Futabu!… Ja nai!? Ch. 7(final) – The Curtain

Recommended to read Control Freak before reading this story.

Mattie pulled her lips away from President Fuyumi’s drooling folds. Aside from having to hold Fuyumi’s massive cock out of the way, it wasn’t too different from how Matt imagined normal cunnilingus. But for them, it was just foreplay.

Mattie straightened up, brushing a short strand of brown hair out of her face. She watched as Fuyumi finished lubricating the thick pink, double sided dildo with her saliva before handing it back to her partner. Mattie spread her own pussy and slowly pushed the side of the dildo indicated by a small arrow inside her. As it slid in, Matt flipped the mental trigger that cued the skinsuit he was wearing to release his cock. He went from not feeling it at all in its hiding place behind “Mattie’s” female reproductive system, to suddenly feeling stimulation as it slid through “Mattie’s” tubes, meeting the specialized pink tool inside. In his head, he matched his mental image to the sensations he felt as the process happened incognito within “Mattie’s” pelvis: the tool’s tip opened and his cock entered it. Outwardly it just looked as if “Mattie” was getting used to having such a big toy inside of her, but once everything was in place, the dildo synchronized with the skinsuit and Matt began experiencing the now familiar double feed back, as if he had two cocks. One already deep within the hot, moist constrictions of a pussy, the other, in the open still, ready for more.

Mattie guided her dildo into Fuyumi’s prepared cunt, making the two ‘girls’ groan in pleasure. She began bucking her hips, thrusting in and out of her partner, the sexual experience doubled by the internal connection Matt had with the toy. After a bit, he came; the pink toy took his orgasm and extended it by coaxing not only the semen from sacs in the moment, but also adding to it, all of the jizz he had stored in the toy for the last week. Releasing it in one continuous climax, Matt spent well over a minute in continuous blissful ejaculation. All of the white goo he pumped would be stored in a hidden tank of Fuyumi’s own, allowing her own massive penis to spew the impossible volumes she was known for among the other members of F.U. Tech’s Cheer Club.

When he finally finished, Matt stumbled back with a content sigh. It was getting difficult to enjoy normal orgasms now that he had been spoiled by these mega ejaculations. The one downside being, for being many times more pleasurable, they also drained him of that much more stamina. His vision swam as he hastily plopped into a nearby chair to steady himself, but for once, he managed to retain consciousness.

Zima, who had been standing by nearly motionlessly before, suddenly moved forward. Like the other unique members of the club, her outward appearance was the product of a skinsuit, but instead of a hapless boy with a traumatic past of family issues, or brother looking out for his sister or a tentacle alien piloting a teen supermodel body, Zima was a robot in a skinsuit. While the other “girls” were individuals with their own lives and reasons, Zima’s primary purpose was to further harvest cum for Fuyumi to maintain the illusion of her inter-sex identity.

Matt watched on in his daze, as Zima reached into her artificial pussy and withdrew a black, synthetic injection tool; naturally, it was shaped like a thick phallus. She took Matt’s place between Fuyumi’s legs, sparing a moment to gather some excess vaginal fluid to lube the device before shoving it between Fuyumi’s folds and beginning to shake her hips. Facing away from Matt, the numb boy never saw the uncharacteristically expressive smirk that crept across Zima’s lips. Instead, he found himself staring dumbly at the back of her head, where her strawberry blonde hair drifted back and forth as her whole body got involved with the force of her thrusts.

Matt jerked awake, not even realizing he had drifted off. Fuyumi and Zima had moved to Fuyumi’s chair behind her desk, where Fuyumi sat in Zima’s lap attempting to sort through some paperwork even while Zima continued bobbing her upon the dull black shaft.

“Ah… Matt…ie…” Fuyumi started, but stopped, waiting for Zima to pause so that she could form sentences. Fuyumi cleared her throat. “Zima and I will take care of cleaning the other room after today’s activities. You may clean up yourself and head back for today,” Fuyumi dismissed him with a polite smile. “Thank you for your contribution as always.”

Matt rose to his feet and stretched, feeling Mattie’s breasts bounce a bit with each move. He nodded, thinking aloud as he pulled out the pink dildo. “Has there been any progress on figuring out what Aunt Felicity is up to? Or what was it? You wanted to look for something that could be used against her?”

“Huh?” Fuyumi knit her brows, thinking a moment. “O-oh, mhmm. No, unfortunately nothing yet. Though I, uh.. did hear something interesting, I need to verify it before taking any action.”

“What did you hear?”

Fuyumi blinked. “Uh… I… don’t want to say without evidence. Or well, mhmm!”

Zima started moving her hips again, cutting Fuyumi off.

“I’ll… tell you later, don’t… worry about it for now!” Fuyumi finished between labored pants. “Either way,… you can go now!”

Matt’s eyebrows raised, but he didn’t comment further. Collecting his things, he excused himself to the club’s private showers. He pondered that last odd exchange as he washed up and redressed. He wasn’t sure how it worked, but he had always gotten the sense that Fuyumi had some sort of unspoken control over robo-girl Zima. She wouldn’t have started moving again when Fuyumi didn’t want her to, which meant…

For as open with each other as Matt and club president Fuyumi had become in the last two weeks, it seemed odd for her to try covering something up like that, but Matt could not think of any other explanation for her vague and hasty dismissal. Matt’s ponderings continued as he made his way back towards his dorm room. Thinking back a bit more, the image of the back of Zima’s head returned to his mind, and finally something clicked, making him stop in his tracks in the middle of the hallway.

That time he visited Aunt Felicity last month. When she gave him that first fake strap-on sheath to put over his cock so that he could enjoy pitching for a change. When he first entered her office she was… with another student. With strawberry blonde hair of the same length as Zima’s. Diminutive in stature, but busty. Aunt Felicity was… well, not the most forthright about what she was doing at the time, but that student at the time had to be Zima! The similarities were too much to be a coincidence. And the way she seemed to… rag doll once Aunt Felicity was done with her.

But that was weeks ago, well before Fuyumi’s father supposedly ‘imported’ Zima to help Fuyumi, not to mention Fuyumi was supposed to be at odds with Aunt Felicity. How was Zima connected to both of them? Something didn’t add up, but in the event that Fuyumi didn’t know that Aunt Felicity had gotten to Zima first, he felt compelled to warn her.

Turning on his heel, Matt returned to the club room.




Matt hesitated. He had snuck back into the club through the washroom out of habit, but was surprised to find it still as lurid as earlier. Not only that, but as he crept closer to the office where he had last seen Fuyumi and Zima, now a chorus of pleasured moans reached his ears. Including one deep male groan. Tiptoeing closer, Matt was able to peer through a crack in the door.

Though he did not cut a particularly robust figure, Matt could clearly see the profile of a man sitting on one of the office’s couches. Mari, out of her Fuyumi disguise, bounced gleefully in his lap. And yet, Matt saw Fuyumi herself, thrusting into Mari from behind somehow.

Mari ran a hand lovingly through the man’s long ash gray hair while locked in a passionate kiss. When their lips parted, Matt’s ears picked up the sound of Mari’s voice.

“Mhm… Man, I need a haircut,” she purred, collecting a gentle hand full of the man’s hair.

As if seeing Mari and Fuyumi simultaneously in the same place was not disconcerting enough, the threesome suddenly stopped in unison and changed positions, offering Matt more confusing information. Fuyumi backed off, allowing Mari to climb out of the man’s lap and the two helped the man off the couch. At first, Matt’s eyes were drawn to the dull black color of the pale skinned man’s penis, but after a moment, he realized what he saw. The man wore a skinsuit below the waist, and as Fuyumi picked up its deflated head, Matt identified the strawberry blonde locks atop its head.

Mari bent over the couch, presenting her behind while Fuyumi helped the man out of the rest of Zima’s skinsuit. As her hips fell away the black phallus deflated and the man pulled out his more appropriately pale skinned, appendage.

Fuyumi set Zima’s skin aside and took hold of the man’s tool, making it look even bigger in her small hands. “Years of careful planning, risky experimentation and enhancement… all for Sam, but the only way he’ll accept me is if he doesn’t know it’s me…” the man muttered wistfully.

“Don’t let your patience thus far go to waste. His rehab has been going well, and we get to drown in pleasure every day with him…” Fuyumi consoled him in a saccharine tone. She let go of his dick to caress a thin metal band around his temples that Matt hadn’t noticed before. “You pour all your love into him regularly even if it’s often indirectly. It still feels good.”

The man sighed, “All I want is for open honest love, but getting there has forced me so far in the other direction… Why can’t you just accept my love, Sam!?”

Despite his melancholy, or perhaps because of it, the man drove his dick into Mari from behind, resuming fucking her vigorously, while Fuyumi floated around to make out with Mari over the back of the couch. After going at it for a few moments, all three of them stopped abruptly, a look of concentration crossing the man’s face, while the other two seemed frozen in time.

“Speaking of Sam, he still hasn’t returned to his dorm room… Do I send Danielle out to look for him or just give him time…”

Matt blinked, his mind working a mile a minute. His heart threatened to pound out of his chest, but he managed to slink away from the door without drawing the threesome’s attention. He rushed to get out of the club rooms and back into the public halls. In mental overdrive, his feet carried him along without consideration for where he was going.

“Sam?” but his name was “Matt.” And yet, it was hard to imagine the man’s last statement as referencing anyone but him. Zima wasn’t a robot? But what about that time Fuyumi showed off her insides? He had been able to see the white fluid sloshing around with its glass tank. What did it mean for Fuyumi and Mari to both be moving about… alive, or seeming to be at least, at the same time? Could he trust anything she had told him up to this point if she had been keeping this… man a secret in their midst?

On the tail of that last thought, Matt looked up, finding himself outside Aunt Felicity’s office. It was right around dinner time, but the headmistress was usually still here, if perhaps finally wrapping up her work around this time. Did he dare ask her? Could he at least ask about Zima maybe? Could he trust anyone anymore? He wasn’t even sure he trusted himself at this point.

Like his feet before him, his hands seemed to take matters into themselves, and Matt found himself pushing open the headmistress’s office doors even while he struggled with his avalanche of anxious questions.

Aunt Felicity lay slumped in her plush office chair behind her big fancy desk covered in paperwork. She seemed to have fallen asleep while working, and jolted awake as Matt drew closer.

“Muh… Mattie? My, you’ve caught me in a bit of an embarrassing position, sleeping on the job. I’m afraid I might be overworking myself lately,” she chuckled sheepishly. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this… surprise visit?”

As if his other concerns weren’t enough, Matt’s frustrating history of his Aunt jerking him around piled on, almost converting his panicked confusion into boiling anger.

“What the fuck is going on…” Matt whispered, his voice strained even in Mattie’s higher timbre. “You know something. You’ve always known something, and you always avoid telling me. You’re the one who pressured me to join the Cheer Club. You must have known they were all…” He snapped his jaw shut. He wasn’t quite ready to betray the whole club even in his frustrated rage. Not yet at least.

Aunt Felicity took a deep breath and stood up from her seat. Eyes closed, she rolled her shoulders and neck. When her eyes reopened, they had recovered their more… normal glint. “Is there… something wrong with the Cheer Club, Mattie?” she inquired in what sounded to Matt’s ears like a sickeningly smug tone.

Matt ground his teeth. “You tell me, I bet you know. The real question is why did you thrust me into all that?”

Aunt Felicity shrugged innocently, smoothing out her maroon business suit.. “I told you when I gave you that sheath, right? I know you’re an adolescent young man with needs that are… difficult to fulfill as you were. To be honest, I thought you would fit in as a fellow ‘futanari’ and be able to enjoy your school life that way.” As she spoke, she wandered out from behind her desk, sauntering around the room.

“Might have helped if you’d taught me it was even possible to pull… it out while suited in the first place!” Matt snapped back. “And not weeks after I had already resigned myself to being their bitch. Their cum bucket…”

“You could have quit,” Aunt Felicity’s smile finally melted into a more grave expression. “I forced you to try it. I never forced you to stay.” She returned to her desk, this time perching on the edge, crossing her long, hose encased legs.

Matt had to blink and tear his eyes away from them and her full bosom before he could find the words to continue. That it took so much effort also frustrated and confused him.

“Zima,” he started flatly. “The girl Zima who last joined the club. I saw her here with you first, back then. That same time you gave me the sheath. She was… if I recall ‘helping you test something.’ If she just transferred here recently, which you must have approved, then what was she doing here before that?”

Aunt Felicity regarded him silently for a moment before finally sighing, relaxing into a more casual position upon the desk’s edge.

“I can see that you’re not going to let that go, so I’ll come clean. Zima is…” she paused, “… a spy I sent to the club. I know about Mari, and that she snuck into my school because she’s up to something, but it’s been a long time since she arrived and I still haven’t figured out what she’s up to. I was partially hoping you’d be able to shed some light on that, but as you’ve gotten comfortable among them while growing more defensive around me, I decided I needed to try a more loyal agent.”

Matt scowled.

“I don’t believe you.”

Aunt Felicity blinked. “I’m sorry?”

“You’re still lying to me. That contradicts what Zima herself has said,” Matt spat flatly.

“Are you sure Zima was not the one lying?” Aunt Felicity countered.

“She’s given me more reason to trust her than you have.” The words left Matt’s lips before his memory reminded him of his most recent experience with Zima just minutes earlier. Still, he let the comment ride.

“Oh, that hurts. After all I’ve done for you…” Aunt Felicity feigned being affronted, but quickly returned to her usual sly self. “After all I’ve done to you, you finally think you see through me. Perhaps it’s time to pull back the curtain afterall.”

Expecting more bullshit, Matt was caught off guard by the concession. Rather than explain further though, Aunt Felicity hopped off the desk, her heels clacking loudly on the floor and slowly paced around the back of the room, examining the shelves of books, records and paraphernalia as if seeking something specific. By the time she reached the end though, she turned back to him without picking anything up. The sound of the office door closing made Matt spin in alarm. He had not heard it open.

The whole Cheer Club stood in eerily silent attention.

“What… why are… no, you’re all in on this?” Matt stuttered. No one answered, instead, Jacqueline walked stiffly over to one of the love seats and sat down. After settling herself, though, her head lolled back and her whole body went limp. Adele moved next, sitting beside Jacqueline before the same thing happened to her. Danielle’s turn was after that. Zima started moving next, and Matt eyed her more cautiously than the others, remembering the truth he had witnessed under her skin just a little while prior.

“Guh, wha!?”

While tracking Zima around the room, he failed to notice Aunt Felicity come up behind him and jerk his arms behind his back with surprising force. Zima brought her arm bindings from among the bondage gear in Aunt Felicity’s hidden shelf (the same stash that had supplied his strap-on sheath) and helped Aunt Felicity use it to bind his wrists. Once secure she continued to hold him now quite literally captive. Zima settled into another empty seat and fell limp, her job apparently done, leaving just Fuyumi, who sauntered into the center of the room, surrounded by her unnaturally still club mates. She slowly peeled off layers of clothing while she spoke.

“It’s true, Matt, that the Cheer Club is a ruse, but I don’t think you understand just how deep it runs…” Fuyumi started. Suddenly, Danielle and Jacqueline jerked into motion, standing and beginning to strip out of their clothes. Both wore a chillingly empty expression.

Once naked, Danielle offered no resistance, as Fuyumi opened her back and removed her light brown skin off Daniel’s pale figure. To Matt’s dismay, Daniel’s expression never changed over the course of the transition. It was as if he were in a hypnotized daze or…

Daniel moved, but rather nervously pleading or explaining why he, a boy, was under Danielle’s skin, he silently reached behind his own head, peeling away his skin to reveal black skeletal robotics. The drone’s face rotated through a slew of emotions that only looked artificial because they appeared on a thin, white mutable membrane floating above a mass of wires more advanced than Matt could understand. The drone left Daniel’s skin on below the neck, believing correctly, that its head alone made enough of an impact. To the side, movement blessedly drew Matt’s attention from his stare down with this waking nightmare.

Unfortunately, that movement was Jacqueline opening her back to reveal her own biggest secret. William breached from his sister’s back, but his expression was just as impassive as Daniel’s had been. He climbed out of Jacqueline’s back, leaving his sister in her bent forward “loading” stance, back open like before, but with none of the sass or even liveliness she had displayed when Matt had spied on her in the abandoned hangar off campus. William went to stand next to Daniel before peeling away his head, revealing another black drone like his neighbor next to him.

Tearing his gaze away, he noticed Fuyumi putting on Danielle’s skin, efficiently sliding into the larger girl’s frame. He watched as Fuyumi filled out Danielle’s cock sleeve, bringing the dark skinned member to life, now bigger than ever. Drone Daniel helped her close up the seam in the back.

Danielle gave a testing stretch. “Mhmm… heya roomie,” she opened sheepishly. “This is a little awkward, huh? But yeah, I guess the truth’s out. Sorry I lied about my family. About myself, too. I’ll spill the truth, but while I do, think I could get a quickie, for old time’s sake?” She giggled. Aunt Felicity hauled on Matt’s restraints, forcing him to bend forward and shoving his face in Danielle’s large brown dick. The dark skinned girl kissed his lips with the precum from her penis’s tip. After a moment of silence, she seemed unwilling to go on unless Matt fellated her, so grudgingly, he let her slide it into his mouth where she began slowly thrusting.

“You know, they say ‘any sufficiently advanced technology is functionally indistinguishable from magic to those uninitiated to it.’ Or something like that. Miss Umbridge could have told you that the suits she provided were magic as well and you’d have never really been able to tell.

“I was a primer for you. My personality and history were both carefully constructed to be approachable and to make you sympathetic – to make you think, ‘oh, well, I suppose I can understand why this person might wear a skinsuit.’ If I could get you to start thinking that, then I could make you more accepting of your own situation. The whole magic angle was to numb you to needing other explanations. It’s just magic, it doesn’t require comprehension to work.”

The explanation cut short as Danielle’s face scrunched up and she came, pouring a hot salve of sour/bitter semen into Matt’s mouth. With a pleased breath, Danielle pulled out, leaving Matt to cough and spit up what he could of the semen onto the floor. She stepped back and opened the seam in her back, allowing Fuyumi to clamber out. Fuyumi smiled at Matt innocently but didn’t say anything, instead draping Danielle’s skin over Daniel’s head as if the standby drone were little more than a coat rack. Aunt Felicity seemed unwilling to let Matt straighten back up, leaving him to crane his neck if he wanted to continue watching this fever dream play out. And, like a train wreck, it certainly demanded his attention.

Next, Fuyumi made her way to Jacqueline’s open back. Getting in, she closed Jacqueline’s back and the bubbly blonde righted herself both in position and demeanor. Where William’s penis usually granted Jacqueline her futanari status, Fuyumi’s monster upgraded Jacqueline’s size and girth to another level.

“My, what a compromising position you’ve found me in. Still, I can’t say it’s all bad.” She stroked the long shaft as she wandered over towards where William stood in blank attention. “See, I’m more excited than usual!” Jacqueline fawned, comparing her new genitals to William’s. Pleased by the contrast, she turned back to Matt, continuing to edge herself closer.

“I built off the foundation that Danny started. William and I reinforced that if ‘magic’ was an acceptable explanation, anything was fair game, and if skinsuits could take a symbiotic form that helps both the wearer and the suit, then skinsuits can’t be inherently bad.

“Additionally, William and I made the concept of an ‘antagonist’ ambiguous. Both the suiter and the suit were victims deserving of your sympathy. That Danny and I both had a tragic history but justifiable reason for skinsuiting taught you, subconsciously, that probing too deep into any other suiter’s past or motivations could be rude, out of fear of dredging up painful memories. Really, though, thank you for being so… so…”

Jacqueline’s masturbation accelerated enthusiastically until her white love juices fountained from her shaft’s engorged tip. The goo splattered thickly into Matt’s face and she worked her way around to make sure a sticky layer covered his head and back. With a condescending gentleness, she cleaned away the jizz from his face, lapping up the excess she collected herself. With a giggle, she continued.

“So… gullible.”

Taking advantage of her already bent over stance, Jacqueline’s back opened, letting Fuyumi climb out. Her statement made and role finished for now, Fuyumi discarded Jacqueline’s form in front of William, the brother offering no reaction to his sister’s partially deflated form being dumped at his feet. Not that any expression made by that ghostly membrane would seem natural without the skin’s flesh over top of it.

As Fuyumi returned to the center of the room, Adele and Zima rose. It was usually a pleasure to see the two best racks in the club bare their all, but there was a icy edge to their strip tease. The little smile adorning both girls all but confirming that they had a pattern to follow, and the fanfare along the way was a conscious decision to draw out Matt’s experience. Adele stepped forward first, her super-model grade curves allegedly based off real super models, the product of an alien attempting to study human attraction. But as her stomach opened under those glorious breasts, and the bizarre tentacle creature crawled out, Adele continued to move. Even as the tentacle alien abandoned Adele’s form entirely to wrap Matt up, invasively touching and teasing him all over, Adele stroked her telescoping manhood, bringing it’s flaccid phimosis up to a burly thick specimen of masculinity to contrast with her scientifically optimized feminine beauty.

“I too, appreciated your understanding, signora Mattie.” Adele cooed. “My purpose was to test the upper boundaries of what you were willing to accept. Between magic and aliens, who are you to question why anyone might be someone wearing a suit? I also convinced you that, when it comes to suits, you can decouple fear from the unknown and that the unknown can make love just as well as that we are comfortable with…” She brought her cock up to Matt’s lips and Matt let her in on instinct before he caught himself. “…if we only are willing to embrace love in any form it takes.”

To the side, Zima stepped into Matt’s vision, drawing his attention with a mischievous wave. The same dull black injector cock popping forth from her pussy, she winked and pressed a finger into her belly button like the first time Fuyumi had. The same seam cracked across Zima’s stomach and she peeled back both sides to give him a clear view of the very full glass tank of cum nestled cozily inside her black artificial pelvic structure. Leaving her stomach skin open like a loose button-down shirt, she swayed closer, running one finger gently along the curve of Matt’s back. He could feel alien Adele’s tentacles move out of the way just to accommodate the teasing stroke.

“For my part,” Zima began, arriving behind Matt completely and taking over for Aunt Felicity in holding Matt’s bent over upper body, “I was really just an indulgence. A tease of the truth, if you will.” Matt felt her lift his skirt and pull down his panties. She rubbed her phallic appendage against his bare sex. It was not as smooth as he expected – though not rough. As far as he could tell, it had an almost velvety, fabric-like texture to its surface. Still it was firm enough to pierce his sphincter as Zima forced her way into his ass, completing a spit-roasting formation between her and Adele.

“Surely an entirely robotic AI girl in a suit is no less of an exotic sex partner as magicians and the aliens. And just as the others trained you, you never questioned it. Like a good boy, you just accepted the line you were fed and enjoyed it.

“And since you never questioned me, you never stopped to question what I represented: a complete and total counterfeit of a life. If not for your previous training, you might have questioned: ‘If Zima, a fabrication even deeper than the skin, exists, what evidence do I have that anyone I’ve met isn’t also as much a lie?’”

The ‘girls’ picked up their intensity; even alien Adele writhed around Matt’s figure with more enthusiasm than before. Finally, they came, Adele’s human form spurting into his mouth, while her alien form’s tentacles spewed hot jizz from the ends. Zima seemed intent on emptying her entire tank into his digestive tract the wrong way. Even while still cumming, she continued, her voice cool and steady making her seem even more inhuman than before.

“I was a hint, shown off brazenly as a dare. I dared you to challenge what you thought you knew, but instead, you happily accepted what you were told. Just like I wanted. That told me you were right where I wanted you.”

It took three minutes for Zima to finish. She thankfully pulled out of Matt’s rectum before her flow threatened to come out the other end, but that still left her with plenty to pour out over his back, sometimes increasing the force to splatter some jizz playfully on Adele where Matt could see the white goop slowly crawl down her olive toned curves. Once she finished though, Adele disengaged as well, the alien creature crawling back into her cubby in suit Adele’s body. Adele returned to her earlier seat where she deactivated once more, while Zima continued to dutifully hold Matt’s bonds.

Feeling queasy from overfilling, Matt glanced around. Unlike with Danielle and Jacqueline, Fuyumi seemed to have been content to spectate, perched on Aunt Felicity’s desk like Aunt Felicity had been before, she noticed his eyes and sent him back a innocent smile.

“Me? Well, if you haven’t figured it out yet, my feud with my mother was also a lie. Thanks to the others’ set up, I barely had to explain anything. You easily accepted, not only that we were related, but that I had any connection to Felicity at all, even though my club-facade, Fuyumi,” she poked both of her cheeks cutely to punctuate, “looks more like she could be related to Felicity than…” Fuyumi paused to reach behind her neck and, in a now familiar pattern, peeled off her face to reveal Mari. “… than little ol’ Mari here.” Letting Fuyumi’s head hang from her neck, Mari chuckled behind one hand. “And truth be told, by that point, I was just messing with you for fun. I ad-libed that whole bit. The only reason I had ‘Mari’ on under Fuyumi in the first place was because I was also your last regular during cheer hours that day. The one with the Raggedy-Ann mask. But after harvesting your cum, I saw an opportunity to drag you in deeper.

“Or rather, I saw you pick up on the hook I had left in Jackie and Danielle’s behaviors. I made them attracted to each other to make them seem more real, but you really went out of your way for them, so I figured I should reward you for that.” She snickered. “And by reward you, I mean reap the rewards of my own hard work. It’s hard work moving of all those bodies at once even with ai assistance. I made up the bit about Mari and Aunt Felicity to have an excuse to have raw sex with you, and as I went, I found a way to spin it into other chances to let you fuck me. It was a nice change of pace from screwing you all the time. I figured I’d conditioned you enough with the others that I could get away with a bit of indulgence. But the real final test starts now.”

Only then did Matt notice movement from the other side of the headmistress’s desk. Maroon business suit draped over the back of her office chair, Aunt Felicity herself rounded the desk to stand next to Mari, in her own naked glory.

Seeing the club girls was something he was used to, but he had never seen Aunt Felicity naked before. It should have been apparent by how easy she used her body to tease and coerce him, but somehow it was still surprising to see how killer her body was. She was not the young sparrow she used to be, and she couldn’t compete with Adele’s artificially optimized form (though Matt was realizing at this point that Adele was no more artificial than any of the girls), Aunt Felicity’s bare skin was a sight to behold. As was the navy blue strap-on dildo affixed to her crotch.

“Last but not least,” Aunt Felicity began, as Mari hopped off the desk and walked around behind the headmistress, “I served as your anchor. I was your point of reference in this otherwise isolated world. When you feel lost by the alleged betrayal of made-up parents and I swoop in and claim that I’m your aunt and I’m going to be taking care of you, then you not only have no reason to reject, but you have a vested interest in accepting that claim.”

Matt gaped. As crazy as the other explanations had been, Aunt Felicity’s claim seemed the most outrageous. “M…m-made up parents?” Matt managed to stammer. “But I remember my parents!”

Aunt Felicity offered him a look of condescending sympathy as she bent forward at the waist. “You remember having parents. They certainly existed, but they’re not the ones you’re thinking of.”

“No… that doesn’t make any sense. I distinctly remember them gambling their way into so much debt that they sold me to pay it off!”

“Oh? Well if you’re so confident, what are your parents’ names?”

Matt’s mouth opened without hesitation, but nothing left his tongue. He worked his jaw, as if physically moving it might help pull his deplorable parents’ names from the back of his throat. But as desperately as he searched, there was nothing to be found. A light giggle snapped Matt’s attention back to his… fake(?) aunt.

He caught glimpse of Mari’s smirk as she climbed into Aunt Felicity’s body from behind, just like she had with Jacqueline. This time though Aunt Felicity continued to talk, as if unaware, and certainly unconcerned about the passenger installing herself in her person.

“As I was saying, once you internalized the belief that I was your aunt, it was easy to shape your virtual world view, which was the most important part to this whole charade.”

Once Mari was fully inside, Aunt Felicity straightened back up and spun, showing off a closed back with no evidence of any seams or openings, though Matt knew there would be one hidden after Mari’s little disappearing act. Facing forward again, Aunt Felicity let out a ragged breath, gripping the side of her desk for support as, a cock pushed out from her crotch, protruding from an otherwise unmarked slit in her strap-on harness under the base of the strap-on she already wore. Mari’s cock extended a little bit longer than its upstairs brother before seeming to reach it’s final position. Aunt Felicity picked up a condom from her desk and rolled it over the second cock, giving it the same navy blue hue and texture that the top one did. Taking one in each hand, she finally came forward.

“You see, I am not the only one with secrets deeper than you realize here,” Aunt Felicity noted, crouching in front of Matt’s cum soiled face with a smile. She reached behind Mattie’s neck and peeled the girl’s face off, letting it hang from Matt’s neck like Mari had with Fuyumi before. “This whole artifice. All the money I poured into obtaining and cultivating this private academy – the perfect isolated conditioning space. The strain I put my own body and mind through to expand my control to three drones at once; more if I limited them to simpler actions. The days and nights of research on how form affects the brain… this was all for you. To reconcile with you. To prove to you that skinsuits aren’t all bad, that they can have justifiable uses, that people using skinsuits can still be good people and that no matter the form inside or out, that love can triumph.”

Aunt Felicity reached behind Matt’s head once more, digging her nails into his flesh. Matt flinched, expecting it to hurt. He didn’t follow what this madwoman was saying, if she was even a woman at all… but to his surprise… to his terror, Aunt Felicity slowly peeled off the skin he thought he knew.

“I did all this to make you love skinsuits as much as I do, Sam.”

Sam blinked. The stench of ejaculate hung rank in the hot and slimy room. Alanna, his wife, squatted in front of him, her long, straight black hair down from its usual bun. Wait, that was when she was working with the police. She was a teacher now at some fancy academy…

Sam tried moving but found his arms bound. Something hung heavily from his chest and shoulders. Was it the same thing hanging from his neck? Oh, Alanna has a double dildo now? Had he passed out in the middle of a session? She’s been even more into topping lately, but where was the second toy going to go? He noticed his stomach felt sickeningly bloated, causing a wave of nausea to crash over him.

“Sam? Sam!”

Alanna’s voice brought him back.

“Sam, stay calm and listen carefully,” she instructed, a concerned look in her eyes. lifting whatever was hanging from his neck. Turning it in her hands, she revealed what looked like the skin of a human face. Sam recoiled on instinct. What was that doing attached to him?

“Sam, do you remember Matthew Duffy?”

Memories hit Sam like a truck. Three months at Aunt Felicity Umbridge Technical Academy, as Matt pretending to be Mattie flashed through his mind. Days filled with skinsuits and sex. Discovering his club-mates’ secrets and developing bonds with them in spite of them. The skinsuit faces of Matt and Mattie no longer seemed foreign to him, nor did the weight of Mattie’s breasts pulling on his shoulders, or the warm, sticky feeling of all the cum on his back.

More importantly, memories from before Matt resurfaced as well. Alanna, his wife. He found out about her interest in these skinsuits. Sam found her secret collection. He found Lena and Faye… he had been overwhelmed with anger and disgust at the time, but it was a struggle to remember why they seemed so offensive now.

Oh, wait, was it because they were human skins? But were they? Someone he used to know had been working on fake skins. Working on making them hyper realistic. Something about a body scan. If there was a scan involved then the it’s not like the suits were made from the real person they were designed to resemble, right?

Sam blinked. He was just… actively justifying their existence to himself…

“Sam?” Alanna asked again.

“What did you do to me?” Sam croaked, his voice unsteady. “I remember… I shouldn’t like these… suits. I don’t want to like them…” his voice cracked. “How did you make me like them?”

Alanna’s face broke into a huge giddy smile. She sprung back to her feet, her double strap-ons almost catching Sam in the jaw.

“Hahaha! Yess!” she squealed. Rushing over to her desk, she grabbed a pen and started writing. “It’s not perfect, especially given the abrupt and impromptu memory release on top of the cascading confession, but if we reseal and then unlock more gradually, I think I should be able to make the experience basically undetectable…”

“A-Alanna? Dear? What’s going on? Do you really need Zima to keep holding me? Hm? Zima? Wait, is she one of Andrew’s drones or not?… An- Andrew!? Wait… what happened to…”

Alanna looked up, slowly setting down her pen.

“Ah, sorry about that, Love. I got a bit overexcited for a moment there and forgot that I left you hanging here.” She came around behind Sam and took his bonds from Zima, who quietly stepped back. “Unfortunately… you’re not yet ready to see Andrew again, but know that he’s always thinking about you, even now.”

Sam felt pressure against his ass and “Mattie’s” pussy both.

“Especially now… my darling… my Sam…”

Alanna entered him, her dual shafts penetrating both holes and making Sam convulse. He was no stranger to taking his wife’s toys or Faye in his ass, but the feeling of something penetrating a pussy felt like it should have been more foreign than it was. Once the shock wore off, Alanna’s steady thrusts washed pleasure over him, threatening to push out all other thoughts from Sam’s head.

“I love you, Sam…” Alanna moaned just before she came. Her double dildo’s ejaculations poured into his ass and pussy at the same time and just seemed to keep going and going. Sam was only barely aware of it though as his own climax blurred his vision and dulled his senses under the physical euphoria. He was only vaguely aware of the feeling of Alanna’s breasts against his back. of her hands cupping his cheeks and her lips against the back of his head. He lacked the attentiveness or energy to resist as she pulled the faces of the skinsuits hanging deflated from his neck back up over his head one after the other.

When Felicity pulled her double strap-on dildo out, white jizz dripping from the tips of both shafts, only Mattie remained, panting in a haze. Felicity let her collapse onto one of the couches, and she was unconscious before her head even hit the soft fabric. After jotting a few more notes at her desk, she removed the harness around her hips. She pulled the sheath from the top shaft, revealing a tanned member that did not at all match her pale complexion. The bottom one she grabbed firmly and yanked, pulling it out of her cunt entirely, only to reveal a still large, but otherwise more naturally sized penis, hanging flaccid from her pussy lips. She set down Fuyumi’s extension cock for later.

“And I even got a fun little extra experiment out of this at the same time. Thanks, Faye. It was lucky that I’d left you in here…” Felicity chuckled to herself, pushing both flaccid members back into her pussy, and pulling her panties on over her perfectly smooth crotch. She returned to the couch and repositioned Mattie so that her head lay in the headmistress’s lap.

“My lovely young nephew, Matt. You had such a great time with your club friends that you blacked out.” Felicity murmured as she stroked Mattie’s hair. “Just worry about recovering from that and banish any other unpleasant memories from your mind. Sleep well, and soon you’re all good and ready, then it’ll be time to meet Sam once more. For a Sam that will accept the real me… I’ll wait for you for as long as it takes, my love.”

Matt woke up in his dorm room. He felt sick, and hobbled hastily to the bathroom and threw up. Most of what came up was white goo. His memory was fuzzy. His club mates must have been especially enthusiastic earlier. Wouldn’t be the first time. He checked the time after cleaning “Mattie” up.

Morning. Earlier than he had to be up really. But he was painfully hungry now that he’d emptied his stomach, and brushing his teeth only did so much to curb the taste in the back of his throat.

He dressed quietly so as not to wake Danielle in the bed on the other side of the room. His roommate had always been a heavy sleeper, so there wasn’t too much danger of it, but he tried to be courteous on principle.

The normal dining hall wasn’t open yet, but there were some vending machines at the front entrance of the dorm building. To his surprise, Matt found Fuyumi there, also buying an early morning snack.

“Hm? Mattie? You’re up and about early,” his club president greeted him. In contrast to her usual prim blouse and skirt, she had on leggings and a sports bra with a small towel around her neck. Had she been out jogging or something? Her crotch was smooth, despite what Matt knew hid down below. He was always impressed at how the club members managed to hide their equipment in public, especially given how big some of them could get. Then again, most of them weren’t real futanari – they were a curious amalgamation of skinsuit users, not unlike Matt himself.

“Mhmm,” Matt groaned, not realizing how unprepared he was for socializing until just then. “You all did a number on me yesterday…”

Fuyumi smiled sympathetically. “Sorry. Yeah, we got carried away. Are you feeling any better now?”

“I threw up right after waking up, so that wasn’t fun, but I suppose I feel a bit better to get it all out of my system,” Matt replied groggily eyeing the vending machine options.

“Here, my treat. It’s not much, but consider it a small apology for yesterday,” Fuyumi proposed, offering him her food points card.

It wasn’t the smartest choice in his given condition, but Matt helped himself to a cinnamon roll danish from the vending machine. He wanted something sickeningly sweet to replace the plain sickening lingering in his mouth. As he munched on it, Fuyumi sat down close next to him.

“Ever since your tip yesterday, I’ve been keeping Zima a bit more distant out of caution. There hasn’t been a ton of time yet to really investigate her, but if what you said was true, if that really was her in the Headmistress’s office months ago… then I may need to warn my father about a possible security breach.”

“Hmhfph?” Matt grunted through a mouthful. He… vaguely recalled thinking that, but he didn’t remember saying it. Though there was a lot about yesterday he couldn’t remember.

“Well, in any event, this is my problem. Don’t worry yourself about Zima, I’ll figure it out. If she has been tapped by the headmistress, then it wouldn’t do to be too distant lest she alerts the headmistress of our suspicions. That is to say, feel free to continue using her as you have been…”

As Matt finished his snack, Fuyumi suddenly got closer. He could smell her scent mixed with light sweat.

“Hey, since no one’s around this early, and we both could probably stand for a quick clean up… want to maybe join me in the club washroom? I’ll let you have some… compensation for your treatment yesterday.”

A stirring in Matt’s loins told him that his body at least liked the sound of that.

“Alright. I know you like sticking it in me more than the other way around, so thanks for the consideration.”

Fuyumi blushed, her eyelids fluttering in surprise. “I… I don’t recall saying that…”

Matt paused. Where… where did he learn that?

“B…but I suppose you’re not wrong,” Fuyumi added hastily, “though, really I appreciate some variety much like I think you do.”

Matt nodded. That much was certainly true. He had been tipped far towards the girl’s experience for long, so it had been nice to get some male fun in periodically.

Standing, he stretched, feeling the spike of sugar already beginning to energize his system.

“Okay, let’s go before I crash again,” he suggested.

Fuyumi giggled. “Mhm… We wouldn’t want that, now would we.”