Futabu!… Ja nai!? Ch. 5 – Secrets

“Ahh!” Mattie moaned as she felt her hidden balls tighten, followed by the pleasurable flow of semen pulsed through her shaft. Her milky white seed erupted from the tip of a navy blue strap-on dildo affixed to her crotch. Outwardly, it seemed like your ordinary sex toy with an ejaculation function. But under the shiny thin veneer was Matt’s real cock. Masquerading as “Mattie” had only been the beginning of Matt’s adventure into sexual exploration.

After his lousy parents had been taken away for gambling problems, his aunt offered to take him in on the condition that he lived at the boarding school she owned and ran. As prestigious an institution as Felicity Umbridge Technical Academy was, it was also an all-girls school. “Not a problem! Just wear this high tech skinsuit to turn into ‘Mattie,’ and you’ll fit right in,” Matt paraphrased his aunt, hand waving the issue. Well, for better or worse, a month in, and Matt had gotten used to his role as “Mattie,” just in time for another curve ball.

Gang pressed into F.U.-tech’s “cheer club” by Aunt Felicity herself, Matt soon found the extra curricular club to be a den of shemales who were charged with moderating the sexual needs of the female student base. The catch was that, as Matt got to know each of the members better, he slowly discovered that many of the members weren’t futanari at all. A wild assortment of mages in skinsuits, living skinsuits, and aliens in robotic skinsuits filled out the club roster, with skinsuits being the suspiciously unifying factor that even applied to Matt himself. Regardless of what it all meant, Matt had grown closer to all of his fellow illegitimate girls resulting in a camaraderie not unlike normal friends. Well, friends with benefits in any event.

“Wow, that new toy of yours holds way more than it looks, Mattie!” Danielle marveled as she collected his cum off her mocha toned breasts. “And it looks just like the strap-on sheaths we use with newcomers who aren’t ready to accept live cocks.”

“That’s because your sheaths are so well disguised!” Matt responded hastily, attempting to hide his flustered reaction to the comment by fidgeting with a bit of Mattie’s short brown hair. “So it’s the other way around. Your sheaths were made to look like mine.”

“Oh, yeah, you have a point,” his roommate conceded thoughtfully.

“Well, either way, our little sessions are bound to get juicier from here on out, huh?” Jacqueline noted, coming over. A little on the plump side, her fair skin was practically radiant next to Danielle’s dark complexion. Mattie was on the paler side herself, though a healthy tan set her a shade darker than the blonde upperclassman.

“Are you sitting out again, Prez?” Danielle asked as Matt stepped away to take off his fake toy. He could use it again later but unlike the others his male aspect was not yet trained for extended performances. He undid the harness around his hips and slid the ring at the front off his sheathed member. Like flipping a mental switch, Matt willed his cock to withdraw, and after a moment it responded, retracting on its own, dark blue sheath and all, into Mattie’s vagina. It somehow stored itself inside undetectably, leaving him with a delightfully penetrable uterus complete with womb. He didn’t know how it worked, he just knew that it did. He stowed the harness in his school bag and returned to the others.

In a nearly comic twist of fate, “Mattie” was believed by her fellow club members to be the only full female of the club, meaning “she” was primarily charged with receiving and relieving the club’s many cocks when they had sessions among themselves.

Three throbbing members awaited Matt’s attention.

“No president again today?” he asked, kneeling casually to begin sucking and fondling his club mates.

“Mhmm,” Danielle nodded wistfully. The most similar to Matt’s situation, Daniel was a pale skinned boy wearing the skinsuit of his shemale step sister – a product of a messy and convoluted family situation apparently involving actual magic. His thick member filled out his step-sister’s dark skinned tool well, providing it a girth that Mattie struggled to get her whole hand around.

“Signora Fuyumi says she is still not feeling well. She says she prefers to rest,” Adele explained in her fake Italian accent. She stood straight and stiff while Matt stroked her shaft; it seemed obvious now that he knew, that the Mediterranean transfer student was an alien piloting a robot under her smooth olive skin. Her sublime curves and double D rack were textbook “too good to be true.”

“My, she’s going to be quite backed up once she recovers…” Jacqueline chuckled. You would not know it by her pleasant disposition, but Jacqueline was a victim of suiting magic – turned into a living skinsuit by the same familial turmoil that led Daniel to his current situation. In order to mitigate the risk of her being worn by someone with malicious intent, Jacqueline’s body housed her own younger brother, occupying Jacqueline so no one else could while piggybacking on her education here at F.U. Tech. He dutifully deferred control of their mutual body to Jacqueline, while contributing his impressively long eight inch cock to allow her to participate in club activities.

Matt could not help but wonder if something else was up. Given the history of the three club members he skillfully brought to orgasm, he would not have been surprised if Fuyumi kept some skinsuit related secret of her own.


“Adele, can you give me a hand with clean up, today?” Matt asked, picking himself up out of a puddle of cum.

“Oh, but I’m on duty with you today,” Danielle noted, extracting herself from the finished orgy.

Matt flashed a meaningful glance at Adele before doubling down. Since discovering Adele’s nature, the freshman supermodel had been almost subservient toward Matt in appreciation for keeping her secrets. Getting the message, the tanned girl nodded.

“It’s alright, I want to talk with signora Mattie anyway,” Adele clumsily covered.

Mattie pulled Danielle away from the rest of the group when she continued to look hesitant.

“Look, I know how you’ve been looking at Jackie. And if I’ve noticed she’s noticed, too. But she hasn’t said anything right? She’s waiting for you to make the first move. So to cut your excuses, I’m making an opportunity for you to be alone with her. Don’t waste it,” Matt whispered. He knew he would have to talk to Jacqueline as well, but if Danielle could get the ball rolling it would make that chat easier, too. “I know the club makes the sex situation… unusual, but there are other ways to express intimacy, and being in a relationship means more than just having sex. I can tell that you want more than that, but nothing will happen if you don’t take the first step.”

Danielle took in the rushed pep talk with about as much finesse as a teenager in love. “Wha-?” she gaped but Matt hauled her back to the group before she could protest.

“We’ll take care of things here, you two head to the showers first. No need to wait, this could take a while,” Matt added, indicating the mess around them.

With Jacqueline and Danielle finally ushered out, Matt and Adele began cleaning up the fornication room.

“Did I do as you wanted correctly, signora Mattie?” Adele asked as they worked mechanically.

“Hm? Oh, yeah, thank you. For going along with it and staying.”

Adele smiled. “Good, I am afraid I do not understand why, but if I was able to help, I am glad.”

“Ah,” Matt paused, thinking how best to explain. “So Danielle is in love with Jacqueline,” he stated plainly.

Adele perked up. “Love? As in…”

Matt nodded. “Yep, the emotion that prompts the most intimate relationships between humans, and one of the strongest motivating factors that provokes breeding. Well, we already have plenty of sex, but if you continue to help me get those two closer, you’ll be able to observe how love blossoms outside of sex.”

“I see! Thank you for this intriguing opportunity, signora Mattie!”

“If you’d like, I’ll take over for you here. If you make sure they don’t see you, you might be able to watch them on their way back from the showers,” a new voice added.

Both cleaning girls turned to see the president, Fuyumi, standing in the doorway naked. Her penis hung flaccid only two to three inches long, but Matt knew it would expand when aroused to be larger than any of the other club members. Asian heritage paired with straight black hair made her snowy complexion look even paler than Jacqueline.

“Signora President? Are you feeling better now? You want to take my place cleaning up? Why? You did not make any of this mess…” Adele tilted her head in confusion.

Fuyumi smiled patiently. “It’s fine. Yes, I’m feeling better now. If you don’t want to miss them, you should go now,” she offered, putting out a hand to take Adele’s mop from her. Adele shot a glance at Matt who encouraged her with a nod before she passed her cleaning equipment to the president and left excitedly.

“So. You’ve got me alone now.” Matt noted curiously. Fuyumi’s goal was obvious enough, but he did not know why.

Fuyumi regarded him thoughtfully for a moment before responding.

“Thank you for going out of your way for those two, Matthew. I’m sure if Jackie can open up to Daniel, her brother can eventually be free to live his own life,” she said with a small smile.

“Hm? Oh, yeah…” Matt scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I’m mostly just meddling, but being roommates, I see the signs from Danielle more than mos-.”

Matt froze, the president’s words finally sinking in. Her smile remained unchanged, but it almost seemed to take a deeper meaning.

“How long… have you known?” A whisper was all Matt could manage.

“Long enough,” Fuyumi evaded the question, she set aside the mop and sauntered closer, her cock rapidly growing till it stood its full erect thirteen inches.

Matt’s first instinct was to beg her not to tell anyone, but his mind caught up with the shock just in time. If she had known ‘long enough,’ and hadn’t said anything then she must be bringing it up now for a reason.

“And what do you want?” Matt eyed the approaching meat rod as if it were a live snake.

“No need to be so cold,” Fuyumi soothed, “I’m not here to threaten you. I’ve been waiting for you to get to know our other club members better, well enough to learn their secrets. And the fact that you accepted them, and even continue to go out of your way to help them bolstered my resolve.” So she said as she stroked her monstrous tool. Her breathing picked up as did her pace and through his experience, Matt recognized the beginnings of an orgasm. She was aimed right at his face and he braced himself rather than moving to evade, but as Fuyumi peaked, only a weak stream dribbled out of the bulbous tip. Matt blinked, having expected a flood as Jacqueline had foretold from the pent up president.

“This is why I have not been… participating lately, but there’s more to it. Now that I have a better grasp of your nature, Matthew Duffy, I feel that I can safely confide in you myself. This should be no surprise at this point, but there’s more to me than meets the eye.”

It was a testament to how bizarre his life had become that such a revelation was actually comforting to Matt rather than alarming.

Matt watched as Fuyumi reached behind her neck and peeled open her skinsuit to reveal… Another girl. Matt did not recognize her, and was uncertain of whether he should. As she stripped Fuyumi from her chest, she released a larger bosom than the president had, although she was still smaller than Mattie and all the other club girls, just not by as much. The rest of her body type was pretty similar however and Matt found himself questioning the point of the skinsuit until it slid off her hips to reveal thin straps.

“As you can see, I, too am a fraud in this club meant for futanari,” the girl declared, her voice a bit lower than Fuyumi’s.

Before Matt’s eyes, Fuyumi’s cock rapidly shrunk down to it’s flaccid size at an unnatural speed, allowing the girl to more easily remove its innards from the skinsuit’s convincing flesh. She pulled Fuyumi’s skin down her thighs before returning her attention to her crotch where a strap-on harness held a rather technologically advanced looking phallic shaped device. As if on command it expanded in a smooth motion, clearly mimicking arousal but sped up, until it reached its full length and girth again. The imitation tech penis reminded Matt of the glimpses he saw inside Adele’s interior.

Matt glanced at the white goo that remained in the last part of the room awaiting cleaning. “You can’t use any of this?”

The girl shook her head. “No, at least not like this. Too hard to keep it ‘clean’ once it’s been on the floor or other open surfaces. If I could collect and store it directly then it would be an option, but I don’t have a good discreet way of doing that.”

“You want me to help refill your ‘tank?’” Matt asked cautiously.

“Well, that would be helpful. My usual source has been disrupted lately, which is why I’ve been sitting out, but that’s not the only reason I revealed myself to you now. Since I knew your secret I thought it only fair to share mine. And now you and I are the only two in the club who know everyone else’s true nature, each other included. But our connections don’t stop there, cousin.”

Matt blinked. “Wait, what? We’re cousins? Then… are you?”

The girl nodded with a smile, amused by his reaction. “I am your aunt Felicity’s illegitimate daughter, Mari.”

As she finished peeling Fuyumi’s skin from her legs, Matt regarded his newly realized cousin.

Her hair was cut short like Mattie’s, and an even lighter brown that lacked luster suggesting she did not take particular care of it. Possibly because she spent as much time in Fuyumi as Matt did as Mattie. Her eyes, gray to the president’s dark brown, still followed her work with the same diligent intensity though. Setting Fuyumi aside, she removed the strap-on and harness revealing her shaved bare sex.

“The reason I wanted us to be on fair terms is because I wanted to ask for your help. I may be Felicity’s daughter, but she has no love for me or my father, who is the real creators of these skinsuits. For her, we were little more than stepping stones – she wanted the skins my father was working on, and gave birth to me simply to convince him of her false loyalty. As soon as she could get away with it, she stole everything from us and left us to rot. But she could not take my father’s skill and experience.”

Mari picked up Fuyumi’s skin somberly.

“He made Fuyumi for me to sneak in under Felicity’s nose. When we found out she was interested in shemales, futanari, it was easy to craft a girl she could not resist recruiting. I made sure to be her perfect understudy, since I already knew what she liked and looked for in students she wanted to groom.

“I’ve since been looking for anything we can use to undermine her and get back what she stole from us, but… I’ve not found anything of particular use. Little bits here and there, evidence of corruption, abuse, but what we’re really after is a way to replace her, but as much favor as I’ve curried with her, I don’t get many opportunities to interact, and I’ve not seen any holes in her guard.”

She put Fuyumi down and took a step forward, a fire in her eyes making Matt retreat a step himself on instinct.

“But you. You’ve casually gone to see her twice in just the last week and been admitted both times without issue! I get the sense that she’s comfortable, complacent even around you because she’s convinced she has you in the palm of her hand, Matthew Duffy. With your parents taken away you’re dependent on her and she knows you both know that. I want to use that.”

“So… you want my… skin?” Matt asked, uncertain of what to think about this deluge of information.

“Not right now. That’s a possible option to consider, but I think she might notice if someone other than you is going around as Mattie. For now it’s enough that you keep an eye open for anything out of the ordinary when you interact with her and let me know discreetly when you can.”

“A… alright… I can do that,” Matt agreed. This was pretty overwhelming, but from what he could decipher, what Mari was asking for did not involve any particular risks or efforts from him, at least not yet. Even without that, it was surprisingly difficult to resist the petite girl gazing into his eyes with such fervor. The little smile on her lips masked a manipulative mind that definitely seemed related to her mother, whether she realized or not.

“Of course, I don’t expect your help for free,” Mari added, drawing closer still. Matt hadn’t realized he had backed up against the wall. “I was prepared to put my body on the line when I chose to infiltrate Mother’s school, and I can think of far worse partners than you, Matthew.”

She pressed her naked body against his. He felt her fingers brush across his skin, quickly teasing various erogenous zones just enough to get him hot before moving on to the next.

“As I said, I really respect and appreciate how you accepted us ‘futanari’ and continue to not only be with us but consider us friends worth helping even after finding out each of our secrets. You dutifully play the role of the sole female despite your own male needs, and while I’m sure that you expected no compensation for those efforts, I think after all you’ve been through and all that we’ve asked of you, you deserve a reward, and my body is a small price to pay to be able to give you back some pleasure for all the pleasure you’ve given us.”

“But… we’re cousins…” Matt protested weakly.

Mari scoffed. “I’d be surprised if you had much respect for family after what yours has done to you.” She sighed. “Look, I’m not aiming to make babies or start a family with you; if I have to spell it out, I just want to fuck. In much the same way your male parts have been underused, I’ve also not been taking care of myself in the way that I might prefer. Think of it this way if you must – we fellow conspirators are just taking care of each others needs.”

It was true – Matt was not overly concerned about the familial tie he had only just found out about. Thinking back Fuyumi had been the first to properly screw him when he first arrived and they had engaged in a variety of sexual acts since then. He realized that bringing it up had been little more than a knee jerk defensive reaction when he was unprepared for Mari’s advances. In terms of his own tastes, Mattie herself or the bustier girls in club or among the students who came to engage in their club’s services were more his type. Still, he could not deny the appeal of Mari’s proposal.

“I see your body finds the idea agreeable, at least,” Mari grinned, reaching down to stroke the navy blue shaft that had slid out of Mattie’s pussy while Matt had been deep in thought. Wait, that wasn’t supposed to happen by accident!

“Relax, it’s not a malfunction – I put the idea in your head and made you focus on it,” Mari explained, sensing his concern. She knelt before him to entreat with his tool more intimately. She got it fully hard before reaching into Mattie’s pussy and finding the edge of the sheath. Pulling, she slowly rolled it off, baring Matt’s cock to the open air. Then, she laid lips upon it.

Having begun to get used to sex with the sheath, feeling raw oral, un-dampened by extra layers felt unbelievable. As expected of the president of a club about dicks, Mari was skilled and quickly brought Matt to the edge of orgasm but stopped just short. She backed off with a sly smile and laid on one of the pallets around the room and offering him a clear route to her moist, waiting cunt.

“I know you can’t cum as much as the rest of us yet, but we can work on it. For now I wanted to save your load for where it really matters. Don’t worry, it’s a safe day.”

At the precipice as he was, Matt needed little convincing. He let go of the mop he had not realized he had been clinging to still and pounced, pushing Mari’s thighs wider and plunging his bare cock into her pussy. Just like the raw blowjob, getting used to the sheath amplified the sensations when he finally engaged in unimpeded intercourse. His hips shook erratically as he tried not to blow his load immediately, but close as he was, he did not last long. Even as he came though, he continued to shakily thrust, hoping to squeeze out just a bit more pleasure.

Matt flopped back with a sigh, his flaccid cock slipping out of Mari’s quivering sex. His partner remained panting on her back for a moment long before pulling herself up.

“Ha… I needed that,” she muttered in satisfaction. Standing to stretch, Matt noticed a bit of his cum leak from her slit. She took a breath and made her way over to where she had left Fuyumi’s skin and began putting her back on, starting with the mechanical strap-on and its harness. As Matt watched Fuyumi return, he wondered if this counted as losing his male virginity for real or if the first time he did it with Danielle using the sheath counted.

“Alright, we’ll talk again about things later,” Fuyumi informed him. “I hope you’ll look forward to it like I am,” she finished with a wink. “I do need to get that refill from you sooner rather than later.”


Matt lay in bed trying to fall asleep amidst the sound of Danielle snoring across the small dorm room. He was still processing all the new information he learned from Fuyumi – from Mari earlier. She had not explicitly mentioned as much, but with all the skinsuits floating around, it was hard to deny the chance that the Aunt Felicity that he knew was not in fact his actual aunt. She physically matched what he remembered of the few times he saw her before his parents were seized, but aside from admiring her physique as a horny little kid, he had never paid enough attention to what she did or said to be able to tell if the current headmistress was genuine or not.

Does it matter though? A small voice that sounded a bit like Mari asked in the back of his head. If she did steal the skinsuit technology from Mari and her father then perhaps she had something to do with his parents as well. Aloof and whimsical as she could be, Aunt Felicity wasted no time swooping in to rescue him from a life in an orphanage. But ever since arriving at F.U. Tech it had been one bizarre thing after another and Matt feared his sense of normalcy was growing skewed. Thinking in circles was not getting him anywhere and with the curfew active he wasn’t going to be able to do anything even if he did come to some earth shattering conclusion in his head. Better just to sleep on it for now and worry about things later.

So he told himself, but the memory of Mari’s moist folds enveloping him lingered enticingly in his mind. He found himself reaching between his legs under his covers, feeling moisture already from Mattie’s femininity. He shouldn’t… yet he willed it anyway. His cock slid out, gently rubbing against Mattie’s folds along its way. Her soft hands felt good, even though they were no match for Mari. He should at least go to the bathroom for this. He knew it, yet he continued where he was, stroking himself into the night.