Futabu!…Ja Nai!? – Roommates

Matt willfully twisted his bemused expression into one of disgruntlement. He closed the door to his new dorm room and folded his arms under his breasts.

“Well?” He asked, pretending to hold in anger when he was really bottling up laughter at the irony of the situation. “Get to explaining, Danielle.”

Before him, was a thin Caucasian boy sprawled out on the dorm room floor, his lower half still encased in the dark skin of the girl he had been pretending to be when Matt met him a little while earlier. The boy was clearly panicked that he had been found out.

“Uh… Look, I’m so sorry for deceiving you, especially with uh… what happened earlier. I was really just going along with things and well, I totally understand how this looks all kinds of exploitative and cruel, and I don’t exactly have a good excuse for the club part, but if I get expelled for this, my life is basically over – my dad will kill me, so please don’t tell anyone, I’ll do anything!” He blabbered out, barely taking a breath between.

Matt took a moment to process that run-on sentence. He was still deciding what he should do in this situation.

In reality, Matt was in a similar circumstance, albeit with lower stakes from the sound of things. As a boy using a high tech skinsuit to pretend to be a girl at this all girls’ school, it couldn’t have been a coincidence that he was assigned a room with another boy using a seemingly high tech skinsuit to pretend to be a girl. He suspected his aunt’s hand in this development as it had been in almost every bizarre twist of fate that Matt had experienced since coming to Felicity Umbridge Technical Academy. Even if he had been meant to commiserate and bond with this boy as his roommate-in-crime, Matt had suddenly found himself in a slightly different situation than mutual accomplices. A situation he could use to his advantage.

Matt smoothed his expression and breathed a dramatic sigh. “I admit, I wasn’t expecting this,” he said truthfully in ‘Mattie’s’ light feminine tones as he set his bag down on the second, unclaimed bed. It had been a long day and he considered sitting down on the edge of the mattress, but forced himself to keep standing. He wanted to remain above the boy to maintain his imposing presence. “But I didn’t agree to do what I did back in the club room solely because I thought you were a girl. I came from a co-ed school so unlike some of the sheltered princesses that grew up in this institution, I don’t mind guys.” He continued carefully. “But! If we’re going to live together, here, then I’m going to have to set some extra rules, beyond just what’s expected for common etiquette between roommates!”

The boy visibly relaxed when Matt implied that he wasn’t angry with him. Matt knew he had every right to pretend to be, but had decided to open with the carrot rather than the crop.

“I’m so sorry,” the boy repeated. “Of course, I’ll agree to anything.”

Matt couldn’t contain a small smile. He didn’t have any specific plans yet, he was making this up on the fly, but the possibilities were endless.

“What’s your real name?” Matt asked first.

“D-Daniel…” the boy offered.

About as creative as my cover, Matt mused to himself. “Alright, Danny. For now, you’re to conduct yourself in our room by default as you would outside. That is – keep your suit on and continue pretending to be a girl.” Daniel probably had more experience doing that than Matt did so this would give Matt some chances to study him in a controlled setting. “Note that I say ‘by default.’ There may be times that I want to play with your boyfriend but that will only happen when I say and on my terms, understand?”

Daniel nodded nervously. He seemed a bit conflicted about one of those two terms.

“Hm… what else…” Matt glanced around the room as he thought and his eyes fell on a small open door in the corner. He saw a sink and mirror inside. “Oh! I get priority use of the bathroom.” Matt declared smugly. “If you want to jerk off and I’m not in the mood, you can do so in there, but if I tell you to get out, you best vacate in a hurry. Keep it and the room clean, though I suppose that’s starting to get into typical roommate stuff now. Well, in case you need to hear it out loud as well, I also reserve the right to add or change rules as necessary down the road. Alright, I guess that’s it for now then.”

Matt finally let himself settle on his new bed, and crossed his legs as Daniel hesitantly uncurled from his penitent position.

“Are… you really not angry?” he asked, still in disbelief.

Matt relaxed his expression and shook his head. “I told you, or at least implied, I’m not unfamiliar with boys. Hell, I grew up with two brothers, and I’ve had a few boyfriends long enough to want to try things,” Matt lied through his teeth. The details were not important, he was just trying to rationalize why the girl ‘Mattie’ was so cool with sharing a room with a boy. “Besides, I have your agreement that anything sexual that happens only happens on my terms, so I don’t have any reason to be wary of you.” Matt flopped onto his back and stretched. “If anything, this is a cushier set up than having to deal with a potentially bitchy real girl for a roommate.” On his back, the allure of sleep after the long day was tempting, but Matt’s mind was still busy.

Matt had started off this whole girl suit adventure upset – angry with his parents for leaving him, irritated with his aunt for taking him in only to force him into this charade, confused by the disconnect that the suit caused between his mental identity and his physical appearance, and alienated as a secret outsider feeling as if he were perpetually trespassing somewhere he didn’t belong. He did his best to put up a strong front and even tried embracing acting like a girl, but those feelings had festered in him for a whole week before today’s encounter with the F.U.T.A. Cheer club. While the ‘girls’ there hadn’t relieved him of any grief towards his parents, they had forced him to reexamine his preconceived ideas of gender and sexuality and somehow, he found himself voluntarily choosing to engage as sex as a woman. As frustrating as it was to wonder if that had been part of his aunt’s plan all along, Matt couldn’t help but be enticed by the pleasure he experienced. Had it been peer pressure, or something more that had pushed him to partake in their ‘club activities?’

Finally curiosity got the better of him, and Matt sat back up. Daniel seemed uncertain whether they were done with their conversation or not so Matt took the opportunity to re-engage him.

“So that’s the stuffy formal stuff out of the way,” Matt confirmed for Daniel’s benefit. “I did want to ask – are the other club members like you, too?”

To Matt’s surprise, Daniel looked appalled at the suggestion. “What? No! I’m a fraud, but the others, they’re real. I mean, they can cum and feel through their cocks and everything, right?”

Matt resisted the urge to point out that Daniel could do those things, too. It was enough for now to know that his roommate genuinely believed himself to be the only fake. It at least meant that if the others were also false, they weren’t telling each other. Or at least, just not telling Daniel.

“Next question: Where did you get your- Where did you get that suit?”

The pale skinned boy clutched Danielle’s skin a little tighter. “This… this was my step sister.”

Matt blinked. He hadn’t expected to be surprised again so soon. “Sorry?”

Daniel took a breath. “My family is a bit… weird. Well, since I’ve said this much already and you’ve seen her like this, I might as well say – we’re a secret clan of magicians.

“My step father’s wealthy and was already planning to send Danielle to this school when he started fooling around with my mom. My mother managed to win his affections but he had no love for me. Danielle was a spoiled brat who threatened my mother when she began having relations with my step father and things came to a point where my mother was forced to do something about Danielle and this,” He hefted her skin, “This was two birds with one stone…”

Matt’s mouth hung open. He wasn’t sure how much of that he believed or was supposed to believe, but there it was.

“Oh,” Matt finally managed. “So was she originally like… that” Matt gestured at his own crotch to elaborate hoping to lighten the atmosphere a bit, “or was that a later addition?”

Daniel laughed weakly. “Believe it or not, she was actually like this. She uh… forced herself on me before Mom… stopped her.”

Matt exhaled slowly. He was learning more about his new roommate than he expected at a breakneck speed.

“Sorry to hear that,” Matt offered, too stunned by the heavy information to give more of a reaction.

“Well, they say ‘Karma’s a bitch,’ or something, right?” Daniel chuckled despondently. “It’s odd. I want to think I’m over it, but sometimes I need to remind myself when I start feeling guilty…-”

“Okay!” Matt clapped his hands together interrupting Daniel. Maybe forcing him to stay wearing her all the time was a bit much. “We can come back to that later. Last question for now: why were you taking the suit off when I came in?”

Daniel seemed startled at the sudden turn of topic. “Oh, uh.. I was going to take a shower – after club activities and all.”

That was fair. Matt had gotten somewhat used to showering with the suit since it felt just like showering his real skin, but he could understand wanting to scrub underneath. Even he could only go about a week before needing to take it off to shower.

Matt got off the bed and knelt on the floor to examine the unworn half of Daniel’s suit more closely.

“Ah, that’s-” Daniel protested weakly as Matt picked Danielle’s deflated head. Actually holding it, Matt noticed that it did feel different than his own suit, though he couldn’t quite pinpoint how. He held it up further so he could see her full unoccupied front and doing so revealed Daniel’s, and by extension Danielle’s chocolate cock standing erect under Mattie’s attention. The sight of the hard member was surprisingly effective at flushing the heavy thoughts from before away. Before he realized it, Matt found himself leaning in, wondering how it tasted.

“Hold this,” Matt hastily ordered, shoving Danielle’s head and torso into Daniel’s hands before his approach brought Mattie’s lips in contact with Danielle’s dick. Matt noticed Daniel’s gasps and whimpers with amusement as Mattie began licking and sucking on the half girl’s thick dick. Matt was disappointed to find that it tasted sweaty and felt fleshy under his tongue, but oddly enough it wasn’t unpleasant and he didn’t want to stop because of it. He could taste his roommate’s precum begin beading from the tip as his tongue passed over it. Matt took a breath and slowly slid it down his throat, fueled by curiosity and eroticism, wanting to see just how much of the fat cock he could swallow. He was three quarters of the way down the shaft when Daniel groaned and Matt felt the dick swell in his mouth. He pulled back in a hurry but Daniel had already begun shooting his hot white jizz in Mattie’s mouth.

Matt tumbled back, but the sour-bitter taste of another man’s semen washed about his mouth. He thought he should hate it, but he didn’t. It tasted bad, but the knowledge that he looked like a cute girl sloshing a cumshot about her mouth just made him feel even hornier.

Daniel sat back against his bed panting. “S-sorry…”

“Stop apologizing already,” Matt told him after swallowing. His female body remembered the feeling of being fucked, not long ago. It had liked it then, and it wanted more. Mattie hoisted her skirt and pulled off her panties. She sat on her bed and spread her legs, showing Daniel her moist waiting cunt.

“Do you need a formal fucking invitation?” she panted, “Put her back on and fuck me already!”

Daniel continued staring for a moment before it sunk in. Frantically, he dove back inside Danielle’s skin and pulled her upper body taut and closed up the back. Instantly, she was like a different person.

Danielle flashed her new roommate a smug smile. “Girl, I didn’t think you’d ask so soon!” The dark skinned young woman climbed onto the bed after Mattie and quickly lined up her hard cock with the white girl’s pussy before pushing it in, easing it in slowly to the base and then out till just the tip remained lodged inside. Then she started pumping more aggressively. Mattie was impressed at the change and for now welcomed the more confident Danielle for being more adept at hitting her pleasure spots.

Despite having cum just recently, Danielle quickly came again, this time hastily jerking her penis out as her first ropy shots left the tip. Her ejaculate splattered on Mattie’s uniform, but she barely noticed. Mattie had experienced no less than two of her own female orgasms along the way, but she still wondered why her partner had pulled out before her own.

“Why’d you pull out?” Mattie asked woozily.

Danielle looked at her quizzically. “I… I wasn’t sure if it was a safe day for you… I really should have worn protection actually…” she admitted, starting to look guilty again.

Suddenly it came to Matt that Danielle still believed him to be a normal girl, and that he wanted that to be the case, at least for a while longer.

“Oh, well today’s safe…” Matt assured him. Everyday’s safe for me, he kept the wry thought to himself. Remembering a bit earlier, he added, “I wouldn’t have let the president cum inside if it weren’t.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right.” Danielle mused getting off of the bed. Matt winced as he finally noticed how Danielle had made a mess of the underside of his skirt and blouse.

“Well, good to get to know you a little better, neighbor,” Matt commented wryly. “I’m going to monopolize the bathroom now.”

Danielle seemed a little distressed that Matt rushed by her to occupy the bathroom, but that was one of their terms.

Matt carefully stripped out of his skirt and blouse and scraped and then doused afflicted portions of the fabric before attending to anything else. He would have to look into what other steps may be necessary to care for semen stains, but that was the most he could do for now. Naked, he plopped himself on the toilet and relieved himself. It still felt weird but he had finally come to trust that the suit made it work properly.

It was tempting to strip out of his suit under the hot stream of water from the spicket, but Matt resisted. Even though he had claimed right to, he didn’t want to hog the bathroom for too long. The cleansing waters did lull him into something of a meditative state where he went through the motions of washing his hair and lathering up his body without actively thinking about it. His mind danced around to other things – between how his first and second time had felt having sex as a woman to what it meant to him as a person. He also ruminated on Daniel’s change in demeanor when he became Danielle. Was that purely psychological, or was it something to do with the magics in the skin? Did Matt even believe that explanation? There was a lot to sort out and though the hot water carried away his grime and fatigue, Matt remained burdened by his bizarre circumstances and what to do about them.