Seven Minutes in Heaven

In some corner of Hell, the door of a secluded shack burst open and a trio of demons cast inside a captured angel.

“Gah… You…. Repugnant beasts…” She winced, pulling herself up. “You won’t get away with this. My sisters will serve divine retribution, I promise you…”

One of the demons, a mogall, chuckled. Little more than a floating eyeball with tentacles, there was no obvious orifice through which it spoke, but nevertheless his voice reached the ears of all present.

“We’ll see how long you can keep that attitude. Fallen angels are a type of demon, you know. We’ll be comrades soon, hehehe!”

The angel glared at the mogall’s excitedly squirming tentacles but her wings’ twitching gave away her nervous anxiety.

The male naga shut the door to the shack, leaving the only light inside the angel’s halo for a moment before the dim lights flickered on. He carried a camera, having filmed the demons’ prize since shortly after they had captured her.

“Don’t worry, we’ll record your final momentssss asss a celestial being, sssso make ssssure you cry for ussss,” he snickered.

The minotaur let out a brusque huff, unhooking his loincloth, freeing his bloated horse cock to rise rapidly to erection. Almost a foot and a half hard, it looked ordinary in his equally huge hands.

“Whoa, there,” the mogall raised a tentacle to rein in his eager friend. “I’ve Felled my share of angels, if you stick something of that size in right away, she’ll break before she Falls. No… give me a little to… prepare her for you. Believe me, friend, you’ll be glad I did.”

Just as the mogall finished, the angel launched forward, aiming a kick at the mogall in an attempt to strike preemptively, but the minotaur caught her ankle with surprising speed for his size. Hoisting her by her leg, she squirmed impotently as she dangled, conflicted between trying to get free and trying to keep her loose robes covering her sacred areas. Her wings beat uselessly behind her, showing some key missing feathers.

“Oho… Well, I guess we’re not the only impatient ones. Forgive me for keeping you waiting, Miss Angel,” The mogall teased, quickly twining its tentacles around her body, sliding into her robes.

“Release me at once- Ah!” the angel gasped as a tentacle brushed her sex. “Don’t you dare-!” Another snaked around her breasts. In one motion, the mogall popped the angel’s chest free from her robe.

“Hot damn, Miss Angel. I thought they didn’t make your kind stacked like this,” the mogall admired the prisoner’s pure plump globes.

The angel’s furious blush stood out against her pale complexion and long straw-blonde hair. “B-breasts are a symbol of maternity. They inspire comfort in mortal charges by reminding them of the safety of their mother’s embrace… and… I’m not ‘Miss Angel,’ My name is Luriel. Lady Luriel, to you knaves!” she struggled a bit more, not that it did her any good.

“Oh, apologies, Lady Luriel,” the mogall responded in feign sincerity. “Us demonic beasts aren’t the most adept at hospitality if you haven’t noticed, but let me try a bit harder to make you feel better.”

More tentacles, this time tipped with distinct cock heads slithered about Luriel’s figure. Dripping pre-cum lathered her body quickly in a slick shine.

Just as Luriel opened her mouth to protest further, the mogall slipped a tentacle cock in between her lips and forced it down her throat. “No, no. No need to speak any further, Lady Luriel, just leave everything to me.” To the minotaur, he added, “you can let her go, I’ll hold her. Just give me another minute to get her ready and then she’ll be all yours.” Obligingly, the minotaur let go, but continued stroking himself restlessly.

The naga crept forward, bringing the camera a bit closer as the first open fear flashed across Luriel’s choked face. A slew of tentacle cocks further infiltrated the angel’s lower robes and the camera clearly picked up the lurid squishing sounds of moist flesh contact that came with penetration. Luriel groaned, her back arched and her eyes bulged. Her wings thrashed against their tentacle prison, but the mogall expertly kept her restrained as he fucked her under her robe. The low light made the flickering of Luriel’s halo all the clearer for the camera.

“Oohh yeah, that virgin tightness never gets old… Let’s paint you to match your lovely white robes, Lady Luriel, inside and out!”

The mogall came from his various tentacle cocks, pouring his seed into Luriel’s mouth and sex. The white goo slowly leaked down her legs from under what remained of her robe while other tentacles massaged her tits while still leaking jizz like lotion. Luriel’s halo dimmed but retained a dull glow; her wings grew lethargic, struggling less than before.

Unable to hold out longer, the minotaur growled, stepping forward once more and roughly tearing away Luriel’s robe, revealing no fewer then three thick tentacle cocks all writhing about in the angel’s bare, shaven, dripping cunt.

“Ha… guess it’s time,” the mogall evacuated from Luriel’s pussy and mouth and helped prop her up to a comfortable height so that the minotaur could penetrate her.

“Ugh… wha… no… that huge thing… won’t fit…”

“You’d be surprised, Lady Luriel,” the mogall murmured in her ear. “I’ve found that you angels can take quite a bit of abuse. Something about bearing sins. Well, whatever the case, we have plenty of sins here for you.”

The clumsy minotaur demon missed his first attempt, sliding his cock up over her stomach and through her breasts. He was so large that his tip kissed her lips, and made her terrified expression nearly cross eyed.

“There’s.. no way…” she breathed.

“Try again big fella,” the mogall suggested mirthfully. As the naga cameraman repositioned to better capture the moment, the mogall slid a cock into Luriel’s ass and used it to reposition her hips.

From his body language, it almost pained the minotaur to slow down, but with more deliberateness, he lined up his massive tool with Luriel’s cum lubed femininity and began pushing. As the massive dick spread her even further, Luriel screamed.

Holding her ankles like a doll, the minotaur ravaged Luriel, the Angel crying until her voice grew dull and hoarse. As her voice faded, so too did the light from her halo. Just when it was about to flicker out entirely, the minotaur’s grunts transitioned into a triumphant roar.

“H-hold on, wait, don’t cum insi-!” Luriel gasped rousing abruptly in alarm from her despondent state moments ago. Her tone was curiously one of annoyed alarm rather than fear or pain. “Pull out, pull out!”

Anxiously, the mogall tried to jerk Luriel back when he realized there was something wrong, but the bull demon held her legs fast as his cock bulged even thicker for a moment as he climaxed.

Hot semen exploded into Luriel, rapidly flooding her insides and spraying out the sides around the minotaur’s dick. As the prorated ejaculation went on, Luriel winced.

“Shit… shit shit…” she muttered as her belly first, then her whole body began to swell with the volume being pumped into her. “It can’t handle a minotaur’s full load!” she squealed. “Ugh, the footage’s not worth losing the skin!”

Pulling one hand free, the mogall now supporting her rather than restraining her, Luriel twisted to the side and jammed a finger and thumb into her navel, fishing out a small plug that unleashed a fountain of cum onto the floor below. With an outlet now available, the cum that was bloating her all funneled out and the swelling subsided and she returned to a mostly normal size, though her skin seemed to fit loosely over her body.

“Ugh… finish up already so I can check the damages…” Luriel grumbled, resigned and disengaged despite the thick cock still pumping cum into her pussy and out through her navel. Finally the minotaur’s orgasm ended and he pulled out with a content sigh. The mogall helped her to her bare feet.

Luriel grimaced, one hand scratching the back of her neck under her hair while the other attempted to push out the cum lingering within her. “Hope this answers your questions,” she informed the demons with a strained smile. Heaving a sigh of her own, Luriel brought her other hand back behind her neck and dug her nails into her skin. A seam split down her back and she pried it open revealing dull gray-green skin underneath. Luriel’s expression faded and her face drooped before losing its form entirely as the ogre demon playing Luriel emerged from her husk.

Sheepish in his own form, despite the intimidating figure he cut, Grohl covered his own impressive looking junk self consciously and avoided looking directly at his present company. He had developed a habit of hunching over to reduce the imposing cut of his naturally muscular figure, but there was little he could do about the oversized fangs growing from his lower jaw and the crown of horns protruding from his hairless dome. “So yeah, no actual Angels harmed in our productions. Sorry about the trouble.”

The mogall settled its eyeball on the floor out of the way of the mess and after a moment of going still, the back split open and an angel uncurled from within.

“Whew… These are quite something…” the angel investigator noted, in a soft, husky voice. She gently tucked a long black bang behind one ear as she glanced overhead and, finding her halo emitting a steady gentle glow, gave a satisfied nod. “So this explains how the effects work, though… how did you know what it looks like when an angel falls?” She asked as she stretched her arms and wings in tandem.

“According to Shaavep, the suits’ creator, there are… records… depicting it, back from the war era.”

The angel regarded him quietly for a moment, making Grohl fidget nervously. Finally she shrugged.

“I see. So long as you did not make the suits from actual angels…”

Grohl threw up his hands pacifying. “Of course not, Miss Cambriel! That would be in violation of… well a number of the peace articles between Heaven, Hell and the Mortal Realm. I’ve seen Shaavep work. He creates them from scratch using a home-brewed fusion of golem and homunculus magic. With a bit of spatial manipulation to iron out the… physical challenges of any potential actor.” He couldn’t help touching one of his horns.

“They’re quite impressive…” Cambriel agreed, resting a hand on the mogall husk she had been piloting. Turning to the minotaur she added, “How long are you going to stay in there, Lailiel?”

The minotaur took his own jaws in his hands and forced his own mouth open unnaturally. From the bowels of his maw a light emerged. A halo. A few moments of struggle later, another angel crawled out and tumbled to the floor ungracefully. The vacated minotaur husk lost its form, collapsing in a pile behind her. Lailiel ran a hand through her short strawberry blonde hair, combing it out of the way before plucking and smoothing her robes wet with a combination of suit lubricant and sweat. The shorter angel picked herself up with a goofy grin and shook out her wings that she had kept folded against her back to fit inside the minotaur suit.

“Wow, that was an experience. Yeah, since there’s no harm being done, there’s no case to pursue here. Uh, sorry as well for doubting you. And for getting carried away there,” she shot a glance guiltily at the thick puddle of cum on the floor underfoot. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the naga assistant with the camera still rolling. “Oh, we unsuited on camera… I guess you can’t use that footage, huh?”

Grohl shrugged. “We might be able to edit an advert out of it, so it’s not all bad. I must say, I wasn’t expecting you two to ask to try playing roles in a skit, much less that you would be so good at acting those parts.”

Lailiel giggled. “Well then I guess we’re even as far as surprises go! We would never have expected these suits or how they worked. I’m just glad all these surprises have been happy ones! Though, really as far as acting goes, we were just reading from your script. You do know angels don’t really look down on demons like that. At least, not anymore.”

Grohl scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I suspected not, but it’s part of the portrayal that our viewers really love…” Suddenly he was struck by a thought. “Oh, I should ask: do we… need a permit or something to keep making these videos?”

The dark haired angel exchanged a quick look with her partner. “Uh.. no…? There’s not exactly any precedence for this, so I’m not even sure yet what to tell the brass. For the time being, our report should be enough to cover you, though, you may get other… incredulous visitors from among our colleagues. I hope you don’t mind extending them the same courtesy you gave us.”

The ogre finally cracked a weak, nervous smile. “I think we should be fine if we avoid the minotaur suit. That was my fault for forgetting it was hard to control for newbies.”

The two angels shared a knowing smile. “Sounds good. Good luck with the rest of your productions.”

With that, the unexpected guests excused themselves, leaving Grohl and his naga assistant to clean up.

“You got everything?” the ogre asked.

The naga nodded. “Yesss. Traditional mortal film, untampered with by magic hasssssserved assss evidensssse in passsst inter-realm cassssessss. We sssshould be ssssafe, esssspesssially with that lassssst bit.”

“Whew… that is a real load off my mind… Ever since Flough brought up what real angels might think if they saw our videos, I’ve been worrying that they’d come and hunt us down. I can’t believe some Celestial Investigators actually did show up, but I’m grateful they were much more reasonable than the Celestial Crusaders of old, but it’s still good to have video evidence to cover us should something come up.” Grohl confessed. “Still they were uncannily good actors. I’ve heard that Angels have a knack for theatrics, but I thought that was just a stereotype.”

“Too bad Flough and Tarrossssss were not here to sssssee it.”

Grohl chuckled. “Yeah, the Angels would show up on their day off when they can’t be around to back me up… hm…”

The two angels of the Celestial Investigation squad alighted outside an inconspicuous storefront in a deserted part of Hell. Bells on the door jingled as they let themselves in.

“Well, how’d it go?” asked an eldritch demon through a toothy mouth that comprised its entire head. Two of its four arms crossed in front of what seemed like its chest while the other two rested on what roughly amounted to its hips, spindly needle-like fingers pointing outward. Below its hips was a blob mass that just seemed to slump on the floor.

The strawberry blonde angel grinned and winked.

“I don’t think he suspected a thing,” Lailiel declared confidently, puffing out her small chest proudly.

Cambriel turned back from glancing cautiously out the shop windows. “I do think he bought it,” she agreed in her soft tones, “but as I had stated before, I am still a little concerned about real Angels finding out, especially given how popular Grohl’s videos are becoming on the pornography market.”

The shopkeep gave a dismissive huff. “We’ll deal with that when it happens. No point worrying about what-ifs we can’t do anything about.”

Cambriel seemed unconvinced, but did not object further. “If you say so…” she mumbled, reaching behind her neck. The angel’s face deformed as the slime demon wearing her poured himself out of the seam in her back. The shopkeep collected the deflated skin and offered Flough back his usual suit – a male ogre like Grohl.

Lailiel pried open her back as well, peeling her face off of a severe looking lion-headed-man demon. As he stepped out of the angel he flashed his fangs at the shopkeep.

“I gotta give my compliments all over again, Shaavep. That minotaur suit’s a piece of work.”

Shaavep didn’t have any eyes, but his company was accustomed to reading his body language, especially the air that felt of a sardonic glare.

As he collected Tarros’s angel skinsuit he finally commented. “If Grohl has to bring in any suits for ‘inflation damage’ I’m charging you.” Tarros flinched, but had little room to object. “Anyway, if you’re done screwing with your friends, get out of here. It’s a normal work day for the rest of us.”

“Chasing away your loyal customers?” Tarros protested dramatically.

Half-way to the shop’s backend, Shaavep turned back to offer another sour look. “If you damaged the Luriel skin, guess where Grohl’s probably headed next.”

“Tarros, you’re a good actor, but you don’t hold up well under interrogation. Shaavep’s right, we should make ourselves scarce,” Flough suggested as they finished redressing in their street clothes. He gently tugged on his friend’s shoulder. “Not like we have any more business here anyway.”

Tarros gave a half cough, half laugh. “Fair, fair. I was just teasing. Alright, how ‘bout getting drinks…”

“Sure, but you know I can only dilute so much. I can’t get into a drinking contest with you no matter how much you challenge me…”

The two mischievous demons’ banter faded as the shop’s door closed behind them. Shaavep watched them disappear past the view from his shop’s windows before slugging into the backend. In the privacy of the backrooms, Shaavep stood still for a moment, his upper arms raised above his head structure while his bottom arms fell limp. Moments later, pale fingers poked out underneath and hefted his blobular lower body mass up just high enough for two Angels to crawl out and leave him slumped over unmoving.

“You sure giving them skins modeled after us was a good idea?” the shorter angel with strawberry blonde hair asked timidly.

The taller, dark haired angel laughed out loud. “Sure, it was a hoot seeing your face with Tarros’s boisterous attitude. You could learn a thing or two from him.”

Her partner pouted. “That’s… not the point!”

Cambriel patted her friend on the head. “True, true. But think of it as an insurance of sorts. If any of them happen to spot us as ourselves by accident, they’ll think we’re someone using those skinsuits instead of actual angels. It’s not a huge buffer, but we deal with Grohl’s group more than anyone else, so if anyone’s liable to see us by chance, it’s one of them, right?”

“Well, best to still not be spotted…”

“Of course!” Cambriel chortled. “Anyway, gather up copies of the new videos Grohl brought by the other day while I write up this report of what our premier pornographers have been up to recently to have on record with HQ. Use the dragonkin suit this time to deliver them to Heaven. I’ve never had any problems crossing the borders between realms while using him.”

The two angels both settled in front of different computer stations and began working. The intra-networks of Heaven and Hell were both modeled after Mortal Realm’s Internet systems, but ran on different infrastructures that ultimately made them difficult to bridge, even before considering the challenges of crossing the fuzzy spaces that were the borders between realms. Physical transfers were still necessary to move data from one realm to another. The Articles of Peace Between Realms was the first important steps to harmony, but surprisingly (or not so surprising to some) it was the proliferation of cross-cultural pornographic material that had so far been the most potent force for forging true unity between the realms.

“Imagine if Grohl knew how popular his Falling Angel videos were even in Heaven…” Cambriel chuckled to herself. “Heavenly skinsuits used for demonic creations. It sounds contradictory, but it’s a fusion that both cultures love. Now if only Heaven could be a bit more honest about things… but that’s a problem for another day…”

With her report finished and Lailiel safely packed into the form of an agile dragonkin messenger, the Cambriel slipped back under and into Shaavep, using her wings to give his second set of arms the semblance of liveliness, just in time for the shop front door bells to jingle.

“Master Shaavep?” Grohl’s voice called.

The angel smiled to herself. Keep up the good work you horny devil, she thought while preparing a more in-character response for the frumpy eldritch suit maker.

“What new licentious trouble have you cooked up for me today, boy?”