Our Own Worst Enemy 1

Content warning: This series is one of the darker story series I wrote back in the day and some of it may not have aged that gracefully. I don’t want to necessarily delete them for archival sake, but do be warned that the content and events may not be for everyone.

Kalla Rubis clenched her teeth and braced herself for the oncoming attack. Despite her preparation though, the demon’s club collided heavily with her buckler and picked her up off her feet, sending her flying into the far stone wall. The impact left her gasping for breath, desperate to draw in enough oxygen to give her the strength to return to her feet, return to the fray where her senior, one of the four prime priestesses of her order, Melody, was being overwhelmed. The demon’s snake like head hissed atop its bipedal werewolf body clad in light leather armor and the witch that controlled it laughed haughtily.

“Ooh hohoho… I knew I hadn’t seen you before, but to think you were this green…” The voluptuous witch floated daintily a little ways away, taunting them as she watched her demonic pet play with them.

How naive she had been, Kalla’s mind crawled. To have thought that she, a girl with no experience or training, could have been more than a burden to her sisters in her first battle. Just because she received the goddess Megaera’s blessing did not mean she knew how to wield it effectively. Unable to tear her eyes from the battle still raging in the middle of the ruins of the stone structure, she frantically felt around the floor for the gradius she lost her grip on during her collision with the wall.

Finding her weapon, Kalla pulled herself to her feet, in time to watch through her unruly red bangs as the demon knocked the older girl’s rod from her grasp. The following moments seemed to move in slow motion. Stunned at being disarmed, Melody offered no defense against the next fist to her belly, doubling her over. As she coughed, Kalla’s stomach twisted at the sight of the demon’s, snake like jaw unhinging. It meant to consume sister Melody. That was what they did, what they sought to do, the demons and the witches that commanded them.

“One down, one to go.” The witch’s whisper barely made it to Kalla’s ears over the sickly sound of the demon’s maw descending over the stunned Melody’s upper body. It reared back, lifting her into the air, hoping gravity would help it bring its meal to its belly. The shudder that passed through Kalla was all the motion she could muster, paralyzed by a combination of fear, guilt and revulsion. It only took a few seconds before Melody’s boots disappeared behind the beast’s fangs, and their passing snapped Kalla out of her stupor. With a frantic cry, Kalla lunged forward, she felt as if her blood had been replaced with pure adrenaline, but she was repelled by the witch herself, suddenly dropping from above to parry her charge prematurely with her staff.

The witch pursed her lips, wagging a finger admonishingly. “Nu uh… Let’s not be hasty, girl. You’ll have your turn in my pretty’s stomach in just a minute. He needs to at least start digesting before he can make room for you.”

Behind her, Kalla saw the demon convulse disgustingly, as if its insides were rearranging, promising her a seat on a digestive ride she had no desire to partake. This was bad. If the other sisters were here, they could salvage the situation. If Kalla remembered the briefing correctly, demonic digestion was a slow process. Raw, Megaera’s power was incompatible with the witches’ energies, so they created the demons with stomachs designed to break down and convert priestess’s power into something they could use. It was an inefficient process though. Even if Kalla were to be eaten, as long as the others found the demon and captured it, they had ways of purging the demons and rescue eaten girls, as long as they still have some of Megaera’s light left in them.

But Kalla did not know where the rest of her sisters had ended up. She and Melody had been separated from the others during earlier chaos. She needed help. Kalla glanced for the exit, but letting her eyes wander proved to be a mistake. The witch did not miss the moment of opening, and struck again, and Kalla just barely blocked a staff strike against her head, but she was left off balance. The witch pulled back, seeming to strike again, but then floated to the side, dragging Kalla’s eyes with her. Wary of the witch’s second assault, Kalla failed to react to the demon’s charge, and it tackled her to the ground roughly.

“Ho ho…” The witch chuckled, lowering her attack stance. “A novice through and through. Fret not though, that’s not your fault. If anyone was to blame, it would be your seniors for thinking you were ready for something you most clearly are not. No, you’re not ready for any of this…”

Up close, Kalla could not help but notice the differences in the demon. It had grown a second pair of arms below its original. They were thinner, but still furry and clawed. The demon’s beefier upper arms held her fast as it’s lower arms creepily caressed her bare skin through the holes in Kalla’s costume.

“Now that there’s just one of you, it seems he wants to play. I think we can spare some time to humor him. Happy minions do better work after all. She’s all yours.” The witch commented snidely, as she floated away to keep watch.

The demon’s lower arms invaded under Kalla’s frilly top, and she felt them cup around her breasts. It groped her roughly, undaunted by her fruitless squirming against its iron grip. The lower arms retreated, but Kalla’s reprieve was fleeting. Using its lower arms, the demon unzipped the front of its tunic, and with some effort, pulled out two thick wolf cocks. It stroked them eagerly, one in each hand, though both seemed plenty ready to perform already. The lower arms pried apart Kalla’s legs, and her desperate yells for help quickly twisted into cries of pain as the demon tore her skirt and panties aside and its fat penises double penetrated her. She cried as it fucked her, and cried until her voice was hoarse and no longer carried past the grunts of the demon itself. It hurt, physically and emotionally, being raped by this… thing. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism, but the hot fullness in her abdomen eventually grew almost pleasant, and when she felt the demon’s dicks swell and her insides were pumped with its seed, she wondered if she had finally broken to think that the warm filling sensation was somewhat enjoyable. She was vaguely aware of it pulling out of her vagina and ass, the lower phallus continued to squirt its juice onto her person, splattering messily over her chest and face.

“Now, eat her.” Kalla vaguely noticed the witch reappeared at the edge of her blurry tear-stained vision. She numbly felt the demon unceremoniously pick her up by one leg, hoisting her till she dangled limply, like a doll. She could not muster the energy or will to even move, much less resist.

I’m sorry, Melody… Farah, Ashe, Min… Goddess Megaera… I’ve failed you. The thought floated regretfully in her mind as she faced the worst end. Not only would she die, but by allowing the demon to digest her and the blessing she received from Megaera, the demon would grow all the more dangerous for her allies to fight later.

“Hang on, Kalla! Melody!” A familiar voice pierced her daze. The far wall cracked and then crumbled, and the three other priestesses crashed into the scene through the debris. The agile Ashe wove between the falling stone and closed the gap in an instant. With a quick flip, Ashe dropped her heel on the demon’s head while it and its witch were still surprised by her sudden entrance. The strike loosened the demon’s grasp on Kalla and Ashe landed in time to catch her and jump back.

A blast of wind suddenly evacuated the dust; Farah stood, fist extended in the hole where the wall had been, her short green hair fluttered gently in the aftermath of the blast. She flexed her knuckles as she slowly stepped forward, her expression calm, but severe.

“Min, see to Kalla.” she ordered. A third girl with  cautiously stepped in after Farah. Min scampered over to Ashe and took charge of Kalla from her, letting the more athletic, long silver haired girl rejoin the front line.

“Melody was supposed to stick with Kalla, so if Kalla’s here, but Melody isn’t…” Ashe started. The two warrior priestess glanced at the four armed demon. “Then we don’t have any time to waste.”

Min slung Kalla’s arm over her shoulder and hoisted the weakened girl up. “Leave it to Ashe and Farah, they’ll rescue Melody. We need to take care of you immediately,” Min consoled soothingly. With Min’s support, they staggered into a neighboring ruin. Min laid her down on a small mattress they found there. It was stiff but better than laying on the ground. The older priestess helped her out of the tattered remains of her skirt and panties and gently spread her legs.

“Oh dear… it got you good… “ Min mumbled worriedly to herself. The initial shock was finally starting to wear off but Kalla still found it hard to move. “I’m going to try to get as much of this out of you first, but we’ll need to do a purification,” Min explained hastily. It was all the warning Kalla had before she felt Min’s lips touch her pussy and the older girl began sucking on her cunt. Kalla moaned weakly, but Min continued for another minute before sitting back up. She got off the bed and turned around.

“Those witches and their demons, they get… err… ballsy when they think they’re winning, especially when they’re fighting one girl,” Min explained over her shoulder. “They’ll rape a girl before eating her if they can because the demons’ semen has something in it that makes their digestion more efficient and acts like a poison for us even if we manage to rescue a victim after the fact. Fortunately, Megaera has given us a countermeasure, but it’s a bit… invasive. It needs to be to make sure it’s thorough.” Min turned back to face Kalla, and the novice priestess’s mind slowly came to understand what her senior meant.

Min cradled a rigid rod almost as big as the demon’s cocks emblazoned with runes affixed to her own crotch under the folds of her skirt. Her face flushed as she stroked it. “This tool produces purifying water that will mix with the demon’s semen and render it harmless, but it must be released as deeply inside you as the demon was otherwise it might miss some,” Min explained as she climbed back onto the bed, leaning over Kalla who writhed apprehensively. She knew it was necessary, but her body was rejecting the idea of having to take such a large object inside of her again. She felt Min’s body press down against her and their lips met as Min gave her a soothing kiss.

“I’m sorry, but this is the only way,” Min whispered softly into Kalla’s ear, just before pushing the smooth purification rod in between Kalla’s folds. Kalla screamed, her voice still hoarse from her earlier assault. “Bear with it, Kalla, you’re a strong girl…” Min tried to placate her in vain as her pacifying tone was at odds with the rough thrusting of her hips. “We have… to be thorough! If.. there’s even a little… left un-neutralized,… it could corrupt you from within!”

Finally, Min closed her eyes, and bit her lip, and Kalla felt a now familiar hot fullness begin to spread in her pelvis once more, indicating that Min’s tool was releasing its purifying water. The tool continued pouring its solution into Kalla for another minute, making sure she was flooded and that no drop of demon semen went unaccounted for. Min finally pulled out the rod and it squirt a few more times before sputtering out and the older girl heaved a sigh. Then, they heard footsteps.

Ashe poked her head in, and took in the scene with a small smile. “We rescued Melody. Everything going alright here?” Min nodded. Kalla could not bring herself to do more than glance at the other girl through teary eyes.

“Do you have your purification rod on you? I’m running low on water, but poor Kalla got double penetrated, and I was only able to cleanse her maidenhood…” Min asked. Kalla tensed, remembering where the demon’s second shaft had gone.

It was Ashe’s turn to nod. “Go switch with Farah taking care of Melody. If Kalla got it down there as well, we’ll want to purify from both ends to be thorough.” Ashe stated matter-of-factly.

Kalla’s heart sank. They weren’t done yet? It was true, she had been sodomized as well, so it made sense, but, to have to endure more… and what did Ashe mean by “from both ends?”

Min left the bed, standing in front of Ashe for a moment as they whispered between them. When Min moved on to get Farah, Ashe had her own purification rod sticking out of the fly of her short shorts. Why there? Min wondered until Ashe interrupted her thoughts.

“Sorry, Kal, I know this is especially rough after what you went through earlier, but it’s better than what could happen if we miss some,” she apologized with a grimace. Apologizing did not suit the hot-headed, sporty girl, but the clash came off as morbidly amusing to Kalla who took any solace she could to not think about the imminent second penetration. “Grit your teeth,” was all the warning Ashe gave before shoving her hard rod into Kalla’s ass. Kalla hissed, her breath leaving her lungs but she kept to the advice and managed to resist further taxing her already strangled voice.

“Heard you need one more,” Farah’s voice floated to Kalla’s throbbing, heated ears. Kalla did not hear Ashe’s response, but moments later, Farah stood over her face at the head of the bed. A rune covered rod spilled out of the front of her frilled bikini style costume bottom.

“You’ll need to drink some of this purification water as well. It’ll pass through your system and flush out any semen that Ashe might miss,” Farah explained. In the haze of her mind, Kalla wondered why she could not just drink some from a cup, but Farah did not give her time to ask. The older girl’s rod tapped against Kalla’s lips and, after a moment to prepare herself, she obediently opened her mouth, allowing Farah to slip her rod inside. It was hot and felt like it was pulsing in her mouth, but that was probably her own anxious heart reacting to the stress of the situation. Farah’s hips began to move, slightly at first, but with more vigor till the tip of her rod poked a little further down Kalla’s throat with each pass. The two older priestesses were grunting and moaning a bit at their own effort, and Kalla was left to endure as best she could. The straining junior magical girl was not even aware of her own moans as the double ended penetration, like with the demon, slowly became pleasurable in a twisted sort of way.

After repressing her gag reflex for as long as she could, Farah’s rod finally reached too far and Kalla’s throat closed around it, causing the older girl to gasp. “Ahh.. shhhii-” she cried. Kalla choked as Farah’s rod began to release its purifying water down her throat. Her head locked between Farah’s thighs, Kalla could not see the wry grin Ashe shot Farah before her own face scrunched up in concentration, and her tool began spewing its holy water into Kalla’s rectum.

Kalla’s head swam, the purifying tool deep in her throat taking precedence over oxygen, and her vision blurred. In a last ditch effort to hold on to consciousness, Kalla focused her vision on whatever she could see. Staring up between Farah’s thighs, she had a view of the other priestess’s genitals. It was a bit difficult to tell due to the angle of the rod connecting her mouth to Farah’s cunt, but Kalla’s fading consciousness thought she might have seen ghostly white edge of the purification rod slip out of Farah’s feminine folds, yet a flesh colored appendage continued to bridge the tool to the older priestess’s womanhood. Drowning in purifying waters though, Kalla lacked the brain power to understand what she saw. Vision left her and after the exhausting events of the last half hour, Kalla welcomed the empty darkness of sleep.

Feeling Kalla go limp beneath her, Ashe grinned and pulled her purification tool out of the unconscious girl’s ass. Thanks to “Megaera’s Blessing” her orgasm continued supernaturally, and the normally serious Ashe aimed her tool so that her next contraction shot a thick wad of ‘purification fluid’ at Farah’s face.

Farah gasped. “You bitch!” she retorted with a laugh, jerking her own tool free. Farah’s cock flapped stiffly in the air, taking aim before it ejected her own final squirt of semen at Ashe’s chest. “Oops…” Noticing her male appendage out in the open, Farah glanced down. Her ‘purification shell’ stuck in Kalla’s throat, and the older girl hastily drew it out so that the trainee priestess could breathe again.

“Tsk, tsk,” Ashe chided her green haired friend. “Gotta hold on tight with those pussy lips. We don’t want to give the real girls any more reason to suspect anything.” Her holy rod’s pulsing flow of white purifying fluids finally trickled and ceased.

Farah stretched her bikini bottom out, and her labia with it before stuffing the male appendage inside. When she finished resettling her attire, her crotch was smooth and flat. She dangled her purification shell idly, shaking small flecks of white goo from its insides. “I am a real girl,” She answered with a sly smile.

Ashe laughed, climbing off the bed and standing with a wide stance. She gently pulled on her rod a bit, but then slowly twisted it before pushing it back into the darkness behind her fly. After it went in almost to the tip, she twisted it again and pulled it out. The shell, empty save for some lingering milky juice, returned to its pouch attached to Ashe’s shorts, and she prodded into her fly with two fingers only briefly before zipping up her shorts. “You’re right. Nothing but X chromosomes here,” she giggled.

As Farah hoisted Kalla over her shoulder, Ashe jogged ahead back to the site of their earlier battle. Min waited there with Melody; the fourth prime priestess stood uncomfortably soaked from head to toe in the body fluids of the demon. When Ashe approached though, she smiled.

“Mission success?” Ashe asked.

Melody nodded with a weak smile. “The other two left already.”

Ashe smirked back. “We’ll see them again soon enough.” Ashe stretched lithely and let out a content sigh. “She got a full course of purification, but after a battle that rough, we may want to put her on a daily regimen. Just to be sure.”

“Sounds good,” Melody agreed. Min nodded pleasantly.

Farah and her burden caught up. “Let’s return to the enclave. The others are waiting for us.”

The other prime priestesses nodded together, chuckling at the unity of their agreement as they departed from their ruinous surroundings for the comforts of their enclave. With the witches and their demons still out threatening the city, their battle was far from over, but for now, they could rest and enjoy partaking of the fruit and flowers that they cultivated among their allies.