
The club lights flashed and the music shook her to her core, but the brunette loved it regardless. The guy she was grinding with moved on and another took his place. She could feel the new guy’s hard on through his tight- wait, was that? A pair of boobs pressed against her back. She glanced over her shoulder and was met with a long dazzling mane of platinum blonde hair, interwoven with shiny blue ribbons. The woman dancing up behind her matched her rhythm better than any one had that night, and her blue lipstick and eyeliner combined with the surreal pressure of her large breasts and an impressive package below set her heart aflutter.

“Curious?” the blue streaked woman whispered in her ear. That was all she offered, pulling away and making the girl turn longingly. Black short shorts and the low, wild lighting all but hid the bulge she had felt before. Her light colored tank top, cut to show her belly button, was practically see-through with all the sweat, but that only gave her dark brassier a mysterious allure. Seeing that she had caught the girl’s eye, she nodded towards a back hall before leading the way there.

They stole away into a closet, lips locked before the door closed behind them.

“So you don’t mind batting for the other team?” the blonde purred once they came up for air.

“I don’t mind hitting on either team,” the brunette responded.

“And how about someone who plays for both?”

She reached for the fly of her shorts and unzipped them. A thick member spilled out. It dwarfed all others she had ever handled.

“Is this real?”

“Why don’t you find out?”

She did, with pleasure.

“You have beautiful eyes,” the blonde noted as her partner sucked her off. She gently brushed a bang of brown hair out of her face to better gaze into those deep blue pools. “And I’d love to see you use those nice plump puppies as well,” she added, taking her own breasts in her palms for emphasis.

The girl released her partner’s hot cock and rose to smush her breasts around it instead. “Yours are pretty striking, too. I’ve never seen bright green like that. They’re almost like emeralds. And this,” she kissed the fat cock had poking out from between her cleavage, “This is unreal… I’ve only seen them this big in porn, and even those are fake… What’s your secret?”

The blonde let out a soft, husky chuckle. “You’re the real gem, darling. As for this… are you sure you want to know? You may find that the truth can be stranger than fiction.”

“Leslie, get up!” Marianne tossed open the curtains of her daughter’s room, bathing the room in harsh, afternoon light.

Leslie groaned and rolled over in her bed.

“You were out clubbing last night, weren’t you? I heard you come back at, what, three in the morning? You can’t keep doing that, it’s ruining your sleep schedule, just like this!” Marianne sighed.

With another grumble, Leslie sat up, her normally straight brown hair hung haphazardly as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“What I do is none of your business. I’m an adult, Mom…” she scowled blearily.

Marianne looked sternly back into those deep blue eyes, the main thing her daughter had inherited from her father. Aside from those, Leslie seemed to strongly take after Marianne, from her long brown hair to her natural hourglass figure and pastel peach skin tone dotted with freckles. Leslie was every bit the lovely young woman Marianne had been in her youth, and was likely to enjoy a long and generous prime if she took care of herself as her mother had.

“Yes, an adult who flunked out of college and had to move back into her parent’s house. When are you going to apply to a new school? How can you claim to be an adult if you continue to live off your parents’ wealth?”

Leslie opened her mouth angrily, but then closed it with a grimace. “Alanna recommended me a private tutor I want to try.”

“… Another man?” Marianne probed. “I don’t like being suspicious like this, but last time…”

“It’s a woman, don’t worry… Jeez…” Leslie spat back. “I’ll get you her information after breakfast. She supposedly specializes in entrance exams and can tailor her curriculum to the school you’re trying to get into.”

“Very well. And it’s lunch time, not breakfast…” Marianne sighed. She left Leslie alone, returning downstairs where her thoughts wandered to missing her husband. Stephen travelled the world on behalf of the government, and was compensated generously for the sacrifice of having little time at home. It was thanks to his hard work, Marianne and their daughter, Leslie had the lavish home and disposable income they enjoyed. But it did leave Marianne lonely, especially when Leslie had first left for university. Marianne appreciated all Stephen had given her, but still selfishly wished he could be home more to help raise their daughter. Or at the very least, to… relieve Marianne’s stress from dealing with Leslie’s more willful moments.

“Why does she conduct the tutoring in her own home?” Marianne asked, glancing over this new tutor’s web page and credentials on her tablet. “Why can’t she come here, like other tutors?” Miss April Gemini was a young woman only a few years out of her masters degree. Though an external search only showed a few reviews, they were all glowing and appeared to be credible. She even recognized Leslie’s friend, Alanna’s, contribution.

“I don’t know, Mom. Maybe she doesn’t have a car? Maybe she has more materials than she can transport on her own? Maybe she had a bad experience going to some else’s private home? She is an attractive young woman…” Leslie rattled off a few possibilities as she chomped on her omelette.

“I suppose, those are valid possibilities…” Marianne conceded. “Alright, I’ll pay for this for now, but if you don’t get into a program by… let’s say next year, I’ll expect you to start working to pay it back.”

Leslie swallowed the mouthful she had been working on. “That’s fair… Thanks, Mom.”

Finishing her brunch, Leslie put her dishes in the sink while Marianne fished out her credit card and began putting in information over the tutor’s site. Leslie oversaw the application and payment processes and snapped a picture of the “next steps” page for her own reference.

“I’m going out for a bit. Gonna look into picking up some of these supplies. Maybe get Alanna to help recommend some things based on her experiences. Either way, I should be back before dinner, but I’ll let you know if not.” Leslie explained, grabbing her keys and purse.

“Alright, drive safely,” Marianne saw her off before returning her attention to the tutor’s website. Tutors were a bit of a risk – they were always expensive, but not always effective. It still felt a bit odd for her lessons to be conducted at her own home instead of her client’s but perhaps it served to provide a more controlled environment. At least it was comforting to see this one seem professional and attentive. She had even updated her website just earlier today.

Marianne insisted on accompanying Leslie for her first session with Miss Gemini. As they pulled into the private home’s driveway, Leslie lingered in the car with her eyes closed.

“Getting nervous?” Marianne asked curiously. Sure it was meeting a new teacher but was it really something to get anxious over? She supposed it was a big deal given what was riding on the result of this instructor, but…

“S-sorry, I’m ready,” Leslie jerked to attention and scrambled out of the car.

True to the pictures on her website, Miss Gemini was an attractive young woman dressed professionally in a simple pencil skirt and a blazer snugly supporting a modest bust. Her emerald green eyes flickered over Leslie and Marianne as she smiled warmly.

“Welcome, you must be Leslie and her friend?”

Marianne gave a wistful smile. “Her mother,” she corrected.

“Oh, apologies. You look so young, you could have convinced me you were sisters,” Miss Gemini responded with a light laugh. “Anyway, thank you for hiring my services. Do you need anything or have any questions, or shall we get settled and get started?” She tucked a platinum blonde lock of hair behind one ear as she glanced between the two of them.

“No, I’ll not hold you up,” Marianne assured her. “I just wished to meet the tutor who will be taking care of my daughter at least once before passing her into your care.” She turned to Leslie. “Alright, call me when you’re finished and I’ll come pick you up.”

Leslie nodded absently. “Yeah, yeah, and I’ll drive myself next time.”

“Of course…” Marianne was suddenly self conscious. Was she being too overbearing in insisting on coming? Leslie was twenty years old already…

Leslie and Miss Gemini disappeared into the tutor’s home and the door closed gently behind them leaving Marianne to drive home with her mixed feelings alone.

After two weeks of three study sessions a week, Marianne had gotten into the rhythm of Leslie’s new schedule. While it was not unusual for Leslie to go out on her own before this, having her away for predictable three hour blocks left Marianne with the temptation of guaranteed alone time. With Stephen still not due to be home for another month, Marianne was feeling the loneliness more keenly than ever.

“Haa…” Marianne breathed out slowly as she recovered from a particularly frustrated fingering. Climbing off the bed, she stretched. She was pondering whether she dared invest in a toy when she received a message from Leslie.

“Hey, Mom, I forgot one of my books on my desk today, could you bring it over for me if you’re not busy?”

Having just finished, Marianne was indeed not busy, so she made herself presentable and found the book in question.

“The Kama Sutra?” Marianne muttered, reading off the title. “This is…” she shook her head. It was probably a cultural study. She put the book in her bag and set out for Miss Gemini’s home.

Marianne knocked on the door and rang the doorbell but after a minute of waiting no one answered the door still. Gingerly, she tested the door and found it unlocked.

Inside, the home was modest. There was little in the way of decorations or flair, but given that it was, at least in part, a workplace as well as a home, perhaps that was not so odd.

“L-Leslie? Miss Gemini?” She called hesitantly but received no answer. It felt wrong to intrude like this, even if her daughter had asked her to, and the lack of any response quickly grew concerning.

Looking around, she found no one on the ground floor so she continued up to the second floor.

Finally Marianne heard something. A muffled groan.

Her pulse quickened as she identified a room at the far end of the hall with light coming through the cracks around the door. She pushed it open and nearly screamed.

“Wha-!? What is going on here?” she cried with a cracking voice.

Familiar brown hair cascaded from a black latex mask that concealed all but a cut out circle around the nose and mouth of the young woman wearing it. A ball gag made sure her lips would not go ignored however. Naked otherwise, Leslie’s arms were bound behind her leaving her precariously balanced in the lap of another woman more elaborately wrapped in classic bdsm gear. The woman supported her thighs but otherwise, all of Leslies weight was focused upon the point of connection – a shiny black strap-on clearly spreading the girl’s pussy.

A cascade of platinum blonde hair peeked around Leslie’s body.

“Ah, Mommy’s here,” Miss April Gemini crooned patronizingly. “Take a good look, since it seemed you hadn’t realized yet – your little girl’s grown into an adult.” She jerked her hips to show her strap-on slide a bit deeper into Leslie’s sex, making the girl moan again.

“What the fuck? Let her go! I’ll-”

Marianne cut off. One of Leslie’s legs fell as April produced a knife from somewhere and held it against Leslie’s neck, making the girl stiffen.

“Now, now, Mommy. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You know, I’m not too picky. If you want to take her place, there are some lovely… accessories in the corner you can put on to prove your resolve.”

She began moving in Leslie once more; the knife left the girl’s neck, but it remained in hand.

Marianne glanced in the corner. An assortment of bdsm gear lay in a pile. She hesitated until another of Leslie’s moans crossed her ears. With a grimace, Marianne began to strip, taking off the dress she wore over.

A choker with a chain; an open bra- lingerie that supported her D cup breasts without concealing them; a set of fishnet stockings with a garter belt. Marianne had not worn anything even remotely similar since she courted Stephen… But for Leslie’s sake, she doffed her underwear as well and picked up the provided gear.

“Good,” April pulled out of Leslie’s cunt as Marianne finished pulling the fishnet up her legs. She set Leslie on the chair but kept the knife in clear view. Without Leslie in the way, Marianne got a better look at April’s own ensemble. A black leather basque that highlighted her breasts rather than covered them, garters that held up latex, shiny black thigh-highs, matching elbow gloves, and an eye mask completed the dominatrix look. And of course, a strap-on harness around her hips equipped with a huge, shiny black strap-on.

April removed the ball gag, but rubbed the sex toy over Leslie’s lips.

“Mom?” Leslie breathed. “Mom… I’m, sorry…” She sounded pained, afraid of the large tool in her face.

“I did as you asked, let her go,” Marianne pleaded.

April smiled sadistically. She turned away from Leslie, and ran her fingers along her toy. “Well, that depends on you.”

Marianne understood. Making her dress like this was not for show. No, April had meant what she said. Marianne would take Leslie’s place. That meant… entertaining the blonde woman. Nervously, Marianne knelt in front of April.

“I’m sorry, Leslie… you’ll be oka-” April grabbed Marianne’s head and forced her strap-on down the woman’s throat.

“M-mom?” Leslie asked, panicked.

The toy was bigger than Stephen, bigger than anything Marianne had ever had to service. It triggered her gag reflex over and over, leaving her panting each time April pulled back far enough for her to breathe.

“Ohh… not bad… now, swallow.”

Marianne felt the strap-on twitch between her lips and moments later it began spewing hot, bitter/sour goo. April pushed it deeper where Marianne’s reflexes forced her to swallow. It felt like minutes, before April pulled back, drenching Marianne’s face in the last sputtering squirts of white slime. The jizz dripped down her chin onto her chest.

“That’s a good look, it suits a slutty body like yours,” April taunted. While Marianne was still catching her breath, April pushed her down and bound her arms like Leslie’s. She secured her ankles next, leaving Marianne as much a prisoner as Leslie. When she was finished restraining Marianne, April pushed Leslie off the chair and bent Marianne over the back, instead. Marianne winced seeing Leslie tumble to the floor, but the cursed black phallus floating into her vision stole her attention.

“What a great toy, isn’t it?” April stuck out her hips, so that Marianne got a good look at the long, thick shaft. “The only thing better would be the real thing, right? Well, you’re in luck…” April undid the straps of the harness and pulled it away from her crotch. The black veneer rolled away with the harness, but underneath was a real, pink, fleshy penis protruding from April’s feminine folds.

Marianne could only stare, but her heart beat with a concerning mix of fear and… excitement? April slipped back around behind Marianne and the bound woman felt the massive cock nuzzle her cunt.

“Oh? You’re already wet back here! It must be hard with your husband away all the time. Don’t worry though, I’m confident I’ll be able to satisfy you in his stead!” April pledged.

The huge dick felt like it was splitting Marianne as April edged it little by little into her. She was only just getting used to its girth and length when the tutor began thrusting. Her rough grinding was terrifying at first, but slowly, steadily, a pleasurable heat began to replace the fear.

“Hahaa… I didn’t expect you to feel it so much!” April laughed as she panted, her hips giving no respite. “All that moaning makes it sound like you want more.”

Wait, she was moaning? Marianne finally noticed her own lusty calls. But she only had time to linger self consciously on that for a moment before movement drew her eyes to her daughter’s form.

Leslie had freed her arms from their bonds and shakily rose to her feet.

“Go… run…” Marianne mouthed at her daughter, but Leslie just stretched unconcernedly.

Instead of leaving or fighting back, Leslie met Marianne’s eyes and smiled.

“Looks like you’re having fun, Mom. I want to join,” Leslie demanded, swaying closer. Dripping in as much intentional sexuality as her motions were, even Marianne could see how Leslie’s body had matured. Wide hips, large, plump breasts, and a lusty smolder, she watched as Leslie sauntered up, thrusting her crotch in her mother’s face. Leslie let out a soft breath and her folds spread, allowing a large, erect penis to slide out and kiss Marianne’s confused, terrified lips. It was not as big as April’s, but it was still larger than Stephen’s…

“I’m not Daddy, but I think between Miss Gemini and me, we can do you one better.”

Still stunned by the display, Marianne offered little resistance as Leslie slid her dick into her mother’s mouth, all the while, April continued ramming her from behind.

“Hngh!” Leslie grunted. It was all the warning before her cock spasmed and began pouring semen once more down Marianne’s throat. Marianne felt April’s dick begin shooting its second load as well.

The two flooded her with their cum, the excess slopping onto the chair seat and floor. They pulled out together and April joined Leslie in front of Marianne, who could barely manage the strength to look up at the pair.

“That was colloquially called ‘spit roasting.’ Do you know another fun thing we can do with two cocks?” April prompted her student facetiously.

Leslie smiled enthusiastically. “Oh, I know this one.” Taking hold of April’s cock at its base, Leslie pulled, overcoming the internal suction and pulling the fake genitals from April’s crotch. Turning it around, Leslie lifted her cock up against her stomach and pushed the anchoring bulb into her sex underneath, producing the appearance of her wielding two dicks of her own. “Double penetration.”

Leslie licked her lips and turned towards Marianne. “Thanks, teach, take a break, I’ll take it from here,” she purred. Despite only gently pushing April, the tutor collapsed to the ground abruptly in an un-moving heap.

Moving around behind her, Marianne felt her daughter line her cocks up with her pussy and ass.

“Now then, Mom, shall we make me a sister-daughter?”

Leslie thrust the two dicks in and jerked her hips violently. She laughed as she plowed Marianne, who struggled to understand what was going on with her daughter as the sexual pleasure threatened to overwhelm her.

Finally, Leslie came, both dicks once more flooding Marianne’s holes. Mid-orgasm, Leslie pulled out, showering her mother with her cum till the woman’s back was covered thoroughly with the thick, steamy solution. Marianne lay limply over the chair back, the stress and stimulation finally too much for her.

Leslie shot a glance at April, who at the same moment stirred for the first time since she fell. April pulled herself up and approached the chair, reaching behind her neck. The bdsm hood fell away, bearing April’s mane of platinum blonde hair. She pulled that aside as well and dug her fingernails into a seam that appeared at the base of her hairline. The seam split April’s back down her spine, and she peeled off her skin revealing a black framed drone. The drone stripped off April’s skinsuit entirely, picking her up and folding her like clothing before taking her over to the dresser and opening another drawer. Under Leslie’s watchful eye, the drone withdrew another skinsuit, this one with long brown hair matching Leslie’s, and replaced April’s inside.

As the drone busied itself with putting on the new skinsuit, Leslie pulled Marianne from the chair back and moved her to the cum soaked seat. Marianne blearily came to in time to see her daughter, still equipped with two specimens of manhood, reach behind her neck and pull her face off. The horror almost sent Marianne back under, but she held on as the sight of herself stepped into view. Behind her daughter’s face, was a man’s head. His light gray hair was unruly and getting a bit overgrown, reined in only by a silver circlet around his temples.

“Thank you, Mrs. Lufflin, for donating your and your daughter’s bodies to science! Your generosity has already been a great help in testing long range drone operation and your family’s imminent monetary contribution will be invaluable in the development of further technology. I guarantee it,” he said with an ingenuine smile.

Pulling Leslie’s face back over his own, the illusion of Marianne’s daughter returned. Leslie flashed Marianne another smile, this time looking as sincere as any Marianne had ever seen from her. Turning to Marianne’s doppelganger, Leslie began kissing her. It started as a platonic peck, but her lips went back for more, quickly turning the embrace sexual. Marianne watched her facsimile’s hands drift to her daughter’s cocks.

“Oh, Mom, I’ll keep you company while Dad’s away. I’ll make sure you’re never lonely ever again…”