The Layering Affair part 1

“Hey, man,” Scott said with a wave. The hand motion was friendly enough, but his face looked a bit worried. Rob turned from his computer to give his friend and co-worker his full attention.

“What’s up?” Rob asked. “You look concerned.”

Scott blinked but managed a weak smile. “Shows on my face, does it?” he mumbled. He cleared his throat before perching on some clear desk space in Rob’s cubicle.

“Ahem. Has Julia said anything to you recently? Maybe about being unhappy or unsatisfied with your marriage?”

Rob’s brows drew down, uncertain of what to think. “No, she hasn’t, why?”

Scott avoided eye contact, though just from the question, Rob’s mind was frantically inventing possible reasons. Rather than speculate though, he rather his friend just come out and say it.

“Well, know how you’ve been working a bit late the last few weeks? On my way home, I’ve spotted Julia going into a private home over in the Foxen development. I thought I was seeing things the first time, but after the third time I noticed, I decided to come talk to you. Do you know about this? Her visiting someone?”

Rob was afraid it might be something like this. He shook his head. “No, I wasn’t aware. Thanks for letting me know, Scott. You’re a good friend.”

“Hey, I’m not usually one to tattle, but I thought you deserved to know if you didn’t,” Scott responded wistfully. “I didn’t look any further into things, but there could be an innocent explanation, too. Maybe she’s just spending time with a friend or extended family moved in recently or something. Those are pretty new houses over there.”

“She probably would have said something if it were the latter. She’s always felt guilty that she’s never been on good terms with her family, since I lost all connection with mine after the accident, so if something had changed on that front she would surely have said something by now…” Rob pondered.

“Well, want to check it out with me?” Scott offered. “Based on what I’ve seen so far this week, she’ll be visiting again today.”

Rob glanced at his computer. The numbers on the screen danced in an out of focus. Would he be able to focus on work after hearing about this?

“Alright, let’s go.”


As the two men drove past the residence in question, Rob confirmed the license plate of the familiar car in the driveway as the same as his wife’s. She was already inside it seemed so they drove down to the end of the development road and parked to discuss.

“So I take it by your reaction that you also didn’t suddenly recognize the house she’s at either huh?” Scott noted solemnly. Rob shook his head. “Well, what do you want to do now? Probably not the best idea to bust in, but you could call her or something? Or wait at home for her to come back and interrogate her?”

Rob mulled over those options before finally taking out his phone.

“Ah-! R-Rob, honey, is something the matter? It’s unusual for you to call at this time of day.” The phone speaker failed to do justice to Julia’s melodic voice.

“Julia,” Rob did his best to keep his voice normal. “I seem to have misplaced some work files. Can you check the nightstand to see if I left them at home for me?”

“I- ah… I’m afraid I’m not at home right now. I’m picking up groceries, but I can check when I get back. By the way, what would you like for dinner?” Julia responded.

Rob hesitated. What was that gasp at the start? One of the things he had always loved about her was the whimsical way she could make herself seem mysterious. Even after a few years of marriage, she could still surprise him, but now, his inability to tell what she was thinking cast a shadow of doubt over his heart. “If you’re not there to check, don’t worry about it, it’s not too important. As for dinner – I’m not quite hungry yet, so I’m not sure. Surprise me, I suppose.”

“Mhmmhm.” Rob was uncertain whether she moaned or giggled there. “Very well, look forward to it. See you at home!” She teased before hanging up.

“Hm.. that didn’t sound overly helpful,” Scott mumbled. “Err, sorry for eavesdropping, but your speaker was loud enough that I couldn’t not overhear.”

“Mhmm,” Rob grunted with a wave to indicate that he did not mind. “Just bring me home for now, I need to think about this a bit.”

“Aye aye, captain!” Scott saluted comically to try to cheer him up. Scott put the car in drive and they left the development for Rob’s house on the other side of town.

After a minute of silence, Scott piped up again.

“Hey, did you get the house number?”

“What? Oh, uh… I think it was 112,” Rob answered the abrupt question.

Scott ignored Rob’s stumble. “Now, this could still be an innocent misunderstanding, but if you want to investigate further, I have a crazy idea that could get around your wife being difficult and evasive.”

Rob cocked an eyebrow at his friend. They had only known each other for a few months since Scott had started at Rob’s workplace, but the two had bonded quickly over mutual interests and Scott’s uncanny ability to rope Rob into questionable ideas. Scott’s preface smelled keenly to Rob of another bad idea, but being at a loss as he was, Rob figured hearing out a bad idea was better than having no ideas at all.

“I’m not agreeing to anything yet, but what do you have in mind?” Rob responded cautiously.

Scott cracked a grin. “Sure sure. Alright, so I recently found this costume shop with a ‘secret menu’ of sorts that’s legit next level. We’re talking movie quality special effects, but with less makeup or technical expertise needed. Give them a photo or a good description or both, and they can turn around and hand you a full body suit that makes you just like the person in the photo. It sounds unreal, but I’ve tried it, and it’s amazing.”

Rob was understandably skeptical but more importantly he was uncertain that he liked where this was going. “What are you getting at?”

“Well, since tomorrow’s a weekend, Julia won’t be visiting the house right? But what if she did? Or rather, what if you did, dressed up as Julia? You could figure out what’s going on there without Julia finding out that you found out!” Scott explained enthusiastically.

“Yeah, as if a latex suit is going to make me pass for Julia…” Rob retorted.

Scott shrugged sheepishly. “Hey, don’t knock it till you try it! We can try it out tomorrow and if you aren’t convinced, we’ll call it all off before we leave the shop. I’ll even foot the cancellation fee for you.”

“I can’t help but get the feeling that this is the set up for an elaborate prank,” Rob grumbled, but internally, he was intrigued by the idea. As Scott said, it couldn’t hurt to at least check it out.


The costume shop’s front end wares were all pretty incredible quality but even that had not quashed Rob’s cynicism. He had even more questions after spectating an unintelligible conversation between Scott and the shopkeeper, a busty young woman with long purple hair wearing a playboy bunny get up and a plain mask over her face, that Rob swore was in a different language. The shopkeeper brought the two men to a back room where she accepted the pictures of Julia from Scott’s phone and disappeared into another workshop. A few minutes later, she brought back an alarmingly realistic to the touch suit with distinctly female features that matched Julia’s specifications perfectly.

Scott pushed the suit into Robs hands and then pushed him into a changing room and closed the door. Having come this far, Rob figured he might as well keep going. If it was indeed a prank, Scott would get his laughs and they’d get a drink and let it become a memory to reminisce about later.

There was a small sign in the dressing room with a combination of instructions and rules:

  1. Remove all clothing before putting on a suit. Including underwear.
  2. Suits are more durable than they may seem. You will likely have to stretch them a bit to get it on. This is normal.
  3. Most people find it easiest to start with the legs.
  4. There is an extra charge if you make a mess

A mess? Rob thought quizzically. What did that mean?

Shaking his head, he started from the top, removing his clothes and setting them in the provided basket in one corner of the dressing room. Nude, he held up the suit that would allegedly turn him into his wife. Looking at it plainly, it was frankly quite creepy, and he could not imagine himself looking anything less than grotesque while wearing it. But he had little to lose at this point, so he found the opening in the back and began sliding his legs inside as suggested.

If the exterior of the skin was uncomfortably realistic, the inside was bafflingly alien. The interior was smooth and cool to the touch, and even with his hairy legs which seemed entirely mismatched to fit inside Julia’s, he managed to slide himself in with little difficulty. Looking at his new legs sparked a curious feeling inside Rob. They weren’t the awkward angular limbs he was familiar with, but instead the shapely gentle curves he knew and loved of his wife’s long legs. How was this possible? He was curious now.

Inside the suit’s crotch, Rob found a pouch that he assumed was for his junk. To his surprise, he discovered he was erect, but fortunately that did not seem to be too much of an issue, as, aside from having to angle it properly, his dick slipped into the pocket as easily as his legs had. When he pulled the suit up over his hips, the fact that his crotch was smooth save for a neatly trimmed patch of brown fuzz only served to make Rob even more aroused.

Forcing himself to move on, enticed by the promise of his lower half, Rob shifted his attention to inserting his arms into the suit’s, a process which pulled the suit’s torso up against his. He only needed to adjust the shoulders to sit on his properly before he realized that he felt a weight from his chest. The suit’s head, and more notably, Julia’s flowing brown hair obscured his view somewhat, but he steadily became aware of sensations upon his breasts. If he wanted to see them more clearly though, he would have to finish putting it on.

Rob had to stretch the neck more than he might have normally been comfortable doing if not for the prompt, but after a bit of work he got his head inside and up through the suit’s neck. He saw nothing but darkness for a few moments, but after plucking and pulling to adjust the head, he got its various face holes to align properly with his own features, another peculiarity he was starting to wonder if he were better off not thinking too hard about.

Able to see again, Rob’s eyes were immediately drawn to the hefty bosom occupying his lower peripheral vision. He had always appreciated Julia’s dynamite rack, but experiencing it was a whole new level. He held each of the D cup mammaries in one hand and was amazed that he felt tactile information from them, despite not having any boobs of his own within the suit. Testingly, he pinched a nipple and the electric spark that shot through his body drew an involuntary yelp from his mouth. Before he could react to his voice though, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, and whipped around to see a mirror on the opposite wall of the changing room.

His suspicions and concerns were forgotten at the image he saw. Aside from the thin open seam in her back, he could hardly believe the sight of his wife’s naked body in the mirror, and the way her hand darted up to her mouth, just as surprised to hear her voice leave those lips as Rob was to be moving said lips.

“Is… is this legal?” Rob asked breathily.

“Debatable,” a male voice answered from the other side of the changing room door. Rob recognized that voice. Without thinking, he pushed open the changing room door to check his suspicions.

“Whoa! Uh, are you sure you want to come out uncovered, Julia?”

Rob stared, too stunned to process what his exact doppelganger had said. Another Rob casually stood a few steps away from the changing room, his eyes politely averted. Finally Rob recognized his double’s clothing.

“Scott?” he asked, still unused to the sound of Julia’s voice leaving his mouth.

Scott grinned and nodded, though still making a point not to stare. It finally set in that Rob was showing off Julia’s naked body and he hastily covered himself as best he could with his arms before awkwardly waddling back into the changing room and shutting the door.

“I figured I could keep the real missus busy during the operation. That is, if you don’t mind,” Rob’s own voice transmitted Scott’s explanation through the door.

“Uh… sure,” Rob answered shakily. This new reality was still sinking in. Remembering that his back was still open, he reached behind himself and pulled the micro-zipper shut, sealing the suit up. He checked his back in the mirror and was amazed all over again to see no indication of the zipper or seam. He would be able to take it off, right? The concern faded though as his eyes followed her spine down to her bare buttocks. He turned to face the mirror once more and watched as his hands, as if with minds of their own, seemed to float to Julia’s breasts and slit. Suddenly, that fourth rule made sense.