster girls aren’t real. We’re suit actors, with some rather advanced suits,” she explained in a higher pitched voice.

While a part of Ted was definitely disappointed that the monster girls weren’t real, another part of him found it intensely exciting to see behind the curtain, especially for an illusion so thorough and elaborate that it had fooled him personally into sexual intercourse.

The woman twisted Lia’s empty head around, giving Ted a glimpse of some surprisingly complex internal structures. “For inhuman parts,” she continued, “our founder pioneered some advanced animatronics that interface with an onboard AI computer integrated into the suit itself. There’s a neural link that then interfaces with the actor’s brain and sends and receives signals to make the suit’s extra parts behave as the actor wants while also making them feel real to the actor wearing them. The suit detects sensations that the character should feel, the AI interprets them and then sends those sensations to the actor’s brain, so wearing one of these suits feels like actually becoming a real monster girl. And of course, the process goes the other direction for the actor moving parts they don’t physically have, such as tails, ears, and extra arms or legs.”

While she was speaking, Mata had removed her beret and loosened her collar. It was a little more uncanny and more than a little surprising to see her peel away her mostly human face and features, and reveal a well groomed middle aged man.

“I assure you, Mr. Raizer, that our deception was not made out of malice or other ill intent. As um… Miss… Mika explained, we are but actors playing roles. An actor’s job is to deceive most delightfully.”

Ted gave a nod. If anything, that a dignified gentleman such as this could portray the playful yet professional Mata was more impressive than the average actor’s performance. With the shock wearing off, Ted glanced at the elephant spider in the room.

Her coworkers (superiors, Ted inferred) gave her a nod and she repeated the process of the other two. It was… a little difficult watching Stacey’s features deform and peel away, especially revealing a young man underneath, but it explained at least why ‘she’ honestly hadn’t recognized him, even if there were still bigger mysteries.

“Sorry for hassling you,” Ted apologized profusely. “Though, that still doesn’t explain why this er… suit looks like Stacey…” Ted realized the others were all looking at something else, and turned to realize they were all focused on the lion-man.

“D- do I have to?” Lansa whimpered.

“Yes. You are, after all, the crux of this issue.”

The imposing figure sighed and began scratching at the back of his neck before repeating the process Ted had seen from Lia. Strawberry blonde curls emerged from Lansa’s back.

“Ah… this is so embarrassing…” Stacey bemoaned, her cheeks red and most certainly not simply from heat. Seeing her pretty face atop Lansa’s buff, half naked body was a new kind of arousing for Ted, and despite her protests, Lansa’s package didn’t seem to be getting any smaller either.

“So,” Mika went on, “some actors with exceptional… features may be asked to offer their likeness to be made into a new monster girl. It is entirely voluntary and it comes with a generous bonus and is the other reason we take privacy and media absence so seriously. Isn’t that right, Miss Ackern?”

“Yes… I agreed to let them use my likeness for this. The bonus alone covered the down payment for a nice place for my parents to retire.”

Mika shot a triumphant look at the man who was Mata. “And that is the long and short of it all,” she wrapped up. “This is the most technologically advanced brothel in the world, though I think we dodge some regulations by more formally declaring it a privately owned theme park by legal terms. Anyway, does that demystify things adequately for you, Mr. Raizer?”

A theme park? That would explain the oddities in the release forms, Ted realized as the final puzzle pieces clicked into place. He nodded slowly, closing his eyes to really process it all.

“Hearing about it is all well and good,” Mika piped up again after a few moments of silence, “But it would probably be good for Mr. Raizer to experience wearing a suit, as well! That way he better understands what his new employees’ work is like.”

Ted hadn’t agreed to anything yet, but that didn’t stop Mika from stripping further from Lia’s body, revealing a much more modestly proportioned body with little compunction about baring her nude form to the rest of those in the room as she stepped out of Lia’s now mostly deflated form. It seemed that aside from her head, which needed extra structure to emulate features and proportions that the human wearer wouldn’t have, most of the suit was flaccid and derived its form from the actor’s frame. Mika casually shoved the furry suit into Ted’s arms with a knowing smile.

“It’s not hard. Just reverse what you saw me do,” she encouraged him.

Turning his focus to the warm, soft suit in his arms, he shot Stacey a glance, only to find she had taken shelter inside Lansa’s head once more as well. When the lion-man that was not so secretly his crush noticed his eye contact, he looked away bashfully. “Ah… sorry, let’s give him some privacy,” he suggested.

The others murmured agreement and filed out, but Mika shoved Lansa back inside before closing the door.

“H-hey!” Lansa hissed through the door, but a snicker answered him.

“We wouldn’t want our honored guest to be completely without guidance should he have any questions. Since you two are already acquainted, why don’t you help him with your sister’s skin,” came Mika’s voice, muffled through the door.

“Ha…” Lansa sighed before sitting down facing into a corner. “Sorry about them, Ted… I’ll just stay like this till you’re ready. If you have any questions, feel free to just ask.”

Ted smiled. Stacey’s mild mannered nature made Lansa’s deep voice and imposing physique adorably mismatched. But more importantly, it felt comfortable to be the subject of her consideration again. Add to that the realization that she accepted this sort of thing, and Ted found more than just his love and affection swelling.

Ted set Lia’s suit down on the normal human bed in the room and sat on the sheets next to it. He presumed it was there for night time human guests, since an arachne would probably not find it a comfortable fit themselves.

“So you have to be nude to put it on, then?” Ted inquired, remembering Mika’s state of undress. It would explain why the lion-man was averting his eyes.

“Yeah,” Lansa confirmed.

Ted’s heart raced, but with a pleasant excitement this time as he stripped out of his attire. He picked up the Lia suit once more, flipping it to find the slit along the back that extended down to just above the base of the tail. Now that he had the chance to inspect it at his leisure, Ted noticed that the insides were a light gray color with a rubbery texture, but it didn’t stick to his skin like he expected as he inserted his legs first. Lia’s empty lower limbs came back to life as he cinched the suit taut up to his thighs. Between the fur and the general… complexity to the suits, Ted had expected it to be heavier, but while there was a noticeable pressure clinging tightly to his legs, it was light and breathable, and the gentle constriction was almost comfortable, like something hugging his entire legs and feet. He gave his toes a wiggle and marveled at seeing Lia’s claw tipped fuzzy digits move in response.

While the suit felt mostly thin along his leg, he could detect a bit of padding here and there that gave his new legs a more alluring shape. The padding thickened more significantly around the hips, and the crotch was the first place he encountered anything particularly different from what he might expect from something like a simple wetsuit. Ted could trace several thin lines around the inside perimeter of the suit at a few places from the hips up to the waist, and there was clearly volume within the suit blocked off to accommodate what Ted could only assume was Lia’s vagina. Having been inside it from the outside, he knew it felt amazingly real. From the inside, he noticed there was a small hole in the structure’s backside that he guessed must be for his own manhood. There had been several instances of men wearing suits to appear as fuckable girls in this very room so he assumed that this was how that worked.

Tentatively, Ted inserted his rock hard manhood into the pocket and felt the suit take him in without issue to the base. He wasn’t entirely sure what to do with his balls, but they weren’t uncomfortable there and he didn’t quite feel comfortable asking Stacey about it, so he just left them and moved on, pulling the suit up his waist and working on putting his hands inside Lia’s arms till he found his fingers in the ends of her paws. Like with his toes, he had to pause for a moment to move his new digits. They weren’t as thin and dexterous as human fingers, but they had charming pads along the underside that felt pleasant even for him as the wearer on the inside.

Ted supported Lia’s head form in his new paws and engaged in some shrugging and shifting around, until he got the suit over his shoulders and the chest flush against his own. The weight of Lia’s plump boobs kept threatening to pull the suit off his torso again though, and short of asking for help, the only solution he could find was to pull Lia’s head up over his own where it should at least anchor her chest area to his neck. 

The inside of Lia’s head was dark though and he couldn’t see anything from inside it, though he could feel some of the structures he had seen earlier in passing. In particular, he recognized a mouthpiece pressing against his lips that settled into place when he opened his mouth. Closing his jaw around the mouthpiece was not nearly as uncomfortable as he expected, despite little arms that kept it attached to the rest of the head structure. He found he could move his head any which way quite freely, and the mouthpiece rotated with him. It felt as if Lia’s head moved accordingly even when his and her heads didn’t perfectly match up. The technology was incredible, and as he soon discovered, he was only scratching the surface.

Opening his mouth testingly, he found some light enter the headpiece as Lia opened her mouth accordingly. The light filtered through a semi-transparent barrier just in front of his face that must have been the back of Lia’s throat. At the same time, a small ball-like apparatus invaded his mouth, and for a moment, Ted thought it was a ball gag, though it wasn’t big enough to really gag him. It instead had an indent within it where he found his tongue sat comfortably, and he was able to close his mouth around it without being terribly uncomfortable, though it would take some getting used to. More interestingly, Ted quickly discovered that this ball controlled Lia’s tongue. Moving it around a bit, he was amazed that Mika had been able to give him the blow job that she had just hours prior.

It was around there that Ted realized he might be stuck. While the suit was impressive in a lot of ways, it wasn’t still performing for him the way it had for Mika. Perhaps it was because the back was still open, but he wasn’t experienced enough with Lia’s claws to have the dexterity to close up the zipper himself. So finally, he had to admit defeat.

He spat out the ball so that he could speak unimpeded. “Um… Sta- er… Lansa? Am I doing something wrong here?”

He heard some shuffling and could sense the young lion-man pad closer.

“Ah, yeah, you need to close up the back before the suit will start initialization for interfacing,” he heard Lansa’s response. “Here, if you’re ready, I’ll zip you up.”

Ted let out a wry chuckle. “As ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose.”

He heard Lansa laugh and felt him slowly draw the zipper up his back. “Haha, mood. I definitely remember being there. I haven’t even been here that long myself, but you get used to it surprisingly quickly. At least, I did. Though, I’ve heard from others that the suits adapt to their wearers the more you wear them, not that I understand exactly what that means.”

As the zipper closed and pulled together Lia’s upper body more, that gentle constriction feeling extended up his chest and neck. Ted quickly gained a new appreciation for Lia’s magnificent breasts, feeling them pull from his neck and shoulders. He at least had the option of taking them off when he wanted a break.

Finally, he felt the zipper slide up the back of his neck and something clicked. His whole body shivered involuntarily and he felt dizzy for a few moments. He felt the suit tighten even more around him, particularly around his collar, diaphragm, waist and hips before returning to a more vague general tightness all over. When his head cleared, he opened his eyes only to feel disoriented all over again. He saw not the darkness of the inside of Lia’s head but instead a view of the room impeded only by a furry, light orange snout and a few luscious locks of blonde hair.

“Whoa… Huh!?” Ted exclaimed quietly, only to discover the voice that left his mouth was Lia’s husky feminine tones. He reached up to his throat only to realize he could feel. Both with his paw pads pressing against his furry throat and the pressure of his fingers on his throat as well, not to mention his arm pressing against one of Lia’s breasts to reach his throat. The latter produced a gentle pleasure in his core that spiked when he testingly groped his new assets and teased his new nipples.

He could really feel Lia’s body as if it was his own. He was still aware of his own real body inside of her; if he focused, he could differentiate the feeling of the open air against the fur of Lia’s arm from the feeling of the insides of Lia’s arm wrapped intimately around his own. He could feel the mouthpiece still in his mouth and the tongue on the ball device. But when he let his focus drift, he found himself feeling primarily through Lia, and those other sensations faded into the background, not gone, but muted to the point where they weren’t distracting.

“This is… incredible,” Ted mused, realizing he could speak normally, even though he also had full command of Lia’s tongue. He couldn’t even begin to guess how his sight worked, given what he had seen before syncing up, but what was important was that he could see just as well as if it was his own eyes set into Lia’s head.

Ted’s hands drifted from Lia’s chest to explore other parts of Lia’s body, feeling the fur on her arms and toes and the delightful extra softness of her belly and the insides of her thighs before finally settling his attention between his legs.

“You seem to be enjoying yourself, sister.”

“Kya!” Ted gave a start. Wait, did he just…

“Ahem.” Ted glanced around and found Lansa as the lion-man cleared his throat with his eyes closed. When he opened them again, there was no trace of Stacey’s reservations.

“You know, I’d much rather be a participant than a spectator, Sis. Why don’t you let me help you!” he offered, drawing closer without waiting for a response. He settled between Ted’s already spread legs and blew teasingly on his bare female sex. Even just his tickling breath sent a new type of pleasure running down his spine to fizzle right behind his new genitals.

“Hu-hgn?! Wait, Stac- ahh!” Ted could hardly control his voice as Lansa began playing with his folds with his fingers making the pleasure intensify. The stimulation got to be so much that Ted hadn’t even realized he had flopped onto his back upon the bed while the lion-man continued fingering her and chatting idly as if this were an entirely normal activity for brother and sister to engage in together.

“It finally occurred to me that you’ve never really seen me as ‘Lansa,’ and I realized that, well, for your first time as Lia, getting into character might be more fun for you and easier on me as well, so…” He shoved his snout into Ted’s crotch and expertly toyed with Ted’s pussy with his tongue for a moment before pulling back and standing up. “So, let’s enjoy ourselves in character, sister!” He unzipped his shorts and pulled out a thick animalistic cock that twitched, hovering above Ted’s stomach. It was huge… easily twice his own size.

Lansa stroked his stiff length with a wry smile. “I’m not sure either of us expected this to be our first time together,” he murmured quietly, “but you know, if this sets the tone of our relationship in the future, I don’t mind. May I put it in?”

Ted licked his lips, feeling his Lia head echo the anxious reflex. Would that even fit in him? It wouldn’t break the suit? It looked way bigger than the suit’s vagina. And yet, he was curious. If the pleasure he had felt before was just from fingers and tongues, what would a truly deep penetration like that feel like? He wanted it.

Slowly, Lia nodded, and Lansa lined himself up before slowly pushing inside his sister’s snatch. Lia’s pleasured moans were muffled by the bedroom windows, but they were amply audible for the two spectators that had gone unnoticed just outside.

Mika perched upon Rachelle’s back, watching over the arachne’s head as the latter clung to the side of the house outside the second story window.

“Don’t you think you two voyeurs have seen enough?” Mata called up softly, not that she was likely to disturb the incestuous lions inside even if she had yelled normally.

Mika gave a resigned sigh and tapped Rachelle’s head and the arachne brought them both back down to the ground.

“Spoilsport,” Mika smirked as she complained.

“That’s our newest boss whose privacy you were intruding on,” Mata retorted.

Mika shrugged. “Not like he didn’t just break and enter himself, right?”

“That’s different. I’m still not entirely convinced that you didn’t plan that from the beginning. But regardless, he’s over our heads now. What were you going to do if he discovered you spying?”

Mika gave an innocent grin. “Ask to join?”

Mata sighed and reached out to pluck at Mika’s cheek, stretching it beyond what was natural to reveal a slightly scruffy face underneath. She let go and Mika’s cheek recoiled back into position with a snap.

“Ow! Hey!” Mika protested.

“And what’s with the extra layer, Michael? You’re not one to get so self conscious, even around friends,” Mata ribbed her friend and coworker.

“Ted’s a bit different,” Michael noted in his original, male voice. He fixed Mika’s face as the trio began to walk back to the guest house, and when he continued, Mika’s high-pitched voice came out. “Ted’s still new to this sex friend thing, and I didn’t want to shock him more than necessary at the start. If he’d known it was me of all people that he’d fucked earlier, then he might have passed out! Or gone hysterical again.”

“That was rather concerning. He traumatized poor Rachelle,” Mata gave the arachne a sympathetic look, but Rachelle raised her hands defensively.

“Ah… don’t worry about me. I was ready for it. I was just acting.”

Mata raised an eyebrow at Mika who avoided her gaze suspiciously.

“Well, I hope this trouble maker compensated you for your performance and the associated risks. Anyway, you’re free to go.”

“Uh…” the arachne hesitated. “Go… where? The uh… lions kinda took my house.”

“Ah.” The two other girls echoed each other.

“Well, I guess you can spend the night in the guest house, since Ted’s not using it anymore,” Mika offered. “I’ll keep you company if you’re worried about being lonely!”

Mata rolled her eyes, but couldn’t suppress a small smile.


Greetings! I hope you enjoyed this story. As you may notice, as long as this one was, there’s still room for expansion. Both Ted exploring and experiencing actually acting in Lia or other suits, as well as giving Stacey/Lansa more actual screen time and developing her relationship with Ted going forward, not to mention the things Michael or the other characters might get up to. And while I didn’t name many, there were a lot of characters that appeared in one off descriptions that could potentially be developed on their own.

Even beyond mentioned characters, near the end of production of this story, I realized that I had made something similar to Libra (Libra Labs)’s “Zippers” series, in the form of an institution of employ for suit fans to wear suits to a sexually charged workplace. Rather than a restaurant though, Paradise is a pleasure resort. In a similar way that Libra has facilitated fan patrons and employees at Zippers, it’s crossed my mind to allow or encourage fans who might be interested in either claiming, creating, or inserting their own monster girl OC, their own Paradise employee OC, or a patron OC making a visit to the resort. If there’s enough interest, I could see opening focused commissions/YCH sorts of deals for that kind of extra content, either drawn or written. You can leave a comment on this story, on the patreon post, hit me up in the discord server, on twitter, pixiv, DA, or just email if you’d interested in getting involved some how.

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