Our Own Worst Enemy 5

The sound of the door woke Julian from an unplanned nap. He sat up with a jolt.


“Sorry to disappoint you,” answered a melodic voice. The Goddess Megaera herself quietly slipped into Kalla’s room. She her ensemble was simple but elegant, comprised of a body wrapping dress embroidered with unimposing patterns paired with a shawl and a small satchel. It was certainly a step down from her usual grand presentation, but for wandering the halls making surprise room calls it was more appropriate without sacrificing too much of her presence. “I’ve come to brief you on our special plan for tomorrow.”

Julian gave her a level look. “Wouldn’t you risk attracting less attention coming as literally anyone else?”

“Perhaps,” Megaera brushed the comment aside, settling on the edge of Kalla’s bed.

“More importantly, as you may have guessed, I was successful in fabricating a skinsuit of Soli.” She reached into her satchel and brought it out. Julian winced, even though it looked exactly as he expected. He accepted it from Megaera with numb fingers. The only thing that saved him from being sick at the sight of his daughter’s image like this was the assurance that it was not actually his daughter.

“Where is Soli?” he asked. “I haven’t seen her at all today.”

“Min and Melody brought her and a few other trainees out patrolling with them. When Farah informed me of your answer to our proposal, I instructed them to leave her at home with the bad news,” Megaera explained patiently. “They said she was upset, but accepted the unfortunate turn of events. A boisterous man was at your place waiting for them. I assume a friend of yours? Soli seemed to know and accept going with him while you were away.”

Julian nodded. Good, she was in Bruce’s care now. He took a breath. Now all that was left was to play her role and they could wash their hands of this immoral con once and for all. Julian set Soli’s skin aside and stood to strip out of Kalla’s clothes.

Naked, Julian paused to throw Megaera a suspicious look. “You’re not going to ask me to suck you off or anything?”

Megaera gave her a sympathetic look. “No, I’m saving up for tomorrow.” Despite her warm smile her words had a bite in their implication.

Still, Julian was relieved that his break from sex got to continue. If he had gone out as Kalla, he would inevitably be stopped on his way to or from dinner. He reached behind Kalla’s head and opened the seam in the back of her neck. Peeling it open and pulling forward separated Kalla’s from his face and her features flattened unnaturally as her deflated head fell limp over her bosom. Julian rotated Kalla’s arms around to better pry open the seam from below and when the opening spread as far down as Kalla’s tailbone, he grabbed the flaps just above her shoulder blades and wriggled his shoulders and chest out of her torso. Her moderate chest lost its volume and he moved his attention to plucking Kalla’s hands off of his own like elbow length gloves. His entire upper body free, Julian pulled the rest of the skin down over his hips and butt, feeling his cock leave the special holding pouch that connected it to Kalla’s false internal reproductive system. It was a simple matter of sliding out of the legs from there, and depositing the vacated skin out of the way. He took up Soli’s skin with and began the reverse process with some trepidation. Megaera watched the whole process silently until Julian squeezed himself inside Soli’s head and it synchronized with his senses.

“For tomorrow, the Prime Priestesses will respond to a monster sighting in the city. That will be a normal members service. While they’re out however, a second monster will attack the enclave. It will grab one or two of the girls we’ll make sure are outside and then run. Make sure Soli is near the entrance hall while the Prime Priestesses are away so that she can respond to this secondary attack. She’ll notify a senior priestess but then give chase.” She nodded as if confirming for herself.

“When you catch up, you fight the monster and get it to release the other girl, but it captures you and flees. That way the girl left behind can vouch for your valiant effort. Unfortunately, our priestesses will lose the monster in the forest and Soli will regrettably be marked ‘consumed.’ Sound good?”

Julian nodded absently. He had heard but he was still struggling to come to terms with his current situation. In the small mirror on the nightstand between Kalla and Soli’s beds, he saw Soli’s reflection. She seemed worried, scared a bit even. Her anxiety was painful to see, even though it was his own. He managed to tear his gaze from the mirror back to Megaera.

“Be in or around the entrance hall while the Primes are away dealing with a normal threat. Someone else will be up front and get kidnapped and I’m to give chase after reporting. Got it.”

Megaera stood and picked up Kalla’s skin from where Julian had left it. “I’ll take care of signing this back in and signing out Soli for you.”

“Mhmm,” Julian grunted in acknowledgement. Somehow putting on Soli’s underwear and pajamas seemed even more invasive than seeing her nude.

Kalla’s skin safely packed in her satchel, Megaera seemed finished with her visit and was ready to leave. “I don’t believe the Prime Priestesses told anyone about Soli going home, so you should be safe to move around tonight without being… approached.”

Julian must have visibly relaxed a bit at that because Megaera smiled knowingly.

“Anyway, that’s all I have for you. Could do me a favor though and check that the coast is clear so that I can return to my own quarters?”

Panting, Soli burst through some forest underbrush into a clearing. Initially Julian thought he would just engage the monster when he caught up with it, but it had so far been surprisingly adept at keeping just out of Soli’s striking range and he was starting to think that it was actively leading him somewhere specific.

Sure enough, on the far side of the glade, the monster had stopped running. Up till now it had been a blur of tan fur and the sound of hooves, but having a good look at it now, he recognized it as the finished version of the centaur-like creature he tried out once before. He knew it’s equine lower half hid a sheathed phallus full of tentacle cocks, but it’s almost human torso and bull head were new to Julian. It was like Megaera could not decide between centaur and minotaur and ended up mixing both. Maybe she just did not want it to have too human a face. In one beefy hand it held a helpless priestess trainee that Juilan did not recognize.

Human-like hands likely had human-like weak points. If he could strike a nerve or muscle in the right spot he should be able to make it reflexively let go of the innocent trainee. If there was another monster attack going on elsewhere Megaera would likely be puppetting that monster rather than this one, Julian thought to himself. He wondered if the ‘pilot’ of this monster was in on the plan, or if he was the one Julian was trying to fool. Until he gave some kind of signal of the former, Julian decided to assume he would need to keep up his Soli act.

Tensing her limber legs, Soli took a deep breath. In a burst of suit enhanced power, she darted forward. She managed to catch the monster by surprise and it had barely moved before she closed the distance and leapt. Tracing out a crescent moon with her foot, her graceful flip kick planted the toe of Soli’s shoe right into the tendons of the centaur’s wrist. Unfortunately, her landing was less elegant than her attack and she missed her landing, falling awkwardly on her shoulder with the other girl hitting the ground next to her a moment later.

The monster recovered from Soli’s surprise attack as Soli was pulling herself off the ground. The shoulder she fell on prickled but Julian was relieved to feel it wearing off slowly. The ‘consumption ceremony’ would have been a bitch with a dislocated shoulder. Well, more than he was already expecting it to be. He probably would not have to try hard to lose to his opponent. In a burst of will power and working through the numbness in her arm, Soli grabbed the girl she had freed and ran, hauling her to her feet. She started back towards the entrance of the enclave but a tentacle caught Soli’s ankle and yanked Soli’s feet out from under her. Coughing from having the breath knocked out of her, Soli called out to the priestess.

“Run, I’ll hold it off!”

The girl’s eyes widened and she stumbled a bit, but even an ungraceful escape was a successful retreat if she got away. Soli rolled onto her back as the monster’s tentacle reeled her in like a fish. She kicked and scraped at the ground to try to resist the pull, but even the single tentacle overpowered Soli and soon she was suspended in the air by her ankle in front of the monster’s face. The monster’s jaw unhinged and widened into a gaping maw. Soli thrashed tokenly but soon she was enveloped in the darkness of the monster’s ‘stomach.’

It had not been too long since Julian had been in a similar position, wearing Prime priestess Melody’s skin, he had let himself be eaten by a monster, conspiring with Megaera inside to double penetrate Kalla. That time, the monster’s ‘stomach’ had opened up to a second cockpit of sorts. There had been arm holes to allow him to touch Kalla and leg openings to help him more comfortably insert his cock into the monster’s second hollow dick. A small visual display showed him remotely what the monster’s eyes saw and though he had less control over the body as a whole than Megaera, he could adequately experience their mutual defloration of the budding priestess.

This time however, he found himself stuck, upside down even, in what was effectively a pseudo fleshy bag. There was no light and the gross mucous covered membranous walls gave too little for Julian to shift into a more comfortable position. It seemed he was to be treated as ‘consumed.’ Indeed, as he felt the monster begin to move, he smelled the faint scent of the sedating gas released into the stomach area. The amount was normally metered to numb the young girls, making them listless and pliable for the next step without outright knocking them out. Underneath Soli’s skin though, Julian had the constitution of an adult and the gas did little more than make his head spin. Holding in his sparse breakfast took all of his attention.

Finally, the rhythmic shifting of his pseudo biological holding cell stopped and he felt the simulation of muscles just outside the ‘stomach’ contract, steadily forcing him out. Abruptly, Julian found himself splattered roughly upon familiar linoleum tile among a puddle of stomach fluid. He resisted the urge to wipe the sticky mucus from Soli’s eyes as he could hear that there were others already in the room.

“My, the turn over rate has been alarming recently, hasn’t it?” Julian quickly identified that voice as belonging to Ashe. “First Kalla got skinned after a week and now her friend, Soli here got consumed after just a week as well.”

Odd, Julian thought, if they had been out dealing with another monster in the city, they should not have been able to return so soon.

“Kalla and Soli were unique cases,” Farah’s voice answered. “Kalla’s replacement owed a debt to Megaera, and she payed it off by playing the whore for us all week. I hear, after her initiation, Soli’s commissioner declared her off limits for some reason.”

“But if she’s been ‘consumed’ then we’re gonna screw her now, aren’t we? The commissioner must surely be among us then…” Min pointed out. There was a moment of silence.

“Eh? It wasn’t me,” Melody declared and Julian silently realized this situation’s implications along with the others.

“Oh! Then Megaera herself is probably the commissioner,” Farah concluded. The deliberateness in her delivery was not lost on Julian.

Could that be? Julian scrambled for any other explanation in his head, but that seemed the most likely conclusion given this new information. It was not unprecedented for Megaera to set her own marks and this was how the members sometimes found out. But this time, if it were true, Megaera had played Julian specifically as well. She had lied or at least misled him about who it was who had requested Soli and if that were the case then what else had she lied about?

Julian’s blood ran cold. There was one thing about his ‘case’ that had been unprecedented.

“I was successful in fabricating a skinsuit of Soli.”

I was a fool, Julian thought. Megaera had already betrayed me once in allowing Soli to be picked. I now know that it was she who picked her in the first place. And I let her convince me to put her on myself as if I were saving her… Julian wanted to roll over and cry. To tear off his daughter’s skin and beg for forgiveness like he should have weeks ago. But he knew he did not deserve her forgiveness, nor Zoey’s…

Zoey. Julian was reminded of his dream. Both recently, of his first time at Club Senmai, and the nightmare of Zoey condemning him… The latter felt true – he had all but raped her himself, and now he was in this position. But what about the other? Under her immaculate face, who was Megaera?

Julian’s thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of tentacles lifting him up. Gentle hands wiped his eyes of the monster’s stomach juice for him and he could finally see. As expected, the four prime priestesses stood around him, their magical girl combat attire disrupted only by the thick dicks poking out of flies or from under skirts. Seeing Soli stir, Farah began the consumption ceremony.

“The unfortunate soul, Soli Dellis, has been consumed by a witch’s monster. She is beyond saving, but may my sisters join me in praying, mourning her memory.”

Julian’s emotions flared. Mayor Lucius Cimber was in on it, yet he continued to posture about with the others, pretending that today’s victim was no different than any other poor girl that had the misfortune to meet their end here. Raped by the priestesses and then disposed of however Megaera had been getting away with.

In the past, being complicit with the immorality of this conspiracy had been enough to keep Julian in line. He had never been comfortable thinking about the girls that got consumed and never heard from again, but he turned away from the issue, preferring not to think about it. Dwelling on it never compelled him to try to make a change, it only made him feel more guilty about having participated. Now, however, he faced ‘consumption’ himself, and there was no way to look away this time.

Min took her turn first. She did not even bother making any statement, she just walked up, uninhibited and lust filled eyes took in Soli’s young body. She admired Soli’s barely-there breasts, gently feeling the outside and then inside of her thighs before casually inserting her thick black dick into Soli’s cunt. She rammed the girl selfishly and came inside. As she pulled out, a bit of her cum dripped sloppily to the floor. Melody moved in next.

Julian had thought himself desensitized him to this; the priestesses’ treatment was little different from the repeated sex Julian had endured as Kalla in the past week, but the circumstances made it so much worse for the man inside his daughter’s skin to endure. The way the priestesses ogled his body was worse because he knew they saw and were taking pleasure from Soli, his daughter. Knowing it was men looking at his Soli like that and taking advantage of her riled him up as a parent but even with the skinsuit’s enhanced physical abilities, he could not buck free from the monster’s tentacles. His thrashings proved pointless and the tentacles had no problem holding him fast as he was forced to experience firsthand as each priestess violated his daughter.

As one finished, another took their place and Julian eventually was forced to admit that he would not break free by force. But perhaps there was another way. He stopped fighting and hung limply. It was too late to save her, but perhaps he could avenge Soli.

“Given how much practice you had last week, I shouldn’t be surprised it took this long to finally break you.” Farah whispered as her thighs slapped against Soli’s ass. She was the last one still going and the other three priestesses had retired to the rest on the floor. “I admit though, I figured the revelation might shatter you on the spot, but you enraged instead. As I’m sure you’ve come to understand though, it’s futile to struggle. Just wallow in your grief and guilt and accept what you have coming to you!” With that, she came, pulling out suddenly so that the last of her jizz splattered over Soli’s face and front instead of adding it to the concoction already overflowing from Soli’s vagina.

It was not hard to keep Soli’s face droll and unresponsive. Julian had built up a lot of sexual endurance but even this much was exhausting to him. As Farah backed away, the tentacles drooped, almost gently dumping him in the puddle of cum that had formed when Soli’s uterus could not hold any more fluids. Julian focused on remaining listless and resisted the urge to look when he heard the sound of the monster’s ‘pilot’ emerge from its back.

Soft footsteps approached Soli’s form and finally a face entered her peripheral vision. Nude, Megaera leaned down to inspect her used and broken form but Julian held his position. Even with the seething anger and hatred for this false woman, he still found himself attracted to her. Her gentle face, her perky full breasts, her motherly hips. It took effort not to actively admire her but Julian must have managed convincingly enough because eventually, Megaera straightened back up and glanced at her priestesses.

Energy saved by refraining from fighting back burst into Soli’s limbs and Julian launched himself off the floor. Stunned, Megaera failed to react as he planted an empowered punch squarely in her stomach. Julian followed it with a right hook directly to her perfect face, sending the alleged goddess reeling. The other priestesses watched in shock, exhaustion compounded with surprise to lock them where they sat as well.

Aside from ambushing her, Julian did not have a plan. In spite of his anger and frustration, it had taken considerable willpower to strike Megaera at all. Even now he fought some deep-seeded remorse for having hit her in the face and potentially marred her beauty, but the clash between his will and his feelings on that point suddenly shone a light on how unnatural his attraction to her had become. Was there some kind of subconscious conditioning that she had implanted in him? At this point, he would not have put it past her. Fortunately, going through with it and realizing the influence on him helped him break free of it.

Beyond Megaera’s stumbling form, Julian saw the still open back of the monster. Inspired by his struggles just minutes earlier, he dashed around past Megaera and climbed into the slit in the back of the monster’s pelt where Megaera had emerged from previously. He noticed the other priestesses finally fumbling to their feet as he pulled the fur over himself and examined the cockpit more closely.

Anatomically, it wasn’t quite in the same place as it had been when he test drove it for Megaera two weeks back, but the interface otherwise looked similar. There were slots for arms and legs and between the leg holes was an opening clearly meant for his dick. Near the arms was a structure that looked like the inverse of a face, with a mouthpiece, nose cover and visual displays for each eye. With the priestesses stirring, he would not have much time to figure out the parts that had not been in his trial run before.

Hastily, he dug into Soli’s pussy, offering a silent apology as he pulled out his penis. He paid no mind to the thick dollops of leftover cum that spilled out around Soli’s pelvis and onto some of the equipment. Julian inserted Soli’s slender legs into the leg holes partway and after lining up his cock with the appropriate opening, pressed the rest of the way in. He felt a membrane slide up Soli’s legs, wrapping them up like cellophane all the way up her thighs. Glancing over her shoulder, Julian saw a hoop mechanism in the cockpit pull the thin black membrane up over Soli’s hips, rotating around a diameter that crossed through the phallic slot. The hoop touched the middle of Soli’s back and stopped. Suddenly, he could no longer feel Soli’s lower half but instead felt the smooth tile underneath the monster’s belly. He was aware of two pairs of legs beneath him and all the artificial muscles and nerves within them. But he was only half jacked in.

Julian leaned forward, finding a chest support clearly meant for a more well-endowed figure and taking care to line up his face with the head control before inserting her arms into the arm sockets. Detecting the rest of Soli’s body in the control interface, Julian felt and heard the hoop continue forward, sliding now instead of rotating, until it sheathed all of his Soli form except for her head in the black membrane that he assumed was reading and sending him sensory information. Pushing aside some disgust at not cleaning the mouthpiece off before use, Julian clenched down and pushed his other features into their respective interfaces and the rest of the monster came to life.

A bull’s face has a wider field of view than human’s and seeing through the monster’s eyes was a little disorienting to Julian at first, but he could see well enough to swipe at two incoming priestesses. He swatted Min successfully, but Ashe avoided his flailing arm and ducked under his torso to land a punch roughly between his front legs where a minotaur’s genitals would be. But his lower half was a centaur, not a minotaur. Julian felt the hard punch against his gut, but the monster interface’s sensory override saved him from feeling it against Soli’s cum bloated stomach.

With Ashe right there, it seemed a prime opportunity to test the finished form of the the centaur’s tentacle cocks. In the same way the four horse-like legs felt like natural extensions of his body, Julian could feel the bundle of virility between his back legs. He pulled back the sheath and let his tendrils fly, catching Ashe by surprise. Tentacles coiled around her arms and legs and lifted her off the ground before she could react. She writhed against Julian’s grip, but like Soli had before her, the monster was stronger when both parties were actually trying.

More tentacles shot past Ashe and grabbed Min off the ground where she had been slow to get back on her feet after being knocked away. Melody attempted to flank him by skirting along the stone wall but his wider view and more sensitive ears noticed and seized her before she had a chance to launch her counter.

Three out of the four priestesses hung suspended in the air by Julian’s tentacles while the naked Megaera and Farah regrouped in front of him in the middle of the room. Julian spared four tentacles to bar the path to the locker room and the path to the sanctum, but the two did not flinch. Megaera seemed reserved, and kept her head down and to the left but Farah stepped forward and looked at him in his monster’s eyes. Her expression was one of resigned amusement.

“Well played, Soli.” She drew out the name. “You’ve turned the tables on us, but what are you going to do? Rape us back?”

Her mocking tone frustrated Julian. She looked like she was about to continue when he cut her off, deploying more tentacles to grab and lift her by one arm and leg. He hastily stuffed a tentacle dick down her mouth.

“Sounds like a good place to start,” the monster transmitted his voice through an augmenter and it came out a hoarse gurgling that was understandable, but only barely. That was okay though, he did not have to speak to vent his anger and misery.

Using the rest of his tentacles, Julian spit-roasted all four priestesses. He focused on one priestess at a time, deciding on the order that he had captured them in. Ashe twisted in his tentacles’ grip, but to no avail. As her real self’s cock still stuck out of her pretty pink pussy, Julian’s cocks ravaged her ass and throat. When he came for the first time in a week, she choked on his cum but he kept going until she stopped fighting him and hung limp, drowned by his flow. He tossed her aside.

Min was next, she resisted a bit at first, but gave up shortly after and just let him fuck her. Seeing the futility of Ashe and Soli’s resistance against the tentacle appendages previously probably left enough of an impact on her. With a few tentacles free from dropping Ashe, Julian wrapped more around Min’s body, fondling her huge breasts, rubbing under her arms and coiling around her thick thighs. He even deigned to curl around her black dick and jerk her off as he drilled her, though the man inside was already shooting blanks. Min, too was soon reduced to a twitching cum soaked doll.

Melody tried to feign unconsciousness from the start, but Julian did not care, and when he began working her, she quickly broke her act and began crying around the thick dick violating her throat. Her pathetic display was only offset by the raging hard-on protruding from her cunt. Julian finished her off like the others.

Unlike the others, Farah welcomed him, and, if that was not unsettling enough, she gave him the best fuck of the four. At some point she had hid her cock and, with so many tentacles now available, Julian could not resist double penetrating her. Both orifices were tight and squeezed around him, and she actively serviced the cock in her mouth, even going so far as to open her top to wrap her breasts around another tentacle. He came once each in her pussy, butt and mouth and dumped her next to the others. He could do more, but he had plenty of reason to suspect she was actually enjoying it, and that would have been beside the point.

With the four priestesses dealt with, all that was left was Megaera. To her credit, she had not tried to flee around his barricade while he was focused on the others. The flurry of prehensile dicks lashed out once more and yanked Megaera off her feet. He jammed his thickest cock between her cleanly shaven labia and the way she groaned was more satisfying than doing any of the priestesses. He drove it in further while forcing another into her anus. Her sphincter was tight and it took considerable effort to finally breach it. He brought another towards her lips, but she kept her head twisted half away from him stubbornly. In spite of that, Julian still managed to inject a tentacle cock down her throat and he enjoyed feeling her writhe and gag around it. His other tentacles wrapped around her limbs, sliding over as much of her body area as he could touch, while still mercilessly plunging her pussy, ass and throat.

When he came, every tentacle burst from the tip, soaking every inch of Megaera’s body at once. The continued ejaculation rained semen to the floor from her suspended form and quickly dwarfed the puddle the priestesses had made under Soli before. All of his rage, frustration, dissatisfaction and guilt poured into this fountain of cum and when it finally subsided he felt his monster legs shudder and he fell to his belly. His tentacles moved to the sides out from under him and brought Megaera’s sopping form closer.

The whole time, she had kept her head turned to the left and it had baffled him at first, but since it had not stopped him from raping her, he did not give it a second thought. But now that he had wreaked his vengeance, he found himself curious. Using the cock in her mouth, he forced her head to turn. Amidst the milky white droplets of cum at the left side of her base of her neck, Julian saw a tear.

It was time to peel off this mask.

As delicately as he could with the monster’s hand, he teased the tear wider, drawing it across her collar bone and around the back of her neck. Despite how she fought to hide it before, now that she knew he had noticed, Megaera seemed resigned, closing her eyes and offering no further resistance as he tore the last connection between her headpiece and body. Underneath, Julian caught glimpse of pale, unstained skin. He grasped the front and pulled the face up, causing it to distort and spurring some last minute artificial guilt in Julian that he pushed through.

The mask came away and long dirty blonde hair replaced long pristine blonde hair. Deep blue eyes behind long lashes fluttered open.


“Julian,” she whispered weakly, “please…”

Hypnotized by the sight of his missing ex-wife and stunned by what to think about finding her under the face of his biggest antagonist, Julian faltered. In his moment of hesitation, he did not react fast enough to movement in the corner of his eye. The prime priestesses leapt from where they had laid; the leftover cum flecked off their bodies. Perhaps they had rested enough since being discarded or maybe they had played defeated just like Julian had not minutes before, but whatever the case, they re-entered the fray in a flash.

Ashe leapt at the monster’s face, grabbing its horns and striking at his eyes. Julian managed to grab her off his face and fling her away, but the damage was done. He was blinded. Vainly, he struck out with his tentacles, almost forgetting that he still held Zoey. Informed just by sound and feel, he managed to fend them off for a few moments but having been caught off guard and blinded he was unable to stop one of them from mounting his back and prying open the cockpit.

Farah forcefully hauled Julian’s Soli body out of the monster’s abdomen and tossed her back to the cum covered tile floor where she was quickly surrounded by the other prime priestesses.

“Hope you enjoyed that, Soli,” Farah commented cryptically. “I hope it was worth it.”

“Enough, leave us.” That was Zoey’s voice. She sounded agitated but the priestesses did not argue with their goddess.

Julian tried to sit up but found he could not. Soli’s whole body felt like it was weighted with lead. Had moving the monster drained that much energy from him, or was it the weight of the last few hours finally catching up with him? He felt a gentle hand press against the back of his neck, supporting it as another raised his upper body. He wearily glanced up and saw Zoey’s patient face, full of motherly concern. She settled Soli’s head in her lap and tenderly tucked a wayward bang out of the way of her daughter’s face.

“Zo-” Soli tried to say but Zoey hushed her calmly.

“Shh… you’ve done enough, Love. Rest now. Let all your troubles and pain melt away.”

After a moment of silence, Zoey began again, this time with a more rueful tone. She spoke quietly but tenderly.

“I did it, Soli. I’ve all but broken him. I’m sorry it was too late for your mother and I’ll always regret being too late to save you as well. But, when I find out how to restore you both, we can be the family we were always meant to be, and he won’t be around to get in the way. You’re my daughter, not his.”

Soli was vaguely aware of Zoey running her hand lovingly through her hair. It felt good… comforting. Soli’s eyes fluttered closed, her eyelids too heavy to keep open.

“I’m sorry for putting you through this. It was my weakness that took your mother away, and my weakness that made me see so much of her in you, and because he was always in the way, I got to where I couldn’t stand it anymore.”

She sighed.

“I tried to forgive him. I think Zoey would have wanted that, but I’m not as good a person as she was. I couldn’t do it. Leaving him just made my hatred and envy fester till… till it moved me to hurt him and the people near him, including you, Soli.

“When you finally wake, I know you’ll forgive me. Until then, rest.”

Zoey’s voice was like a lullaby and it beckoned with it a white haze that crept in from the edges of Soli’s vision. Like a tranquil fog that buried everything that upset her.

“I’ll take care of everything from now on.”

Julian stirred groggily.

“What is it, dear?” Zoey asked on the bed next to him. The fuzzy white border to his vision only better framed his beautiful wife, glancing at him with one eye still closed. Her golden hair poured out behind her and Julian realized she must consciously keep it from getting in their way as the married couple slept.

“Mmhnn,” Julian answered. He apparently could not muster the energy or coordination to say ‘nothing,’ in his still half asleep state.

“Hmmrgm,” added a dainty voice from Julian’s other side. With a bit of effort, he broke away from admiring his wife, rolling his head to see his daughter cuddled up beside him. Instinctively, he wanted to tell her she was too old to be sleeping with them but feeling her hug him contentedly like a body pillow, he decided it was not worth the effort.

He turned back to see that Zoey had propped herself up on one elbow. Her deep blue eyes held his lovingly for a moment before his gaze floated lower to catch a glimpse of her breasts hanging unconstrained just inside her loose, low-neck t-shirt. She smiled. She knew what she did to him.

“Mom, Dad’s getting hard again,” Soli whined. In the back of his mind, Julian thought that an odd, inappropriate thing to say, even though it was true. Soli should know better than to blurt out stuff like that.

Zoey just chuckled though. “Mhmmm, we do have that effect on him. Well, I guess we should help him take care of it. He won’t get any sleep either way.”

Julian knew something was off. He wanted to protest but he could not seem to make his mouth move. Instead he found himself simply glancing downward, watching as Zoey and Soli peeled back the covers on the bed and revealed his tenting boxers. He was stuck watching as his wife and daughter both pulled their pajama tops up over their heads and revealed bare chests; one still underdeveloped, and the other never quite lost all the plumpness it had gained from childbirth.

Zoey took the lead, threading Julian’s penis through the opening in the front of his boxers and began stroking it with her hand. Soli leaned in and licked the tip teasingly.

No, this was wrong… Zoey was gone and Soli… Soli was his daughter, she shouldn’t be doing this with him. But he could not make his body move to stop them. His questions never left his lips. He just felt himself smile as the mother daughter combo grew steadily more lascivious in their attendance of his cock.

“When you get older and grow bigger here, you’ll be able to do this, too.” Zoey encouraged as she centered herself to give Julian a titjob while Soli watched enviously. “Why don’t you have Daddy take care of you while I play with Daddy down here?” Zoey suggested between mouthfuls of cock.

Soli seemed to like that idea. She climbed over and straddled Julian’s head. Though he had not noticed his daughter going commando before, it was impossible not to see now as he suddenly found Soli’s bare sex in his face. He did not want to give his daughter oral but his body had other ideas. He felt himself lean forward and begin tasting her pussy, tickling and teasing her folds with his tongue.

Zoey’s technique was as superb as always and while he was busy eating out Soli, his wife brought him to an awesome climax between her breasts and lips. With his orgasm fading Julian became less focused on his lower half and more on his daughter upon his lips. He felt her small hands holding his head against her crotch while he pleased her. Every now and then, she let out little moans. He barely noticed Zoey propping up his legs and pushing his knees over his stomach.

Soli bit her lip. “C… cumming! Daddy, I’m cumming… Aaaahhnn!” The flow of vaginal fluids from her snatch increased suddenly and he felt her muscles contracting against his tongue, but there was also something else. The contractions and tightness of Soli’s cunt abruptly gave way and her labia spread themselves to permit a thick black dick to slide out between them and promptly enter Julian’s mouth.

Soli’s grip on his head tightened as her hips began to rock anew, this time thrusting her cock deeper into his throat.

“Mhmm… ah… suck me harder, Daddy…” Soli moaned lustily. Julian’s body happily complied despite his mind increasing alarm. Whether it was a dream or real, it felt wrong but he was powerless to stop it. Then he felt something nuzzle against his anus.

“Don’t forget me, either,” Zoey’s melodious voice reminded him as she forced her own phallus into his ass. With Soli in his mouth and Zoey in his butt, Julian was thoroughly fucked by the visages of the two most important women in his life. His body responded with pleasure, but his mind was reeling, trying to reject what he was experiencing but it did not stop.

“I’m cumming, dear!” he heard Zoey warn just moments before he felt her jizz begin to fill his rectum.

“Me, too!” Soli added, her tool was already spurting thick ropes of cum down his throat. “Drink all my cum Daddy! Drink it for me!”

Their ejaculations both lasted longer than Julians had, and when they finished, they switched places and fucked him again. The white haze at the edges of his vision blurred with the semen flying from the cocks of his wife and daughter. Equally unable to act, to stop this madness and unable to accept it, Julian’s consciousness quietly retreated into the fog. The tranquil fog of dreams that hid away all the things that upset him. A well deserved rest after all the trials he had endured.

“I love you, girls. It’s great to finally be able to be with you.”

The male voice was not Julian’s. It was familiar though…

In unison, they answered. “We love you too, Bruce.”

The gorgeous blonde addressed a small group of fellow women wearing blank masks in what appeared to be a generously sized hotel bedroom.

“Here at Club Senmai, we understand that men are not the only gender that sometime seek the comforts and relief of zero-commitment sex. We also understand that sometimes, despite your best effort to get through, the other gender just doesn’t understand your needs and desires. That’s why we have pioneered the genderbending technology that I intend to showcase for you today.”

The blonde stepped over to the nearby closet and disappeared within. A moment later, she returned holding what appeared to be a human skin. Male by the deflated extra ‘sleeve’ in between its legs. Several of the women in the audience recoiled reflexively.

“Be not alarmed, my sisters,” the blonde consoled them. “This is the product of our latest advances in sexcraft.

“Sometimes men, even ‘professionals,’ simply don’t get it, and sometimes, women don’t feel comfortable with men that are not their significant other. For both of those cases, we propose this compromise.”

She set the skin down on the bed and began removing her clothes, starting with her plain white blouse. Underneath, her impressive bosom was constrained by an elegant white lace bra, which quickly joined the blouse on the bed. More than a few of the women gazed enviously at her large breasts but were soon distracted when she unzipped and stepped out of her black pencil skirt. Unbound by the tight skirt, a thick, shiny black strap-on dildo sprang to attention from her crotch, strapped around her hips over top of her pantyhose.

“I think most of you can see where I’m going with this by now. Yes, using these male ‘skinsuits,’ our female staff will be available to provide you with a… functional male partner for any of our normal services,” she explained, taking a moment to stroke the artificial shaft. After a few pumps, it squirted a palm-full of thick white juice from its tip.

The blonde approached her crowd with the imitation cum, her swaying hips sending her dildo shaking as much as her bare breasts. With one finger on her spare hand, she dipped into the fake ejaculate and deposited a small dollop of it into her mouth.

“We can also flavor our semen to your liking, realistically salty, or pleasantly sweet. We’re working on specific flavors as well and will let you know when more are available.”

She offered her hand around as a sample and some women tried a taste themselves.

“It’s sweet!” someone murmured, hastily pulling her mask back down to maintain anonymity.

The blonde attendant emptied the rest of her sample into her mouth and wiped her hand on a small hand towel by the closet. She then returned to the skin on the bed.

“Next, you may be wondering about the quality of these male imitations. Your skepticism is understandable, but I encourage you to withhold judgement till you see this for yourself.”

The women watched with a myriad of feelings from mild cynicism to actual disgust as the blonde put on the skin. Her long, hose covered legs quickly disappeared inside the slit in the skin’s back, bringing to life stout, angular legs covered in a thin layer of brown hair. She slid it up her legs to her hips where she made a show of inserting the dildo into the skin’s cock sheath. Given the proper volume, the cock and balls looked impressively realistic. Moving on, she pulled the skin up further, covering her chest with it loosely at first. The earlier envious women wondered how she would conceal such oversized mammaries within a man’s more chiseled chest. The blonde drew their attention to her arms though, making great flourishes as she inserted each hand into the suit’s like gloves. By the time the audience’s gaze returned to her chest, she was smoothing out the shoulders over a perfectly normal male pectorals. Finally, she gave the women a comforting smile before diving inside the skin’s head. His face distorted unnervingly for a few moments as the attendant got things lined up, but soon, there was no evidence that their host had ever been a woman at all.

The man she had chosen to model as was not buff or even particularly muscular. He seemed like an average office worker who tried to take care of himself, but did not always make it a top priority. His short, light brown hair was nondescript and his slightly sunken eyes actually made him look a little tired to add to the impression of his backstory.

“This is a more realistic model however, we will carry more… fantastical options as well,” he explained with a gentle but somewhat rugged voice. He smiled. “I know this appearance may not appeal to everyone here, but if anyone is interested, I can provide a sample service right here and now.”

The audience shifted uncomfortably. Some were not interested, others simply did not feel comfortable in this comparatively public environment, but one woman near the back pushed her way forward.

Boldly, she removed her mask and set it on a nearby dresser. Her dirty blonde hair hung long, almost to her butt and her form hugging jeans hinted at an alluring figure otherwise concealed by a baggy hoodie. Her deep blue eyes sparkled conspiratorially.

“I’d like to try. Show me what you can do, big boy.”