
Lucille alighted from the hover taxi before Mr. Saram’s estates, taking a moment to brush her shoulder length dirty blonde hair out of her eyes after the taxi’s jets had unsettled it. The wealthy inventor was as well known for his eccentric personality as he was for the ubiquity of several of his inventions. But recently, he had come under suspicion of aiding dissenters against the government. Luci sighed. She had been chosen for this assignment because he was also a notorious womanizer. She was not the most attractive woman on the team, but she was the youngest, and that made it easier for the brass to force her fit young body onto this assignment.

As she passed through the front gates, she thought she heard a notification sound and checked her retinal HUD, but it seemed to just be a check-in confirmation that she had arrived at Mr. Saram’s properties. She sighed again; she really did not want to be here, but a job was a job. Luci rang the front door bell.

She was greeted by an impossibly busty young maid. “Welcome,” she said with a warm smile.

According to her HUD, the curly brown haired maid was a registered android, not uncommon among the wealthy, but their likeness to real humans always unnerved Luci a bit. It did not help that her physical specs rivaled premium sex robots. Luci cleared her throat.

“I’m Lucille Armstrong, investigator for the Bureau of National Security. I’d like to ask Mr. Boey Saram some questions.”

“Ah, Miss Armstrong, we’ve been expecting you, come in,” the maid ushered her inside. So far so good, Luci thought. She had worried she might have had to fight her way in.

Aside from the antique decor reminiscent of the early twenty first century, the estate interior appeared surprisingly ordinary.

“I am called Lia, Miss Armstrong, I will be taking care of you today,” the maid introduced herself as she escorted Luci to a sitting room. “Please make yourself comfortable, I will return shortly with refreshments.” Luci nodded and settled on one of the plush couches around the central coffee table. Lia returned after a minute, flanked by another short redheaded maid of equally irresponsible proportions. A quick scan with her HUD indicated that this new maid was also a registered android. Perhaps a back-up in case she tried to do something fishy to Lia.

Lia carried her tray to the coffee table with the same pleasant smile as before while the other maid remained by the door. The investigator eyed her options of wine, tea, or coffee, and while tempted by the wine, refrained from taking anything.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Luci’s uneasiness had evolved into numbing anxiety. She tugged at the collar of her button down blouse, suddenly feeling hot, and her discomfort began compromising her patience.

“Where is Mr. Saram?” she demanded of Lia who had not moved from her standby position by the arm of the couch. Lia’s smile deepened.

“Mr. Saram is currently busy. In his stead, I will be taking care of you today.”

Luci’s head swam. “Busy? But you said you were expecting me…?” she asked, meaning to make it more forceful than it came out. She was having a hard time focusing. She tried to stand, but stumbled and Lia caught her before she fell. As she clung to the maidroid, she realized with muted dread that her symptoms had expanded to include an ache between her legs. Lia tried to help her to her feet, but a step away from the couch and Luci fell to her knees again.

“Miss Armstrong,” Lia looked down at the troubled investigator. Luci glanced up and to her horror, noticed that the once welcoming smile never touched the maidroid’s deep blue eyes. Those eyes were not the cold eyes of a machine though. They seemed to flicker with amusement and something else…

“Miss Armstrong,” Lia repeated calmly. “You do not seem well. My sensors detect that your fatigue may be dehydration. If you do not care for any of the other refreshments that I brought, perhaps this may sate your thirst instead.”

Things seemed to move in slow motion for the fuzzy headed investigator. Lia reached down to grab the hem of her skirt and slowly lifted it, revealing her long stocking-ed legs inches at a time until stockings clipped to garters, and garters connected to lingerie. Holding her long skirt up with one hand, the maidroid used her other to pull aside her panties. Luci could only admire her perfectly fabricated feminine sex for a moment before her folds parted and a thick penis emerged from within, dripping with imitation vaginal fluid and pre-cum. Had she still wielded full command of her body, she may have recoiled or even yelled in alarm, but in her compromised state she just stared while her mind failed to move her body the way she wanted.

Oh, God. I do want it. Luci was vaguely aware of a growing moistness in her own panties. She almost felt like she was watching someone else move her body. Her mind protested: No, don’t! Get up! Get out of there! But to her internal terror, she leaned in instead and took the hot, pungent cock in her mouth and began fellating it. It tasted disgusting and delicious at the same time. She felt like throwing up, but she could not stop trying to swallow it. Lia’s little smile never changed, but from Luci’s perspective, it had taken on a new meaning.

“As our honored guest today, I will share with you my master’s special cocktail. Please drink all of it,” Lia conceded. Moments later, her cock exploded in Luci’s mouth, pouring its hot ropy jizz down her throat. Luci swallowed as much as she could, but so much came out so fast, it began squirting out the sides of her mouth. When the stream finally ended, the front of Luci’s blouse was soaked with the spillover.

“More,” Luci heard herself beg desperately. “Please, give me more…” She felt herself stagger to her feet, gaining some stability just long enough to undo her belt and pull her pants halfway down her legs before stumbling backwards over the arm of the couch behind her.

The other maidroid stepped forward and helped Lia pull the rest of her maid dress over her head, leaving her in just her lingerie.

“Very well, Miss Armstrong. If you insist so much I will serve my master’s milk directly into your lower mouth as well.” Never had Luci found a smile so threatening.

Almost limp, bent halfway over the arm of the couch, the compromised investigator was helpless to stop the other maidroid from pulling her pants the rest of the way off her legs while Lia removed Luci’s panties. “Prepare yourself, Miss Armstrong, I’m putting it in.” Lia’s shaft pierced Luci’s cunt and the investigator let out a gurgling cry. Lia pounded her for a few minutes but then stopped abruptly still buried inside. “I’m afraid I may not have enough supply in reserve to satisfy your needs, Miss Armstrong. Please allow my associate, Amber, to assist us.” She reached down and picked Luci up off the couch, Luci’s weight pushing Lia’s cock in deeper. She turned and Luci vaguely heard the ruffling of more heavy fabric behind her. Then, another warm appendage brushed against her ass.

“My name is Amber, Miss Armstrong,” the other maidroid introduced herself. “I will be servicing this hole on behalf of my master. You may experience some discomfort at first, but do not worry, that is normal. It will pass.” That was all the warning Luci got before the second hot shaft forced itself through her sphincter. “If it pleases you, I shall also attend to your breasts, Miss Armstrong,” Amber added, and her arms reached under Luci’s armpits to begin roughly kneading the helpless investigator’s boobs. Luci moaned uncontrollably as the two maidroids bounced her between their cocks, and a few minutes and several female orgasms later, Lia made an announcement.

“Miss Armstrong, please prepare your womb. I will imminently be releasing my master’s semen into it,” she warned matter-of-factly.

“I, too, am prepared to release my master’s special solution,” Amber declared.

“Then, Amber, let us release together. On 3, 2, 1…!”

Luci felt their hot cum flood both her womb and rectum, filling her in seconds and the excess sloppily spilling from her holes to the hardwood floor. Luci’s own final orgasm coincided with the maidroids’ and as she felt herself melting away in pleasure, she was reminded of why she found the androids disconcerting. While her cock steadily pumped more fluid into Luci, Lia’s face never changed from that polite little smile. No, that’s not true. Earlier… It was not until darkness threatened to consume Luci’s vision did she see Lia’s smile deepen again.

The deflated skin of Lucille Armstrong hung limply from the two dicks, wrapping them together and preventing their flaccid weight from falling to the floor.

Amber sighed contentedly. “She really didn’t suspect a thing until it was too late! That was exciting!” she exclaimed giddily, helping Lia begin untangling their penises from Lucille’s skin. “I am curious though, why weren’t we in danger of becoming like this ourselves if our jizz is spiked,” she asked holding up the now loose Lucille skin.

Lia chuckled, taking on a more natural look of amusement. “The solution we drank earlier to ‘spike’ our fluids wasn’t a chemical, it was made up of smart nano machines. They were inert until I hacked her personal interface and then after that I set them remotely to track her signature. They’re harmless to anyone not designated a target.”

Amber nodded quietly. She did not really understand the science of it, but she picked up on the last bit. “So that’s why she thought we were androids. You made her HUD think we were.” The other maid nodded.

“Those access credentials will continue to be essential now that your organization has this in within the government,” Lia continued. “I hope you’ve done your research. Impersonating Lucille won’t be as easy as pretending to be a robot.” She began stripping out of the remains of her undergarments. Her large member hung heavily between her pale skinned thighs.

“So you, say, Boey, but I confess, I have no idea how you held your expression like that the whole time!” Amber admitted, similarly undressing. When naked, she reached behind her neck and pulled down the zipper opening the back of the skinsuit. The well built man peeled Amber’s skinsuit from his person, her creamy white skin a contrast to his tanned orange/brown. He brushed a hand through his black crew-cut. “Anyway, don’t worry. I’m an expert on Miss Armstrong. Didn’t I warn you that she wouldn’t take any drinks?”

“Fair enough,” Lia conceded unzipping her own back as well. “Things might have gotten a bit rough if not for the back up gas.”

“Good to know these skins can filter aerosols as well,” the man noted picking up Lucille’s skin.

“Only the android models,” Boey corrected him. “Since that skin was created from another person rather than specially fabricated, it doesn’t have the same additional features.”

The tanned man nodded thoughtfully and proceeded to put on Lucille’s skin in the reverse of the process he had taken off Amber. “It does get easier after you’ve done it a few times,” she commented, flexing her fingers. She glanced at Boey Saram in his birthday suit folding Lia’s skin next to Amber’s. She came up behind him and reached around to touch his manhood and felt it twitch between her fingers. “So any chance I can still get a statement from Mr. Saram for my investigation?”