The Marriage Counselor

Jeremy had been struggling with his wife recently.

“I am a marriage counselor by profession, Dear. The first thing I always advise is being open about communication, no matter how awkward or uncomfortable it may feel, being honest with each other is the best first step towards resolving any marital problems,” he placated. As an interracial couple, the challenges he and Kelly had faced were what had inspired Jeremy to become a marriage counselor in the first place. He was proud that he had not let being an African American male hamper his success in his field.

Despite his experience and impressive history though, his wife seemed unconvinced. Kelly’s almond shaped eyes courtesy of her Asian heritage gave her suspicious glare extra weight and Jeremy wondered just how well his wife could see through him. The decorated marriage counselor wasn’t exactly following his own advice this time. There were important questions he could not bring himself to ask because he realized he was afraid to hear the answers to. Perhaps because he dealt with these kinds of situations in other couples on a regular basis, he could not help his imagination going wild with all the possible situations that caused this detachment between partners.

Did he miss an important date and she was indignantly brooding? Was she unhappy with him in bed? It had been a little over a week since they had last done it. Was she feeling their relationship stagnate? He had even offered to take her out on the night once, planning a big romantic date to try to rekindle their fire, but she refused at the outset. Jeremy was all but out of his usual options at this point. Except for that.

About a week ago, he was approached by a young man who was interested in offering a partnership with his counselling services. He claimed that his surreal bodysuit technology could allow couples to experience new facets of their relationship, but the alarming realism of the suits had confused and scared Jeremy at the time. He ended up turning him down, but the man took it professionally and left him with a card in case he changed his mind. Thinking back on it now, one of the man’s selling lines stuck out in his head: “Changes in perspective and framing can make even old experiences feel new and exciting again.” It gave Jeremy an idea that he was now just desperate enough to try.


After a bit of preparation, Jeremy confronted his wife with a new proposal.

“If you won’t take my word for it, why don’t you talk to another marriage counselor. I asked Meredith for a recommendation, and she gave me this name: Dr. Judith Emerson. Says she’s great at handling the women’s side of things. I won’t claim to understand, but I will accept if you don’t want to talk to me, but at least please meet with her.” Jeremy hoped that if Kelly did not feel comfortable talking to him, she might open up to another woman.

Reluctantly, Kelly finally agreed.


“Welcome, Mrs Andover. Thank you for electing to meet with me. I am Dr. Judith Emerson. I hear you’re having some trouble with your husband?” Jeremy still found the husky yet distinctly female voice coming from his mouth unnerving, but thanks to the emergency training sessions from the young man, Mr. Gaviston, he was able to keep his act together. Judith crossed her hose encased legs, partially to distract Jeremy from the foreignness of Judith’s pale arms. They were in her office where she sat on an armchair opposite a coffee table from her new client who perched nervously on a comfy love seat. “I hear he is a colleague of mine in this counseling business. It’s not uncommon for us counselors to become so accustomed to being outside looking in, that we fail to see our own personal problems. Perhaps as a third party, I can help advise you on how to help him see this. Or perhaps, if there’s something else bothering you, I’d like to help you however I can.”

Kelly stared at her inquisitively for a few moments before finally deciding to talk. Once she did however, Jeremy was startled at the avalanche that had begun.

“You’re right, Dr. Emerson. That man is so used to being the solution that he can’t conceive of the fact that he might be a problem himself… It started a week ago, when we were having… we were making love and he just seemed to concern himself with his own pleasure and after he finished, he rolled over and fell asleep right there! Not only was I left unsatisfied, but that he didn’t even try to finish me off left me feeling down right used.”

Jeremy struggled to resist defending himself. It was important that he hear his wife’s true feelings. He shook his head and Judith’s blonde curls danced in his vision. “It’s no excuse but it sounds like he takes solace and comfort in you. He just needs to remember that you’re not just a tool to de-stress but a person who has your own needs and desires as well.”

Kelly nodded vigorously. “Right!? I was so mad. I thought about going out and finding some boy-tramp just to spite him. I even made it as far as a bar that very night, but after a few drinks, I calmed down enough and just went back home without doing anything. I felt guilty but it also frustrated me that I was struggling with that while Jeremy was blissfully content. I fell into a cycle of anger and discontent followed by feeling guilty that I was having such negative thoughts about him. Things just ended up spiraling until I didn’t want to have anything to do with him…” She finally trailed off with a sigh.

Jeremy was stunned. He had had no idea. But he hastily smoothed over Judith’s expression. Even if it was hard to listen to, he had expected some of this, and his plan going forward was still valid.

Judith moved around the coffee table to sit on the love seat next to Kelly. She hugged the unsettled woman comfortingly, making sure that Kelly felt her respectable C cup bust. “There there,” she consoled. “Men are simple creatures, it’s not their fault, but sometimes it takes a woman to set them straight. But where Men are too simple, we women are too complicated. We easily get tripped up overthinking what we want or need to do.” Judith let one of her hands rest on Kelly’s thigh, just below the hem of her one-piece dress.

“I take it since you haven’t made up with Jeremy, you haven’t done it with him since then?” she asked cautiously. Kelly nodded affirmatively. “But since you still love him and don’t want to hurt him, you haven’t done it with anyone since then, correct?” Kelly nodded again. That was a weight off Jeremy’s mind as he continued in Judith’s voice. “It’s important to remember that love you have, but it’s also important to not ignore your own needs.” Judith’s hand moved further up Kelly’s thigh. Her other hand wrapped around behind Kelly’s back to gently close around her far breast. “As your counselor, here’s my suggestion. Let me help you with this frustration so that you can leave here today feeling sexually refreshed. With that taken care of, you may find it easier to talk to your husband more openly. How does that sound?”

Kelly seemed surprised at Judith’s advances, but she did not resist. Perhaps she felt more comfortable since they were both women, but eventually she nodded acquiescence, and let Judith begin exploring her body more intimately. She leaned in and they kissed. As Kelly began to get more into it herself, Judith felt her client’s hands begin touching her person as well. Judith helped Kelly out of her panties, finding them quite wet. She really had been holding back for too long, Jeremy thought as Judith knelt between Kelly’s legs and began treating the frustrated wife’s pussy with her mouth.

“Aaahhh!” Kelly cried out abruptly, and Judith felt her cunt convulse around her tongue before unleashing a waterfall of fluids. Judith backed off, letting Kelly slump a bit in the love seat. The marriage counselor moved behind her desk, pulling something out of the top drawer.

“As I feared, you’ve held back quite a bit this last week. It’s a bit different in men and women, but it’s just as important for women to release their sexual tension regularly as it is for men.” Judith held up what appeared to be a flesh colored strap-on. Holding it by the base and letting gravity pull it down made the thin hollow sheath appear solid to Judith’s client. Judith turned away from Kelly to pull down her pants, showing off her lingerie clad butt. Her panties soon followed and out of Kelly’s view, Judith drew Jeremy’s thick black penis out from between her supple vaginal lips. Hastily, she pulled the sheath over its length and secured the straps around her hips. When she turned back to show Kelly, it looked like a standard strap-on.

“Are you ready, Mrs. Andover?” Judith asked, swaying back into the fray. “Put aside your anxieties and worries for now. There’s no cheating when we’re both women, this is purely a professional treatment. Trust me, I’m a doctor.” Kelly required no further instruction. She hiked up her dress the rest of the way, and spread her legs from her slouch on the love seat, giving Judith an easy approach.

“Changes in perspective and framing can make even old experiences feel new and exciting again.” Jeremy heard again in his head as he plunged his thinly veiled cock into his wife’s eager pussy. Looking down through a bouncing pair of breasts at their point of connection as he thrust with his womanly hips was certainly new perspective on the same old sex with his wife. Role playing as a woman, pretending to ‘treat’ his wife had a thrill that made it feel like he was stealing a married woman away from her husband, even though he was said husband himself. He wondered if she felt similar excitement, based on the way her cunt squeezed him with an enthusiasm he hadn’t felt since they were newlywed. It felt illegitimate, but it actually wasn’t. He would reveal himself at the end and apologize for mistreating her. She would be mad at being deceived, but it wouldn’t last and they would do it again before their ‘appointment’ ended. Maybe without the skinsuit.

On Mr. Gaviston’s suggestion, he had masturbated before their meeting, helping to ensure that he lasted long enough to bring Kelly pleasure. By the way her breathing picked up, and her moans rose every few minutes, it seemed like Judith had given her plenty of climaxes already.

Finally, Jeremy felt his well hidden sacs tighten and he himself came. In his head, he could picture the false strap-on’s tip ballooning as it collected his cum. Judith pulled her ‘tool’ out and it fell flaccid between her thighs, but Kelly’s eyes had closed in her exhaustion, and Jeremy had an idea.

Perhaps he did not need to admit this deception in order to make up with Kelly. He had the information he needed, and hopefully Kelly would have sorted things out to feel confident enough to approach him about their relationship. What if he just kept this disguise up, occasionally meeting with Kelly for further ‘treatments.’ It was the only way to cheat without cheating, and Jeremy had to admit, there was a twisted appeal to the experience. While Kelly rested, Judith scampered back to her desk just to create distance as she removed her strap-on and hid Jeremy’s cock. Kelly was just rousing again when Judith turned to face her once more, her cleanly trimmed crotch the image of femininity.

“Feel better?” Judith asked. Kelly beamed.

“Much better, thank you!”

Judith smiled back genuinely. “Excellent.”

They took a moment to redress themselves before Judith gave her closing remarks.

“So. While Jeremy is not without fault, he won’t know what’s bothering you until you tell him. If you love and trust him, and he loves and trusts you back, then be honest and open about your communication. He sounds like a wonderful husband, and I’m sure he’ll understand if you just tell him how you really feel.” Kelly nodded enthusiastically and they both stood up. Judith walked her client to the door but brought her close for another kiss before Kelly could leave.

“And if you ever want a change of pace, don’t hesitate to come back and see me,” the marriage counselor added with a lusty smile.

Kelly returned the look. “Oh, I will.”